• last year
Who do you love more Smiling Critters or Digital Circus? We adore them both, so we prepared a big collection of paper games with your favorite characters! Hurry up and vote which game book you like the best


00:00Oh, Kitty misses Pomny and doesn't know where to find her.
00:07I know, let's whip up a missing poster.
00:13Ooh, someone wants to help.
00:16And without a reward even.
00:21We can whip up a whole new Pomny.
00:25Let's start with the body.
00:27Seems floated.
00:31But I'm sure we can take care of that.
00:38I guess Pomny's eyes are bigger than, well, the rest of her.
00:43Some fruit, veg, and water should help perk you up.
00:50Now it's time to put on Pomny's face.
00:53And I don't just mean with makeup.
01:00Now for the hair.
01:04Ooh, there's three different styles.
01:07Let's see, pigtails, headband, the classic.
01:12Oh, I see, Kitty wants a Pomny that's just like her.
01:21This should help.
01:24Wow, pretty Kitty ears.
01:27A collar, a tail, and a Cheshire smile.
01:31Aw, this new Pomny's the cat's meow.
01:35It's been fun, but Kitty's gotta go.
01:38Hold on.
01:43Okay, it looks like a dead end.
01:46Or is it?
01:50It's time for a little cat scratch fever.
01:54And the digital circus is in town.
02:00Okay, Kitty, pick one.
02:02Ragatha it is.
02:07Whoops, well, she needed a makeover.
02:12Don't worry, help is on the way.
02:19We just need to make some holes.
02:24And insert some yarn through it.
02:27Well, now she could use a trim.
02:32Ah, now we can see that frightened face.
02:37I think it's time to clean the litter box.
02:41There's gotta be a fun way to clean this mess.
02:44And I think we've just found it.
02:49Wow, five points.
02:56Now it's time for the final boss.
03:01Okay, this calls for a makeover.
03:04A splash of color or two.
03:08And it already looks better.
03:11A few finishing touches.
03:14And it's a whole new fad.
03:19Kitty's not the only one with a messy litter box.
03:24It's Jack's, just shaggier than usual.
03:31Now let's take care of those pimples.
03:39Let's brush those teeth.
03:42Even if they do match his eyes.
03:48Now back you go.
03:50Oh, where's the plunger?
03:54Oh, poor puppy.
03:56I think we have a diagnosis.
04:00You've got bikini bottom blisters.
04:03Let's clean it and lance away.
04:06Be careful, you're getting it everywhere.
04:10You've got a little something.
04:15Now let's cover it up with a glitter glue mask.
04:21Wipe it off and you're good as new.
04:34Hey, that card doesn't belong in the trash.
04:41Seriously, it's got even a cute little cat.
04:45But maybe we should clean you up.
04:49Let's sit you down and grab some tools.
04:53First, we'll brush off all that dust.
04:59And comb those pests right out of your hair.
05:03Don't worry, they won't be coming back.
05:11Ooh, congratulations kitty cat mama.
05:19Here, why don't you take a nap while we get things ready for three happy birthdays.
05:28Aw, they're so cute.
05:31Wait a minute, I don't think we're done just yet.
05:39Now we should bandage mama.
05:42We need to get her ready.
05:45Cause it's time to feed the babies.
05:53Just don't forget, what goes in has got to come out.
05:59Let's clean you up and give you a diaper.
06:07Who's our next patient?
06:09I can't tell with all that fuzz.
06:13You need a shave.
06:18Hey look, it's a puppy.
06:20A messy puppy by the looks of it.
06:24Let's ditch some of these bugs.
06:29And don't forget to clean inside your ears.
06:34Hold on, I think we gotta dig deep.
06:39Now it's time to clean those messy paws.
06:44Okay, lather, rinse, and if you need to, repeat.
06:53Now squeeze in a quick manicure.
06:57Start with a trim and file it down.
07:05And it's pink polish all around.
07:09Don't forget your complimentary friendship bracelet.
07:18Uh-oh, Panda, you forgot your helmet.
07:21Oh no!
07:23Don't worry, help is on the way.
07:29First let's check out your heart rate.
07:34Okay, things still look normal.
07:40Now it's nap time once again.
07:43While we give you a full body checkup.
07:51Here, this should fix you right up.
07:58Now we just need to patch you up.
08:04Next, we need an x-ray for your arm.
