
  • 4 months ago
00:00Anyway, where will this go? Here! Perfect! Everything is in its place!
00:08Hey! Psst! Look here!
00:11Wow! So much makeup and it's all in one! This is great!
00:17Wait, I'll show you this!
00:20No! Where did it go?
00:24I found your makeup! You know the rules, right? This is not allowed!
00:30Hey! Look here! I'll show you a trick!
00:36We'll take our makeup palette and a cotton swab. Now we'll listen to the colors and start swabbing.
00:42I have a cotton swab for each color.
00:45So, let's do the makeup now!
00:48Wow! What a color!
00:52This is absolutely perfect!
00:55Okay! This is ready!
00:57Let's start!
01:00Yes! This is done!
01:04Mine too!
01:07We are looking very beautiful! High five!
01:15Oh wow! I forgot to put them in the box!
01:18Oh! I forgot to put them in the box!
01:27Oh no! The scanner didn't work!
01:32Yes! I have a better idea! I'll hide it!
01:37Perfect! Now the scanner won't even know!
01:42Oh no! It's spread! Hello ma'am!
01:46What's the problem?
01:49Oh! I didn't do anything! I'm just telling you! How is this possible?
01:56Oh! I don't want this to happen!
02:01Hmm! I can do something!
02:04I'll put this sticky foam tape on my phone case.
02:08Great! Now let's remove the paper and put my eye shadow case here.
02:12This fits perfectly!
02:14Now I'll put my phone in the box.
02:19Yes! And it didn't work! Hmm!
02:22What's on the case?
02:24See! It makes it easier to hold the phone!
02:28Oh! Anyway! It's okay! Go and sit!
02:33It's very fun!
02:36Yes! I have some work! I'll call you later!
02:39Eww! My phone screen got dirty! And my face too!
02:44Enough! I have to fix it!
02:54Eww! It's so dirty!
02:57No one is watching! I should keep walking!
03:00So, where is it? It was somewhere here!
03:04Found it!
03:06I want this leaf!
03:08I hid this make-up plant very cleverly!
03:11And it wasn't that difficult!
03:14He took a pot and filled it with floral foam.
03:17Now cover it with plastic.
03:20Perfect! Like this!
03:22Now it's time for the foundation!
03:24I put powder on this plastic ring.
03:27It's enough to cover it well.
03:29Great! Now I need leaves and my glue gun.
03:33First, I'll put glue behind the leaf.
03:35And now I'll put a blender sponge.
03:38Great! Now I'll put this fake plant on it.
03:41Now it's time to apply make-up!
03:43Go in this hole and done!
03:45Now I can use my emergency plant make-up stash.
03:48I just need to touch up!
03:50Much better!
03:52Oh! Teacher is here!
03:54Wait a second!
03:56What's happening behind me?
03:58Oh! I'm examining this plant!
04:01Anyway, I liked it!
04:04Make-up disaster averted!
04:07What's this? Who caught me?
04:10Hey! Take off your mask!
04:12Wow! What an attitude!
04:14We should say please to him!
04:16If you're happy now, take it from a good side!
04:19There's no such thing in jail!
04:21So, I'm keeping all this make-up here!
04:24No! It could be! But not this!
04:30Please! Look what you're doing!
04:34What could be worse than this?
04:36Without make-up!
04:38Hello dear! Can you make some space here?
04:42Oh! Please forgive me!
04:44Thank you! I'm here to meet Sophia!
04:47Oh! I got it!
04:49Can I give her something to drink?
04:51Oh! No! He's peeing on me!
04:53Good aim!
04:55It's very dirty! Stop him!
04:57I'm feeling sick!
04:59You did a good job!
05:01Apple juice!
05:03Okay! Let's go!
05:08Hey! Let's go!
05:10You came to meet me?
05:12Yes! And I have a surprise for you!
05:14Who's the cutest baby?
05:16What's wrong with him?
05:18Why do you have this doll?
05:20Doll is a decoy!
05:22Look what's in the bucket!
05:24Wow! Make-up!
05:26Try this! It's a beautiful color!
05:32Oh! Yes! I can take this bath!
05:36Thank you! That's what I wanted!
