
  • 3 months ago
00:01Ever since Naimaag said that he has captured Bhasmashool,
00:05I am very confident that nothing will happen to Baalveer now.
00:09Naimaag is the true soldier of the eternal realm.
00:12And he has fulfilled his duty like a true soldier.
00:15This is a great victory of the eternal realm.
00:18Not victory, but defeat.
00:25Where is Bhasmashool, Naimaag?
00:27Bhasm attacked me at the most important moment
00:31and ran away with Bhasmashool.
00:35With great difficulty, I saved my life and ran away from there.
00:40This means that Bhasm will attack Baalveer.
00:43I should go there immediately.
00:44Meenam, I will also come with you.
00:48Bhasm must have attacked Baalveer
00:51and Baalveer must have turned into a stone.
00:55No! Kashmi! Kashmi!
00:58What should I do now?
01:00I can't keep Kashmi in front of my family.
01:03I will have to take Kashmi to Shashwanlok.
01:18Grandpa, I have killed everyone.
01:20You really killed everyone.
01:21All of them.
01:22All of them?
01:24But where is Kashmi?
01:29Yes, Veer. Where is Kashmi?
01:31Grandpa, how will Veer know where Kashmi is?
01:33She was blindfolded, right?
01:35Yes, that's true.
01:42Take this. Kashmi has sent a message.
01:43She had some important work.
01:44That's why she left.
01:46I also have some important work.
01:48That's why I will have to go.
01:49What is this?
01:50First Kashmi left and now you are going.
01:52Okay, tell me.
01:53When will you come back?
01:54Mom, I will come.
01:56And now no one will tell me
01:57that I didn't attend the entire celebration.
02:00Veer is absolutely right, daughter-in-law.
02:02Go, dear.
02:03None of us are upset with you.
02:06No, no. Listen.
02:07First eat something.
02:08You haven't eaten anything.
02:09I will eat later.
02:10I have some urgent work now.
02:11You eat.
02:12Feed everyone.
02:13Okay. Come on.
02:14Come on.
02:15Let's eat.
02:16Come, dad.
02:29Baalveer, are you okay?
02:33This Kashmi...
02:39Baalveer is alive?
02:43Baalveer is alive?
02:45Oh, no.
02:47How are you, Bhasma?
02:50And you left Bhasma there?
02:52Don't you feel ashamed
02:54of yourself
02:55after losing to your son every time?
03:03Not me.
03:04People must be thinking that.
03:06I just said it.
03:08Baalveer has a lot of admirers.
03:11Why did that girl have to interfere?
03:15Whatever happened, happened.
03:18We will have to get Bhasma Shool
03:20from the eternal world
03:22as soon as possible.
03:26Mother Goddess.
03:28I beg of you.
03:31Help me save Kashmi.
03:33Please show me the way.
03:38We should remove Bhasma Shool
03:39from Kashmi's body.
03:41Maybe she will be fine.
03:45No, Mother Goddess.
03:46Kashmi is a normal human being.
03:49She doesn't have magical powers.
03:52If we try to remove Bhasma Shool
03:53from her body
03:56then Kashmi may die.
04:03Mother Goddess,
04:04what other way do we have?
04:08Mother Goddess,
04:09you must have a way.
04:10A medicine
04:11that can cure Kashmi.
04:14We can't keep Kashmi in this condition.
04:17Mother Goddess,
04:18there must be a way
04:19to save Kashmi.
04:25there is a way
04:26that can save Kashmi's life.
04:36this is the holy water of the eternal world.
04:39Whenever we are in trouble
04:41and we don't have a solution,
04:44we keep our hands in this holy water
04:46and solve our problems.
04:48And this holy water
04:49gives us a solution to our problems.
04:54try it once.
04:56Keep your hand in this water
04:58and tell it about your problem.
05:00I am sure
05:01that we will get a solution to our problem.
05:38This holy water of the eternal world
05:41will show me a way
05:44to save my friend Kashmi.
05:46Guide me.
06:04This is a life flower.
06:08And this is found only in the magical forest.
06:10This magical forest
06:12is as beautiful
06:14as it is dangerous.
06:16I am ready to take any risk
06:17to save Kashmi.
06:21I know, Baalveer.
06:23But keep one thing in mind.
06:25In this forest,
06:26you need more brains than strength.
06:29Yes, Baalveer.
06:32Because this life flower
06:33blooms only once in a year.
06:35And we are fortunate
06:37that that time is now.
06:40Don't lose this time, Baalveer.
06:43I have got only one chance to save Kashmi.
06:46I can't lose this.
06:50I will go to the magical forest
06:53and return with the life flower.