08:07Uh-oh, looks like it's broken.
08:11What you need is a sturdy cast.
08:16But it'll need something to keep it in place.
08:21Seems about time to wrap things up.
08:28Next up, this little piggy went to the doctor.
08:34And just in time by the looks of it.
08:37Let's clear up all that excess snot.
08:43And whatever else is up that snout.
08:48A quick spritz should clear things up.
08:53Looks like you could use some lunch.
08:58Come on, don't skimp on the snacks.
09:05Soon you'll be squealing all the way home.
09:12Uh-oh, our unicorn's got a toothache.
09:16Don't worry, she minored in dentistry.
09:21Let's start with a little brushing.
09:28And soon those teeth will be back to pearly white.
09:34But now, let's clean in between those teeth.
09:39You know, it sometimes helps to chew.
09:44In fact, this lollipop still looks good.
09:49Uh-oh, looks like you got a cavity.
09:54First, let's clear off all this gunk.
09:59Now let's fill it up with resin.
10:05And add UV light to help it harden into place.
10:11Ah, much better.
10:13Now give us a smile.
10:19That's too much hair for a hair.
10:24Much better.
10:27Now for a quick facial.
10:30You know, it's a great idea all around.
10:34Now let's peel it off.
10:36And it's makeup time.
10:41How about some green for your eyes?
10:44And some mascara.
10:49And lipstick.
10:54Pucker up.
10:57Now let's pierce your ears.
11:03And brush your hair back into place.
11:07Soon you're a whole new bunny.
11:11Today on the Perils of Pomni.
11:16People should really watch where they're going.
11:21Maybe we can fix her up.
11:26Wow, there's a playbook inside of her.
11:34Guess he's got his eye on you, Pomni.
11:37Now she'll fit right into her book.
11:41And she's going to be here a long time.
11:46Uh-oh, is there a lawyer in the house?
11:52Hmm, maybe we should turn the page.
11:57Oh, it looks like a matching game.
12:02Guess who goes with what.
12:04And soon you'll have a new bunch of friends.
12:15Just mix them all together and what have you got?
12:19The key we need to save Pomni.
12:22Well, one at least.
12:26Let's go try the next page.
12:28Try that vending machine.
12:36After all, our kitty could use some snacks.
12:42And a grimace shape to wash it down.
12:45Can't forget some water.
12:48Uh-oh, she's going to blow.
12:52Either way, we've got our next key.
12:59Next up, we've got a scratch-off card.
13:02It's time to get those claws out.
13:08It's a video.
13:09Let's watch.
13:11Anyone got a remote?
13:15Now we can go through that maze.
13:20There'd better be some cheese at the end of this.
13:29Even better, we've got the next key.
13:36Next up, it looks like a find-it game.
13:44Oh, the scissors.
13:46That's just what we need.
13:51Time to trim the pom-poms.
13:53It's Mario.
13:55But we need Pomni.
13:59No, but I think we're getting warmer.
14:05We've got Pomni.
14:07More importantly, we've got our next key, too.
14:15Look at all these doors.
14:17Wish we had a map.
14:19Hey, it's our familiar feline friend.
14:23And she could use a facial, too.
14:28Uh-oh, I think we're being watched.
14:31We'd better find a hiding place.
14:42All clear.
14:43You can come out now.
14:47And you know where the key is?
14:50Ooh, it looks like our final key.
14:58Pomni, you're a free woman again.
15:03And three-dimensional, too.
15:07Well, that's taken care of, so now we'll deal with you.
15:13Hey, look, it's Paper Cane and Paper Pomni.
15:18Uh-oh, Cane needs to get to the hospital.
15:22Have no fear, Jax is here with an ambulance.
15:29Come on, Jax, blast those sirens.
15:31We'll take care of traffic jams.
15:38Yes, we made it in record time.
15:43Your bed's all ready for you, Cane.
15:46Now let's take a look inside that belly.
15:52Ah, so this is how digital circuses are made.
16:06Wow, a purple cat.
16:09And it leaves some strange presents.
16:13I wonder what's inside.
16:15A kitty, complete with snacks.
16:20Looks like lunchtime.
16:22This device should help.
16:27The first course is chicken.
16:30Wow, you ate it clean off the bone.
16:34Something to wash it down, and your favorite, fish.
16:43Ugh, this place is a mess.
16:45Can you find your phone?