05:41Oh! He's not looking at me!
05:43He's looking at the boat!
05:45This is my chance!
05:47Be careful! I hope he doesn't look at me!
05:54Wait a second!
05:56Do you think you're very smart?
05:59Let's see!
06:08Yes! It's me!
06:10You know the rules, don't you?
06:12Okay! Here's my lipstick!
06:16No one can get away from my eyes!
06:19And that lipstick was totally new!
06:22Hey! I got a great idea from this pencil!
06:25Yes! This will be useful for me!
06:27First of all, I have to take out the eraser!
06:30Now, let's put this straw in the end!
06:33I have to cut the useless part!
06:35Now, I need the lipstick!
06:37I'll melt it on the spoon!
06:39Now, this is liquid!
06:41We can put it in the straw mold!
06:43Be careful! Don't drop it!
06:45And it's done! It's dry!
06:47Now, we can take out the straw!
06:49I did it! My pencil is a lipstick eraser!
06:52Yes! What's going on behind me?
06:54Rosie! Is this make-up?
06:57Oh! No, ma'am! This is just my pencil!
07:01Anyway! I'm glad to know!
07:05I don't want to go to school, ma'am!
07:08Get up! Get up!
07:13Get up! It's time to get up! Let's go!
07:16Wow! She is so selfish!
07:20What is she doing?
07:22I'm very busy in the morning!
07:24Let me do my make-up first!
07:26Oh! She is beautiful!
07:29I have to look good!
07:31What's going on here?
07:32Nothing! Really!
07:35I was doing my paper work!
07:38So, you don't want to do your paper work?
07:40Okay! Nothing is right!
07:42But, whatever it is!
07:44See you later!
07:46Oh, no! Where is my night stick?
07:50Oh! I have an idea!
07:54Let me take a nap! I'm very tired!
07:57Did you say nap?
07:59Get up! No one will sleep here! Let's go!
08:02Don't force me to come there!
08:05This is my chance!
08:07I did it!
08:10I'm looking so beautiful!
08:13How? Where? What?
08:15You fooled me!
08:17Don't even try again!
08:19Don't even try again!
08:26Come on! Move your arms and legs!
08:28And pump your blood!
08:30You are doing great, friends!
08:32Increase your speed!
08:34Just 30 more minutes!
08:36And you want results, right?
08:41Oh! I'm tired already!
08:43He won't pay attention when I stop!
08:48Don't you know the rules?
08:50I think he is paying attention!
08:53You can talk to me later!
08:55But, now!
08:59I have to do this fast!
09:01Thank God! I brought an extra one!
09:04I can feel it!
09:07And here comes the bubble!
09:10This is my exercise ball!
09:14I think we are going to do this now!
09:17Good idea, Lily!
09:19And one, two, three!
09:25Come on! Defense!
09:26Come on! Defense!
09:28Take the ball!
09:30And score!
09:32Go! Go! Go!
09:34Hey! Do you want candy?
09:39You didn't read the sign!
09:41Food is not allowed here!
09:43Rules are rules!
09:45She is going to score!
09:48So, what do we have here today?
09:53Oh! I'm caught!
09:55Who wants so much candy?
09:57Just don't call my parents!
10:06Oh! I can see stars!
10:10But, I have a great idea!
10:12Oh, yes!
10:14Let's meet!
10:16Let's play basketball!
10:18And cut it with a blade!
10:21Did you find an empty space?
10:22Now, fill it!
10:24You can fit a lot of things in it!
10:31I have brought the ball!
10:35Hey! Are you okay now?
10:39This is amazing!
10:41My favorite!
10:43The game is more fun now!
10:49Oh! Hide it!
10:50Are you watching the game, coach?
11:00Hello, class!
11:02Take a deep breath and let it go!
11:04Now, fold your hands
11:06and bend forward
11:08and again!
11:14Not again!
11:16This is so boring!
11:17Not again!
11:19This is so boring!
11:21Oh, no! I'm late!
11:25I'm saved!
11:31I'll do one thing!
11:34How does this sound?
11:38I'll just open my mat here
11:40and everything will be done!
11:43But, first, some snackage!
11:45Oh! This is the wrong side!
