The Return of my Drama Queen Full Story

  • 3 months ago
The Return of my Drama Queen Full Story


00:00:00My life ends today.
00:00:07My enemies, I do not care for them.
00:00:10Their screaming or their scribbles.
00:00:19My love, the only thing I will miss from this world.
00:00:23You've been found guilty. Death by guillotine.
00:00:28For Marie Antoinette!
00:00:30If only I had another chance.
00:00:34I will do everything, anything, to be with you again.
00:00:40Pardon me, Sergeant!
00:00:42Take the gun.
00:00:48I see it now.
00:00:50If only I could do it all differently.
00:00:53I'm sorry, Marie Antoinette.
00:01:01See you in the next life, my love.
00:01:23Stay with me, Antonia. Breathe.
00:01:25Don't leave me like this, please!
00:01:27Stay with me.
00:01:30Antonia, wake up!
00:01:32Come on!
00:01:36There was no heartbeat!
00:01:38Quiet, she's awake.
00:01:41Where am I? What is happening?
00:01:45My love, you are here!
00:01:50Breathe, Antonia, just breathe.
00:01:54Lafayette, is that you?
00:02:00My wife's still here, just call an ambulance.
00:02:03Wife? Wife? Wife!
00:02:07To Lafayette?
00:02:10Hello? I need an ambulance here now!
00:02:13My name is Marie Antoinette, the Queen of France.
00:02:18The year is 2024, more than 230 years into the future.
00:02:23And I live in some place called Los Angeles.
00:02:27And no, I'm not crazy. I'm alive.
00:02:31I reincarnated as Antonia Levine Fontaine, who's married to Nick Fontaine.
00:02:37My love in this life.
00:02:39Your wife shows no signs of lasting damage.
00:02:42No broken bones, her brain functions stable, heart rate is steady.
00:02:47You're sure? She was dead for five minutes.
00:02:51But what happened to the woman I'm supposed to be?
00:02:55Her blood alcohol level was at 0.3%.
00:02:59If it was a fraction more, it would not have been the fall that would have killed her.
00:03:03Wait, Antonia was an alcoholic?
00:03:07Is that the reason for her fall?
00:03:11Oh, Nick! Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!
00:03:16I tried to get her to stop drinking, but she's wrong.
00:03:20She looks so familiar.
00:03:46Your Majesty.
00:03:47Those bracelets are to die for.
00:03:50Those bracelets are to die for.
00:03:53Oh, you're so sweet to still wear your wedding ring.
00:03:57Countess Lamont! She's my nemesis in this life too?
00:04:11What is this odd metal box?
00:04:17What is this odd metal box?
00:04:28Viens dans le fer, madame.
00:04:35May I assist you inside?
00:04:37Non, merci. I shall wait for the carriage.
00:04:42Thank you, Sanson.
00:04:57A horseless chariot. Is this magic?
00:05:08What is that?
00:05:10What is this strange world?
00:05:26The return of the drama queen.
00:05:32That should be the title of your next film.
00:05:36And who might you be, young lady?
00:05:39Are we for real now?
00:05:41And why are you talking like a grandma?
00:05:44Shouldn't you be in school?
00:05:45I'm on break.
00:05:49Besides, I wouldn't miss this for the world.
00:05:53So, Antonia, I heard you kicked it.
00:05:59Enchanté, Sadie.
00:06:01I didn't kick it, as you put it, but I'm back now and I'm here to stay.
00:06:06Well, if you hurt my brother again, I know how to stick a bitch.
00:06:11Sadie, that's enough.
00:06:16I gotta take this. Look after her for me.
00:06:20Understood, General.
00:06:22He's a general in this life, too.
00:06:32Okay, that's not creepy.
00:06:37Oh, this is too painful to watch.
00:06:43How old are you, exactly?
00:06:47What is this?
00:06:49Seriously, you don't remember this.
00:06:54How hard did you hit your head?
00:06:57Well, technically, it wasn't my head.
00:07:00Just say, hey, Siri.
00:07:03Hey, Siri.
00:07:04Hey, Siri.
00:07:10What is this?
00:07:20Is this... me?
00:07:24In the flesh.
00:07:26Instagram royalty with your bestie, Lana.
00:07:35Victoria, Nick is gonna be home any minute now.
00:07:38Fuck Nick.
00:07:39Yeah, fuck Nick.
00:07:40You're hot.
00:07:41Hey, everybody, you hear that?
00:07:43I'm hot!
00:07:45So this is what Lafayette and his sister had to deal with.
00:07:48I have to change their minds.
00:07:57Ready to see your TikTok?
00:07:59What's a TikTok?
00:08:01Google it.
00:08:05If you're messing with me right now, I'm going to be seriously pissed off.
00:08:09I'm not.
00:08:11Google is the oracle of the 21st century.
00:08:15Just type and learn.
00:08:17Type and learn.
00:08:24Marie, internet.
00:08:36I was wrong, and the world still doesn't know.
00:08:40Hey, Siri.
00:08:42Tell me one thing good that came from the French Revolution.
00:08:51Hey, Sadie.
00:08:53Finally, she's all yours.
00:08:57Good luck.
00:08:58Good luck?
00:08:59That's some cray-cray shit.
00:09:03Women gained the right to vote in 1920.
00:09:07Female activists continue to use politics to reform society.
00:09:17I thought she was different.
00:09:21Maybe she was crazy in a different way.
00:09:32This led to the sexual revolution of the 1960s.
00:09:35Ooh, that's promising.
00:09:38Tell me more.
00:09:40You've come a long way, baby.
00:09:42Say that again, Siri?
00:09:44You've come a long way, baby.
00:09:46It was an advertising slogan that became a battle cry for female liberation.
00:09:51You've come a long way, baby.
00:09:58You've come a long way, baby.
00:10:10General Lafayette!
00:10:13My queen.
00:10:18You're a brave chevalier, but I beg you to change the uniform.
00:10:21You no longer fight for the Americans.
00:10:23You are home now, Lafayette.
00:10:29You've come a long way, baby.
00:10:33What do you mean?
00:10:37What are you doing?
00:10:39Something I've wanted to do for a very long time.
00:10:49What the hell is going on?
00:10:51Are you not my husband?
00:10:53And in this time, a woman pursues what she wants.
00:10:56Trying to seduce me won't delay the inevitable.
00:10:59We're tired of the games. We're over. I'm telling you.
00:11:05Darlings, what is going on?
00:11:17Looks like I got here just in the nick of time.
00:11:20Looks like I got here just in the nick of time.
00:11:31It is time, Antoinette.
00:11:36Can I not take mops with me?
00:11:38The French want nothing from a foreign court.
00:11:42But I'm from a foreign court.
00:11:44Does that mean they do not want me?
00:11:51There is something you must keep on your person at all times from this day forward.
00:11:59This pendant has protected our family for over a thousand years.
00:12:05Keep it close, Antoine.
00:12:07I fear your rule will be sorely tested in the years to come.
00:12:22I came as soon as I could.
00:12:25But what is this I hear now about divorce?
00:12:29Do not become a Hollywood cliché, my darlings.
00:12:33I'm not a Hollywood cliché.
00:12:36Do not become a Hollywood cliché, my darlings.
00:12:40I'm sure you mean well, Vivian.
00:12:42But can you butt out?
00:12:44Oh, Nick. You know me.
00:12:46So you know that's impossible.
00:12:49You two are my favorite people in the world. Let me help you.
00:12:52I know.
00:12:54Both of you need to spend more time together.
00:12:58Remember why you fell in love in the first place.
00:13:07Well, you look much better, Antonia.