16:50Wait, there's something strange about this phone.
16:54And look, it's Pomni.
16:57She's missing something, too.
17:00You know, maybe these two should go together.
17:04Throw in some eyes while we're at it.
17:08Let's see if you can roll them into place.
17:13Whoops, guess it's time for round two.
17:18Mr. Rooster brought you a present.
17:23Colored eggs, and they're fresh from the farm.
17:29These eggs might look flat, but we can still get cracking.
17:36Hey, wait a second.
17:38There's all sorts of things inside.
17:44And they all look sort of familiar, don't they?
17:48Maybe that's because it's Zooble.
17:57Ooh, look at all this trash.
17:59Find anything good?
18:03Hey, I think there's something inside here.
18:09Oh, wow, a face card and a hat card.
18:14And that's not the only thing in here.
18:18Let's just clear off all this gunk.
18:21Wipe them off.
18:28Oh, the poor thing has an upset stomach.
18:31Careful, you might feel a slight pinch.
18:38Someone's eyes were bigger than their tummy.
18:41Granted, your eyes are pretty big already.
18:49Some water and fresh fish should help.
18:55Now, I think it's about time we put on a happy face.
19:01It's a perfect fit.
19:03Now let's give you a new hat.
19:06Ah, looks like Pomny's got competition.
19:14What a strange book.
19:16Is it about pirates?
19:18Ooh, a paper doll.
19:20Guess it's makeover time.
19:23But where to start?
19:25I know, grab your gloves.
19:27It's time for a little pimple popping session.
19:33Okay, we need some heavy-duty stuff.
19:38Let's pour on some facial cleanser.
19:45Much better.
19:46Now let's pluck those hairs.
19:49No, no, I think we need the real thing.
19:53First, let's get those eyebrows into shape.
19:58And let's say goodbye to your mustache.
20:02Now some stylish black lipstick.
20:06And there's enough to share.
20:11Plus, we've got plenty of do's to choose from.
20:18Ah, black pigtails.
20:20We've got a matching outfit too.
20:23With this doll, every day feels like Halloween on a Wednesday.
20:37Recycling can be fun, especially when it comes to paper.
20:42Wait, that hairy thing looks familiar.
20:45Maybe we should give it a quick trim.
20:53Okay, let's speed things up, shall we?
21:00Now a little something for the eyes.
21:07While we're at it, those teeth could use a little cleanup too.
21:18We just need to replace that missing tooth.
21:25Soon, our old pal Kane's looking just like his old self.
21:33Mmm, these marshmallows are good.
21:39Hey, got any to spare?
21:41Pomny's hungry.
21:45Don't worry, we'll whip something up for you.
21:49We just need to grab some ingredients.
21:54Ooh, we've got all the parts to make a burger.
22:03Let's start by cooking up the patty.
22:08I think Pomny likes things well done.
22:14Place it on top of the bun.
22:18Now add pickles on top.
22:21Draw a ketchup smile and add all the other fixings.
22:27A bug? Well, Pomny could use the protein.
22:34Okay, Pomny, it's time to take a bite.
22:39Look at that. I think she likes it.
22:47Oh, so that's where the unicorns were hiding.
22:53Here, have a few treats.
22:57Make that a buffet.
22:59Just remember, sugar's not good for teeth.
23:04Yep, don't say I didn't warn you.
23:08Well, maybe we can help clear things up.
23:15Now we need to clear off all this plaque.
23:22After all, there's nothing that beats a unicorn smile.
23:31What treasures does the trash bin hold today?
23:35Hey, this game book's under lock and key.
23:43Wow, those are some strong scissors.
23:49Oh, look at all our furry new friends.
23:53But they look familiar under all that hair.
24:00Well, I guess this one bucks the trend.
24:04Let's check that envelope.
24:07Wow, it's rainbow candy.
24:13There's a surprise at the end. It's Ragatha.
24:18She must be the third missing face.
24:23Reunited, and it feels so good.
24:32Ragatha really needs to keep track of all her faces.
24:38Well, while she's here, why don't we fix up her hair?
24:44Okay, we've ditched all that gunk.
24:48It's time we lather on some mousse.
24:57Ooh, some curlers should add some bounce too.
25:06Once you're done, blow these curls dry.
25:11Now it's time to release the ringlets.
25:17Ragatha looks great, but she's missing a certain something.
