debate commentary 1

  • 3 months ago
00:00Hello friends in the Facebook. Yeah, welcome to Friday Night Live with Hunky Lee, a Facebook
00:06live edition. Yeah, I've been meaning to do this for a long time, okay, but I was just
00:10too busy with mathematics and, you know, my day job as a lawyer and Instagram live. Yeah,
00:18I was banned by Instagram live for a year, okay. Now we are back, like months ago. So,
00:24okay, so yeah, let's watch this Biden-Trump debate, okay. Well, because I'm running for
00:30U.S. President, too. I was not invited. No problem. Yeah, let's learn from the old school
00:36people, okay. Because, yeah, yeah, Biden-Trump, yeah, yeah, they're old school. I'm 46. They're
00:43in their 70s or 80s, okay. We look, we admire old generation, okay. We do, like our parents
00:50or grandparents generation, okay. So, my parents in Seoul South Square, they're in their 70s,
00:55okay. And so, yeah, yeah, let's learn from old school, okay. Yeah, absolutely, okay. Yeah,
01:03yeah, in YouTube, okay. Yeah, let's go. Yeah, I have not watched the full video of this debate
01:12yet because I was just too busy, okay. So, I guess now is the time and maybe we'll watch some
01:18full 30 minutes or so, okay. Because I'm kind of drunk, okay. Yeah, triple deco, okay. Yeah,
01:23Dailymotion show, and then Instagram live show, and then Facebook live show, okay.
01:28And all this time, I've been drinking. But, well, Dailymotion show, yeah, I only drank,
01:36like, later on because I control my drinking, okay. So, okay, yeah, let's go. Sure, welcome. Yep.
01:44Yeah, we'll watch this debate, Biden-Trump debate, and then maybe some, every now and then,
01:52some commentaries, okay. Sure. Okay. Let's go. Yep.
02:05We're live from Georgia, a key battleground state in the race for the White House. In just moments,
02:11the current U.S. President will debate the former U.S. President as their party's presumptive
02:18nominees of first in American history. We want to welcome our viewers in the United States and
02:25around the world to our studios in Atlanta. This is the CNN Presidential Debate. This debate is
02:32being produced by CNN and is coming to you live on CNN, CNN International,, CNN Maps,
02:40and CNN Español. This is a pivotal moment between President Joe Biden and former President
02:47Donald Trump in their rematch for the nation's highest office. Each will make his case to the
02:52American people with just over four months until Election Day. Good evening, I'm Dana Bash,
02:59anchor of CNN's Inside Politics and co-anchor of State of the Union.
03:03I'm Dick Tapper, anchor of CNN's The Lead and co-anchor of State of the Union.
03:08Yeah, I mean, I've been, I have seen that studio, okay, CNN, when I was in Georgia,
03:15Augusta, Georgia, when I was in the U.S. Army, the AIT, Advanced Individual Training as an
03:22Electrician for Helicopters, okay, so it was like something like Thanksgiving holiday, okay,
03:28some of, most, most of us U.S. Army student soldiers, yeah, they went to their homes,
03:35right, but there were some of us from foreign countries, okay, we could not quite go to homes.
03:43I'm from South South Korea, okay, so, and yeah, they gave us tour to CNN, yeah, from our AIT,
03:51yeah, they're focused on Georgia, Augusta, Georgia, okay, so they gave us tour to the,
03:59what is town, Atlanta, Georgia, okay, so it was very nice, okay,
04:03yeah, I was in U.S. Army back then, okay, that was like back in like 2010, okay,
04:1514 years ago, okay, yeah, yeah, we went to Coca-Cola factory and CNN studio as visitors,
04:25okay, and nice river, horseback riding, yeah, some paintball game, okay, in Georgia,
04:33when we were in U.S. Army soldiers, student soldiers in Advanced Individual Training in
04:39Fort Gordon, Georgia, okay, yeah, yeah, okay, let's continue, okay, yeah.
