El Amor no Tiene Receta Capitulo 95 FINAL Completo HD

  • 3 months ago
El Amor no Tiene Receta Capitulo 95 FINAL Completo HD
El Amor no Tiene Receta Capitulo 96 FINAL Completo HD
El Amor no Tiene Receta Capitulo 97 FINAL Completo HD
El Amor no Tiene Receta Capitulo 95 FINAL Completo HD
02:44¿Qué pasa, ginebra? ¿Dónde quedó tu bravura?
02:50¿Para qué escondes tu mano si ya sé que la perdiste?
02:54¿Mandaste un grupo de sicarios a mi casa?
02:57¿Tuviste que arrastrarme ante ti?
02:59¿Por qué si eres tan poderoso no fuiste tú misma a buscarme?
03:02Porque a los perros se les llama y ellos obedecen.
03:05Yo hablo y tú escuchas.
03:08Y si no lo haces, si no puedes obedecer órdenes,
03:12entonces te vuelves...
03:17Maté a un par de tus hombres
03:19y ellos me trajeron aquí viva
03:22para ser alguien tan irrelevante.
03:25¿Todavía piensas en mí?
03:27¿Será que estoy a tu empleo?
03:29Es mejor ser rey de tu silencio que esclavo de tus palabras.
03:34Lo dijo Cervantes. ¿Te suena familiar?
03:38No vengo a que me eduques, Ramse.
03:40Si me vas a matar, hazlo.
03:43Cervantes también perdió una mano en batalla, Ginebra.
03:46Pero él, a diferencia de ti, dejó un legado.
03:50Él se hizo inmortal.
03:52En cambio, tú no eres más que un pie de página.
03:55Una nota inservible.
03:57Una vila inútil manca.
04:02Debiste escoger el silencio.
04:07Intentaste matar a tu madre y fallaste.
04:10Hasta golpeaste a tu propia hija.
04:12Por eso perdiste la mano.
04:14Por estúpida, imprudente.
04:17Hay códigos y tú no tienes ninguno.
04:21No respetas a nadie.
04:23Hasta el diablo mismo sabe que hay alguien a quien se debe temer.
04:27No le tengo miedo a nadie, ni a ti, Ramse.
04:30Suéltame y vas a ver cómo te mato.
04:35Dime, Ginebra.
04:36¿Le temes al dolor? ¿A la muerte?
04:39No, no, ya lo sé.
04:41Tú le temes al olvido.
04:43A que nadie recuerde quién eres.
04:46Así que eso haré, Ginebra.
04:48Borraré tu patética existencia.
04:51Cuando acabe contigo, volverás a ser un número.
04:55Habrás perdido tu nombre y créeme,
04:58nadie llorará por ti.
05:04Papi, Gala nos contó que estabas armando un rompecabezas.
05:09Sí, nos dijo que era de una actriz bien famosa
05:12que va a estar en un programa bien famoso.
05:15Y lo armé rapidísimo, ¿eh?
05:17De hecho, quiero que su mamá ponga la última pieza.
05:20Así como lo hizo en mi vida.
05:22Porque ella era la pieza que necesitaba para estar completo.
05:25Ay, lo haré con mucho gusto, esposo mío.
05:29Y, ¡tarán!
05:32¡Es Sabine Musier!
05:35Claro que la conozco, es una gran villana.
05:37¿Cómo la Ginebra? Ay, qué miedo.
05:40Oye, pero Gala, cuéntanos en qué programa va a estar.
05:43Bueno, se los diré, pero no lo comenten con nadie
05:45porque aún es secreto.
05:46Sabine Musier es la confirmada
05:48para la nueva temporada de La Casa de los Famosos México.
05:54Bueno, ahora sí, ya es momento de ir a la otra gran sorpresa.
05:57¿Me la va?
06:00Sea original, Ramses.
06:02Yo he matado a muchos,
06:04así que merezco un asesinato digno.
06:14Me encanta que me retes, ¿eh?
06:18Sí, tengo una idea original, como la que hizo Aniesita.
06:22Ven, todo preparado.
06:31Señor, lo estaba buscando y...