11:48Arms out!
11:50Now, fold your hands!
11:53When did she come here?
11:56She agreed!
12:01Now, it's my turn!
12:04I'll take it out while going down!
12:07Hurry up!
12:09I have to take a bite quickly!
12:14And now, stretch your arms!
12:24The work of a law enforcer never ends!
12:26Clown Abram!
12:28I've come to deliver this birthday cake for Cheryl
12:31but the first slice is for you!
12:33For me?
12:35Then, let me eat it!
12:37I can't wait to eat it!
12:39Thank you, scary clown!
12:41It was my duty!
12:43So, I'm leaving!
12:47Happy Birthday!
12:49Hey! It's me!
12:53It looks good on you!
12:55But, it's my birthday today!
12:57So, give me the cake!
12:59Now, I'll wish for my birthday!
13:01I hope it comes true!
13:03How about some makeup?
13:05Like this!
13:08Thank you!
13:10This is what I wanted!
13:12I have a crush on a cute prisoner!
13:14This will be perfect for him!
13:18How do I look?
13:20I'm feeling great!
13:22This is my best birthday present!
13:24Happy Birthday!
13:26Wow! I didn't expect this!
13:30And I got the cake!
13:32Everyone is happy!
13:36It's a lot of hard work!
13:38Let me close my eyes!
13:41It's time!
13:43This is my chance!
13:45It's easy to use this toilet bowl!
13:48Hello! It's me!
13:50Hello! Is anyone here?
13:55Hello! Who?
13:57It's me! Cheryl!
13:59You have to help me!
14:01I need the nail file!
14:03Right now!
14:05I got it! Bye!
14:07It's time for the second part of the plan!
14:09Let's start!
14:11Oh! I got it!
14:15Great! She is still sleeping!
14:18It's okay Mr. Mayor!
14:20I have to stay calm!
14:22Don't wake up!
14:24Get out of my way!
14:26I'm a genius!
14:28This is useful in movies!
14:30Wow! It was easy!
14:32Let's cut this time!
14:37What was that sound?
14:39Who woke me up?
14:42Today is a boring day!
14:45She is trapped in this!
14:47I should call her!
14:49I heard there is a need to repair the cell here!
14:52Yes! It's a good service!
14:54Look! The cell is broken!
14:56We don't want a prisoner to escape!
14:58Where did he go?
15:00He is working!
15:02Let's see what we can do here!
15:04I understood the problem!
15:06My work is done!
15:08Wow! That was quick!
15:10Where did he go?
15:12Was he a ghost?
15:14Now the way is clear!
15:16I'll just get him out!
15:20Oh! My favorite shade!
15:27That's it!
15:29This plan worked as per my plan!
15:31I'll put it back!
15:33Let's see what is this?
15:37Cut! Mascara!
15:39And the color is so beautiful!
15:44The work is done!
15:46Before the guard comes, I'll hide the evidence!
15:49I'm innocent!
15:52Come on! Do 100!
15:54Hurry up!
15:56I can't do it!
15:58Keep doing it, Sophia!
16:00Don't even think about crying!
16:02Come on!
16:04Is it normal to sweat so much?
16:05It's normal!
16:07It's almost done!
16:09I think I'll die!
16:13Just 5 more minutes!
16:17That was bad!
16:19I'm so thirsty!
16:21Excuse me!
16:25Is this a barbell?
16:27It has candy in its eyes!
16:29Can I take it?
16:33Don't worry!
16:35Take this!
16:38This is so cool!
16:40I'll eat this one first!
16:45I'm drooling!
16:48This is the secret!
16:51He's coming!
16:55Very good, ladies!
16:57Keep doing it!
16:59I'm watching, girls!
17:01Just lick it!
17:05Oh, yes!
17:07It's good!
17:09The best workout!
17:12Sometimes, jobs seem so boring!
17:15Oh! Someone's here!
17:17Let me see!
17:19Do you know the rules?
17:21Make-up is not allowed!
17:23What? Me?
17:25Oh, yes! I don't have any make-up!
17:27I don't believe you!
17:29My bag?
17:31Oh, yes!
17:33You can see!
17:36Let me see!
