Surah An Nur | Heart touching recitation of Surah An-Nur سورة النور | Beautiful Recitation| Quran|

  • 3 months ago
Surah An Nur | Heart touching recitation of Surah An-Nur سورة النور | Beautiful Recitation| Quran|

#most beautiful recitation
00:00I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan
00:06In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
00:14This is a Surah that We have revealed, and We have made it manifest, and We have revealed in it clear signs, that you may take heed
00:34Al-Zaniyat and Al-Zaniy, so make each one of them a hundred coats of leather
00:44And let not mercy seize you therewith in the religion of Allah, if you should believe in Allah and the Last Day. And let a party of the believers bear witness to their punishment
01:13Al-Zaniy does not marry except an adulterer or a polytheist, and Al-Zaniy does not marry except an adulterer or a polytheist. And that has been forbidden to the believers
01:35And as for those who throw away the chastisement, and then do not bring four witnesses, then cast them eighty coats of leather, and you will not accept a testimony from them ever
02:01And those are the defiantly disobedient
02:06Except those who repent after that and amend, for indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful
02:19And those who cast their wives away and had no witnesses except themselves, then the testimony of one of them is four testimonies of Allah. Indeed, he is of the truthful
02:49And the fifth is that it is the curse of Allah upon him if he is of the liars
02:59And the punishment for it is that you bear witness to four testimonies of Allah. Indeed, he is of the liars
03:15And the fifth is that it is the wrath of Allah upon her if he is of the truthful
03:26And if not for the favor of Allah upon you and His mercy and that Allah is Accepting of Repentance, Wise
03:38Indeed, those who come with falsehood are a group among you. Do not think it is bad for you, but it is better for you
03:54For every man from among them, he has earned a sin, and he who turns away his elders from among them, for him is a great punishment
04:09Why, when you heard it, did not the believers and the believing women think of themselves as better? And they said, This is a clear falsehood
04:29Why did they not come to him with four testimonies? And when they did not bring the testimonies, then those are with Allah, they are the liars
04:48And if not for the favor of Allah upon you and His mercy in this world and the Hereafter, a great punishment would have touched you in that in which you have gone astray
05:08When you received it with your tongues and said with your mouths that which you have no knowledge of, and you thought it was easy. And it is with Allah, Great
05:33And why, when you heard it, did you not say, It is not for us to speak of this? Glory be to You, this is a great falsehood
05:51Allah advises you not to return to the like of it ever, if you are believers
06:07And Allah makes clear to you the signs, and Allah is Knowing and Wise
06:17Indeed, those who love that immorality should be spread among those who believe, for them is a painful punishment in this world and the Hereafter. And Allah knows and you do not know
06:43And if not for the favor of Allah upon you and His mercy, and that Allah is Kind and Merciful
07:13And if not for the favor of Allah upon you and His mercy, no one among you is ever pure, but Allah purifies whom He wills
07:43And Allah is Hearing and Knowing
08:13Indeed, those who throw away the chaste women, the unmindful, the believers, will be cursed in this world and the Hereafter. And for them is a great punishment
08:41The Day when their tongues and their hands and their feet will bear witness against them for what they used to do
08:55The Day when Allah will give them their religion, the truth, and they will know that Allah is the clear truth
09:25For them is forgiveness and noble provision
09:46O you who have believed, do not enter houses other than your houses until you have asked permission and greeted its people. That is better for you that you may be mindful
10:13But if you do not find anyone therein, do not enter it until permission has been given to you. And if it is said to you, return, then return. It is purer for you. And Allah is Knowing of what you do
10:40It is not a sin for you to enter uninhabited houses, wherein is provision for you. And Allah is Knowing of what you reveal and what you conceal
11:03Say to the believers, that they should be angry from their eyes and guard their private parts. That is purer for them. Indeed, Allah is Aware of what they do
11:33That is purer for them. Indeed, Allah is Aware of what they do
12:03That is purer for them. Indeed, Allah is Aware of what they do
12:33That is purer for them. Indeed, Allah is Aware of what they do
13:03And do not strike with their feet, that what they conceal of their adornment may be known. And repent to Allah all of you, O believers, that you may succeed
13:25And marry the two of you, and the righteous among your servants and your mothers. If they are poor, Allah will avail them of His bounty. And Allah is All-Encompassing, All-Knowing
13:49And let those pardon those who do not find marriage, that Allah may avail them of His bounty. And those who seek the Scripture, from Us is the kingdom of your oaths, so write them down, if you know in them any good
14:16And give them of that which is with Allah, which He has given you. And do not force your daughters to do what they please, if you intend to fortify yourselves, that you may seek the pleasure of the life of this world
14:42And whomsoever He wills, then indeed, Allah, after their will, is Forgiving, Merciful
14:59And indeed, We have sent down to you clear Signs, and an example of those who passed away before you, and an admonition for the righteous
15:18Allah is the light of the heavens and the earth. The likeness of His light is like a candle in which there is a lamp. The lamp is in glass. The glass is as if it were a small star lit from a blessed tree
