Interview with the Vampire Season 1 Episode 4

  • 3 months ago
Interview with the Vampire Season 1 Episode 4


00:30The tapes are an admitted performance.
00:34This is the premise of our interview.
00:36A sacrifice is made when the dark gift is shed.
00:41You can't read my mind anymore?
00:43You're not welcome in this home.
00:45There he is.
00:47What are you?
00:49I'm a vampire.
00:51I could not save Storyville.
00:53But I could save the world.
00:55I could not save Storyville.
00:57But I could save her.
01:41I can't tell you that.
01:43Can't tell you that either.
01:55Look, it's not an article.
01:57It's a book.
01:59We can do a chapter in Vanity Fair,
02:01but I know it's been ten years.
02:03I haven't forgotten what a book is.
02:05This is a book.
02:07All right?
02:09Look, um...
02:11I gotta call you back.
02:13I'll call you back.
02:15Good morning.
02:17I hope you've passed a comfortable night.
02:19I never pass a comfortable night.
02:21You were scheduled to have your levodopa transfusion
02:23this week.
02:25Been tapping my phone?
02:27Mr. DuPont-Dulac has arranged a physician
02:29to administer it here tomorrow.
02:31Well, I'll take care of it on my own.
02:33Your doctor in New York was consulted
02:35and has given consent.
02:37You'll find a note from him in your electronic mailbox.
02:39Where's Louis?
02:41Mr. DuPont-Dulac
02:43will be resting today.
02:45Would you follow me to the reading room?
02:51Quite the houseplant.
02:53The interior designer hired
02:55was a sentimentalist.
02:57Some notion of hers,
02:59he was missing the natural world.
03:03You are getting access to very precious items
03:05from the archives,
03:07an alternative perspective on the years of your interest.
03:11wear these when handling the materials.
03:15We suggest
03:17you begin on the left.
03:21Thank you.
03:51The POWs
03:53are malnourished,
03:55nothing but bone and sinew.
03:57Their blood
03:59is bitter.
04:01It almost makes you feel sick
04:03to drink it.
04:21Aunty told me to stay put
04:23and keep away from the door.
04:25I tried to be good
04:27and stay right where I was.
04:29But when Aunty came back,
04:31she got stuck on the other side
04:33and brought the fire back with her.
04:35I closed my eyes
04:37and waited for the fire to take me too.
04:39I just prayed it wouldn't hurt too much.
04:41But it didn't.
04:43I thought I'd never see you again.
04:45I thought I'd never see you again.
04:47I thought I'd never see you again.
04:49I just prayed it wouldn't hurt too bad.
04:53That's when the Black Angel came.
04:57He was beautiful
04:59and strong and fast.
05:01And he carried me like I was made of feathers.
05:03Help me!
05:05Give me some water!
05:07The Black Angel
05:09took me to a fine house
05:11with gold ceilings like the ones in the picture houses.
05:13And that's when I guessed
05:15I was in heaven.
05:17So I waited for the pain to go away
05:19and my mama's adornment.
05:21But she didn't come
05:23and the pain got worse.
05:25The Black Angel was crying.
05:27She won't call.
05:29What do we do? Nothing.
05:31And I remember thinking,
05:33why would an angel cry in heaven?
05:35More human entanglement.
05:37And then I saw the White Angel.
05:39Drain her.
05:41She's only a kid.
05:45Give her a bite. Her body's all charred.
05:47You know you can do this!
05:49And she'll be what?
05:51A lap dog? Not a dog.
05:55A daughter.
05:57You were ready to abandon our home.
05:59Now you want a third.
06:01I just need her not to die.
06:35The White Angel,
06:37he bit me. Right in the neck.
06:39And I thought, what a strange thing
06:41for an angel to do.
07:07And then I tasted it.
07:09And right away I felt strong
07:11as a streetcar.
07:23And I realized what I thought was heaven
07:25was just some nice room.
07:27And what I thought were angels
07:29were really hell demons.