25:24Yep, she's never fully dressed without a bow.
25:33Ooh, what an interesting little square.
25:37It looks a little dry. Why don't we add some water?
25:43Well, this brings new meaning to abstract art.
25:49I think this scratches right off.
25:54Guess money really can solve everything.
25:58Aw, it's really just a baby rainbow unicorn.
26:03True beauty really is on the inside.
26:08The circus is in town.
26:11Time for the main event, a shiny laser pointer.
26:16Oh, it's Kitty's favorite.
26:18Oh no, not the candy! Oh, think of the candy!
26:23Hey, it's the digital circus game book.
26:30Let's play. Spin the wheel and match a head to each outfit.
26:35Spin it round.
26:38It's Jack's. Think the clown outfit suits him?
26:42I guess not. How about we spin again?
26:48Hello Kitty would love this outfit.
26:52But it's not quite right. Let's try again.
26:56It's Princess Lulilalu.
27:00And next up, Pomni.
27:03They're both a perfect fit.
27:08What's wrong, Princess? Candy?
27:13Eh, don't worry. Pomni's on the lookout for sweets.
27:18Wow, a candy cane!
27:21And look, a hard candy.
27:24Okay, not that. But look, it's a lollipop.
27:30Is that everything?
27:32Hey, we've got a bonbon.
27:36Uh-oh, guess finders keepers doesn't apply here.
27:41We gotta take our search on the road.
27:44But first, we're gonna need some wheels.
27:49Okay, cookies.
27:52Time to get things rolling.
27:59It's the candy thief. Let's try to catch him.
28:05Oh, where's a mallet when you need one?
28:09Better keep those paws aimed and ready.
28:14You got him!
28:19Okay, it's nighty-night time. Sleep tight.
28:26We're gonna take out this gummy worm.
28:29What you need is a gummy brain.
28:33Now let's check out your heart.
28:41What's with all these gummy bugs?
28:44Well, here's your new ticker, Tin Man.
28:50Now he'll be happy to give back your candy.
28:58Next up, it's time for a new game.
29:02Looks like there's a castle behind this door.
29:05The other door has got fudge inside.
29:09Seems like an easy choice. Let's hope the dice agree.
29:16Chutes and Ladders was never like this.
29:22Careful now, looks like we're going down.
29:27Starting to think the dice don't like us.
29:31Well, it was nice knowing you, Bonnie.
29:40Hmm, while we're here, how about we look around?
29:49Oh, we found some candy.
29:52Uh, whoops, that's a bug.
29:56Ooh, another candy!
30:00A candy key? Looks like we're outta here.
30:05And just in time for some tug-of-war.
30:09Just hope that fudge isn't hangry.
30:15Well, into the chasm you go.
30:19But how are we gonna get across?
30:22Easy, we'll whip up a chocolate bar bridge.
30:27Steady now.
30:33Perfect, you made it through.
30:38Next up, take Princess Lulilalu's pink ribbon.
30:42We need to run it through this labyrinth.
30:45Just hope the ribbon's long enough.
30:51Oh, hey, we're on the other side.
30:54Yes, we've rescued the princess!
31:01Clowns can't live on cobwebs alone.
31:04Why don't you try some candy?
31:06Wait, you can't give Pomny too much.
31:14After all, too much sugar rots your teeth.
31:21Pomny took the words right out of my mouth.
31:24Well, maybe we can help clean you up.
31:29Soon, Pomny's teeth will be shining.
31:36Especially if we add a little rhinestone.
31:40Aw, it looks like it smiles all around.
31:45Huzzah, the circus is in town!
31:48Let's start with a little light show.
31:52It's not much, but you know Kitty's a fan.
31:57Let's see where it leads us.
31:59A curtain?
32:01What's behind it?
32:02A book about the digital circus!
32:08Look, there's a door.
32:11It's locked.
32:13And a gift.
32:17Ooh, and she's got something for you.
32:23It's a key!
32:25Now we can open the door.
32:28Guess there was a reason it was locked.
32:31But this kitty's got cat scratch fever.
32:39It's Cane, the toothsome ringmaster!
32:43He doesn't look too good.
32:45Let's call him an ambulance.
32:50Ooh, that was quick.
32:51Cue the sirens.
32:55The kitty doctor will see you now.
33:01Nighty night.
33:03Ooh, I think we found the problem.
33:06Let's extract all that slime.