06:33¡A ver, sin permiso, de nuevo te acorto la lengua!
06:35¡Suéltame, hermana!
06:37Tome mi vida en vez de la de ella,
06:39pero, por favor, no le haga nada.
06:41¡Rállate, Mauro, no te van a hacer caso!
06:47¡No puedo sola!
06:48Supe del ataque a la casa.
06:50¿Qué te hicieron? ¿Te lastimaron?
06:53A uno hace o no a su nombre.
06:56Se le interpreta como alguien
06:58que puede proteger a su comunidad.
07:01Él tiene un mejor nombre que tú, Ginebra.
07:04¿Por qué no te callas una buena vez?
07:07Así es.
07:09Siempre he protegido a mi hermana.
07:12Y seguramente lo voy a seguir haciendo.
07:15Incluso en presencia de la muerte,
07:17los Nicoliti luchan.
07:20Pero también demostraron su debilidad.
07:23El vínculo que los une.
07:26La familia.
07:28Eso lo respeto.
07:30Les voy a dar una oportunidad
07:32para luchar por su vida.
07:34Mauro y yo hemos sobrevivido mucho.
07:38Tú no vas a ser nuestro fin, Ramses.
07:40No, no, no, no, no.
07:42Ustedes se van a encargar de eso.
07:44Van a enfrentarse en duelo.
07:46Si quiere vivir uno de ustedes,
07:48va a tener que matar al otro.
08:06Bueno, queríamos prepararles esta sorpresa
08:08para que sean felices para toda la vida.
08:10Sí, por eso aquí,
08:11frente a todos los que los amamos,
08:13queremos que se casen.
08:15¡Ay, Pat!
08:17Nosotros también queremos que se casen.
08:20¡Ay, Pat!
08:22Nosotros también queremos casarnos.
08:24¿Nos leíste la mente?
08:26¿Eso quiere decir que sí?
08:28¡Ay, Pat!
08:32Ya llegué para darles la bendición.
08:38No vamos a seguirte el juego.
08:40Tú no eres ningún emperador
08:42para decirme qué hacer.
08:43¿Te arriesgarías
08:45a que te matáramos entre los dos?
08:48¿Por qué no?
08:52Pero aún
08:54si logran pasar por encima de Argos,
08:59mi amenaza seguiría
09:01y sería más fuerte.
09:03Creo que tomaré el riesgo.
09:10¿Vieron al grupo de sicarios
09:12que les mandé a su vieja guarida?
09:14Dado que ustedes siguen con vida,
09:16su recompensa por sus cabezas subió.
09:19Estoy ofreciendo 3 millones de dólares
09:21a quien me trague sus cabezas.
09:25Eso es humillante.
09:27Nuestra vida vale más.
09:29No estoy tan seguro.
09:32¿Pero sabes cuántos sicarios hay en el mundo?
09:34¿Imaginas cuántos están dispuestos
09:36a eliminarlos por esa cantidad?
09:38Hasta por menos.
09:42no vamos a poder defendernos de todos.
09:44Por favor.
09:47¿Qué pasa si te seguimos el fuego?
09:49Ah, pues negociaré con quien sobreviva.
09:53Esto es para hoy.
09:56O mueren los dos,
09:58o muere uno.
10:11Lo que Dios ha unido,
10:13que no lo separe el hombre.
10:16Así sea.
10:18Te amo, Guadalupe.
10:21Lo sé, Porfirio.
10:23Yo también te amo.
10:25Y prometo honrar nuestro matrimonio.
10:28¿Puedo besar a la novia?
10:42¡Se acabó el tiempo!
10:44Es momento que su sangre miserable
10:46llegue en mi pelo.
10:54Ya no hay duda de quien amamos de los dos.
10:57Ni la muerte puede acabar con la familia.
11:10Si van a matarse,
11:12es que al menos se ha entretenido, ¿no?
11:15Anda, no me hagan esperar.
11:20Si yo fuera usted, no perdería el tiempo.
11:23Por cada segundo que pasa,
11:24el precio de su cabeza sube.
11:31¿O qué?
11:32Tal vez deba motivarlos, ¿no?