04:47Anna and I will co-moderate this evening, our job is to facilitate a debate between
04:54the two candidates tonight, before we introduce them, we want to share the rules of the debate
04:58with the audience at home, former President Trump will be on the left side of the screen,
05:03President Biden will be appearing on the right, a coin toss to determine their positions,
05:08each candidate will have two minutes to answer a question and one minute each for responses
05:14and rebuttals, an additional minute for follow-up clarification or response
05:18is at the moderator's discretion, when it's time for a candidate to speak, his microphone will be
05:25turned on and his opponent's microphone will be turned off, should a candidate interrupt when
05:30his microphone is muted, he will be difficult to understand for viewers at home, at the end
05:36of the debate, each candidate will get two minutes for closing statements, there is no studio audience
05:42tonight, free written notes, props or contact with campaign staff are not permitted during
05:48the debate, by accepting our invitation to debate, both candidates and their campaigns
05:53agreed to accept these rules, now please welcome the 46th President of the United States, Joe Biden,
06:01thank you, drinking warm water before bed, balances blood sugar levels and reverses type 2,
06:16thousands of people are, and please welcome the 45th President of the United States, Donald Trump,
06:30thank you, gentlemen, thanks so much for being here, let's begin the debate and let's start with
06:39the issue that voters consistently say is their top concern, the economy, President Biden, inflation
06:46has slowed but prices remain high, since you took office, the price of essentials has increased,
06:53for example, a basket of groceries that cost $100 then, now costs more than $120,
06:59and typical home prices have jumped more than 30%, what do you say to voters who feel they are
07:05worse off under your presidency than they were under President Trump? Well, some commentary,
07:11okay, so because Democratic Party, they hate oil and gas, okay, so they reduce the production of
07:21oil and gas in Alaska and other parts of America, so trucking business, okay, they're suffering
07:30because, yeah, it's economics, okay, the limited supply, constant demand for oil and gas drive up
07:41price, okay, look, my father is an economist, okay, he's an economist professor in South
07:50South Korea, okay, he's retired now but, yeah, he told me good economics about supply and demand
07:56and stuff, okay, so, yeah, it's common sense, like, well, they talk about climate change,
08:07I'm not worried about it, don't worry about it, okay, just get used to it, okay, so,
08:12if down in Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, it gets too hot, move to Wyoming, North Dakota or
08:20Minnesota, even Alaska, okay, yeah, we have plenty of lands in America, okay, well, climate change,
08:30whether it's anthropogenic or not, it's caused by human or by nature, it doesn't matter,
08:39okay, it happens, all right, so I'm not worried about climate change, okay, yeah, I'm pro fossil
08:46fuel, I'm pro oil and gas, okay, so I'm not being paid by oil and gas companies for saying this,
08:54to say this, maybe it's somewhat because I'm in Alaska, okay, yeah, we have PFT,
09:02Permanent Farm Development, yeah, that's oil and gas tech, like, business tax money, okay,
09:07we get like $1,000 per year, maybe sometimes like $2,000, on average about $1,000, maybe $1,500,
09:16I don't know, I have not been in Alaska for that long, I've been here for less than 10 years,
09:24maybe nine years, something like that, okay, yeah, yeah, Biden, Trump, they know nothing about
09:31economics, all right, yeah, so let's see what they have to say, okay, I'm pretty sure it's something
09:43very ignorant, all right, but whatever, yeah, let's at least enjoy their facial expression,
09:54because I'm an actor, director, entertainer, writer as well, okay, let's look at their facial
10:00expression, okay, yeah, because their content, substance, yeah, I don't think it's any good at
10:08all, okay, because they don't understand economics, like you and I do, okay, yeah,
10:15okay, let's go, let's enjoy their acting, acting, performance, facial expressions, sure, yeah,
10:27I take a look at what I was left when I became president,
10:31Mr. Trump loved me, we had an economy that was in free fall,
10:35pandemic was so bad, reaction, okay, yeah, many people were dying, reaction, facial expression,
10:40nice, the actors, economy collapsed, there were no jobs, unemployment rate was 15%, it was terrible,
10:50and so what we had to do was try to put things back together again, that's exactly what we began
10:54to do, we created 15,000 new jobs, we have 800,000 new manufacturing jobs, but there's more to be
11:03done, there's more to be done, working class people are still in trouble, I come from Scranton,
11:07Pennsylvania, I come from a household where the kitchen tables, things weren't able to be met