07:31But seeing as Mama died
07:33and Auntie, she was burnt up too,
07:35I decided to make
07:37the best of it.
07:39You got some of your own I can have?
07:41You want more?
07:43Right away,
07:45I had a lot of questions.
07:47So this my new house?
07:49Is if you want it to be.
07:53This my fountain?
07:55That's my...
07:57What is that?
07:59That's the incinerator
08:01where we burn the...
08:03We'll get to that soon enough.
08:05So where'd you find that?
08:07At my old house?
08:09I heard you cry
08:11for help.
08:15We can hear people's thoughts.
08:19It's true.
08:21Prove it. What am I thinking now?
08:23Well, I can't.
08:25I'm your maker.
08:27You're wondering if your nails will be like that forever.
08:29And the answer is yes.
08:31It's a special trick
08:33only folks like us have.
08:35Like the nails and the teeth.
08:37So you can hear him, but he can't.
08:39That make him the dumb one?
08:41What's funny?
08:43If he makes you,
08:45he can't hear your thoughts anymore.
08:47Something about the sacrifice
08:49of creation.
08:51Did he make you too? He did.
08:53What's she saying? He has to rely on my words
08:55to understand me.
08:57Just like a human.
08:59I'm not human no more, am I?
09:01No. You're a vampire.
09:03I can see where this is going.
09:07How do you do that?
09:09You'll do it too, in time.
09:11My little milkweed. I'll teach you.
09:13Just like I taught Louis here.
09:15But not if we're going to have family secrets.
09:19We're a family?
09:25But with no secrets.
09:27All right.
09:29So what's that for?
09:31That's where we burn bodies.
09:33Why do we burn bodies?
09:37Uncle Les and Daddy Lou are rich.
09:41They have nice clothes
09:43and a nice auto carriage
09:45and a funny way of being nice to each other.
09:55So I'm supposed to kill them?
09:57You don't have to.
09:59There's always the birds and the beasts.
10:01You can endeavor on an experience
10:03that feels like eating syrup
10:05while riding on the wind.
10:13I'm not sure how I feel about that pleated skirt.
10:15It's chiffon. It has movement.
10:21Looks like she takes after me.
10:25Fortifying myself for an evening of swan hunting.
10:27Back in the car, Claudia.
10:35No, no. Get back here, missy.
10:43Young girl?
10:45Where are your parents at this hour?
10:51I asked you a question, young lady.
10:55I said, where are your parents?
11:03Don't! You're not a god!
11:05You're not a god!
11:07You're a devil!
11:13You have to stop
11:15while you're alive.
11:19Who is it that she takes after?
11:23You ain't a girl.
11:25You're a devil.
11:33You're gonna wake up feeling a whole lot of things.
11:35A little guilt.
11:37A bad taste in your mouth from the cop.
11:39Which, again, you should never choose.
11:43I'm sorry.
11:45What did I just say?
11:47Don't eat cops.
11:49You gotta listen to your elders when they're talking.
11:51You're new to this.
11:53I'm hungry.
11:55Hungry? You just ate a man twice your size.
11:57This observation of young lady metabolism is permanent now.
12:01I'm so hungry.
12:03I think I'm gonna die.
12:05Is that how vampires die?
12:07From starvation?
12:09You don't want to engorge yourself, my petite.
12:11More tomorrow, okay?
12:17Some sleep is what she needs.
12:19Sedation is what she needs.
12:21She'll settle.
12:27You suck them like frog legs
12:29and burn them like trash.
12:31And the things I used to eat,
12:33I don't like so much anymore.
12:37Come on up to bed.
12:41It's bedtime.
12:43What comes out of humans is just so much sweeter.
12:47Me and Uncle S have a nickname for it.
12:49Kilo Juice.
12:59Jeez Louise, Melissa, please!
13:01I gotta go to bed
13:03when the rest of the world wakes up,
13:05so there's less kids to play with.
13:07But I found ways to fun it up some.