11:35¿Sabías que tu hermanito me pidió frenarte?
11:38Te traiciono.
11:39¡Anda, anda, anda!
11:42No puedo atacarte, hermana.
11:45Estás en desventaja.
11:49¡Lo sabía, imbécil!
11:51¡Siempre has sido un cobarde!
11:53¡Tu destino solo puede frenarme, ¿verdad?
11:57Lo único que quería era protegerte de ti misma.
12:00¡Pero míranos!
12:01Evidentemente no funcionó.
12:03¿Qué le dijiste a Alexis?
12:06¡Que me ayudara a liberarte!
12:08¡Eso le dije!
12:09¡Y que paráramos con toda esta violencia para siempre!
12:12Si en este momento no me matas,
12:16lo voy a hacer yo.
12:17Así que atácame, no seas cobarde.
12:21A pesar de todo,
12:22Mauro está dispuesto a mantener su honor.
12:24Así que voy a equilibrar las cosas.
12:28Atrámete y será tu último paso.
12:32¿Me gustaría matar?
12:34Ahora sí.
12:35Los dos están en las mismas condiciones.
12:38Decide, Mauro.
12:40O peleas,
12:42o esto se acaba.
12:48¡Todo esto es tu culpa!
12:51¿No te das cuenta?
12:53¡Tú nos pusiste en esta circunstancia!
12:56¡Por tu estúpida venganza!
12:58¿Te das cuenta?
13:13¡Que viva Mauro!
13:28¿Mi amor, ya viste lo que nos mandó Riega?
13:31Ahora sí que Ginebra, Mauro y Sabón
13:33están siendo perseguidos por sicarios.
13:35Hay una recompensa por sus cabezas.
13:37Sí, aquí dice que la oferta ha subido en los últimos minutos.
13:40Ya van cinco millones de dólares.
13:42Los está buscando la ley y todos los grupos criminales.
13:45Lo que quiere decir que el traficante que los protegía
13:48ya no lo hace.
13:49Así vamos a poder respirar tranquilos.
13:51Sí, mi amor.
13:54La maldad se acaba por sí sola.
13:56Sí, esperemos que sí.
13:58¿No sabes cómo odio en lo que nos hemos convertido, Ginebra?
14:03Pero a pesar de todo, te amo.
14:07No puedo matarte.
14:09Ahí tienes.
14:11Te di todo, Mauro.
14:14Todo lo que tú eres, me lo debes a mí.
14:18Y así me pagas.
14:21Si me hubieras pagado con amor, Ginebra,
14:25nada de esto estaría pasando.
14:30¡Bravo, bravo!
14:32¡Tanta atención!
14:34¡Tanta pasión!
14:36Ya, ya, ya me demostraron que son tal para cual.
14:40Dos ratas de alcantarilla que se creen los reyes del mundo.
14:44El show terminó, francés.
14:48Si nos vas a matar.
14:50¿Os oyeron?
14:52Sí, el show terminó.
14:55Ya están acabados.
14:56La pobre manca perdió la mano izquierda y también a su derecha.
15:00Y este perdedor tiene el alma rota.
15:06Tienen 12 horas para irse del país y de mi territorio.
15:09La recompensa contra ustedes seguirá.
15:12Si vuelvo a verlos, sus cabezas serán mis trofeos.
15:16¿Me vas a desechar?
15:17¿Así como así?
15:18Sí, sí.
15:20Siempre fuiste desechable.
15:22Una bebida para embriagar.
15:24No tienes propósito.
15:26No me interesas.
15:29¡Asegúrense que se retiren!
15:33Andale, ya, ya, ya.
15:35Ya, el show se acabó.
15:55¡Hola, preciosa!
15:57¿Cómo vas?
16:01Me hace muy feliz que pudimos empezar la universidad al mismo tiempo.
16:05A mí también me encanta que nos estemos superando juntos
16:07y que tenemos toda la galaxia para seguir creciendo.
16:10Oye, ¿qué crees?
16:11Como que se me olvidó algo en mi cuarto.
16:13¿Me acompañas?
16:25Mejor vamos a apurarnos para preparar todo porque hoy es el baby shower.