11:12during the month, it was a problem, the price of bags, the price of gas, the price of housing,
11:16the price of a whole range of things, that's why I'm working so hard to make sure I deal with those
11:21problems, and we're going to make sure that we reduce the price of housing, we're going to make
11:25sure we build two million new units, we're going to make sure we cap rents so corporate greed can't
11:31take over the combination, but I was left in the corporate greed reason why I read this problem
11:35right now. I really appreciate President Joe Biden's effort, okay, he's doing his best, right,
11:42yeah, he's 81, Trump is 78, three years younger, not too much age gap there, okay, but President Biden,
11:51yeah, I appreciate him, he's doing his best, right, he kind of look robotic sometimes, okay, but
11:59I really appreciate his effort, his endeavor, okay, he doesn't look like somebody who really cares,
12:08okay, other than himself, yeah, I appreciate him, he's Delaware lawyer, yeah, look, I'm an Alaska
12:18lawyer, okay, so I know about Delaware by exam, it's a corporate law, business law, okay, it's one
12:26of the most difficult states by exam to pass, I know about that, okay, but he passed it, he went
12:34to Syracuse law school, upstate New York, yeah, I've been to Syracuse before, I was in Cornell
12:40University in Ithaca, New York, okay, I think like two hours north drive, okay, I've been to Syracuse
12:47couple of times, okay, yeah, yeah, yeah, Delaware lawyer, yeah, corporate lawyer, okay, yeah, I guess
12:58he maybe understands some of business economics somewhat, yeah, Trump, yeah, he's businessman,
13:05right, yeah, real estate developer, yeah, he knows about business too, maybe he understands
13:12some economics too, okay, just to be fair, okay, but the older generation, my economics
13:21better than theirs, of course, okay, just saying, okay, let's go, yeah, yeah, interesting, yeah, beautiful
13:30stage, yeah, CNN, Atlanta, very beautiful setting, high technology, sure, yeah, let's continue, yeah.
13:39In addition to that, we're in a situation where if you had to take a look at all that was done
13:44in his administration, he didn't do much at all, by the time he left, things were in chaos,
13:50literally chaos, and so we put things back together, we created, I said, those jobs, we
13:55made sure we had a situation where we now, we brought down the price of prescription drugs,
14:00which is a major issue for many people, to $15 for a insulin shot, as opposed to $400,
14:08no senior has to pay more than $200 for any drug, all the drugs, good split screen, yeah, reactions,
14:15yeah, yeah, nice, I like that, everybody, yep, yep, that'd be a good job, camera job,
14:21I appreciate it, camera people, okay, cinema, thank you, President Trump, we had the greatest
14:27economy in the history of our country, we have never done so well, everybody was amazed by it,
14:34other countries were copying us, we got hit with COVID, and what we did, we spent the money
14:40necessary so we wouldn't end up in a Great Depression, the likes of which we had in 1929,
14:45by the time we finished, so we did a great job, we got a lot of credit for the economy,
14:49a lot of credit for the military, and no wars, and so many other things, everything was rocking good,
14:55but the thing we never got the credit for, and we, well, I mean, look,
15:00when COVID-19 happened during Trump, okay, he invited Dr. Anthony, right, Fauci, okay, Trump
15:10invited, I guess Dr. Anthony Fauci is from National Institute of Health, okay, some of my friends
15:19worked there, okay, I did study in Cornell University, PhD program, I dropped out of two
15:27years, but when I was there, yeah, computational biology, okay, so I have many friends in computer
15:31science and biology, okay, so some of my friends went to NIH, okay, so even back in, like, Madison,
15:39Wisconsin, computer science day, okay, yeah, some of my friends went to NIH too, okay, National
15:44Institute of Health, okay, so I guess Dr. Anthony Fauci was a director of NIH, I don't know,
15:53director of NIH, I don't know, maybe, but Trump invited Dr. Fauci, Anthony Fauci, okay, and he
16:04just took the baton over to him, that was his greatest mistake, one of the greatest mistakes,
16:10okay, so Dr. Anthony Fauci, yeah, he, yeah, during COVID-19 in, what, 2019, 2020, okay,
16:19yeah, he installed the mandatory mask, like, mandatory vaccine, or lockdown,
16:26stay in the house, don't go to work, that happened to, during Donald J. Trump,
16:33he handed it over to Dr. Fauci, Anthony Fauci, okay, that's what Trump did, why? Because he,
16:40Trump, he does not understand biology, science,
16:47okay, he came up with this idea of, yeah, ivermectin, or hypo, or hydroxycortin, whatever,
16:58some, like,
17:00let's give a drug to horse, to cure horse's bacterial problem, or, I don't know, intestinal,
17:09yeah, the bugs, like this, like, parasite, it's like superstition, right?