17:40What do you think of yourself?
17:42Give it to me!
17:44Right now!
17:46Oh, yes!
17:48This is my diary!
17:50And this is my phone!
17:52And this?
17:56Were you trying to hide this make-up compact?
17:58Okay, forgive me!
18:00I'll take it!
18:02Oh, no! How did he catch me?
18:03Wait a second!
18:05My diary!
18:07This is the solution!
18:09I start cutting sections from the middle pages!
18:12Perfect! Just like this!
18:14It's a nice rectangle!
18:16Now, I have to take out all the pages!
18:19Now, I need a nice cloth!
18:21This shiny cloth will be useful!
18:23Now, I'll keep my make-up in this diary!
18:27Now, let's close it!
18:29Now, I'm inside!
18:31So, I can take out my make-up!
18:33Let's start!
18:37This is my favorite song right now!
18:40What happened to the lights?
18:42Am I in danger?
18:45Hey! What's that?
18:47Who's that?
18:49Hey! Are you ready for this?
18:54Oh, wow!
18:56I love fiery guitars!
18:58This is amazing!
19:00I love this job!
19:01My favorite guitarist is having fun with him!
19:08He's lost his mind!
19:10Yeah! I should walk this way!
19:13Wait! Where did she go?
19:15Oh, no!
19:17This job was very easy!
19:19Now, I have to take out my make-up!
19:22Let's touch up with lip gloss!
19:26And now, let's start singing!
19:32Why is he taking so much time?
19:37Sorry for getting late!
19:39What have you done?
19:41What's on your face?
19:43Let me cover it with my lips!
19:45Come on, Vir!
19:47This won't work!
19:49Let's spend some time!
19:53Our tickets!
19:55Thank you!
19:57Oh, wow!
20:01Now, you can go inside!
20:05Hey! Isn't this a great club?
20:08Don't be sad! I'll help you!
20:10See, what I did before coming inside?
20:13I put some make-up in a bowl!
20:18And then, I sprayed hand sanitizer on it!
20:23That was enough!
20:25Then, I mixed it!
20:26If it gets smooth, it means it's ready!
20:29Now, it's time for make-up brush!
20:31Then, I applied it on my nails!
20:33Just like nail polish!
20:35I love this color!
20:37Okay, you're ready!
20:39I'll rub my nails on your eyelids!
20:43This color looks great on you!
20:45Let's dance!
20:48Have fun!
20:52A little in this bowl too, please!
20:54This is my mom's recipe!
20:56I'm sure it'll be delicious!
21:00Take this!
21:02I'll add some salt and pepper to it!
21:04Yes, it's good!
21:06Thank you!
21:08Trust me!
21:10I came here secretly!
21:12I didn't recognize you!
21:14Be careful!
21:16Hey, chef!
21:18Tell me a joke!
21:20What would you call a fake spaghetti?
21:28What's in this sandwich?
21:32Tell me another joke!
21:34A tomato goes to a bar!
21:36This is great!
21:38Then, the tomato says,
21:40why can't you give me food?
21:42It's amazing!
21:44If the guard catches you,
21:46you'll be in trouble!
21:48Hey, calm down!
21:50Try this!
21:52If you think you can keep me quiet,
21:54then this is perfect!
21:56It's amazing!
21:59Calm down!
22:02How do I look?
22:06Very beautiful!
22:08Yes, I know!
22:10I'll eat something now!
22:12This is very bad!
22:17I'll add some seasoning!
22:23This is not salt and pepper!
22:24This is glitter!
22:28This will look good on me!
22:30It's looking good!
22:32I feel like a princess!
22:36I'll keep on doing comedy!
22:40Wait here!
22:42We have to collect some things from the mess hall!
22:44Yes, do it!
22:48What's going on in the line?
22:51Oh no!
22:52Look at that sign!
22:54We can't take the makeup!
22:56But I have makeup!
22:58This glitter!
23:00I have to do something about it!
23:04I'll hide it on my dress!
23:08Oh yes!
23:10This is a dress!
23:12This won't work!
23:14I'll have to find another solution!
23:18Here's my ticket!
23:20Yes, I can see it!
23:22Let me see!