06:59Go, Baalveer.
07:00Go and get the life flower for Kashmi.
07:02And I will
07:04destroy Kashmi's life
07:05with my fire.
07:29What are you doing here?
07:30Naimaag, turn towards me
07:31and answer me.
07:32What are you doing with Kashmi?
07:36I was apologising to Kashmi.
07:39For what?
07:40I was unsuccessful
07:41in getting the magical flower.
07:44Kashmi is suffering
07:45for my failure.
07:48That's why
07:49I came to apologise.
07:53I don't doubt you.
07:55I don't doubt your intentions.
07:57But don't feel bad.
07:58I do doubt your capability.
08:02You know
08:03how many mistakes
08:04you have made before.
08:07You are right.
08:09I am upset
08:10with myself for some reason.
08:12But I promise you
08:15that I will make myself better.
08:18I will leave now.
08:31What is happening?
08:41Mahamahim, come quickly.
08:45What happened, Bena?
08:46Why did you call us here
08:47in an emergency?
08:49Mahamahim, look there.
08:51There are holes in Kashmi's body.
08:57If this is destroyed
08:59then we won't be able
09:00to revive Kashmi
09:01with the magical flower.
09:05I understand why this is happening.
09:07I understand why this is happening.
09:10I made a big mistake, Bena.
09:13I brought Kashmi's body
09:14to the eternal realm.
09:18Because the one who is attacked
09:19by the magical flower
09:21his body
09:22has to be in that realm.
09:25We have to take Kashmi's body
09:26to the earth realm
09:27at the same place
09:28where she was attacked.
09:32That means
09:33on the earth realm
09:34at Balveer's house
09:35but Uttan lives
09:36with his entire family
09:37at Balveer's house.
09:39If anyone..
09:40We have to be careful about this, Bena.
09:41They shouldn't get to know.
09:43We have to find a safe place
09:44at Veer's house
09:46and hide Kashmi there.
09:50And yes.
09:51One more thing, Bena.
09:53If any harm is done
09:54to Kashmi's delicate body
09:57then it will affect
09:58Kashmi's body as well.
10:02Yes, Mahamahim.
10:03Yes, Mahamahim.
10:05I will take Kashmi
10:06to the earth realm
10:07at Balveer's house right away.
10:26Uttan has made my job
10:30I will go to the earth realm
10:31and kill Kashmi.
10:33And then
10:36will be mine.
10:41you have risked your life
10:42for Balveer.
10:44I will never let anything
10:45happen to you.
10:48Veer's family
10:50shouldn't see Kashmi
10:51in this condition.
11:05I have made Kashmi disappear
11:07and kept her in her room.
11:09You have to be alert.
11:12The shadow of the enemy
11:13shouldn't even wander
11:14around Kashmi.
11:34Yes, Mahamahim.
11:35Uttan had said
11:36that the magical forest
11:37is a very dangerous place.
11:39But this
11:40is very beautiful.
11:43What danger can I be in here?
11:48But I have come here
11:50to take this life flower.
11:55Where will I get it
11:56in this magical forest?
12:05this is the way to go ahead.
12:14There are four ways
12:15to go inside this forest.
12:17Which one of these ways
12:19will take me to the life flower?
12:24I think
12:25I will have to go
12:26all the four ways.
12:34come here.
12:36You will get the life flower
12:37right here.
12:43Take this way.
12:45You will get the life flower
12:46right here.
12:47Come fast
12:48or else I won't survive.
12:51Kashmi's soul
12:52is showing me the way.
12:54That means
12:55this is the right way.
12:58No, Veer.
13:00You won't get the life flower
13:01on that way.
13:02It's dangerous there.
13:04You will get the life flower
13:05on this way.
13:12You won't get the life flower
13:13on those ways.
13:14You will get it on this way.
13:16Kashmi, it's me.
13:17I will take you
13:18to the life flower.
13:19Come here.
13:26Why are you
13:28listening to them?
13:32Come here.
13:34I will take you
13:36to the life flower.
13:56I told you to come here.
13:58Veer, why don't you understand?
13:59Come here.
14:00Veer, listen.
14:02Veer, come here.
14:04Veer, please.
14:05Don't listen to them.
14:07Don't you believe me?
14:09Why are you thinking so much?
14:10Come here.
14:12Do you have a brain
14:13to think?
14:15Veer, come here.
14:18If you don't come here
14:20your friend's life
14:21will be lost.
14:23And if you don't come to me
14:24I will kill you.
14:25Veer, come here.
14:28Don't listen to them, Veer.
14:31You have come to this jungle
14:33to take the life flower, right?
14:35Then come.