17:21Right? Trump, he does not understand science, so he had to rely on this scientist,
17:34Dr. Anthony Fauci, okay, but he's not a very good scientist either, okay, mandatory vaccine,
17:40mandatory mask, it happened under Trump, it did not happen during Joe Biden, he started
17:49in Trump era, he let it happen, he hired, he brought Dr. Anthony Fauci, who's kind of,
17:59maybe a little bit politically ambitious, maybe he wanted to be famous, center of the focus,
18:07media attention, but that was Trump, it was not Biden, okay, what Trump is doing here is all lies,
18:17okay, yeah, he's a liar, he's a convicted felon, he's a criminal, I do not want him to be the next
18:25president, okay, I think Trump is worse than Biden, Biden is zero, Trump, negative five,
18:34yeah, Trump is bad for the country, Biden, he do nothing, because he's not capable of doing
18:39anything, he's too old to do anything functional, okay, Biden, yeah, he's doing nothing, zero,
18:45okay, Trump, he will do like negative five, like January 6th, right, yeah, how many people
18:54died that day, many, how many people went to prison that day, January 6th, 2021, okay,
19:03yeah, maybe hundreds, thousands, right, they ruined their lives for this guy, Trump, okay,
19:10yeah, yeah, Trump derangement syndrome, okay, yeah, it's like North Korea, Russia,
19:17Iran, idolatry, back in days in Mongolia, Genghis Khan, okay, how many people died for this
19:26immoral, self-centered, selfish man, okay, yeah, in U.S. president's history,
19:40not, nobody in U.S. presidential history went to prison for this
19:51just immoral president, okay, does he care, Donald Trump, no, he distorted them from himself,
20:04after January 6th, oh, yeah, I did not say that, yeah, he was patriotic,
20:10I told them, yeah, January 6th, 2021, be patriotic, be peaceful,
20:17okay, but he wanted that to happen,
20:24January 6th, 2021, three years ago, he was watching television, he did not send like national guards
20:33or more police officers to Capitol Hill, why, because he wanted them to invade Capitol Hill
20:44to stop the approval process, and he was enjoying watching television in the White House,
20:55that's, he wanted that to happen, that's why he did not send troops to there to stop this trespass,
21:06he wanted that to happen, that's why he did not send any troops there,
21:10he could have, he was president, he's a criminal, committing felon, okay,
21:16yeah, Donald Trump should be in prison, I'm a lawyer, okay, I don't do criminal law,
21:23I do civil law, okay, but Donald Trump, he should be in prison, okay, for treason,
21:31he's felony, okay, federal felony, okay, okay, let's take five minutes break, okay,
21:43I'm kind of getting drunk, okay,
21:48it's late at night in Alaska, okay, so, we'll watch the rest, maybe tomorrow,
21:55the day after tomorrow, or next weekend, okay, because there's a lot here, a lot going on here,
22:02okay, so, okay, yeah, we'll take five minutes break, and then,
22:07I gotta go to bathroom, okay, so, yeah, welcome to Human Rights, okay, yeah,
22:15but it's entertaining, okay, yeah, Trump-Biden debate, very entertaining,
22:20okay, let's take five minutes break, thank you, yeah, yeah, welcome to Humanology, okay,
22:28yeah, festival live edition, yeah, Friday night live, totally, weekend edition, okay,
22:33yeah, I love NPR, okay, yeah, they're too liberal in my taste, but, I'm independent, but, yeah,
22:41that's fine,
26:41all right, friends, welcome back, we're back, I mean, like, yeah, Trump is controversial figure,
26:54I mean, I like his apprentice show, his book, like, Art of the Deal, or Art of Coming Back,
27:02yeah, I read them, I guess I read, like, three of his books, yeah, apprentice TV show, yeah,
27:09season one, season two, yeah, I did watch them, okay, so, yeah, yeah, look, I'm independent,
27:17I used to be Republican Party person, okay, I made friends there in different parties too,
27:23Democratic Party, I made friends there too, okay, I love everybody, okay, so, I don't hate anyone,
27:29okay, so, let's listen to this convicted criminal Donald Trump, he's a liar, okay,
27:36yeah, let's look at him lying, sure,
27:44he's an entertaining figure, I like him, okay, he's funny, sure,
27:51what we should have is getting us out of that COVID mess, he created mandates that was a disaster for