15:46From a blessed tree, an olive tree, neither from the east nor from the west. Its oil would almost shine, even if fire did not touch it. Light upon light. Allah guides to His light whom He wills
16:15And Allah sets forth similitudes for mankind. And Allah is Knowing of all things
16:46They are men whom neither trade nor sale distracts from the remembrance of Allah and the establishment of prayer and the giving of zakah
17:07They fear a Day in which hearts and eyes will turn, that Allah may reward them for the best of what they have done and increase them from His bounty. And Allah provides for whomsoever He wills without reckoning
17:34And those who disbelieve, their deeds are like a mirage, which is thought to be water
17:55Until, when it comes to him, he finds nothing, and he finds Allah with him, and He will give him his reckoning. And Allah is swift in reckoning
18:12Or like darknesses in a sea of foam, which is covered by waves from above it, waves from above it, clouds
18:42And whosoever Allah has not made a light for him, what light does he have? Do you not see that Allah exalts for him those in the heavens and the earth and the birds in rows
19:10Everyone has known his prayer and his glorification, and Allah is Knowing of what they do
19:22And to Allah belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth, and to Allah is the destination
19:32Do you not see that Allah rewards the clouds, then He joins them together, then He makes them into a mound, and you see the rain coming out from within it
19:53And He sends down from the sky mountains in which there is coolness, and He strikes with it whomsoever He wills, and He turns it away from whomsoever He wills
20:16Almost the brightness of his light goes away with the sight
20:23Allah turns the night and the day, in that is certainly a lesson for those of sight
20:37And Allah created every creature from water, and of them is he who walks on his stomach, and of them is he who walks on two legs
21:01And of them is he who walks on four legs. Allah creates what He wills. Indeed, Allah is Able to do all things
21:19Indeed, We have sent down clear signs, and Allah guides whomsoever He wills to a straight path
21:34And they say, We believe in Allah and in the Messenger, and we obey. Then some of them turn away after that, and those are not of the believers
21:58And when they are called to Allah and His Messenger, that He may judge between them, then some of them turn away
22:14And if they should have the truth, they would come to it in anguish
22:24Is there a disease in their hearts, or are they in doubt, or are they afraid that Allah and His Messenger will be unjust to them? No, it is those who are unjust
22:44Indeed, the word of the believers is only when they are called to Allah and His Messenger, that He may judge between them, that they say, We hear and we obey. And those are the successful
23:14And whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger and fears Allah and fears Him, then those are the successful
23:27And they swear by Allah their strongest oaths that if you order them, they will come out. Say, Do not swear by a known obedience. Indeed, Allah is Aware of what you do
23:48Say, I obey Allah and I obey the Messenger. But if they turn away, then it is only against him that they are burdened, and against you that you are burdened. And if you obey him, you will be guided. And there is not upon the Messenger except the clear declaration
24:15Allah has promised those of you who have believed and done righteous deeds that He will certainly make them successors in the land, as He made successors those before them
24:45And change them, after their fear, to security. They worship Me. They associate nothing with Me. And whoever disbelieves after that, then those are the defiantly disobedient
25:06And establish prayer and give zakah and obey the Messenger, that you may be shown mercy
25:16Do not think that those who disbelieve are incapable in the land, and their abode is the Fire, and wretched is the destination
25:30O you who have believed, that those may seek permission from you whose right hands have possessed you and who have not reached maturity among you three times
25:52before the prayer of Fajr, and when you put on your garments of Zahirah, and after the prayer of Isha'
26:11three times before the prayer of Fajr, and when you put on your garments of Zahirah, and after the prayer of Isha'
26:39And when the children among you reach puberty, let them ask permission, as those before them asked permission. Thus does Allah make clear to you His signs. And Allah is Knowing and Wise
27:03And the rules are from the women who do not hope for marriage, so there is no blame upon them that they put on their garments unadorned
27:31And that they ask forgiveness is better for them. And Allah is Hearing and Knowing
28:01From your houses, or the houses of your fathers, or the houses of your mothers, or the houses of your brothers, or the houses of your sisters, or the houses of your uncles
28:29or the houses of your uncles, or the houses of your brothers, or the houses of your aunts, or the houses of your aunts, or that which you possess, the Fatiha, or your friend
28:48There is no blame upon you that you eat together or in groups. But when you enter houses, then greet each other with a greeting from Allah, a blessed and good greeting
29:11Thus does Allah make clear to you His signs, that you may understand
29:42Indeed, those who ask permission are those who believe in Allah and His Messenger. So when they ask permission for some of their affairs, ask permission for whom you wish of them, and ask forgiveness of Allah for them
30:10Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful
30:15Do not make the supplication of the Messenger between you like the supplication of one another. Allah already knows those of you who turn away from each other
30:33So let those who disobey His command beware lest a trial befall them or a painful punishment befall them
31:03And on the Day when they will be returned to Him, He will inform them of what they did. And Allah is Knowing of all things
31:33Al Fatiha
32:03Al Fatiha
32:33Al Fatiha