13:09Have you seen my slippers? Under the chair, by the window.
13:11Does every night end like this?
13:13Y'all get tired before I do.
13:15Why did she talk to the book?
13:17The sun comes up, we go down.
13:19That's never gonna change.
13:21We got rules, little miss.
13:23Those are fools, Daddy Lou.
13:25Keeping you safe, little waif.
13:27She talked to the book again.
13:29Why do you talk to the book?
13:31The book is my friend.
13:33The book is her friend.
13:35The book is a book.
13:43Put the pen down, Claudia.
13:45Uncle S, I got a question.
13:47You may me, and you may Louise.
13:49Who may you?
13:51When I'm tired, I'm not so kind.
13:53Where did the little vampire go?
13:55C'est toi qui lui a fait ça.
13:57C'est une fille curieuse.
13:59Uh-oh, they speak in French.
14:01They gonna fight now.
14:07Fight sounds funny in French.
14:09Tu as oublié ta jeunesse.
14:11Putain de merde!
14:13Bonne nuit!
14:15Bonne nuit.
14:21Clammy, ma chérie,
14:23best see if it's a good fit.
14:25Good evening, sirs.
14:27A lost in the family?
14:31Get her heart condition.
14:33Yeah, she gonna pass.
14:35We're real soon.
14:37Poor child.
14:39Can't nothing be done?
14:41We trying to accustom her
14:43to the thought of
14:45going home to God.
14:47I could take her measurements
14:49so as not to distress her
14:51any further than she already is.
14:53It's so soft!
14:59Something ain't right here.
15:03I love it, Daddy Lou.
15:05Can I get this one?
15:07Please, please, can I?
15:11A girl vampire needs her own space
15:13if she's gonna find herself
15:15in this no-day world.
15:17Mary, you can already tell
15:19the words come easier when you're locked in tight,
15:21wrapped in pink satin, and Daddy Lou's feet
15:23ain't in your face.
15:25It's just me, my pen, my brain, my heart,
15:27and the blood of the streetcar conductor
15:29I drained after he got off work.
15:31Thank you, streetcar driver.
15:33I hope they got more of you at your company
15:35to fill in for you.
15:37It's never great waiting for the car,
15:39especially when the weather gets hot.
15:47Don't you shush me.
15:49I'll miss you.
15:51And miss me.
15:55I ain't got no creeping power.
16:17Uncle Les got secrets.
16:19How you figure?
16:21He don't give good answers to questions.
16:23Sits on the truth like it's his chair or something.
16:27I thought we weren't supposed to keep secrets.
16:33Uncle Les got a few years on us.
16:37Sometimes old people
16:39don't like talking much about the past.
16:41Sometimes you got to be careful
16:43where you dig, you understand?
16:45I guess.
16:59How does it work,
17:01love between two men?
17:07I don't know.
17:09It works like...
17:15I don't know.
17:17It works like love.
17:21You ever let go?
17:23I used to.
17:27Used to pretend to.
17:29Can't say I do anymore.
17:31Uncle Les does sometimes.
17:33Is that what it is?
17:35Uncle Les does sometimes.
17:37Is that what he's up to
17:39when he goes out alone?
17:41Nah, he's a...
17:47his kills get...
17:51What's the word?
17:57And I don't like seeing it.
18:13I don't know how you do that.
18:15You can't lack the taste.
18:17I try to.
18:19And Claudia,
18:21it's not just what you eat.
18:23You can kill
18:25quick and painless
18:27or you can get
18:31There have been times
18:33where I found myself
18:37that some killing
18:39has a consequence.
18:41A fire in your house
18:43was a consequence.
18:47It came about
18:49because of one of my kills.
18:51I used to get a little
18:53caught up
18:55in human affairs.
18:59Then what?
19:13Got one.
19:23Allahu Akbar.
19:25Allahu Akbar.
19:27Allahu Akbar.
19:29Allahu Akbar.
19:31Allahu Akbar.
19:41As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah.