27:57our country, but other than that, we had, we had given them back a, a country where the stock
28:03market actually was higher than pre-COVID, and nobody thought that was even possible,
28:08the only jobs he created are for illegal immigrants and bounce-back jobs, a bounce-back from the
28:13COVID, he has not done a good job, he's done a poor job, and inflation's killing our country,
28:18it is absolutely killing, well, okay, okay, but he does mention very important topics,
28:25illegal immigration, right, yeah, I agree with Mr. Trump, okay, yeah, we need to build Southern
28:30Border Wall, okay, I agree, okay, and I express my idea of a more efficient way of building Southern
28:39Border Wall, okay, so, like, advertisement, billboard charge, billboard along the Southern
28:45Border Wall, we can commercialize it, we don't have to use taxpayers' money, okay, yeah,
28:51because when immigrants come here, okay, they are, they don't have that much money,
28:57okay, so some of them resort to violence, like theft, or violence, like stuff, okay, it did happen,
29:09okay, and I'm very sorry about it, okay, yeah, we, we do need to build Southern Border Wall,
29:17yeah, we, we do need to build Southern Border Wall, I agree with him, Trump, okay,
29:24but he's too extreme, okay, he's like,
29:33when it comes to people who are illegally here in America, undocumented immigrants,
29:39illegal immigrants, undocumented people, if they have a good job, they're working,
29:45I think they should stay, okay, but when it comes to criminals, whether they are domestic or
29:53illegal immigrant criminals, yeah, they should be in jail, okay, yeah, okay, but even people who
30:04are here in America illegally, but if they have good job, they are law-abiding people,
30:12I think they should stay, because we need them, we do need them, okay, they're hard-working people,
30:20although they're maybe undocumented or illegal immigrants, but they're not committing any crimes,
30:26they're law-abiding people, I think they should stay, okay, oh, yeah, thank you, thank you,
30:35friends, yeah, welcome, welcome, thank you, welcome back, okay, yeah, as promised, yeah, we'll
30:43watch this Biden-Trump debate and we'll make some commentaries, okay, yeah, please feel free to make
30:50your own commentaries, okay, yeah, thank you, welcome, yeah, welcome back, okay, let's go,
30:57welcome, thank you, yeah,
31:03okay, yeah, let's relax, sit back and enjoy these two old white people,
31:12two old white guys in their 70s or 80s, doing their best, right, yeah, let's enjoy the scene,
31:20okay, sure, yeah, yeah, I think they're fine, okay, yeah, yes, thank you, President Biden,
31:29well, look, the greatest economy in the world, he's the only one who thinks that, I think,
31:32I'm not anybody else who thinks the greatest economy in the world, and, you know, the fact
31:37of the matter is that we find ourselves in a situation where his economy, he rewarded the
31:44wealthy, he has the largest tax cut in American history, two trillion dollars, he raised the
31:49deficit larger than any president has in any one term, he's the only president other than
31:53Herbert Hoover, who's had lost more jobs than he had when he began, since Herbert Hoover,
31:58the idea that he did something that was significant in the military, you know,
32:03when he was president, they were still killing people in Afghanistan, he didn't do anything
32:07about that, when he was president, we still found ourselves in a position where you had a notion
32:13that we were this safe country, the truth is I'm the only president this century that doesn't have
32:19any, this decade, that none of any troops died anywhere in the world like he did. President
32:27Trump, I want to follow up, if I can, you want to respond to him, well, I'm going to ask you a follow
32:31up, you can do whatever you want with the minute that we give you, I want to follow up, you want
32:35to impose a 10% tariff on all goods coming into the U.S., how will you ensure that that doesn't
32:41drive prices even higher? Not going to drive them higher, it's just going to cost countries that have
32:44been ripping us off for years, like China, and many others, in all fairness to China, it's going to just...