16:29Ya me despeinaste toda.
16:34Estos chilaquiles con mole poblano me van a quedar riquísimos.
16:39Bueno, vayan a ayudarle a tu mamá, ¿vale?
16:41Sí, Chef.
16:53Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
16:59I'm sorry to interrupt, but we're running late.
17:02That's all right.
17:03I love this mint in the kitchen, Dad.
17:05It's the one thing I love.
17:07Let's see.
17:11Everything smells delicious.
17:13Yes, it does.
17:14Go get your filipina.
17:15You're just in time.
17:17I'm preparing these favorite chilaquiles.
17:20And I'm just going to inherit the recipe,
17:22Of course, the secret is in the irresistible homemade flavor of Knorr.
17:26Yes, mom. You made my dad fall in love with your chilaquiles.
17:30Let's see, try it.
17:33How is it?
17:34No, no, no, no.
17:35This is delicious. Chilaquiles with mole, my love.
17:39Thank you. I'm glad you liked it.
17:46Thank you very much.
17:47To those who carry and those who decorate.
17:50This gift is for my daddies.
17:53How nice.
17:55Hey, thank you all for joining us.
17:57This means a lot to us.
17:59Is my little sister going to take long?
18:02No, my girl. We were waiting for her with a lot of excitement, right?
18:05Just like we were waiting for you.
18:06What is that?
18:14I made it. I made a sweet part for my grandma.
18:18Oh, my love.
18:20How are we going to name the baby after all this?
18:22Like this.
18:25Very good, very good, very good.
18:27But I think it's a good time to say it.
18:29Our daughter is going to be named...
18:31One, two, three.
18:34Oh, oh, oh, oh.
18:36Oh, no.
18:36The fountain broke.
18:38She's going to be named Tron.
18:45It's time to see Aguapaz and Estero again.
18:58Geronimo, it's out, it's out. Let's go.
19:00My love.
19:02I missed you so much.
19:04My son.
19:06You're finally free. Free at last.
19:09I know, mom.
19:11And believe me, I'm always going to regret what I did.
19:14Don't worry.
19:15Now you're going to have a second chance.
19:17You'll see.
19:19My son, I'm so glad you're free.
19:20Finally! You don't know how long we've been waiting for this.
19:27You can do it. You can do it.
19:29You can do it. You can do it, my love. You can do it.
19:35You can do it.
19:43Very good, my love. Very good.
19:45Very good.
19:46There's my baby.
19:48Dad, do you want to cut the cord?
19:51Yes, of course.
20:05Thank you.
20:07Congratulations. Welcome your daughter.
20:11Hello, princess.
20:13Hello, my love. I'm your mom.
20:19I can't take my eyes off of her.
20:22She's beautiful, dad.
20:24She's a village of cortez.
20:27I never thought I'd be a father again.
20:31Well, at least you'll be able to breathe again.
20:35Yes, finally.
20:39She's beautiful.
20:41Dad, we have to get my baby back as soon as possible.
20:44Ginebra and Mauro are back in the country.
20:46Go, go, go. Take care of the baby, please.
20:47Go, go, go. With your wife. I'll watch her here.
20:49Of course.
20:51I never feel alone with you guys.
20:53You're strong women. Thank you.
20:55Oh, my love.
20:57Why do you have that face?
20:59Ginebra and Mauro are back.
21:02No, no, no.
21:03That damn whore came back to steal my baby again.
21:06You can't let her take it.
21:08Listen to me. My dad is taking care of the baby.
21:10And Uriaga has already established a perimeter.
21:12Don't worry.
21:13She already stole my baby.
21:14If Ginebra dares to get close, I'll kill her.
21:16Wait, wait, wait.
21:18She just sent me a video.
21:22Congratulations to the new parents.
21:25When will they let me meet her?
21:28I'm dying to steal her.
21:31I hope you received my first gift.
21:34No, no, no, no.
21:35Take me with my daughter, Sebas.
21:37No, no, no. My daughter has to be okay.
21:50Sir, this area is restricted. She can't be here.
21:52I'm her grandfather. She's my granddaughter.
21:54I need to protect her.
21:55No, sir. No, sir.