19:43As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah.
19:45I thought
19:47Louis was your god.
19:49How does Muhammad feel about vampires?
19:51Is it
19:53Asherah every day here in the penthouse?
19:55Do you have what you need, Mr. Malai?
19:57A cure for Parkinson's?
19:59How is your reading
20:01coming along?
20:03For a killing machine, I kind of like her.
20:05I interrupted.
20:07You were praying.
20:09Asr namozi.
20:11Asr namozi.
20:13What is that? That's not Arabic.
20:15What is it? Kazakh?
20:17Somewhere in the Crimea?
20:21You're not from Dubai. I thought you were a native.
20:23Dubai's a child,
20:25Mr. Malai.
20:27No one's a native.
20:57Dear new diary,
20:59nice to meet you.
21:01What adventures we will have.
21:03You've joined a happy home,
21:05even if we're not one.
21:07I have my own room now,
21:09which is good, because Daddy Lou
21:11can be smothering, just as Uncle Us
21:13can get crotchety, and, well, sometimes
21:15a door can be a door,
21:17and a door can be a door,
21:19and a door can be a door,
21:21and a door can be a door,
21:23and a door can be a door,
21:25and a door can be a door,
21:27and a door can be a door...
21:29You have to knock first.
21:41I still, you wouldn't believe how time flies
21:43when there's the people
21:44to eat and money to spend.
21:46This was given to me by a marquee
21:48who was beheaded by a mob
21:49ten years after he gave it to me.
21:51I love it.
21:53How old are you again, Uncle Liz?
22:02Daddy Lou, when am I going to grow into this, though?
22:05We'll find one of your size.
22:07Kill, spend, kill, spend.
22:10Then the next thing you know, the leaves are turning.
22:13Of course, Daddy and Uncle have problems.
22:16Plenty of them.
22:17But they figure them out quick most times.
22:19And when they can't, I can always get in between and make it right.
22:25Stop laughing.
22:29We do like mortals do.
22:31We fight.
22:33We eat.
22:35We laugh.
22:37We sleep.
22:39We love.
22:44I prefer you like that.
22:49And then the phone rang last night.
22:53And all the easy times stopped.
23:08I've never been to a wake.
23:10Hadn't even known Daddy Lou was Catholic.
23:13I didn't know he had a mama until he lost her.
23:20Hello, sweetie.
23:22Everything all right?
23:24Never seen a dead one look so peaceful.
23:28You know where the last words were?
23:30Who are you here with, honey?
23:32My dad and uncle.
23:33Who are you?
23:34It's your Aunt Grace and her husband, Levy.
23:39How about you go to your uncle?
23:41He could use someone to talk to.
23:45You have a kid.
23:47Girl's an orphan.
23:48Adopted her off of Liberty Street.
23:50Did right by it.
23:51You think you and her uncle are the right people to adopt an orphan?
23:56Maybe don't bring them to the funeral tomorrow.
23:59Not sure I'm gonna be able to.
24:00To make it?
24:01Heard that plenty.
24:03Your nieces and nephews christened.
24:05Grace is 30.
24:06Watch yourself, Levy.
24:07We need to talk about the house.
24:12Over the cold body of our mama.
24:18Been wondering why I got an invite this time.
24:21You don't need it.
24:23You haven't needed it for years.
24:27Look, we've got each other's backs.
24:30Make you proud, yeah?
24:33We can pay you in installments.
24:35You and your white dad are doing fine in the quarter.
24:38We can't pay you what it's worth, and you don't need the money.
24:44You forget what I did to that dog, Grace?
24:48You should measure yourself.
24:50Claudia has expressed an interest in going home.
24:53It is late for young people.
24:55The smell is awful.
24:56Wakes were invented in places where it snows.
25:05I had the papers drawn up.
25:11Daddy Lou said I'd been away from people too long.
25:14I didn't know how to behave right anymore.
25:16But Uncle Les said I behaved just fine.
25:19Putain de merde, steer, steer!