33:09And that bug.
33:11I think we should keep digging.
33:14How deep does it go?
33:19Now Cane should be feeling like a new A.I.
33:25A ribbon!
33:26Let's catch it.
33:30Aw, poor Gangle.
33:32She's all in pieces.
33:34Let's help.
33:35We can start with a brand new mask.
33:42Ooh, an A.
33:44Well, at least the colors match.
33:48But maybe we should try something else.
33:51It's Calf Mo!
33:53Well, in happier times.
33:56Now let's try again.
33:58Third time's the charm.
34:00Gangle's happy face!
34:02Just what we needed.
34:07Wow, Pommie's got her very own personal food court.
34:14Uh, you should really try chewing.
34:19Want fries with that?
34:22No? Are you full?
34:24Oh no! Her teeth need fixing up!
34:30Much better.
34:32Now they'll need a good brushing.
34:34Get scrubbing.
34:39And how about a little tooth gem?
34:48Ooh, a mystery bag.
34:50I wonder who's inside.
34:53They're a blank slate.
34:55Let's fix them up.
35:00Congratulations, it's a girl!
35:03Now let's choose an outfit.
35:06No, not that.
35:10A jester's costume?
35:12Looks kind of familiar.
35:14Now for hair.
35:18This one comes with a hat.
35:20And look, it's our old pal Pommie.
35:27I wonder who these are.
35:29It's E!
35:31And Hello Kitty!
35:34And Ragatha!
35:36But she doesn't look too good.
35:38Let's comb her hair for her.
35:44Now for a quick facial.
35:49That takes care of those blemishes.
35:52Now a cute button for that eye.
35:57And let's fix up those bangs too.
36:01The final touch, a cute bow on top.
36:08Wow, now that's a work of art!
36:11And just look what's inside!
36:16We can make all sorts of things with all these shapes.
36:22Why don't we try to put all these pieces together?
36:32And soon, we've made our old pal Zubo!
36:40Looks like it's time for the magic act!
36:46A water bottle?
36:49And look, we've got ourselves a real one!
36:52Let's pour it out.
36:55And put the square in for a surprise.
37:00Look, it's Jax!
37:03And he's out of that box!
37:07Let's give this circus a round of applause!
37:11Jeepers Creepers, our friends need new Peepers!
37:19Let's try out the Ragatha one.
37:22Hmm, maybe not.
37:25Why don't you try these?
37:27Let's pass these on.
37:31A perfect match!
37:33Okay, now I'm starting to get dizzy.
37:36Oh, Pomny needs a check-up.
37:39Subscribe to help us!
37:43Ew, she's oozing all over!
37:46Hmm, I think there's something inside.
37:52Either way, let's clean up this gunk.
37:56Put it back, and we'll patch her up.
38:04Now let's make Pomny a little less two-dimensional.
38:08Always knew she had depth.
38:13It's always easy to get A to open up.
38:16Now for a quick clean-up.
38:21Ooh, talk about a brainwash!
38:24Much better.
38:27He's already looking less green.
38:32Kane has one last finishing touch.
38:35And these two have never looked better.
38:42Ooh, a lollipop!
38:45This just isn't our day, is it?
38:48It's okay, all you need's a paper cup.
38:51Place a straw through the middle.
38:57And it looks like Kane wants to help.
39:01He'll keep your lollipop safe for you.
39:07And he's always up for hide-and-seek.
39:13Looks like A could use some help, too.
39:18A mini toilet can help you out.
39:21Just slide your lollipop inside.
39:24And close the lid.
39:27And it can use a familiar face, too.
39:32Here, A.
39:35Aw, so many feathers!
39:37Well, if it's feathers you want.
39:41Our special Play-Doh chicken can help.
39:45Push down for cold plumage.
39:48And a free prize.
39:50It's a tiny puzzle Pomni-Doll.
39:56Aw, it looks like Pomni's got a little sister.
40:03Back to feathers. Tickle, tickle.
40:06Uh-oh! Just look at all that slime!
40:11I know, let's use it to make bubbles.
40:16The bigger they are, the bigger they pop.
40:19Wait a sec, it's D! How'd you get in there?
40:26Well, it doesn't matter. We're happy to have you.
40:33Speaking of blowing things up, we've got a balloon for Pomni.
40:40Well, not anymore. It's okay, we can make you a new one.