21:56You can't take a baby from here, please.
21:57No, sir. I'm sorry, but you can't.
21:59Father-in-law, thank you very much for taking care of my daughter.
22:01We have to get out of here and look for our other children.
22:03They are also in danger. Let's go.
22:05My love, let's go.
22:06Let's go, let's go.
22:10Is she my little sister, Margarita?
22:14Oh, look at her.
22:16She's beautiful.
22:20Well, now.
22:21Be careful.
22:22Because Paz needs to get used to the baby.
22:25Yes, sister. I think you need to rest.
22:27I know you're very patient, but giving birth is not easy.
22:31Is something wrong?
22:32Do you need help with the baby?
22:36Well, we have to talk.
22:40We're going to set her up.
22:42We have to take her somewhere we can defeat her.
22:45Make her believe that we left the city, that we're running away from her.
22:48We can use my ranch. My men can defend us.
22:52Yes, very good, dad.
22:53The family can protect themselves there.
22:55While Mrs. Elvira and I can start...
22:57I'll be the bait.
23:00I agree. A lot of people have died indirectly because of me.
23:04She'll finish all this with me.
23:05No, no, no, no, no. I don't agree. I want to be with her.
23:07Let's see, this is between Ginebra and me. Understand it.
23:11Ginebra's hatred started with me. Well, it has to end with me.
23:15Mrs. Elvira and I are going to face Ginebra.
23:17While the whole family guards the ranch with my father.
23:22No, no, no.
23:23My love, my love, don't leave me.
23:25Don't even think I'm going to leave you alone.
23:27I can't forget that bitch buried you alive.
23:29My love, you just gave birth.
23:32And our children need you. They need their mom.
23:34Yes, but they also need their dad.
23:37Esteban, I'm not going to wait for Ginebra to try to kidnap or hurt someone else in our family.
23:42I'm not going to give in.
23:43Our families deserve peace.
23:57Hi, it's me, Mauro. Please don't hang up.
24:09Why are you calling me?
24:10Mireya, there hasn't been a single day that I haven't thought about you.
24:14I love you more than ever, more than ever.
24:17You and your sister only came back to hurt us.
24:20They want to scare us.
24:21Let's see, Mireya.
24:23I want to keep helping them.
24:25Even if that means betraying my sister.
24:35You heard it. Your brother is a traitor.
24:44I wish you could understand how much I still love you, Mireya.
24:50You will always be the love of my life.
24:53If you're with us, it's because your boss also put a price on your head.
24:58He's coming.
25:01I only got two men.
25:03The threat that Ramses put on us still weighs a lot.
25:06Mauro, my brother, look at me.
25:09And tell me that you agree with this.
25:12Swear to me that you will not oppose Elvira's death,
25:14nor anyone who opposes us.
25:18If Elvira's death ends all this,
25:21so be it.
25:27We've done things your way, and they haven't worked.
25:30Mauro and Ginebra are still in Liberia.
25:32We've done things your way, and they haven't worked.
25:34Mauro and Ginebra are still in Liberia.
25:36Threatening my family.
25:37So please do something.
25:40Gentlemen, if we do things as you say,
25:43it will have to be in an unofficial way.
25:46Otherwise, I could be dismissed.
25:49Okay, unofficial, not official, but do whatever it is.
25:54Excuse me.
25:57Esteban, I'm going to do what you ask of me.
25:59But I'm going to need help to make everything work.
26:02It's not possible that my sister just gave birth
26:04and Ginebra's crazy woman is back.
26:06Diego, I know almost all of Ginebra's search protocols.
26:09Well, the idea is to have a series of clues
26:11that only Ginebra can follow.
26:16The cameras show that Esteban took another route
26:19and is going with Paz and Elvira.
26:22And Paz left her new gender alone?
26:25Are they setting us up?
26:28Those idiots swear that she was born yesterday.
26:32Do you think I'm not going to kill them if they split up?
26:36Elvira dies today.
26:43Where do we start?
26:44Let's go.
26:59Sabon, let us know of any changes.
27:02Paz and Esteban are wanted and killed,
27:05but Elvira is mine.