25:21But we're immortal!
25:23You can still smash your pretty little head in and take long delmons to recover.
25:27Eyes on the road.
25:29There ain't no doubt Daddy Lou is my favorite.
25:32But sometimes Uncle Les and I have a lot in common.
25:36Now here's a treat I think you're ready for.
25:39This is what the meat calls a lover's lane.
25:42And by my estimation, no blood is sweeter.
25:48Young people sworn with passion,
25:51denied spirits by this senseless prohibition,
25:53park along this lonely stretch to contemplate that most mysterious of mathematical equations.
25:59How one plus one becomes one.
26:06You come out here to do math?
26:08You've been too sheltered, my belladonna beauty.
26:19Young, strong, and likely to fight back.
26:24You must be most ferocious.
26:36That's nice.
26:38Where'd you learn that?
26:40Kissing them down below.
26:49That's nice.
26:59Jesus, man!
27:01You gonna stand there watching, little girl?
27:03Where's your mama?
27:04Did you just crawl out of the swamp or something?
27:20There's something back there, something evil.
27:23Oh, yes.
27:25She's with me.
27:39Uncle Les says I gotta practice killing both the one and the plus one at the same time.
27:44But I came away understanding something else tonight.
27:47You took her where?
27:49She's a prodigious killer. Why you wanna limit her is beyond comprehension.
27:54I can't quite put it into words, but it's like something opened up in my head, in my body.
28:01I've been 18 for seven months now, and it's time I started acting like it.
28:14Now, look at you.
28:16I didn't recall buying that outfit.
28:18Jumped a girl in between speakeasies. I wear better, though.
28:21Don't do something he would do.
28:24I'm gonna tell Uncle Les you're talking to me this way.
28:28Happy hunting.
28:51Bring it. How much does that mean?
28:57Isn't he so cute?
29:00Oh, my. He's so handsome.
29:02He's adorable.
29:03Look who fell into their mama's closet.
29:08Darkie planned dress-up in the dark.
29:11Oh, my.
29:21What's happening to you?
29:23Calm down, John.
29:25You all right?
29:27You look a little sick there.
29:29Sorry about my horse, miss.
29:33I'm sorry. I got so scared I almost fainted.
29:36I thought the flowers might bring me back a bit.
29:39Well, I'm glad you're back.
29:48Darren, his name is Charlie.
29:52He's got veins like rivers.
29:54They flow right down his arms.
29:56You doing all right back there?
29:58I'm... good.
30:02I just wanted to say thank you.
30:04For driving me home.
30:07For jumping in front of me like that.
30:10Well, I had to make sure you wouldn't faint again.
30:14Tell you, I don't...
30:15I don't know what spooked old Jonesy here.
30:18You said 1132, remember?
30:20I want to know what his life sounds like when it's all the way...
30:24Drive by that house.
30:26Almost every night, take Mr. Sloan home.
30:29Never imagined the color of the lid on one of them houses.
30:32I want to know how tight he holds you when he dances.
30:34I'm surprised your fancy pants let you out tonight.
30:36They know I can take care of myself.
30:39He almost got trampled by a horse.
30:41I want to know what his tongue tastes like.
30:45I've lost my appetite. I can't sleep.
30:48Which is boring as all get out when you're stuck in a coffin waiting for the big hand to hit nine and the little hand to hit three.
30:57Don't come in the house.
31:00What did we say about skipping?
31:05I'm not gonna say it again, missy.
31:16Look up. Look up.
31:21If he looks up, he likes you. If he doesn't...
31:40No running, young lady.
31:51Well, hello there again, diary.
31:54I finally got a few secrets of my own.
31:57Who's Charlie?
32:00Claudia, are you blocking me?
32:04This is your father speaking.
32:18Do you not like it?
32:20No, I love it. I'm just trying to make it last.
32:25Yes, you're probably used to having ice cream anytime you want.
32:29No, I promise. I never have it.
32:37So is this what you always do for a first date? Take a girl out for some ice cream?