32:51Again, okay, yeah, very good question, right? Yeah, I mean, both Biden and Trump, they want to raise
33:00the tariff, it's like foreign exportation, importation tax, okay, so these people do not
33:10understand economics, okay, they should know better, okay, Joe Biden, he's a Delaware lawyer, okay, Delaware is
33:20about business law, corporate law, okay, he passed the bar, okay, Trump, he's a businessman, like a
33:32Brooklyn businessman, okay, they should know better, but they're not very well educated in the study of
33:38economics, okay, the way it works is this, okay, yeah, okay, when America start to tariff
33:49China, for example, okay, yeah, there is a tax, okay, okay, like Chinese ramen noodle used to be one dollar,
34:01but it came from China, and Biden, Trump, they hate China, yeah, we impose tariff, it's a tax, like 20 percent,
34:11so one dollar Chinese ramen noodle coming to America, well, you have to pay 20 percent, like 20 cents,
34:20so instead of one dollar Chinese ramen noodle, yeah, it will be one dollar and 20 cents, okay,
34:27but Chinese companies, ramen noodle companies in China, they're not going to take it, okay, they just pass it on to the
34:36consumers in America, yeah, they're not going to absorb that loss, taxation, tariff, tariff is
34:45foreign taxation, importation, taxation, okay, yeah, they just pass it on to the American customers, so
34:53now one dollar, it used to be one dollar Chinese ramen noodle, okay, now it's one dollar and 20 cents,
35:01who suffer? Chinese companies do not suffer it, it will be American consumers who suffer it, okay,
35:12because instead of one dollar Chinese ramen noodle, now it's one dollar and 20 cents,
35:18yeah, business people, it's just passing on to consumers, they just raise the price,
35:26as Trump, Biden, they raise the tax, tariff, okay, yeah, Trump, Biden, they know nothing
35:34about economics, okay, yeah, they are ignorant, to put it gently and lightly, okay,
35:43yeah, but it's funny, it's hilarious, how ignorant these top two candidates in American presidential
35:52election is, but I'm running for U.S. president, I'm uncanny, okay, I'm running for U.S. president,
35:59okay, registered candidate, FEC, Federal Uniform Commission, okay, oh yeah, so thank you for your
36:06support, okay, thank you, God bless you, yeah, let's go, okay, thank you, thank you,
36:13yeah, let's just laugh at them, okay, yeah, yeah, it's entertainment, it's comedy, yeah, let's continue,
36:37just force them to pay us a lot of money, reduce our deficit tremendously,
36:41and give us a lot of power for other things, but he made a statement, the only thing he was
36:45right about is, I gave you the largest tax cut in history, I also gave you the largest regulation cut
36:50in history, that's why we had all the jobs, and the jobs went down, and then they bounced back,
36:55and he's taking credit for bounce back jobs, you can't do that, he also said he inherited nine
37:00percent inflation, no, he inherited almost no inflation, and it stayed that way for 14 months,
37:05and then it blew up under his leadership, because they spent money like a bunch of people that didn't
37:10know what they were doing, and they don't know what they were doing, it was the worst, probably
37:13the worst administration in history, there's never been, and as far as Afghanistan is concerned,
37:19I was getting out of Afghanistan, but we're getting out with dignity, with strength,
37:24with power, he got out, it was the most embarrassing day in the history of our country's life,
37:29President Trump, over the last eight years, under both of your administrations, the national,
37:35okay, yeah, getting out of Afghanistan, okay, so, yeah, I give credit for Mr, former President Trump,
37:43okay, you see, it is an important issue, okay, but I was in Afghanistan back in 2011,
37:50when I was in the U.S. Army, active duty,
37:56electrician of helicopter, okay, yeah, E4 specialist, junior enlisted, okay, so,
38:01I was there for one year, okay, we had a very good time, they're great people,
38:05Afghanistani people, they're fantastic, they're amazing, okay, so, that was my experience,
38:11it was under President Barack Obama, yeah, Operation Enduring Freedom, back in 2011,
38:17okay, so, I was there for one year, okay, but Mr. Joe Biden, yeah, withdrew the troop from
38:24Afghanistan, okay, yeah, there's some hiccups, yeah, some people passed away, I'm very sorry,
38:32okay, but I think, by and large, I think President Biden did the right thing to withdraw
38:39the troops, American troops from Afghanistan, okay, because it was time to stop spending American
38:50money to foreign countries, okay, Trump, yeah, MAGA, make America great again, yeah, America first,
38:58okay, but that's what Mr. Joe Biden, President Joe Biden did, yeah, caring about America first,
39:08yeah, let's stop spending, let us stop spending American taxpayers' money, hard-working Americans'
39:15money to foreign countries, okay, so, I think President Joe Biden did the right thing to
39:22bring back American troops from Afghanistan, okay, he was just spending too much money,
39:27American taxpayers' money, okay, I think he did the right thing, okay, it was not perfect,
39:33okay, Trump, he didn't do it, yeah, Biden did it, okay,
39:40okay, okay, just to be fair, look, I'm independent, I'm slightly right-leaning, okay,