27:08They activated the signal blocker just as we expected.
27:11I'm ready.
27:13Are you sure?
27:15Be careful.
27:37I'm sorry.
27:48You must have been the famous gorilla.
27:52You had to do it.
28:02What a great place you chose to die, Mom.
28:05I didn't even think about it before.
28:08It's very appropriate.
28:11It ends right where I started.
28:14In society.
28:18A place where abandoned children learn to live alone.
28:23Like I had to do, Mom.
28:26Stop playing your stupid game because you're not the victim.
28:29I looked for you.
28:31If you had not burned the orphanage, everything would have been different.
28:34I wouldn't even call you Ginebra.
28:37I was going to call you Lucia.
28:40You could have been another woman.
28:42Another person.
28:44Nobody is going to talk.
28:47So, shut up.
28:50I want to enjoy your terror.
29:12What are you doing here, Esteban?
29:14You are not the target.
29:16Drop the gun.
29:17Drop it!
29:20That's it.
29:21Don't cover up.
29:24You'll never know that.
29:32This is your chance.
29:34To keep your promise.
29:36Help us, Mauro.
29:37Help us.
29:41Did you hear that, Mother?
29:43Who will they have killed now?
29:46Or your brilliant son-in-law?
29:48You're not here for them.
29:51So, you came to kill me, right?
29:54Kill me now.
29:55Kill me.
30:00Look how far your revenge has come.
30:03You lost a hand, your fortune, and you're left alone.
30:06Shut up, Taquera.
30:08I still have Mauro.
30:10I can start over with him as many times as I want.
30:13It won't be the first time.
30:15Mauro warned us about the attack at the conference.
30:17He unburied Esteban.
30:20He wants to stop you because he knows you're a monster.
30:24You're lying.
30:25What if Mauro was deceived by you?
30:28But he's loyal to me.
30:31He's my Titere.
30:36He has honor.
30:38All of you are going to die.
30:40You're surrounded.
30:42Your men must be arrested.
30:44Decide, Ginebra.
30:45Surrender or you're going to die.
31:20Is this how you repay me?
31:26You left me no choice.
31:35I heard you.
31:37It's been a long time since I killed you.
31:44I heard you.
31:46It's been a long time since I killed you.
31:50I hate you.
31:52I hate you!
32:00Listen to me.
32:02Don't leave me.
32:07Wake up.
32:09Listen to me.
32:13Don't leave me.
32:27No, no, no.
32:29No, no, no.
32:31Wake up, my love.
32:33Wake up, my love.
32:35No, no, no.
32:36Oh, no.
32:37Oh, no.
32:38Oh, no, no.
32:39No, no, no.
32:44Why did you do this?
32:47Why did you do this?
32:51My love.
32:52My love.
32:58Why did you have to do this?
33:04Why did you have to do this?
33:06I don't know where to go.
33:08Where are we going to go now?
33:14But everyone must follow their own path.
33:18Like you and me.
33:23And I, mine.
33:37Don't leave me.
33:39Don't leave me, please.
33:42No, no.
33:44I beg you.
33:47You said I'm not your brother anymore.
33:50I lied.
33:51I lied.
33:53Forgive me.
33:55Forgive me?
33:56You're not just my brother.
33:59You're my only family.
34:02You're my life.
34:04I love you, Mauro.
34:06I love you with all my being.
34:10And your contempt is my greatest punishment.
34:14Give me a chance.
34:16I'm nothing without you.
34:25Let's live our punishments together.
34:52No, no, no, please.
35:03Mrs. Elvira.
35:04No, no, no, no.
35:05Mrs. Elvira.
35:06No, no, no, no.
35:07Mrs. Elvira.
35:08Wait a minute.
35:09Mrs. Elvira.
35:10Mrs. Elvira, please.
35:11Leave her, leave her.
35:12Mrs. Elvira.
35:13You don't deserve to deal with this.
35:15Mrs. Elvira, come on, please.
35:17Mrs. Elvira.
35:18We know who you are.
35:20I'm sorry, my love.
35:22I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
35:23Why did you do this to me, my love?
35:26Mrs. Elvira, you deserve to be happy.