23:27Okay, I didn't find anything!
23:29You can go inside now!
23:31Everything is fine!
23:34There's so much music playing in the club!
23:37Is anyone watching?
23:39No? Then let's start the makeup!
23:41I'll take off my shoes!
23:43And what's this?
23:47Now we'll apply glitter!
23:49A little bit on both the cheeks!
23:53I love this look!
23:55Cold glitter is the best!
23:57My love to all of you!
24:00Hey, how are you?
24:02Do you want a snack?
24:05This is really sweet!
24:07I like to be healthy!
24:09Thank you!
24:11I'm going to be in shape!
24:14So I only eat vegetables!
24:16And drinks too!
24:21You should try it!
24:25I like rainbow diet!
24:28Yellow food!
24:30Brown food!
24:32And all that!
24:35And there's nothing wrong with pink food!
24:42Don't you know the rules?
24:45But I really want to eat!
24:52I have to go to class!
24:54This is really bad!
24:56I'm going to work out on an empty stomach!
25:03It smells really fresh!
25:05Wait a minute!
25:07I have an idea!
25:09Oh yes!
25:11To hide this,
25:13let's take the stick out of the deodorant
25:15and replace it with cotton candy!
25:17Sneaky, right?
25:18And now it smells even better!
25:21Let's go and sweat!
25:24Hang on!
25:26Just a second!
25:28Sorry, I'll be right back!
25:30Okay, let's go!
25:38It's snack time!
25:40I'm sweating a lot!
25:42Do whatever you want!
25:44I was just kidding!
25:46I just need sugar boost!
25:48I shouldn't take sugar!
25:50Oh no!
25:52It hurts when I do this!
25:56This workout is really fun!
26:03I told you I don't like sweets!
26:06I need a break!
26:08And a snack too!
26:10Since there's no break,
26:12I can at least take a bite!
26:18What's a hotdog without ketchup?
26:26Oh no!
26:28What's this?
26:30You know the rules, right?
26:32I was just about to eat it!
26:36Gym class!
26:39Wait a minute!
26:42I can hide it!
26:43I can hide it!
26:46First, remove these handles!
26:49Now, put the ropes in these plastic tubes!
26:54Let's use the sausage!
26:56Take it out from the bottom and put it on top!
27:00Don't forget the other side!
27:02Let's take a test drive!
27:06It works!
27:10I'm just working out!
27:11Keep doing it!
27:15It worked!
27:17Hello, protein!
27:27People think alike, right?
27:33I'll put the rest of the makeup on my shirt!
27:38I want to go inside!
27:39Here's my ticket!
27:41Wait here!
27:43Put your hand up!
27:50Look, there's so much makeup!
27:52I knew it!
27:54There's no makeup policy here!
27:56Okay, I got it!
27:58I'll be right back!
28:00I shouldn't hold the sign so fast!
28:03I'll put this makeup on my arm!
28:06And I'll put bandages on it!
28:10You know what?
28:12I can wrap it around my arm!
28:14It can stop me from taking the makeup!
28:16So, it can stop this!
28:18Okay, I'm looking good!
28:23Hello, here's my ticket!
28:25Thank you, you can go inside!
28:30Yes, I'm here!
28:34Hey, what's this?
28:36Look what you're doing!
28:37Yes, I hope no one's looking at me!
28:40No? Then let's put some makeup on!
28:44Yes, let's start having fun!
28:51The line is so long!
28:53Oh no! There's no time to finish the makeup!
28:57Yes, next!
29:00You're looking good, go inside!
29:04Oh no!
29:05Oh, this isn't right!
29:07I'll have to teach you a lesson!
29:10Oops, not this!
29:12It's my fault!
29:14You mean, this?
29:16Oh, it's such a cute teddy bear!
29:19What? Oh no!
29:21I didn't want to give this either!
29:24This! I wanted to show you this!
29:26Makeup is not allowed!
29:28But I still have one eye left!
29:30What should I do now?
29:32Wait a second!
29:33I'll be right back!
29:35Okay, now I'm ready to go!
29:38Wait, let me see this!
29:41Let me see it closely!
29:43Oh God, she's looking at me from so close!
29:51Okay, you're looking good!