40:46Just need nano-tape, some glitter, and last but not least, a whole lot of air.
40:57Now let's add a cute little face on top.
41:02With a nice roll of big shiny teeth.
41:06And this guy's pretty hard to pop.
41:12Now let's make a balloon for A too.
41:16You blow it up, just like a bubble.
41:23But it's much tougher than it looks.
41:26Still, just like all bubbles, you gotta make a bunch.
41:36Why don't we stack them together?
41:40Twist them up into a circle, and it's O!
41:47Pomni's friend should watch where she's going.
41:53She certainly leaves an impression.
41:56Why don't we put a new face on things?
42:01Fill it up with glue, and it's Ragatha!
42:08But she needs her trademark mop, with a great big bow on top too.
42:17Aw, they couldn't be closer.
42:20Next, grab an old plastic lid and draw out two halves with a line between them.
42:32Now let's shrink them down to size.
42:38And with this, we crown you king!
42:43Aw, Pomni, don't cry.
42:49What you need is a pool noodle and some pop tubes.
42:55Make that a whole bunch of pop tubes.
43:01Don't forget some ears on top.
43:05It's a Jax of our very own, and he's much stretchier than the last one.
43:12Now Pomni's got a new friend.
43:17Oh no! S! He's all chewed up!
43:23Don't worry, we can rebuild him.
43:26All we need is another pop tube.
43:32And he's just as stretchy as before.
43:40Wow, never knew paint came in dry.
43:45Or that it could do that either.
43:51What else can we add? A phone? Some pom-poms?
43:58Give it some time to blend together, and we've got a brand new phone case.
44:03After all, your phone needs to look its best.
44:14Speaking of which, yours could use a makeover too.
44:19Let's start with a new case.
44:22Add a nice clay rim.
44:27And fill up the inside with clear liquid glue.
44:32Our alphabet friends are going for a swim.
44:39Here A, join the pool party!
44:43Can we see your painting? Uh-oh! We'll take care of all that floating.
44:50Someone's eyes were bigger than their tummy.
44:54Well, some carrots should perk you up.
44:59Some water, and seal it with a band-aid.
45:05Now let's check on Amy's portrait.
45:09I think somebody needs a trim.
45:19Now let's clean that gunk out of your ears.
45:26And this should help those bags under your eyes.
45:33Wow! A is looking capital, if I say so myself.
45:41Checkmate, Pomny!
45:45Someone's a sore loser.
45:48But maybe we can cheer her up.
45:52Here's an idea. Grab an old coat.
45:57And you can combine fun with fashion.
46:01It can use a nice ermine trim.
46:06And a cute pair of eyes on top.
46:10Look, Pomny, it's Kinger!
46:14Uh-oh! Let's make something for A too.
46:21Make a giant K and cover with foil.
46:28It's so shiny!
46:30Hey, what's that smell? Pink fur?
46:34Oh, it's just what we need.
46:37Now just add some eyes and a mouth.
46:44Looks like Pomny's getting a surprise.
46:50It's a cane paper doll, complete with a new outfit.
46:56And look at this selection of hair.
46:59Let's try them all.
47:02Ooh, the perm look it is.
47:06Here, Pomny.
47:09Now for A's surprise.
47:14It's a portrait you can color in.
47:20We can try a whole bunch of colors.
47:24Let's try them all, including rainbow.
47:29But no matter the color, he's still looking good.
47:53Hey, what's that in the pool? It's a game book.
48:06It's Bon-Bon, and it looks like he's in trouble.
48:11An extra pair of hands are just what we need.
48:18And now we've got a key for the lock.
48:23What's inside?
48:26Wow, we just won a free house!
48:30Hmm, I guess construction costs extra.
48:34Just stack up some cardboard boxes.
48:38And punch out some windows.
48:43Oh, and we can't forget the drawbridge.
48:47Just need some rope, or something similar.
48:56And what goes up, must come down.
48:59Now let's decorate with some tiles.
49:05Let's take a look inside.
49:07After all, you're the queen of this castle.
49:19Ooh, look, it's the catch of the day.
49:26Add to the pot with cardboard eggs, noodles, water, and seasoning.
49:35Either way, you're the chef.
49:39I think it's ready. Bon appétit!
49:48Next up, something sweet. Candy and soda.
49:52Add a dispenser, and a few familiar friends.
49:57And a bright red bow on top too.