35:29Look at me, look at me.
35:31I love you very much.
35:33I love you very much.
35:35That's it.
35:36Calm down.
35:38My child.
35:39My child.
35:42I have it all.
35:46And yet I lost my family.
35:50I tore myself out of their love.
35:55I don't deny that there are times when I need them.
35:58I miss them.
36:00I would like to see my grandchildren.
36:03Show them that I exist for them.
36:15Ginebra and Mauro are dead.
36:18Yes, sir.
36:21They couldn't have another ending.
36:33Empires are destroyed to return to serenity.
36:38Everyone ends up dying.
36:43It seems that the only immortal
36:46is me.
36:57Something in my heart tells me
36:59that you and I are united by something.
37:01By love.
37:08Oh, careful.
37:09Let's see, let's see.
37:15Let's see.
37:17We prepared this surprise
37:19to celebrate the existence of each one of you in our lives.
37:23And it has the photo of each one of our children.
37:27In addition to having the special touch
37:29of the best cook in Mexico,
37:31next chef,
37:32not only from Mexico,
37:34from the whole world,
37:36from the universe,
37:37from the galaxy.
37:39Thank you, my love.
37:40Thank you.
37:41We want each one of you to make a special wish.
37:44Oh, let me start.
37:45I wish that everyone fulfills their professional goals,
37:49but especially Salo,
37:50because I love him, I adore him,
37:52and he has already found his vocation.
37:56Well, well, well.
37:57I'll go, I'll go.
37:58I wish that we all learn from our mistakes,
38:01so that we can get to know each other, accept each other and love each other.
38:05And speaking of love,
38:07I wish there were more inclusive families,
38:10just like this one.
38:11Of course.
38:14Pastel, pastel, pastel.
38:16Oh, yes, yes.
38:17Pastel, pastel, pastel.
38:43If every time I look at her I get emotional
38:50It is a privilege to coincide in this life
38:57And that it is me with whom you want to walk
39:04I want to know the world next to you
39:10I never want to wake up from this dream
39:18And if there is a storm, do not let go of your hand
39:24And every second I want to dedicate it to you
39:29That's it, very good.
39:30Hey, that bike looks beautiful on you.
39:32Oh, thank you, you too.
39:34You look beautiful.
39:35Hey, you already know the streets of Barrio Gracia.
39:37Now yes, I am local.
39:39Let's see, tell us, please.
39:41Here we cross to the left,
39:43and we arrive here.
39:45A very special place.
39:53This is what we are, friend.
39:55The ones we are and the ones who left.
39:59This tree represents the whole UNIDA family.
40:02A gift I always asked God for.
40:04And definitely there is no ideal recipe for happiness.
40:09But with each of you,
40:12we have the perfect ingredients to achieve it.
40:15I love you, children!
40:17We love you!
40:19And I love you, Esteban, my life partner.
40:23And let's be happy, very happy.
40:26Let's be happy!
40:28Let's be happy!
40:35There are smiles for me
40:38So much music dancing in the city
40:45And they go up my skin
40:48So many desires to get closer to you
40:51I look at you, you look at me
40:54And it's great
40:59I thought about it a million times
41:05Traveler heart
41:07You're tired of doubting
41:11Now yes, now no
41:15Yes or yes
41:18I'm loving you
41:22Yes or yes
41:25And you love me
41:29It's love
41:31A hundred thousand times more than love
41:34Don't leave, please
41:37Let's be happy tonight
41:40Let's be happy!
41:42Yes or yes
41:48Yes or yes
41:55What algorithm programmed
41:59The beginning and the end
42:02This is not the end, my love.
42:04It's the beginning of a future together.
42:08I wish that all mothers in the world
42:10are close to their children
42:12and can teach them that life is like a good taco.
42:15It knows what we put on it.
42:17And what did we put on it?
42:19A lot of love.
42:20A lot of love.
42:22Yes or yes
42:26I'm loving you
42:29Yes or yes
42:32And you love me
42:36It's love
42:38A hundred thousand times more than love
42:41Don't leave, please
42:44Let's be happy tonight
42:47Let's be happy!
42:49Yes or yes