14:37I will take you
14:39to the life flower.
14:44What happened?
14:46Is this jungle
14:47your aunt's garden?
14:48Is this jungle
14:49your aunt's garden?
15:02Mahamaheem was right.
15:04This is an illusionary jungle.
15:06He is deceiving me
15:07with the form of Kashmir.
15:08How will I get out
15:09of this illusion?
15:16You have understood
15:17what it means?
15:18Now we will go to Veer's house
15:19and from there
15:20we will take Kashmir and..
15:27have you found out about the flower?
15:28Not yet.
15:29I had told you one thing
15:30but you are not able to do that.
15:32You have put the flower
15:33inside Kashmir
15:34instead of Baalveer.
15:36Did I say anything to you?
15:39there is no bone in the tongue
15:41but there should be a grip.
15:44Do you understand?
15:46Or should I explain it to you
15:47in some other way?
15:48Before shouting at me
15:50listen to me carefully.
15:53Kashmir is not in the eternal world.
16:00It is not in the eternal world?
16:02Then where is it?
16:04I don't know.
16:05You don't know?
16:06You don't know?
16:08It must be on earth.
16:09That's why I have come here
16:10to find it.
16:12Instead of doubting me
16:13trust me, Bhasma.
16:16The one you should doubt
16:19you have trusted him blindly.
16:23Whom are you talking about?
16:25You are intelligent.
16:26An intelligent man
16:27only needs a hint.
16:29As soon as I find the flower
16:30I will contact you.
16:39Shashmag was not pointing
16:40at Agil.
16:43Whom were you talking to, Bhasma?
16:45No one.
16:47I am your companion, Bhasma.
16:50And I don't lie to my companions.
16:59I see.
17:02You have never lied.
17:04No, Neena.
17:34Who could he be?
17:36How did Bhasma's attitude
17:37change so much?
17:39I will have to keep an eye on him.
17:42Wow, Shashmag!
17:45Because of your cleverness
17:47there is no one in the fight.
17:49How cleverly
17:50in Bhasma's mind
17:51you have planted seeds
17:52against Agil.
17:57Are you going to cut the leaves
17:58of your friend, Agil?
18:02Agil is not a friend, Obaad.
18:06Agil and Bhasma
18:07are like a ladder.
18:09And a ladder is used
18:10only to keep one's feet
18:12and move ahead.
18:15That means, Bhasma and Agil
18:18are not related to each other.
18:22In a fight between two cats
18:23a monkey always takes the bread.
18:26So let Agil and Bhasma fight
18:28and then
18:29Bhasmashool will take away
18:31and rule over this universe.
18:35Because my Shashmag
18:37is the one
18:39who is even more cunning.
18:44As soon as Bhasmashool is taken out
18:45even Kashvi's life will be taken away.
18:48Isn't it so strange, Obaad?
18:50First Kashvi's parents
18:51and now Kashvi.
18:53I am responsible for the death
18:54of her entire family.
18:56So sad.
19:01Let's go.
19:05Veer, come fast
19:06or else I will die.
19:09Please don't listen to anyone.
19:11Veer, save your friend.
19:13Remember your friendship, Veer.
19:15She is the only one
19:16who will take you to Jeevan Pushpak.
19:23Why are you standing there like a statue?
19:25I told you to come here.
19:26Come here, Veer.
19:28For my sake.
19:30Veer, please.
19:31Come here.
19:32Please don't listen to anyone.
19:34I will have to listen to my heart
19:35by listening to my magical voice.
19:38Come, hold my hand.
19:39Veer, you will get Jeevan Pushpak
19:40from this side only.
19:42I will have to see it
19:43from my inner soul
19:45and not from my eyes.
19:47Veer, please.
19:48You will get Jeevan Pushpak
19:49from this side only.
19:50Come here.
19:51If anything happens to me
19:52then you will be responsible.
19:53Didn't you hear?
19:55Come here.
19:56Come here right now, Veer.
19:59Veer, look here.
20:00Come here.
20:03What you see is what you see.
20:05What you hear is what you hear.
20:09The truth is
20:13what the heart feels.
20:17I knew it, Veer.
20:19You will come only to me.
20:30Tell me, Mother-in-law.
20:31How can I remove
20:32the power bank from me?
20:34No, Mother-in-law.
20:35Now make Baalveer understand.
20:37Removing the power bank
20:39means inviting your death.
20:42And Bhasma will never let
20:43such an invitation
20:44and such an opportunity go.
20:46And I can't let this opportunity
20:47to save Kashmi go, Mother-in-law.
20:49And that's why
20:50no one can stop me
20:51from fulfilling this duty.