39:53I'm center-right, a little bit more conservative than liberal, okay, but I want to be fair,
40:03okay, all right, let's continue, sure, yeah,
40:12fruitful discussion here, okay, yeah, sure, yeah, I, yeah, Facebook Live, yeah, they'll
40:19terminate this after 30 days, I understand, okay, but I'll download this to my cell phone and I'll
40:25upload to Dailymotion, so that it would last longer, okay, all right, yeah, let's go, yeah,
40:35that soared to record highs, and according to a new non-partisan analysis, yeah, also,
40:39we have friends who would kindly and generously rebroadcast this to some other social media
40:46platform, yeah, go for it, okay, yeah, thank you, yeah, you got my appointment now, yeah,
40:54this President Trump, your administration approved, yeah, hungary brand is copyright waived, okay,
41:01let's go, with 8.4 trillion dollars in new debt, well, so far, President Biden, you've approved
41:074.3 trillion dollars in new debt, so, former President Trump, many of the tax cuts that you
41:12signed into law are set to expire next year, you want to extend them and go even further, you say,
41:18with the U.S. facing trillion-dollar deficits and record debt, why should top earners and
41:23corporations pay even less in taxes than they do now? Because the tax cuts spurred the greatest
41:29economy that we've ever seen, just prior to COVID, and even after COVID, it was so strong that we're
41:33able to get through COVID much better than just about any other country, but we spurred, that tax
41:38spurred, now, when we cut the taxes, as an example, the corporate tax was cut down to 21% from 39%,
41:46plus beyond that, we took in more revenue with much less tax, and companies were bringing back
41:52trillions of dollars back into our country, the country was going like never before, and we were
41:58ready to start paying down debt, we're ready to start using the liquid gold right under our feet,
42:02the oil and gas right under our feet, we were going to have something that nobody else has had,
42:07we got hit with COVID, we did a lot to fix it, I gave him an unbelievable situation,
42:13with all of the therapeutics and all of the things that we came up with,
42:17we gave him something great, remember, I like that reaction, okay, under his administration,
42:23even though we had to fix it, more people died under his administration than our administration,
42:29and we were right in the middle of it, something which a lot of people like to do. Yeah, I think
42:32President Biden is underrated. He did the mandate, which is a disaster, mandating it,
42:39the vaccine went out, he did a mandate on the vaccine, which is the thing that people
42:43were not subjected to about the vaccine, and he did a very poor job. You brought Anthony Fauci
42:51to the White House, mandated stuff from you, Trump, okay? They don't respect our leadership,
42:56they don't respect the United States anymore, we're like a third world nation, between
43:01weaponization of his election, trying to go after his political opponent, all of the things he's
43:06done, we've become like a third world nation, and it's a shame, the damage he's done to our country,
43:12and I'd love to ask him, and will, why he allowed millions of people to come in here from prisons,
43:17jails, and mental institutions to come into our country and destroy our country.
43:23Well, that's a fiction, right? Yeah, Trump is a liar, okay?
43:28I have to side with Biden in this debate, okay, because Trump is, yeah,
43:34he's three years younger than Biden, okay, but he just, look,
43:44I'm a writer, I'm fiction, I write fiction. Fictions, they're imagination, okay? I write
43:52short stories, okay, fictions. I publish once a month, yeah, like, in the name of humanity,
44:00he prays, right, in Amazon Kindle, okay? I publish, like, novel, short story, short collection,
44:12okay? Is it a lie? No, it's imagination, okay, but what Trump is saying is, yeah, this is the fact,
44:20but it's not, but in imaginary space, like a novel, fiction, short story, we are assuming that
44:29this is not a real world, it's an imaginary world, we are imagining things, okay, but so that's not
44:34a lie, okay? So my recommendation to Mr. Trump, start writing a novel, okay, and stop lying.
44:44Do not say this fact is this fact, that's not correct, okay?
44:54Yeah, Biden is bad, but I think Trump is worse, he's a criminal, liar. Biden,
45:06well, at least he's not criminal, okay? Yeah, he does lie sometimes, yeah, but I do not think
45:17Biden is as bad as Trump, okay? Trump is entertaining, three years younger than Biden,
45:23okay, but in this election, okay, yeah, I'm running for U.S. president too, 2024, okay,
45:31but between Trump and Biden, yeah, I think Trump is worse than Biden. Biden is bad,
45:36but I think Trump is worse, okay? Yeah, for the record, okay? Trump is too toxic, poisonous,
45:44he's a criminal, he's evil, liar, dishonesty, okay? Yeah, he's been to prison once, what happened
45:53there? Yeah, January 6th, COVID-19, George Floyd, like, pandemic, right? He's not doing very well.
46:03When Biden was the president, past four years, nothing as bad as George Floyd or COVID-19
46:11happened, okay? But because he's doing nothing. Trump, doing very bad thing for the country,
46:19like January 6th, COVID-19, George Floyd, okay? Very bad things, that's Trump era, okay?