00:13:10Then again, you were dead last time I saw you.
00:13:14Uh, thank you.
00:13:17Dude, you sure her head's okay?
00:13:19The doctor said there's nothing wrong with her physically.
00:13:25What are you doing here, Finn?
00:13:27Oh, can't I stop in and say hi to my big bro?
00:13:31Fine. The auction's tomorrow.
00:13:33I wanted to stop by and see if you were going.
00:13:37It's a marvelous idea.
00:13:39Something we should all do together.
00:13:41Antonia included.
00:13:43Oh, Nick. You can tell her about the film we're working on.
00:13:52Hmm. This one is more ribbon than dress.
00:13:57This one shows the buttocks.
00:14:00Where is the back on this one?
00:14:06It's time to reclaim the real me.
00:14:09Nick! I need the bodice brought to the house immediately!
00:14:13This wardrobe is a catastrophe!
00:14:15What are you now, queen?
00:14:17Why don't you go to the boutique like a normal person?
00:14:23Nick, these clothes are not me.
00:14:25These clothes are not me.
00:14:27I need to go to the boutique to find something more suitable.
00:14:31For once, we're on the same page.
00:14:33Just because it costs a fortune doesn't make it less tacky.
00:14:36Go get a new outfit. Hell, get ten.
00:14:39But how will I pay for it?
00:14:41You've already maxed out your credit cards this month.
00:14:43Credit card?
00:14:45Credit card?
00:14:48This has the power of purchase?
00:14:50That's one way of putting it.
00:14:52I don't think you should go it alone.
00:14:54Sadie, care to join?
00:15:01Lana, you got a minute?
00:15:03Antonia needs a new outfit for the auction.
00:15:05Great, thank you.
00:15:07She'll be here in ten.
00:15:21Hey, are you really going to give me the silent treatment all afternoon?
00:15:25That's no way family should act.
00:15:28You will never be my family.
00:15:32We're about to be sisters.
00:15:34After my dad marries your mom next year?
00:15:38That ball really fucked with your memory.
00:15:41I remember enough to never trust you.
00:15:44I know what you did, Lana.
00:15:47Trust me and prepare to face the consequences.
00:15:50Challenge accepted, bitch.
00:15:54Mademoiselles, welcome.
00:15:56Are you shopping for anything in particular today?
00:15:59Yes, I'm looking for some evening ensembles and some day wear.
00:16:02Perfect. Right this way.
00:16:05Low cut and flashy.
00:16:08It's you, Lana.
00:16:11I'm looking for something with a bit more je ne sais quoi.
00:16:14Well, of course.
00:16:16I think you want to look at our one-of-a-kind designer dresses.
00:16:19They're over here.
00:16:21This blue, actually look, you will pay, Antonia.
00:16:23And I can't wait to watch you suffer.
00:16:33It's fantastic.
00:16:35You have an impeccable eye, Miss Fontaine.
00:16:38Please, call me Antonia.
00:16:40I love it.
00:16:47This is the one.
00:16:49Simply stunning.
00:16:51You are a true trendsetter, Antonia.
00:16:53I love it.
00:16:55Let me take a look at the accessories.
00:16:57Yes, please.
00:17:02Have a beautiful evening and be sure to come back often.
00:17:06We get new stock every week.
00:17:08Merci beaucoup, Celeste.
00:17:10Of course, my love.
00:17:15I don't understand. What's happening?
00:17:18Hang on. Let me see your purse.
00:17:20I'll take this.
00:17:31This must be a mistake.
00:17:33I'll take this one.
00:17:35Hands behind the back.
00:17:37Did you know this?
00:17:39She's quite sick.
00:17:42You know, our family is trying to get her a lot of money.
00:17:45The budget is set at 15 million.
00:17:47I don't want to hear in the middle of shooting that she wants more money.
00:17:52Sanson, what's wrong?
00:17:54It's your wife. She's been caught shoplifting.
00:17:56I'll be right there.
00:17:58Is everything okay?
00:18:01Vive la France!
00:18:03You've been found guilty.
00:18:04You've been found guilty.
00:18:08La professeur said that!
00:18:10We are dead!
00:18:16I paid for the jewelry you stole.
00:18:22This is the last time I bail you out.
00:18:39Let's go.
00:18:44It's horrible.
00:18:46She needs help.
00:18:53Vive la France!
00:18:55Vive la France!
00:18:57Vive la France!
00:18:59Vive la France!
00:19:01Vive la France!
00:19:02Vive la France!
00:19:04Vive la France!
00:19:08You've been found guilty.
00:19:10Enough, Antoinette.
00:19:12Never again.
00:19:16I believe there has been a misunderstanding.
00:19:18I'm sorry?
00:19:20My husband purchased these earrings.
00:19:22But they do not suit me.
00:19:24Imperial topaz, while being the most expensive type, is not suitable for my skin tone.
00:19:29I've never worn it.
00:19:30It fools me.
00:19:32You're right.
00:19:34You look best in blues and purples.
00:19:37Greens, reds.
00:19:39Of course, you would never choose topaz.
00:19:41It clashes horribly.
00:19:43I'm so sorry I doubted you.
00:19:45This has been a terrible misunderstanding.
00:19:47They must have fallen into your bag.
00:19:51You're going to side with her over skin tone?
00:19:53She has unparalleled taste.
00:19:56Actually, Lana.
00:19:57These would be something you would pick.
00:20:02Perfect match.
00:20:04Until the Celeste doesn't lose the sale,
00:20:07they're my gift to you.
00:20:11That's very generous of you, Tonya.
00:20:14Again, I apologize for the misunderstanding.
00:20:17Not to worry.
00:20:21Guess I was wrong about her.
00:20:23Guess I was wrong about her.
00:20:24Guess I was wrong about her.
00:20:50Don't tell me you forgot how to put it on.
00:20:54Can you?
00:21:03Now I see it.
00:21:06Nick, darling, where are you hiding?
00:21:11Good evening, Vivian.
00:21:15You two set a date for the wedding yet?
00:21:17You're not getting any younger.
00:21:19We're planning a winter wedding.
00:21:21I can't wait to lock this one down.
00:21:23And knock you two.
00:21:26Hi, Nick.
00:21:28I'm so excited for this auction.
00:21:31Should be incredible.
00:21:33Some never-before-auctioned items by the queen herself.
00:21:53Her Royal Highness,
00:21:55Queen Marie Antoinette of France.
00:22:25She's got that same spark
00:22:27that you had at her age, Viv.
00:22:29Too bad she didn't inherit your talent.
00:22:32Well, not everything can be taught.
00:22:35Right, Daddy?
00:22:37Shall we go?
00:22:39Don't want to be late.
00:22:42Mr. Bean,
00:22:44Queen of Diamonds is your 66th feature film.
00:22:47There's rumors you may retire after this.
00:22:49Go out on top while you've still got it.
00:22:51Do you care to comment?
00:22:53Darlings, I will be acting on my deathbed.
00:22:57The devil himself couldn't tempt me offstage.
00:23:00So that is a resounding no.
00:23:04Wish I'd known how to handle vultures like that.
00:23:07Mr. Fontaine,
00:23:09can we expect antiques from tonight's auction
00:23:11to grace your upcoming period drama?
00:23:14Fontaine Studios prides itself
00:23:16in its historical accuracy.
00:23:17When we heard about the auction, it felt like fate.
00:23:19Thank you, but excuse us.
00:23:37Wow, Antonia.
00:23:40You look incredible.
00:23:42Definitely better than your usual skank couture.
00:23:44Definitely better than your usual skank couture.