29:53You can go now!
29:55Yes, I went inside!
29:57And she became a fool!
29:59Yes, now I'll take off my earrings
30:00Yes, now I'll take off my earrings
30:02And complete my eye makeup!
30:08Oh, now it's much better!
30:12Now, let's have some fun!
30:17Huh? I smell chips!
30:19Wait! Give it to me!
30:21Hey, get it yourself!
30:23Kids these days!
30:25I won't let them see this!
30:27But what should I do?
30:28Oh, this is Molly!
30:30Hi Molly! You're looking beautiful today!
30:33Oh, it's you!
30:37I read this last night!
30:39It's very interesting!
30:41Ragu, show me your tie!
30:43But this is my favorite tie!
30:45Then come with me!
30:47Let's get to know each other first!
30:49That's what I want!
30:51What? What happened?
30:53I'll tell this to my mom!
30:54I'll tell this to my mom!
30:56First, we'll take off the tie
30:58And we need glue
31:00We'll make dots of glue on the tie
31:03Now, we'll put elastic fabric strips on it
31:06Right below the tie
31:09It should look good
31:11And this is the last one
31:13Now, we'll put this candy in the elastic
31:16This is perfect!
31:18And it's ready too!
31:20Just be quiet!
31:22No one will even know
31:24I love accessories!
31:26Let me have a snack!
31:28It'll be fun!
31:30Secret candy is the best!
31:34Hey Molly!
31:36Mom wanted you to come for dinner!
31:38This is not right!
31:40Hi Jared!
31:42Now I'm regretting!
31:44I have more ties!
31:46But you'll have to kiss me!
31:48What did I do?
31:52Let's open the locker!
31:54And take out the hidden candy!
31:56Looks like the way is clear!
31:58Which means
32:00Now we'll eat the gum!
32:04Hey! Give us some gum too!
32:06Give it to me!
32:08Oh come on!
32:10This was mine!
32:12Take this!
32:14Everyone will get a piece!
32:18This is all that's left for me!
32:20Just a little bit!
32:22I wish I could hide my gum somewhere
32:24so that no one asks for it!
32:26Oh yes!
32:28I have a good idea!
32:32First I'll take my gum spool
32:34and then I'll take it out and cut it!
32:36This will be enough!
32:38Now the hoodie!
32:40For this part, we'll need edible glue!
32:42I'll apply glue on my hoodie
32:44in a cool pattern
32:46Just like this!
32:48And I'll stick the gum strips
32:50on my hoodie!
32:52It's done!
32:56Which means
32:58it's time to reveal the secret of my hoodie!
33:00And no one knows that I have gum!
33:02Which means
33:04no one will ask for it!
33:08I know what's in your hand!
33:10Will you give me some gum too?
33:13Oh yes!
33:15Take this!
33:19Thank you!
33:21This is my favorite flavor!
33:22Oh no!
33:24I would've been in trouble!
33:26Thank God I have more gum!
33:29Wait here!
33:31What's this?
33:33I have to stick this disco ball inside!
33:37Go ahead!
33:40Why did you bring another disco ball?
33:45This is not a disco ball!
33:47Let me show you!
33:49First, take a watermelon
33:50and spray an incredible silver paint on it.
33:52Coat it well
33:54so that it shines!
33:56And now, foil squares!
33:58I have applied it all over the watermelon
34:01so that it covers it well.
34:03And voila!
34:05It's done!
34:07Does anyone want to eat watermelon?
34:13Oh wow!
34:15It's so fresh!
34:17I'll have to stay hydrated
34:18for a while!
34:20Wait here!
34:22What's this?
34:24I have to stick this disco ball inside!
34:26I'm a repairman!
34:28But if you're a repairman,
34:34What a weird club!
34:49I'm a repairman!
34:51I'm a repairman!
34:53I'm a repairman!
34:55I'm a repairman!
34:57I'm a repairman!
34:59I'm a repairman!
35:01I'm a repairman!
35:03I'm a repairman!
35:05I'm a repairman!
35:07I'm a repairman!
35:09I'm a repairman!
35:11I'm a repairman!
35:13I'm a repairman!
35:15I'm a repairman!