50:02Now add a quarter to get a treat.
50:09You'll need something to wash it down with.
50:13I guess the drink's included.
50:16And it all tastes better with friends.
50:22It sure is hot. Let's sit down and relax.
50:26Oh, you sat in pain. But I don't hate the shade.
50:30Good idea. Be your own personal stamp.
50:40Uh-oh, your purse! Quick, pick up those coins!
50:46But we'll need to make something for all your loose change.
50:52And he's ready at the push of a button.
50:55Just plop down a coin, and he'll take it.
51:03And you can get it back with the twist of a dial.
51:14Nothing beats ice cream on a hot day.
51:20Of course, it might just be too hot.
51:26We need to make a fridge to keep all our things cool.
51:33Complete with a freezer on top.
51:38In fact, things are getting so cool, they're literally getting ice cold.
51:49Now take a bite.
51:56It's important to hydrate, but aim for your mouth.
52:00Well, at least we've still got the cans.
52:03It's a new chair.
52:06Just add a slipcover.
52:11But don't forget to make a soft seat.
52:20And I wouldn't say no to a few throw pillows.
52:32This castle sure has a lot of room.
52:38So we should let out the welcome mat and take you on the grand tour.
52:45Let's start with the laundry room.
52:51And there's even a little kitchen.
52:59Plus, there's more stuff in the pantry.
53:04Sure, there's a lot of things we made ourselves.
53:09But there's always room for a few more surprises.
53:16Wow, the sand ducky marks the spot.
53:23It's an amazing digital circus playbook.
53:29Uh-oh, Pomni's in trouble. We need to make a key.
53:36The circus is here to help. Now blend away.
53:43Good, we've got a key. Let's hope it fits.
53:48That's some key. The chains are disappearing.
53:52Yeah, Pomni's out of trouble.
53:55And back into it she goes.
54:04Ooh, I wonder what's going on here.
54:09Look, it's a bunch of air clay toys.
54:13Let's give them a good squeeze.
54:19Now it's Pomni's turn. Let's just see how far these guys can go.
54:29Well, I guess two heads squeeze better than one.
54:38Looks like someone's a little tongue-tied.
54:42But the best part about clay is mashing it all together.
54:46And pressing it into all kinds of shapes.
54:56Uh-oh, this doll's seen better days.
54:59What she needs is a fresh coat of wax.
55:04Don't worry, soon she'll be golden.
55:09Should be enough. Time to peel off.
55:14Now she needs a fresh coat of paint.
55:20Make sure to cover up that face.
55:23Cause we're gonna add a new one.
55:29Now let's add on a pair of ears.
55:36And we can't forget to make some accessories.
55:40And soon we've got a pretty kitty.
55:50A cup of some sort of liquid.
55:53Whatever it is, someone's gonna be a mommy.
55:57And here's our mommy in the making now.
56:02Wait a minute, it's dino treasure!
56:06Oh I see, there's just some assembly required.
56:11And we've got just the place to put you.
56:18And that's not all, she's laying an egg.
56:24We need to be careful opening it up.
56:28And now we've got a new snail.
56:33Don't worry, there's room for you too.
56:38It's Jimmy the Pig! He's one tough porker.
56:43Why don't we see just what he's made of?
56:47It's a little toothpaste nozzle.
56:50Well, add some toothpaste.
56:54Wait a minute, that's not toothpaste, it's purple paint.
57:00Which is just what you need when you're making a purple cat.
57:13Speaking of cats, there's one in the backpack.
57:18And look, she's made you a paw print.
57:22I know, let's fill it in with liquid glue.
57:28And cover it up with another color.
57:33Flip it over once it dries and let's get cutting.
57:42Soon we'll have our very own paw print mold.
57:47And just look at how jiggly it is.
57:53Let's just see how hard it stretches.
58:01Ouch! Oh, it's a toy dental kit.
58:05But it sure is a messy one.
58:10We can fix that, let's clean off all that gum.
58:15Let's floss too while we're at it.
58:19Not sure what this is, but it's going.
58:25Now let's put it somewhere safe.
58:31Hey, a lollipop buddy!
58:35Oh no!
58:37Eh, it's okay, the sandbox provides rolling candy.
58:43It even comes with its own dipping sauce.
58:47And there's always room for sprinkles.
58:51Either way, it tastes delicious.
58:55So take it for a spin.