00:23:47Merci, Ben.
00:23:49And all these French words you've been peppering in lately.
00:23:52So chic.
00:23:54Are you using Duolingo?
00:23:56Because I would love to learn some Italiano.
00:23:59That is one hot language.
00:24:02Oh, no.
00:24:04Big brother tone.
00:24:06You know, I was running lines with Oliver earlier today.
00:24:10He seemed really worn out.
00:24:11What are you doing to that poor bastard?
00:24:13It's not me. Max.
00:24:15He's been an insufferable tool
00:24:17since he won the National Book Award.
00:24:19Who is this Oliver and Max you speak of?
00:24:22You've met Oliver before, Antonia.
00:24:24Multiple times.
00:24:26He's the director of Queen of Diamonds.
00:24:28Nick and Ollie grew up together.
00:24:30He was even best man at your wedding.
00:24:32And then Max Keller is the writer.
00:24:35There they are now.
00:24:37Death by guillotine.
00:24:39For Marie Antoinette.
00:24:46Hey, that was a big stabber.
00:24:48Thank you, you too.
00:24:56They come to execute me in the morning, Memo.
00:24:59If there ever was a day
00:25:01when I could die in peace,
00:25:02they come to execute me in the morning, Memo.
00:25:05If there ever was a time for a miracle,
00:25:07it is now.
00:25:11Terror is nothing other than justice.
00:25:14The king and queen must die
00:25:17so that the country can live.
00:25:19The king and queen must die
00:25:22so that the country can live.
00:25:24The king and queen must die
00:25:27so that the country can live.
00:25:30Never die!
00:25:32Never die!
00:25:42My queen, the mob has breached the gates.
00:25:45They are coming, my queen.
00:25:47Well, where do I go?
00:25:49It's too late to escape now.
00:25:51I told you to run, Antoinette.
00:25:53Why didn't you run?
00:26:12Antonio, are you all right?
00:26:17Just breathe. Just focus only on my voice.
00:26:21There we go.
00:26:24Breathe nice and slow.
00:26:29There we go.
00:26:32I'm okay now.
00:26:34Thank you, Nick.
00:26:37That was a panic attack.
00:26:39It can be brought on by post-traumatic stress.
00:26:41What set you off?
00:26:43I thought I saw a ghost from the past.
00:26:47It's nothing.
00:26:55Good evening, ladies and gentlemen,
00:26:57and welcome to the Versailles Royal Collection
00:26:59featuring pieces from Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette.
00:27:05It can't be.
00:27:07Our first item on the block is a timepiece
00:27:11that was held in the last true king of France's hands.
00:27:15Oh, Louis, my beloved friend.
00:27:17I miss you so.
00:27:19Louis XVI was gifted this item by his wife, Marie Antoinette.
00:27:23We're going to start bidding at one million dollars.
00:27:26Do I hear one million?
00:27:27Yes, wonderful.
00:27:29One point five.
00:27:31Yes, two point five.
00:27:33Going once, going twice.
00:27:37Moving right along,
00:27:39we're going to be showing you and featuring our next item,
00:27:42which is a three-strand diamond bracelet.
00:27:46Those bracelets are to die for.
00:27:49Daddy, I have to have it.
00:27:54Two million, going once.
00:27:55Two million, do I hear two point five?
00:27:58And sold.
00:28:06Thank you.
00:28:09Our final and most prized item of the evening
00:28:13is one that is shrouded in the annals of history.
00:28:17Oh my God, it's here.
00:28:20A pendant said to have belonged to the Habsburg Empire.
00:28:23A family of Marie Antoinette herself.
00:28:26This pendant has protected our family for over a thousand years.
00:28:33I must get it back, at all costs.
00:28:36Starting bid on this item,
00:28:38we begin at a higher price of one point five million.
00:28:42Do I hear one point five?
00:28:44One point five.
00:28:46Do I hear two million?
00:28:48Two million.
00:28:50How about two point five million?
00:28:51Two point five million.
00:28:53Going once.
00:28:56Going twice.
00:29:01And three million.
00:29:06Three million.
00:29:11Sold to Mr. Nicholas Fontaine for three million dollars.
00:29:21Thank you ladies and gentlemen for attending the Versailles Royal Collection.
00:29:24Please have a lovely evening.
00:29:26Thank God, I got it back, Memo.
00:29:31Thank God, I got it back, Memo.
00:29:43You're out of your mind.
00:29:45That little stutter pinch cost me three million dollars.
00:29:48I can't explain it, but this pendant is important to me.
00:29:56So I thank you, husband.
00:30:01Tonya, what are you doing?
00:30:03I know it was a lot of money, but I will find a way to pay you back.
00:30:07Enough with the theatrics, okay?
00:30:10You'll pay me back? With what?
00:30:12You've burned through your trust fund,
00:30:13and you've never had a real job in your entire life.
00:30:16You have my word, Nicholas.
00:30:18The debt will be paid.
00:30:20Is she for real?
00:30:36Antonia, I don't believe you've met Max Keller,
00:30:40the novelist and screenwriter of Queen of Diamonds.
00:30:43Mr. Keller, I'm afraid I know nothing of your work.
00:30:46I wouldn't expect you to, Mrs. Fontaine.
00:30:49It's a biopic on Marie Antoinette, the last queen of France,
00:30:52and the death knell of the monarchy.
00:30:54You are telling her story? My story?
00:30:58There's no greater living expert than I on the French Revolution.
00:31:03I'm sure.
00:31:06I may say, Mrs. Fontaine,
00:31:08I feel we may have met before.
00:31:11You're mistaken, sir. Now if you'll excuse me.
00:31:17Well, she actually thinks she knows anything other than clothes and jewelry.
00:31:22She seems not like herself.
00:31:29That man, that petty evil man,
00:31:32I fear he's still a danger to me.
00:31:35Is that why you're here?
00:31:36To guide me?
00:31:38That man, that petty evil man,
00:31:41I fear he's still a danger to me.
00:31:43Is that why you're here?
00:31:45To guide me?
00:31:47To warn me?
00:31:51How do the handcuffs feel?
00:31:54I've been meaning to ask.
00:31:56Come on, come here.
00:31:59I've faced much worse in my life.
00:32:02You know, I finally figured out what I was doing wrong.
00:32:06Why you've been acting so strange.
00:32:09This is your sad, pathetic attempt to win Nick back.
00:32:13But you're gonna fail.
00:32:19I'm going to steal your husband, Antonia.
00:32:22Even your own mommy likes me more than you.
00:32:25She's already asked me to call her mother after the wedding.
00:32:28You're gonna have nothing left when I'm finished with you.
00:32:31I'll accept that stupid glass pendant.
00:32:36Let me pass. Make me, bitch.
00:32:39Let me pass. Make me, bitch.
00:32:42Lana, no matter how much time goes by,
00:32:44you're still a tacky, social kind of nobody.
00:33:06What the fuck is going on?
00:33:26What the fuck is going on?
00:33:30What the fuck is going on?
00:33:33I can stick a bitch too.
00:33:36I can stick a bitch too.
00:33:44She's spinning out of control.
00:33:50Antonia, wait.
00:33:53What crazy thing are you gonna do next?
00:33:55I don't even know who you are.
00:33:57Maybe you can give me a chance to find out.
00:33:59Has she truly changed?
00:34:01She does not seem like the same person at all.
00:34:03When can he understand?
00:34:05I'm not that Antonia he knew.
00:34:09Holly, I just heard from the Minister of Culture.
00:34:12They've granted us access to a second unit beside her for exteriors.
00:34:15What should I do with you, Lafayette?