32:41Whoa, whoa, Claudia, this isn't...
32:43What? A boy sends flowers, has a girl to go somewhere fun?
32:48You're cute, but...
32:50I'm what?
32:53I'm 19.
32:55No way you're older than me, Claudia.
32:57Everyone in my family looks young for their age.
33:02You live around here?
33:04I used to, too.
33:06I remember there used to be a toy shop a few doors down by there.
33:09They used to keep stray cats in boxes for people to take.
33:13That shop must have closed down when you were but a baby.
33:18I wasn't a baby.
33:27I love you.
33:51Wait, wait, wait. Wait for me.
33:53I'm tired of waiting.
33:56Come real forward.
33:58Make me kiss you a little longer.
34:05Claudia, you don't even look like a girl.
34:12You're an angel.
34:27Oh, God.
34:48I feel...
35:13I was, and he...
35:15And I bit him.
35:17And now he...
35:20It's easy to get carried away when you're young and in love.
35:26Please save him.
35:28Turn him.
35:30I can't.
35:31You can.
35:33You did it to me.
35:39He's dead.
35:40You didn't have to kill him. You killed him completely.
35:42Let's start.
35:45Just try, please.
35:47You drained him dry.
35:49Now go on.
35:51Clean up after yourself.
36:05Stop squirming.
36:07And watch.
36:12Remember this?
36:14His face is a demon's.
36:19This is why we never get close to mortals.
36:23Because sooner or later...
36:25They end up dead.
36:27It'll be all right. It'll pass. You got us.
36:29I don't want you.
36:33Vivid writer, isn't she?
36:35A singular style.
36:38Anne Frank meets Stephen King.
36:42Session four.
36:44Louis de Pont-de-Lac and the child vampire Claudia.
36:51So, it begs the question...
36:54Where were all these diaries in 1973?
37:01One in New Orleans, another in Paris.
37:12Claudia was...
37:22I loved her unconditionally.
37:26All the noise.
37:28The chaos. The crisis.
37:32I loved her unconditionally.
37:35All the noise.
37:37The chaos. The crisis.
37:39The chaos. The crisis of my former existence.
37:46The simple joy of her hand in mine.
37:49You had a daughter.
37:52I had a daughter.
37:54I've got two.
37:56The love is kind of...
38:01And if you were to come across their diaries...
38:04And learn in detail...
38:06In detail how and when you failed them...
38:11Would you share those failures with a brash young reporter you met at Polynesian Mary's?
38:20It's funny.
38:22I've been dreaming about old Mary's ever since you sent me the tapes.
38:29Where have you reached?
38:33Her date with Charlie.
38:41And his bones...
38:43Cracked black and his face turned to soup.
38:46Charlie's death ushered in one of the darkest eras in our lives.
38:51The oh-so-delicate balance of our oh-so-delicate household was shattered.
38:57The fantasy of happiness burst.
39:01Claudia was...
39:02A band-aid for a shitty marriage?
39:06I was going to say...
39:14Something else.
39:22But yes.
39:24That's almost certainly what she felt like.
39:28And what should I have done?
39:30Tucked him into the coffin with her?
39:32She was already broken-hearted and you burned her first boyfriend.
39:36She's the one who killed him!
39:38It's funnier when they fight in French.
39:41In diary.
39:43You'd think a girl whose mama died in childbirth.
39:45Whose daddy gave her away to a mean old auntie.
39:48He'd beat her.
39:49Because no one said she couldn't.
39:51Who died in a fire but came back by the blood magic of two demons.
39:55Well, you'd think that girl would've known what funny was.
39:58But you'd be wrong, diary.
40:00And if I told you, dumb diary.
40:02That that same girl was being raised to kill like her demon parents did.
40:06To take two souls a day so she could stay in the same flat-chested, hairless, crotched,
40:1114-year-old baby doll bedroom.
40:14And she'd be the one to blame.
40:16To stay in the same flat-chested, hairless, crotched, 14-year-old baby doll body.
