The Final Scream

  • 3 months ago
00:00The quiet town of Eldermoor, the nights were usually calm, punctuated only by the occasional
00:05hoot of an owl or the distant rustle of leaves. But one night, a piercing scream shattered the
00:11silence, sending chills down the spines of those who heard it. Mara had always been fascinated by
00:17the old, abandoned house on the outskirts of town. The locals spoke in hushed tones about
00:22its dark history, a place where shadows moved on their own, and eerie whispers echoed through
00:28the empty halls. Determined to uncover the truth, Mara decided to spend a night there,
00:34armed with only a flashlight and her journal. As she stepped inside, the air grew colder and the
00:41floorboards creaked under her weight. The house seemed to breathe, each room exhaling a musty
00:47scent of decay. Mara's flashlight flickered, casting long, dancing shadows that seemed
00:53almost alive. Hours passed, and the house remained eerily quiet. Mara felt a growing
00:59sense of disappointment mixed with relief. Maybe the stories were just that. Stories.
01:08But as midnight approached, she heard it. A faint, almost imperceptible whisper.
01:15It was coming from the attic. Heart pounding, Mara climbed the narrow stairs, each step
01:20echoing in the silence. The whisper grew louder, turning into a desperate plea for help.
01:27She pushed open the attic door, and the flashlight beam revealed a figure huddled in the corner,
01:31shivering and muttering incoherently.
01:34Are you okay? Mara asked, her voice trembling.
01:38The figure looked up, and Mara gasped.
01:41It was a woman, her eyes wide with terror, her face gaunt and pale.
01:46He's here, the woman whispered. He won't let us leave.
01:50Before Mara could respond, the temperature plummeted, and the flashlight went out.
01:54She felt a cold breath on her neck and spun around, but there was no one there.
01:59The woman's screams filled the attic, a bone-chilling sound that echoed through the house.
02:03Mara tried to run, but an invisible force held her in place.
02:08The whispers grew louder, more insistent, filling her mind with unbearable dread.
02:13She could feel something closing in, a malevolent presence that seemed to seep from the walls.
02:18In a final, desperate attempt to escape, Mara let out a scream that mingled with the woman's.
02:24For a moment, it seemed to seep from the walls.
02:27In a final, desperate attempt to escape, Mara let out a scream that mingled with the woman's.
02:32For a moment, it seemed to drive the darkness back, but it was too late.
02:37The last thing Mara saw was a pair of glowing red eyes before everything went black.
02:43The next morning, the townsfolk found the old house eerily silent once again.
02:49They never found Mara or the mysterious woman.
02:52But on still nights, if you listen closely,
02:55you can hear their screams and echo of their final moments,
02:58trapped forever in the house that hungers for souls.