00:34:17Don't matter what.
00:34:19I get the funnier from you, Bruma.
00:34:22This dress was so beautiful. It's ruined.
00:34:25Nick must think I'm a barbarian,
00:34:27but punching Lana in her smug face was worth it.
00:34:34All right.
00:34:46Hey, Siri.
00:34:48Call Sadie.
00:34:50Calling Sadie.
00:34:54What up, champ?
00:34:56Who is this champ?
00:34:58Inside joke.
00:35:00What do you mean?
00:35:02How does one remove the claw?
00:35:04What claw?
00:35:06The thing holding my bosom in place.
00:35:08Bra? Antonia?
00:35:10If you're on the back, there should be two little hooks holding it together.
00:35:16I feel something.
00:35:33Come here.
00:35:37Come here, you'll be fine.
00:35:57It's too late.
00:36:01You were wrong.
00:36:05You're sorry, but
00:36:08we are getting married.
00:36:11You're asking for it.
00:36:13The only reason you should be upset
00:36:15is because you're not the man I used to be.
00:36:18What are you doing?
00:36:20It's okay.
00:36:27You once had a heart that beat true.
00:36:29Until you tore it from my chest.
00:36:32Antonia, what did you do to this poor soul?
00:36:45I'll meet you at the studio to go over the details.
00:36:49You're wrong about me.
00:36:51I will find a way to prove it to you.
00:36:56I'll believe it when I see it.
00:36:59And believe it, you shall.
00:37:06Good with animals, gardening.
00:37:09Adept in the social graces required for court life and diplomacy.
00:37:13Speaks several languages.
00:37:15Performing plays at my little theater.
00:37:20Cows too.
00:37:22Ladies don't.
00:37:24Your posture, Sadie.
00:37:26You're a beautiful young woman. Why do you slouch?
00:37:30You think I'm pretty?
00:37:32Of course.
00:37:34You have good bones.
00:37:36No amount of powder and paint can compete with nature's gifts.
00:37:39Promise me you won't go back to your old self.
00:37:43What a horrible person you were, Antonia.
00:37:46To hurt this child.
00:37:48I promise.
00:37:52These are all the things I'm good at.
00:37:55I plan to pay your brother back for my pendant,
00:37:57but I'm not sure where to start.
00:38:02It's kind of obvious to me.
00:38:05Talk to Finn.
00:38:07He's the actor in the family.
00:38:09Maybe he knows a role that'd be right for you.
00:38:14I shall write him a letter.
00:38:16Or you can, like, text him.
00:38:19With who?
00:38:28Guess who got the most delicious food for our date?
00:38:33Thank you.
00:38:37So why did you suddenly want to break into acting?
00:38:41I need three million dollars fast to pay your brother back.
00:38:45Nick can be such a hard-ass sometimes.
00:38:48I blame that on his military training.
00:38:51Nick was also a soldier.
00:38:52Just like Lafayette.
00:38:54Nick was a Green Beret.
00:38:56He was career military.
00:38:59Then our father took over the studio after our grandfather died.
00:39:04In just 15 years, they went bankrupt.
00:39:07And Nick sent it.
00:39:10That must have been hard on him.
00:39:15But he didn't complain.
00:39:17Parents can really feel that.
00:39:19Which is why I assume you didn't try acting,
00:39:22given that Dame Vivian is your mom.
00:39:25So, I need to ask.
00:39:28Are you the girl?
00:39:30I was the lead in plays on and off for about five years.
00:39:34My most recent role was Rosine in The Barber of Seville.
00:39:38Beaumarchais was quite impressed with my performance.
00:39:43As in the 18th century playwright?
00:39:45I guess, a theater critic.
00:39:48I guess a theater job would make the most sense, given my experience.
00:39:52Or, you can try movies.
00:39:55I'll be in the studio tomorrow prepping for my role as King Louis XVI.
00:39:59You should come with and check it out.
00:40:01Why not?
00:40:04Try this pizza.
00:40:10Oh my.
00:40:12Where did you find this?
00:40:25This is where the magic happens.
00:40:30The burden of the crown.
00:40:32So heavy upon one's head.
00:40:35What is a queen,
00:40:38if not the epitome of splendor?
00:40:42Jewels that rival the stars.
00:40:44Gowns that whisper the secrets of the loom.
00:40:48And feasts that would make Bacchus envious.
00:40:54They say the kingdom weeps.
00:40:57But shall I not weep?
00:41:00I know.
00:41:02I can't believe I'm going to be stuck with her.
00:41:08Bravo, Lana.
00:41:10You just nailed the frivolous queen.
00:41:12Very well, Lana. Thank you.
00:41:15Does anyone else care to audition for this role?
00:41:22Does anyone else care to audition for this role?
00:41:28You tarnished my name once.
00:41:30I will not let you do it again.
00:41:36I would like to read.
00:41:40Are you sure, Antonia?
00:41:42Sure, Antonia.
00:41:44You know this is for the lead role, right?
00:41:46Perhaps you may try something as small as a background actor.
00:41:49I'm quite sure.
00:41:53The role is yours. Read.
00:42:04If we could stop everything we're doing
00:42:06to pander to the nipple baby and the producer's trophy wife.
00:42:09Back in school, people used to say
00:42:12her performances were devoid of a soul.
00:42:15The role is yours, Lana.
00:42:17You've got nothing to worry about.
00:42:19What in the world is she thinking?
00:42:22The Levine acting gene totally skipped Antonia.
00:42:26She wants to try, maybe.
00:42:28Oh, for heaven's sake, stop this nonsense.
00:42:30Before it's too late, she embarrasses herself.
00:42:33And me.
00:42:35I'm ready, Oliver.
00:42:36Max, can you go read Robespierre's lines with her, please?
00:42:39My pleasure.
00:42:42All right, everyone.
00:42:44Hit the spotlights.
00:42:51Okay, guys, so this scene is about Marie Antoinette
00:42:54and the trial and, you know, the tribunal,
00:42:57so let's just get to it, okay?
00:42:59Madame, you stand before us accused of conspiring
00:43:02with the foreign powers
00:43:03for depletion of the state treasury
00:43:05and committing high treason
00:43:07by acting against the security of the French state.
00:43:10Yesterday, I did not know the witnesses.
00:43:13I knew not what they were going to depose against me,
00:43:16and no one has presented any proof to support my arrest.
00:43:21I was only the wife of King Louis XVI,
00:43:24and it was required of me to follow his lead.
00:43:27The sentence of death has been pronounced.
00:43:30What shall you say to your defense?
00:43:33In my defense?
00:43:37For your scruples, much.
00:43:40I was a queen, and you dethroned me.
00:43:43I was a wife, and you killed my husband.
00:43:46I was a mother, and you tore me from my children.
00:43:51My blood alone remains.
00:43:53Take it and end this suffering.
00:44:04Yes, everyone, we found our queen!
00:44:09It's a miracle.
00:44:11The Levine acting dynasty lives on for another generation.
00:44:15My brother won't know it, will he?
00:44:17Where did that come from?
00:44:19The bitch I know can't act to save her life.
00:44:21Well, the performance was touching.
00:44:23Marie Antoinette is a shallow, empty-headed spender.
00:44:26A puppet for her mother's...
00:44:28I don't know.
00:44:29Marie Antoinette is a shallow, empty-headed spender.
00:44:32A puppet for her mother's ambitions,
00:44:34and in the end, an Austrian spy.
00:44:37You sound just like the man of 1793.
00:44:40Quick to dismiss a woman's power,
00:44:43and at the same time, fear it.
