La torre de Mabel capitulo 52 part 1

  • 3 months ago


00:00It seems to me that this is a lack of brutal professionalism.
00:06What do you think, detectives?
00:09After an irregular procedure, rushed, based on simple talk?
00:16I don't know about you addicts, but I think it's a lack of brutal professionalism.
00:24These ladies, worthy ladies, can't be accused of any crime.
00:30And less of a sexual nature.
00:32Of course.
00:33This humiliates them as human beings and even worse as women.
00:38I don't know if you got a memo.
00:42I'll inform you.
00:43From now on, women have the right to everything.
00:47Even to express themselves artistically, which is what I think my clients were doing.
00:53Am I wrong?
00:57What will the written press think?
00:59The world?
01:00When it finds out that our detectives prevented a group of women from exercising their right to artistic expression?
01:11What will people think?
01:13When it finds out that they treated a poor old man, clearly in a terrible state of health, with a cancerous scrotum exposed?
01:25A sad retiree who, about to stretch his leg, decides to dedicate his last days to photography.
01:33Let's see, Mr. René.
01:34Raúl René.
01:35Mr. Raúl René, listen to me.
01:37So much talk.
01:38This is not an oral trial, sir.
01:40But what is an oral trial, you tell me, sir?
01:42If you are mistreating...
01:49My love.
01:50My love.
01:51My love, are you okay?
01:52The only person responsible for all this.
01:54No, no, no.
01:55No, sorry.
01:56But the only person responsible for all this.
01:59Hey, I have nothing to do with it.
02:03We don't know who he is.
02:05He needs medical assistance.
02:07Take him away.
02:08We don't know who he is.
02:12Do you really want all this about your institution?
02:17How are you going over there?
02:18I have an emergency here.
02:20Sorry, Raúl.
02:21Is everything okay?
02:22Is everything in order from what I see, right?
02:23I need to retire.
02:24Go easy, doctor.
02:26Let's see, one moment, sir.
02:27Nobody can retire.
02:28Sir, nobody can retire from here.
02:30Because nobody has...
02:34The doctor has an open-air surgery.
02:36Do you really want to retain him?
02:38The gentleman cannot retire from here
02:40because he has not shown his proper identification.
02:45Should I also add this to your list of errors, detective?
02:53Now, detective, for the purpose of presenting the lawsuit,
02:59did you act on your own or...
03:03Should I involve this entire worthy institution?
03:11Detective, thank you very much.
03:14Let's go, please.
03:17Bye, thank you.
03:27Yes, Sheila.
03:29Hey, I wanted to ask you something.
03:32By any chance, have you seen Wilson?
03:35Has he been around?
03:37Oh, no.
03:39Don't worry.
03:40No, no.
03:41I'll take care of him next week.
03:44Don't worry.
03:55Let's see.
03:56Who's there?
03:58Let's see.
04:00Come here.
04:03Come here.
04:06I did nothing.
04:07I'm shocked.
04:08I did nothing.
04:09I did nothing, darling!
04:11And now you're betraying us.
04:13Did I say something to you?
04:15No, I didn't say anything.
04:17I'm so surprised.
04:19You want to blame me?
04:21I just wanted to ...
04:22No, nothing happens.
04:23He was a neighbor detective...
04:29From the sensual crimes unit.
04:31He caught the girl I don't know what,
04:34I don't know why, but she thought she was a prostitute and that I was a whore, but I...
04:38You're going to be a whore!
04:40No, I'm not! That's why I'm not going anywhere!
04:45You know what?
04:51Why didn't you tell me this before?
04:54Why didn't you tell me this before?
04:56You wanted to blame me, that's what you wanted!
04:59No, Chenita!
05:00I swear on my mother, may she rest in peace!
05:03You're a mother!
05:04I am!
05:06I am!