40:21As her mind and spirit turned 19.
40:29You dumb, dumb diary.
40:31I bet you say to anyone who listens,
40:36How does she even get up in the morning?
40:40Well, let me tell you something you stuck-up flower-covered,
40:43$3 fancy fucking paper diary.
40:47I'm doing just fine.
40:49And how do I know that?
40:51Cause the first man I killed called me the devil.
40:53And the last boy I killed,
40:55The last boy I'll ever love in this world,
40:58Called me an angel.
41:02So that means I'm on the right path.
41:06And that means there's so much more fun out there to have.
41:10I'm just getting started.
41:40I'm just getting started.
42:10I'm just getting started.
42:12I'm just getting started.
42:14I'm just getting started.
42:16I'm just getting started.
42:18I'm just getting started.
42:20I'm just getting started.
42:22I'm just getting started.
42:24I'm just getting started.
42:26I'm just getting started.
42:28I'm just getting started.
42:30I'm just getting started.
42:32I'm just getting started.
42:34I'm just getting started.
42:36I'm just getting started.
42:38I'm just getting started.
42:40I'm just getting started.
42:42I'm just getting started.
42:44I'm just getting started.
42:46I'm just getting started.
42:48I'm just getting started.
42:52Every single one of those corpses
42:54had some soft part of it
42:56lopped off.
42:58You wanted her, you fix her.
43:02Deputy Havisham!
43:04What is it?
43:06There are four pages torn out.
43:08This is how it has to be.
43:10For me.
43:12You are a mistake.
43:27You are getting access to very precious items from the archives.
43:31An alternative perspective on the years of your interest.
43:34Episode four, The Ruthless Pursuit of Blood with all a child's demanding.
43:39Claudia and her diaries.
43:40There's so much beautiful prose in Anne's work and we wanted to figure out a way to get some of that into the show.
43:45So we thought it was a very interesting way to be able to get into the interior life of Claudia.
43:50That was the quickest, easiest, dirtiest way.
43:52I closed my eyes and waited for the fire to take me too.
43:56That's when the black angel came.
43:59I think the room was very, very excited to try to switch point of views and really be the story of the young girl and let her own it.
44:06So the voiceover changes and the perspective changes.
44:09All these half-hour comedies have a great way of doing it.
44:11They have these fake documentaries where they can turn to the camera and tell you exactly how you're feeling.
44:15That's our equivalence here.
44:17And then I tasted it.
44:19And right away I felt strong as a streetcar.
44:26I think she's just trying to figure it out.
44:28I can leap and I can kill and I got power.
44:31No, don't!
44:33In the novel, she is without a doubt the most vampire out of both of them.
44:38She's a pretty dark killer.
44:40What would it be like to be trapped in the chemical stew of puberty for your entire existence?
44:46Does every night end like this?
44:47Y'all get tired, but I do.
44:49Why did you talk to the book?
44:51I got desires and I'm a little out of control and I love writing in my journal.
44:55In our Claudia, I think there's something precocious about her, but there's also something that has been sheltered.
45:00There is a lack of wisdom and world experience that goes there that makes it a very toxic and volcanic and potentially explosive little suitcase bomb of a vampire.
45:09You gonna stand there watching, little girl?
45:14We are looking at the portrait of the troubled teen.
45:16The idea of a sexual awakening in the midst of this.
45:19Unfortunately, in the confines of our story, your first date becomes your first homicide.
45:24Here comes Charlie.
45:25Think about your first love, everybody.
45:27And then you ate that person.
45:29You're an angel.
45:32It's pretty, pretty rough.
45:37Yeah, that would screw you up going forward a little bit.
45:41She cannot process what has happened.
45:43And like any teen, just grabs onto all of the grand operatic drama of it all.
45:49Turn him.
45:51I can't.
45:53You can.
45:53She's about to act out like every teen gone wild, and it's gonna start by harming herself in a very particular way only a young vampire could do.