00:44:45Has the world not advanced since then?
00:44:47Does Marie Antoinette not deserve to be treated
00:44:49with the same complexity and nuance
00:44:51we would show to a male in her position?
00:44:55No way can that woman get the role.
00:44:59Mr. Fontaine, you need to on the set of Queen of Diamonds.
00:45:02Sir, it's about your wife.
00:45:05I'm on my way.
00:45:08No way can that woman get the role.
00:45:10I think you need to rethink it.
00:45:12No, absolutely not.
00:45:14This woman right here, she is going to be history.
00:45:16She's never done this before.
00:45:18You cannot make this kind of change.
00:45:20I'm the director, Max. That's exactly what I can do.
00:45:22I don't care.
00:45:24Antonio, what are you doing here?
00:45:26I brought her.
00:45:27I have an open mind for what you're about to hear, brother.
00:45:30What the hell is going on?
00:45:32If your wife gets the role of Marie Antoinette,
00:45:34I'm going to walk in.
00:45:36Antonio's betrayal humanizes the queen.
00:45:38That's what this film lacks and desperately needs.
00:45:40Olly, Olly, I'm with Max on this one.
00:45:42It's ridiculous to consider Antonio for the role.
00:45:44Can you really not see past the fact that she's your wife?
00:45:49Gentlemen, there is a simple way to resolve
00:45:53whether or not Antonio has the chance to play Marie Antoinette.
00:45:58Watch her audition tape.
00:46:12Nick, I was born to play this role.
00:46:14I am Marie Antoinette.
00:46:21She's in.
00:46:22She's in.
00:46:26You won't regret this.
00:46:32Thank you.
00:46:34My darling, I am so proud of you.
00:46:37You are a Levine after all.
00:46:39Yes, mother.
00:46:41Do you know what this means?
00:46:43We're going to be in scenes together.
00:46:45Husband and wife. King and queen.
00:46:47I'll come over tomorrow. We're going to start running lines.
00:46:49I'm so excited.
00:46:53I'm just grateful for the opportunity to tell her true story.
00:46:56Come on, I'll buy a salad drink.
00:46:58Oh, I could use a drink.
00:47:00Enjoy it now, Antonio.
00:47:02It won't last.
00:47:09This isn't over.
00:47:16Hey, Siri, play Mozart.
00:47:51Good, you're here.
00:47:53What are we doing?
00:47:55We're celebrating, silly.
00:47:56Where's Sadie?
00:47:58She's out with friends. We have the house to ourselves.
00:48:23Very nice.
00:48:27Thank you.
00:48:34You are so solemn, General.
00:48:37The world is a solemn place.
00:48:40Some things are beyond our control.
00:48:42It does not help to fixate on them.
00:48:45That is when we dance.
00:48:57You're too tight.
00:48:59Sit down and relax.
00:49:06You're too tight.
00:49:08Sit down and relax.
00:49:16You're too tight.
00:49:18Sit down and relax.
00:49:26You're too tight.
00:49:37You've never given me a massage before, Antonio.
00:49:40Why do you hide so much of yourself from me?
00:49:47I know a lot of things don't make sense, Nicholas, but...
00:49:50My life flashed before my eyes when I died.
00:49:53My soul had led me there,
00:49:55where I went wrong,
00:49:57what I could have done differently if given a chance.
00:50:01This here is my second chance.
00:50:06You asked me to forget about the divorce and give the spirit another shot.
00:50:10Yes, I see.
00:50:18I let you in once, Antonio.
00:50:20I don't know if I can do it again.
00:50:23I don't know if I can do it again.
00:50:37Morning, Sadie.
00:50:39What are you working on?
00:50:41A script.
00:50:45I would never say that.
00:50:48Or do that.
00:50:53What was that?
00:51:13Where do you think you're going?
00:51:15Catch him before he escapes.
00:51:17Where do you think you're going?
00:51:20Okay, I got it.
00:51:26At 14, I had to leave my family behind.
00:51:29Even my dog, Mops.
00:51:32You mean, when you went to boarding school?
00:51:35Sure, boarding school.
00:51:37I missed him so much.
00:51:42What should we call him?
00:51:44What should we call him?
00:51:46How about...
00:51:48Mops II?
00:51:51I like that.
00:51:53I like it.
00:51:55What do you think, Mops?
00:51:57Would you like to be my dog, Mops?
00:51:59You can't fall for her again.
00:52:01It's Amanda's bus end.
00:52:05Okay, you're free.
00:52:14You know, it's a lot to take in.
00:52:16The whole acting thing.
00:52:20It's not just that.
00:52:22The old Antonia, I know what you're saying.
00:52:25It was only a focus on me and my son.
00:52:27She hated it.
00:52:29And I hate it.
00:52:31I hate it.
00:52:33I hate it.
00:52:35I hate it.
00:52:37I hate it.
00:52:39I hate it.
00:52:41I hate it.
00:52:43Now her and Saylor are inseparable.
00:52:45Today she rescued a stray dog.
00:52:47Hell, even you've been one over her.
00:52:50What can I say?
00:52:52I like Antonia 2.0.
00:52:54She's one cool chick.
00:52:56Call her.
00:52:59Are you kidding me? A royal flush?
00:53:01Has she really changed?
00:53:03She's just another ruse to suck me back in.
00:53:06Dude, she died.
00:53:08Maybe she has changed.
00:53:10You know, I think the bigger question is...
00:53:11Will you regret it for the rest of your life?
00:53:13I'll give her one last chance.
00:53:16I hear you.
00:53:18I don't know if I can forget about everything she's done in the past.
00:53:21You can't.
00:53:23You won't.
00:53:38Hey, pops.
00:53:39Hey, pops.
00:53:41Here we go.
00:53:43Good boy, pops.
00:53:49She looks like an angel.
00:53:51I've seen the devil in her as well.
00:53:54Which one is the real you?
00:54:12I don't remember coming to bed last night.
00:54:17Come on, Mops.
00:54:25What's all this?
00:54:27My all-time favorites.
00:54:29Croissants and hot chocolate.
00:54:31Since when has hot chocolate become your favorite?
00:54:33Or is that with champagne?
00:54:35I don't know.
00:54:36Nick, don't be such a killjoy.
00:54:38I'm outtie.
00:54:46Mommy will be back soon.
00:54:48You really do care for him.
00:54:50Of course.
00:54:52Why would you think differently?
00:54:54Oh, I don't know.
00:54:56Maybe because last time a dog came near you,
00:54:58you kicked it for trying to dirty your dress.
00:55:00What a cold witch angel he was.
00:55:02How can I undo the damage she did?
00:55:03So he will let me in.
00:55:18Antonia, with your mother being the iconic Vivian Lee,
00:55:21do you feel her influence had anything to do
00:55:23with you getting the role?
00:55:25Could you explain to us why someone who's never even
00:55:27looked at the minor role,
00:55:29now has the most coveted role in Hollywood?
00:55:30Antonia, did your husband, Nicholas Fontaine,
00:55:32pull some strings?
00:55:34No comment.
00:55:36Please, please.
00:55:38We just can't believe it.
00:55:40They're like vultures in every century.
00:55:44Please, we just want to know.
00:55:46We just want to know your opinion.
00:55:51So Countess Lamothe was like
00:55:53the ultimate single white female.
00:55:56I mean, it's a very challenging role
00:55:58to play.
00:56:00I think you'll be good at it.
00:56:02Okay, but I was supposed to be the lead.
00:56:04Not some society thief
00:56:06who's always on the outside looking in.
00:56:13Okay, fine.
00:56:15I'll do it.