46:27Joe Biden, yeah, nothing as bad happened to America. Yeah, something bad happened outside of
46:35America. Yeah, Ukraine, Russia, yeah, Gaza, Hamas, Israel, it is horrible. I'm very sorry that
46:49happened, but it happened outside of America, okay? But during Trump era, something really bad
46:59happened in Trump era, COVID-19, George Floyd, January 6th, it happened inside of America, in
47:06America, okay? When Trump was president, when Biden was president, something very bad happened,
47:16but it happened outside of America, okay? Like, yeah, Hamas, Gaza, and Israel, Ukraine, and Russia,
47:26it was bad, but it happened outside of America, okay? Yeah, Trump said, America first.
47:34When he was president, very bad things happened in America first. When Biden was president,
47:43yeah, very bad happened outside of America first, okay? I'm kind of like sympathizing with Biden,
47:55okay? Because Trump, he's an evil guy, he's immoral, he's a criminal, a convicted felon.
48:04I do not want Trump to be U.S. president. He will do even worse things to America. He's an evil man,
48:15convicted felon, criminal, okay? Biden, yeah, he sided with LGBT. I do not like LGBT, okay? But at
48:26least he's kind of neutral, more moderate. Trump, too extreme. When Trump was president,
48:36uh, he tried to, his people, he does not know me, I'm not famous, okay? But his people tried to
48:44get me out of America, okay? Yeah, Trump's people, when he was president, 2016, I voted for him,
48:55okay? But when he was there, his people tried to get me out of America. I remember that, okay?
49:04Yeah, his people, yeah, investigated me huntly.
49:17In Trump's eyes and his people's eyes, I'm not American enough, although I was in U.S. army
49:26for four years, okay? They tried to kick me out of this country, okay? So I do not want Trump to
49:35be U.S. president, no. Okay? You want to vote for him? Yeah, go for it, okay? It's your freedom,
49:46okay? I expect that, okay?
49:48Okay. But I will disagree with you, okay?
49:58Yeah. Yeah, you vote for Trump. Go for it. It's your freedom. You're in America, okay?
50:21Yeah. But I will have to disagree with you. Why?
50:31It's personal reason, okay? Yeah, I watched his operatic TV show. I wrote him letter,
50:38Trump, when he was there in White House, okay? He's like, summer internship, college student
50:46pretending Trump. Yeah, yeah, send me back the response letter. That was nice, okay? But some of
50:54his people, under his directive, okay? They investigated me, about me, okay? Okay, your
51:02parents are Korean nationals, so you may be illegal immigrants, okay? They did try to
51:09kick me out of America, okay? I will never forget that, okay? Trump is too extreme, okay? So
51:19you want to vote for Trump? Yeah, go for it, okay? But I will have to disagree with you,
51:24okay? Trump is very negative to American nation. Biden, zero. Not functional, maybe, okay?
51:35Trump, negative. Biden, zero. Hunkily, for U.S. President, yeah, plus seven, positive, okay?
51:44Biden, zero. He's not, he's too old, okay? Trump, yeah, negative. Five, okay? I will leave you with
51:55that thought, and I will try to upload this to Dailymotion, maybe, if I can. I don't know too
52:05much about modern technology, okay? I'm still struggling, but whatever, okay? Yeah, maybe we
52:15watch the next 10 minutes of debate, maybe tomorrow. Maybe over next year,
52:24once a month, because I'm old too. Trump, 78. Biden, 81. Hunkily, 46. But yeah, we are old
52:34school, okay? Yeah, we're old. We are very slow, okay? We will keep pace, okay? Thank you, all right?
52:44Yeah, it's very significant video commentary, right? So, I'll do my best to download this
52:55footage some more, if I can, okay? If not, maybe you can, okay? But don't worry about it, okay?
53:04Because we can do it somewhere else, okay? But, my friends, God bless you. God bless you.
53:12Thank you. Yeah, focus on education, career development, love martial arts, exercise and diet,
53:20okay? Focus on education, career development, love martial arts, career development, education,
53:26career development, yeah. Yeah, exercise, diet, love martial arts, learn good hobbies,
53:39professions, okay? Thank you. Yeah, good night. Yeah, I'll just go to bed, start sleeping. Thank
53:48you. Yeah, good night. Yep, we'll continue watching this debate, maybe some other time,
53:55okay? It's just way too much, okay? Oh, okay. Thank you. Yeah, see you, uh, see you later,
54:05okay? Thank you. Yeah.