00:56:22Hi, Finn.
00:56:25Hey, Nick.
00:56:27Hey, Lana.
00:56:30Can I help you?
00:56:33I guess not.
00:56:41So, what brings you here, Nick?
00:56:43Fifteen million reasons.
00:56:46Okay, let's dive right in.
00:56:48Top of page 30, scene 15.
00:56:50Okay, Tony, start a song.
00:56:53If the peasants and commoners
00:56:55cannot afford bread,
00:56:56then I say, let them eat cake.
00:56:59The problem is, I never said that.
00:57:01So, I first wrote those words in 1765.
00:57:03I was only nine years old.
00:57:05And that's what you call this
00:57:07vain age?
00:57:11Um, she's correct, sir.
00:57:13Marie Antoinette never said
00:57:15let them eat cake.
00:57:17How did you catch that?
00:57:20How did you catch that?
00:57:22The world thinks she said it.
00:57:24What's the difference?
00:57:26It doesn't matter what you think
00:57:28on the woman, Max.
00:57:30It matters!
00:57:32And Tony seems to be the only one
00:57:34that gets that.
00:57:36Anything else before you, girl?
00:57:40Let's start with page 18,
00:57:42the hunting scene.
00:57:44The script says that I wore
00:57:46a petticoat while riding,
00:57:48but I found them too limiting
00:57:50and I wore breeches.
00:57:52She's correct.
00:57:54Marie Antoinette was one
00:57:56of the most groundbreaking.
00:57:58Antonia, you are quite the history buff.
00:58:00Um, costumes?
00:58:02Can you make those changes?
00:58:04Antonia, any other big catches for us?
00:58:06I wouldn't call wearing breeches
00:58:08a big change or a catch.
00:58:10Why don't you share some of your
00:58:12pearls of wisdom with us, Antonia?
00:58:14We've got a few there on your neck,
00:58:16don't you?
00:58:18I will.
00:58:20Since the film is called
00:58:22Queen of Diamonds, let's talk
00:58:24about the Affair of the Necklace
00:58:26It's true.
00:58:28Louis XV, my grandfather-in-law,
00:58:30commissioned it for his mistress.
00:58:32Then he died, and I refused it.
00:58:42Madame Depecite.
00:58:44Austrian spy.
00:58:46Peter Vanity, restart.
00:58:49It was Countess Lamotte
00:58:51who fabricated my signature
00:58:53on the purchase,
00:58:54then impersonated me.
00:58:56Great stuff.
00:58:58Let's get into that old page 50,
00:59:02You copied my hair, my gowns,
00:59:04then became a thief in my name.
00:59:06You paint me a villainess
00:59:08when we all know
00:59:10who the real one is.
00:59:12Have you no shame?
00:59:14Your greed has sparked a chain
00:59:16of events that led France
00:59:18towards revolution.
00:59:20Ooh, I love it, ladies.
00:59:22Keep up that energy.
00:59:24She's twisting my words.
00:59:26I wrote the quintessential book
00:59:28of Marie Antoinette.
00:59:30Now, I'm the only expert here.
00:59:32I'm not interested in producing
00:59:34another pop history flick
00:59:36that oversimplifies things.
00:59:38There's a direction, or dimension.
00:59:42Max, we're overhauling the script.
00:59:44Antonia, work with Max to get it right.
00:59:46Let's get past the slander and the politics
00:59:48and get to the heart of the real
00:59:50Marie Antoinette.
00:59:52Yes, I can.
00:59:54What's the method, I can?
00:59:56Okay, everybody,
00:59:58I think we're in a good place.
01:00:00Let's start.
01:00:02It's not factual.
01:00:04It's not the best.
01:00:06Okay, I like that.
01:00:25All right, everybody,
01:00:27the first day of printable photography
01:00:29is tomorrow, and I decided
01:00:31we're gonna go with the ballroom scene first.
01:00:33I know, I know, it may be hard,
01:00:35but let's just get it out the way with, okay?
01:00:37Our call time is 8 a.m.,
01:00:39and call sheets are right here.
01:00:42What's a call sheet?
01:00:44I'll put your hands up.
01:00:55I believe you and I share a common goal.
01:00:58The complete and total ruin
01:01:00of Antonia Levine Fontaine.
01:01:06What did you have in mind?
01:01:10Plenty, plenty.
01:01:17I've not missed this at all.
01:01:19Nice digs,
01:01:21but don't get too comfortable
01:01:23in your fancy dressing room.
01:01:25You won't be a leading lady for long.
01:01:27Get out, or I will put you
01:01:29on the ground like last time.
01:01:31I can't wait any longer.
01:01:33I want that bitch gone.
01:01:36She's been taken care of.
01:01:38Soon she'll be dead to the Marie Antoinette.
01:01:40I don't care.
01:01:42I don't care.
01:01:44I don't care.
01:01:46I don't care.
01:01:48I don't care.
01:01:50I don't care.
01:01:52I don't care.
01:01:54I don't care.
01:01:56I don't care.
01:01:58I don't care.
01:02:01I don't care.
01:02:07All right.
01:02:09Quiet on set, everybody.
01:02:15Her Royal Highness
01:02:17Queen Marie Antoinette of France.
01:02:54We welcome home our brave men
01:02:57who helped turn the tide for the Americans
01:03:00The British. Cheers.
01:03:09My drink has been poisoned.
01:03:21All right, everybody, take five. We'll resume shortly, okay?
01:03:25Take five, everybody, take five.
01:03:31Man, this thing is itchy. I don't know how the old people did it.
01:03:35Get lost, Ben.
01:03:36Well, that's a nice way to greet your baby brother.
01:03:39Okay, all right.
01:03:41What's wrong?
01:03:42I can't explain it, but I know my drink has been poisoned.
01:03:46It's okay, I've got you.
01:03:48You're not going to say I'm crazy?
01:03:50I only trust my instincts on the battlefield. Right now, they're telling me something's wrong.
01:03:55I know I can trust you.
01:03:57Magnatron. Get the glass, get it tested.
01:04:00For now, don't eat or drink it then, okay?
01:04:03Okay, thank you.
01:04:09Detective Ortiz, it's Nick Fontaine.
01:04:12I'm listening.
01:04:13We've got a situation here at the studio.
01:04:28I wish we could just stay like this forever, my dear Louis.
01:04:32For as long as I live, I will always remember this moment.
01:04:36The smile on your face, the light in your eyes.
01:04:44That's a wrap, everybody.
01:04:46Don't you just love your love?
01:04:48Okay, Antonia?
01:04:50Just a really long day.
01:04:52I'm looking forward to a hot bath after getting out of this corset.
01:04:55What are you telling me?
01:04:57The corset's killing me.
01:05:05It grew up so fast.
01:05:09Somebody shows.
01:05:17Don't bother.
01:05:18It's not like you haven't seen it before.
01:05:21Got the results back.
01:05:22Got the results back.
01:05:24The drink had enough cyanide to kill a horse.
01:05:29Antonia, you do understand.
01:05:31Someone's trying to kill you.
01:05:33You know how many people have wanted my head?
01:05:36You could fill a Coliseum.
01:05:37This isn't a joke.
01:05:39One little poisoner isn't going to stop me from telling anyone a story.
01:05:42I'm meant to be here.
01:05:44Besides, I have three million dollars to earn.
01:05:47Forget about the money.
01:05:48I have.
01:05:49No, I will pay back the debt.
01:05:54Put me down!
01:05:55You asked for it.
01:05:56Put me down!
01:05:57We're going home.
01:05:58I will not be sent to scurry and hide like a mouse.
01:06:00You're too much encouraging.
01:06:05Okay, fair enough.
01:06:09You asked for it.
01:06:10Put me down!
01:06:13Hey, hey, why aren't you going inside?
01:06:14I thought we were going over the changes for tomorrow.
01:06:16I don't think now's a good idea, Nick and Antonia.
01:06:20Oh, I need to talk to them, too.
01:06:25Here we go.
01:06:26You asked for it.
01:06:29How about another time?
01:06:31Good idea.
01:06:38You got a little crazy, I'd say.
01:06:41Oh, we've made quite a mess.
01:06:44What is all this?
01:06:45Fan mail.
01:06:46Can you believe it?
01:06:47We've got fans.
01:06:48Detectives said there's usually a warning in these cases.
01:06:51Without any phone call or letter.
01:06:59You should have died a long time ago.
01:07:01Your end is coming, Antoinette.
01:07:03Where did this come from?
01:07:05I don't know.
01:07:06It's not just anybody.
01:07:07It's just right to your dressing room.
01:07:10That's it.
01:07:11We're out of here.
01:07:17This is so weird!
01:07:20Nick, put me down!
01:07:25I'm trying to protect you, woman.
01:07:28You're mine!
01:07:29You are!
01:07:47This is not my chamber.
01:07:49It's mine.
01:08:17Thank you.
01:08:22I've never got a kiss from you before.
01:08:25Me neither.
01:08:44None for me.
01:08:45I don't drink.
01:08:47Since when?
01:08:52I've been meaning to tell you forever, but I knew you wouldn't believe me.
01:08:57After everything that's happened, I'm willing to try.
01:09:13I love you.
01:09:16I love you.
01:09:20I love you.
01:09:43I don't want you going to set today.
01:09:45It's too dangerous.
01:09:47If I don't, there will be no Queen of Diamonds.
01:09:50At least until we catch the stock.
01:09:52You know I have to be there.
01:09:55Besides, the studio will suffer.
01:09:58Fifty million dollars is on the line.
01:10:00You're funny.
01:10:01I am.
01:10:07You need to be careful, Antoinette.
01:10:08I don't want you leaving the house without a sense.
01:10:10It's a trillion dollar gun.
01:10:12That makes sense.
01:10:14I mean, he's big enough, but I don't think he likes me much.
01:10:17You see, now you're worse.
01:10:19Give him time to come around.
01:10:35Looks like I'm not the only one that got a sleepover last night.
01:10:39Ugh, get a room.
01:10:43Let's go, Mops.
01:10:58Is that...
01:11:00Those are photos of you from our house.
01:11:03Double security on set.
01:11:04No one in or out without being vetted by guards.
01:11:07Do it now.
01:11:15What do we do?
01:11:16I got you.
01:11:17You'll be fine.
01:11:21I do not understand.
01:11:23I supported the American Revolution.
01:11:25Now my people want to rebel against me.
01:11:28There is no truth anymore.
01:11:31There is no truth anymore, Louis.
01:11:33Only public opinion.
01:11:35Which is as fickle as a fart in the wind.
01:11:39You've been amongst your farm animals too much, Marcia.
01:11:42Am I wrong?
01:11:44If I revel in grand soirees and balls, they brand me as indulgent.
01:11:48If I retreat to the countryside,
01:11:50they spread rumors of my hidden vices and secret romances.
01:11:56In their tribunal, we stand condemned.
01:11:59Who would care as if we truly are guilty?
01:12:01I pray you are mistaken.
01:12:04I pray as well, my king.
01:12:10We got it.
01:12:11Great work, you two.
01:12:13That totally rocked.
01:12:14If you weren't my sister-in-law, I would kiss you.
01:12:19You don't have to pretend with me, Finn.
01:12:23How long have you known?
01:12:25You don't have to pretend with me, Finn.
01:12:28How long have you known?
01:12:30I grew up around artists and musicians.
01:12:33But I take it Nick doesn't know?
01:12:36He wouldn't understand.
01:12:37He's such a manly man.
01:12:40I think you're underestimating him.
01:12:46Thank you.
01:12:47For accepting me as I am.
01:12:50Always, Finn.
01:12:59Now, let's get out of this corset.
01:13:01Oh, please.
01:13:03She's even better than Vivian and Imran.
01:13:05My God.
01:13:06Kimma loves her.
01:13:08Oh, gracious of Nick.
01:13:10Your wife is gonna be a star.
01:13:16Antonia Levine Fontaine's Forbidden Romance.
01:13:21Finn Fontaine?
01:13:25Oh, good boy, Mom.
01:13:29I'm sorry, what?
01:13:31She was like my age when her parents married her off?
01:13:35That's beyond cringeworthy.
01:13:39Anyone caught the latest headlines?
01:13:43It's not what you think.
01:13:44Look, I've been trying to tell you.
01:13:46Finn, Finn, I know.
01:13:47You're my brother.
01:13:48I love you.
01:13:49Besides, there's the fact that you're gay.
01:13:51You know?
01:13:54I was a soldier.
01:13:55I trained in those details.
01:13:57And you don't care?
01:13:59Why would I?
01:14:04I love you.
01:14:05I love you too, man.
01:14:06There's gonna be some fallout from this stupid scandal, but we'll manage.
01:14:10Or I could just tell them.
01:14:12No, Finn.
01:14:13This is for you to decide when you're ready.
01:14:15Not like this.
01:14:16Never like this.
01:14:22I love you guys.
01:14:25Oh, Mom.
01:14:31You don't have to say it back, but...
01:14:34I love you.
01:14:37I told you.
01:14:41I just wanted you to know in case something happened to me.
01:14:45I just wanted you to know in case something happened to me.
01:14:55Now what's that on?
01:14:57Not on my watch.
01:15:10What are you doing?
01:15:15What's the point of this?
01:15:26Just a nightmare.
01:15:28Go back to sleep.
01:15:30I'll only be a minute.
01:15:44Oh no.
01:15:56It's Henson.
01:15:58He scared me.
01:16:02What's going on?
01:16:06There's been a break-in.
01:16:09They chased him, and they got away.
01:16:11I'm glad you're here.
01:16:12Why didn't the alarm go off?
01:16:14Seems Mercedes forgot to reset it on the way in.
01:16:19Detective Ortiz, we need a crime scene unit in the House of Dust for fingerprints.
01:16:24It's been a break-in.
01:16:38Oh shit, it's on the fly.
01:16:40How long have you been sleeping with M510, Lieutenant?
01:16:43Are you going to leave your husband to your broken-in-law?
01:16:45Nick, are you divorcing your cheating wife?
01:16:49Detective, talk to me.
01:16:50We weren't able to get any workman fingerprints from the attempt at break-in.
01:16:53What else did they do?
01:16:54Whoever was behind this is a pro.
01:16:56What about the pictures themselves?
01:16:58Forensics confirmed that the camera angles to technique.
01:17:02They're identical.
01:17:03I can't believe it.
01:17:09Whoever sold the pictures to the tabloids are a stalker.
01:17:12It's time to follow the money.
01:17:17Antoine, your subservience to the French court is unbecoming.
01:17:22I fear they distract you with trivial pleasures.
01:17:25But Mother, what was I to know of courtly intrigues and royal duties?
01:17:30I was in your team when I was placed in this gilded cage.
01:17:33Embrace your destiny, Antoinette.
01:17:37It is now time to rise to the occasion.
01:17:41It is the lot of women and queens to be strong, to dig deep,
01:17:47and to face the darkest of moments unflinchingly.
01:17:54Oh, no.
01:17:55That is when you know who you truly are.
01:18:00That is when you know who you truly are.
01:18:05Cut on rehearsal, everyone.
01:18:06That was beautiful.
01:18:08Let's take ten.
01:18:09Okay, while we go.
01:18:10Thank you.
01:18:11Of course.
01:18:17Jake says this scandal with you and Finn isn't blowing over.
01:18:21Antonia, you need to be seen out with Nick.
01:18:25Secure your marriage in the eyes of the public.
01:18:27Seriously, Mother?
01:18:28You're on what, your eighth walk down the aisle?
01:18:30No, it is because I am on my eighth.
01:18:33And I can tell you, Nick is one of the good guys.
01:18:37Don't suck it up.
01:18:39I appreciate the maternal advice, but Nick and I are good.
01:18:42I'm good, Mother.
01:18:44For the first time in my life.
01:18:46Well, I'm good.
01:18:56Three days before we wrap.
01:18:58Time is slipping away.
01:19:00Just say the word and I'll make it happen.
01:19:03Just say the word and I'll make it happen.
01:19:12You can count on me.
01:19:19You can't be in here this week, right?
01:19:21Oh, sure I can.
01:19:23You need to unwind a little.
01:19:25I can't drink on the job.
01:19:28I will tell if you don't.
01:19:49Thank you.
01:19:54This whole scandal.
01:19:56Antonia is such a fool for cheating on you.
01:19:59Especially with your own brother.
01:20:01But I want you to know, I'm here for you.
01:20:03Day in and day out.
01:20:05That won't be necessary, Lana.
01:20:12Just wrapped my last scene.
01:20:15Oh, I am burning this damn thing.
01:20:20God, that's amazing.
01:20:23It's been done.
01:20:30This one's yours?
01:20:34You smoke gunpowder?
01:20:37There shouldn't be live rounds on set.
01:20:41There shouldn't be live rounds on set.
01:20:47Harry Antoinette, you cannot escape.
01:21:14Are you okay?
01:21:17Oliver, lock down the set.
01:21:19Secure the evidence, call the police.
01:21:21And my wife.
01:21:22Where's the goddamn weapon now?
01:21:24Lock down the set, everybody. Let's go.
01:21:27It wasn't me. It was all her.
01:21:30No, no, no. I'm innocent. It was Mr. Price.
01:21:34You've been terrorizing my wife.
01:21:36Antonia didn't fall down the stairs.
01:21:38Antonia didn't fall down the stairs. You pushed her.
01:21:41She was so wasted. It was easy.
01:21:44The shoplifting, the poison. Now switching live ammo?
01:21:47It was you this whole time, wasn't it, Lana?
01:21:49You're so clever, Nick.
01:21:52But I've been toying with Antonia ever since high school.
01:21:55The girl who had it all.
01:21:57And acted like it was nothing.
01:22:00So, I decided to take it all away from her.
01:22:02You're psychotic.
01:22:03It should have been me you married! Me you fucked!
01:22:06I'm just as beautiful and talented as her.
01:22:10Nick, please. Let's not rush to criminal charges.
01:22:13A mental facility is what she needs.
01:22:15Enough, Jake. Your daughter is a sociopath.
01:22:18What she needs is to face the consequences for her actions.
01:22:21No. I will show her the mercy she never showed me.
01:22:25You're sure?
01:22:27I'm sure.
01:22:31Antoinette, this doesn't end with me.
01:22:35The day of the executioner is near.
01:22:42No! No! Get off! Get off me!
01:22:46Daddy, help!
01:22:48You okay?
01:22:53I can't believe it's finally over.
01:22:55I'm sorry I didn't realize what Lana was up to.
01:22:58If only I'd known she was bad years ago.
01:23:01Lana did some evil things, but the Antonia you married was also a bad person.
01:23:08You know you're talking to the right person, right?
01:23:11I guess that wasn't me.
01:23:16I don't know how. I don't know why. But...
01:23:26Thank you.
01:23:32Thank you.
01:23:38Please let my friends know that they occupied my thoughts.
01:23:42To be torn from you all, from your joys and woes,
01:23:46is the greatest sorrow I bear as I face my end.
01:23:52They've come for me.
01:23:57Cut! That's a wrap, everybody! That's a wrap!
01:24:03Oh, my God.
01:24:04You are extraordinary.
01:24:09Thank you.
01:24:17Working with this team has been amazing.
01:24:20And Antonia, I can't imagine anyone else to play Marie Antoinette at all.
01:24:25You're such an old soul.
01:24:27Cheers to Antonia, everyone!
01:24:34You know, I hope Lana's actions doesn't deter you from signing with me.
01:24:40You're a massive talent, Antonia.
01:24:42It would be my honor to represent you.
01:24:51Where's Nick?
01:25:04I always thought you were a smart man, Max.
01:25:07A smart man turned greedy.
01:25:09Greedy turns them into fools.
01:25:15I'm sorry.
01:25:16Greedy turns them into fools.
01:25:20You should have never sold those pictures to the tabloid, Max.
01:25:23You have your stalker.
01:25:26It was Lana.
01:25:27My men tracked the 30 grand to the photos to your offshore account.
01:25:31She stole my life's work.
01:25:33Like she steals everything!
01:25:35Antonia really showed just how petty and irrelevant you are.
01:25:39Your reign of terror is over. It ends now.
01:25:43You're a silly little boy, Nick.
01:25:46You're too late to save her.
01:25:49You're always too late.
01:25:52What have you done? Tell me what you've done!
01:25:54You've run out of time, Nick.
01:25:55You've run out of time.
01:26:04Nick, are you back here?
01:26:21Pardon me, sir. I meant not to do it.
01:26:23Parme la pouche.
01:26:25The blood of a royal executioner flows through my veins.
01:26:29You shall not cheat death, my handmaid.
01:26:32Bien ton enfer, le metère.
01:26:38Are you okay?
01:26:44Antonia, watch out!
01:26:47Antonia, watch out!
01:26:54Antonia, are you okay?
01:26:56I thought I'd lost you.
01:27:04Sansa, that son of a bitch.
01:27:06You couldn't have known.
01:27:07He's been plotting this for a long time.
01:27:10What about Max?
01:27:11His body may be here, but his soul...
01:27:15It's gone.
01:27:17Maximilien Rochepierre.
01:27:19What's happened?
01:27:20You have been condemned to die.
01:27:22There's been a mistake!
01:27:24A Max Keller, the famous writer!
01:27:26Please, no! No!
01:28:03Hey, Siri, take a selfie.
01:28:07I've created a monster.
01:28:09Who's taking the selfie, Marie Antoinette?
01:28:12Hello? Hello?
01:28:14Are you two a thing?
01:28:16What does it look like?
01:28:22Antonia, the reviews are in.
01:28:29Marie Antoinette redeemed.
01:28:31The misunderstood historic queen is vindicated.
01:29:02Let us do my work.
01:29:05She's all yours, darling.
01:29:10Did you hear the reviews?
01:29:12I did. You did amazing.
01:29:18Did you just...
01:29:27I did. My queen.
01:29:35Those who have wronged me,
01:29:37may God have mercy on their souls.
01:29:42That rat did it, Antonia!
01:29:45I should be with him!
01:29:47Daddy, help me!
01:29:58One pendant, painful.
01:30:02Well, it's just gonna go into a trust fund for our kids.
01:30:05Then you better get to work, Mr. Fontaine.
01:30:08Challenge accepted, Mrs. Fontaine.
01:30:23You'll be this life and the next.
01:30:25I'll be by your side.
01:30:27And I, yours.
01:30:35I love you.
