Romantic Drama Best Friend From Heaven

  • 4 months ago
When a tragic accident takes the life of her dog, Tara is forced to cancel her wedding. With a little help from above, their small town rallies together to make sure these two are able to have the wedding of their dreams.
Derick AgyemangPeggy CalvertBrian Scott Carleton.
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00:00:00I always said the only thing my daughter would be on time for is her own wedding.
00:00:30I guess I was wrong.
00:00:34Paula, you think you two could play something for these very patient folks?
00:00:42Pretty sure that's something we can do.
00:00:49Each day I'll do a golden deed
00:00:54By helping those who are...
00:00:58For Pete's sake, nothing's even happened yet.
00:01:01I know, I know, it's just...
00:01:04I thought about how beautiful it's going to be and I lost it.
00:01:08Be more beautiful with flowers.
00:01:18No, no, I didn't mix up the dates.
00:01:21I'm just dropping off the bouquet at the bride's house now.
00:01:26I got stuck behind Mr. Withers.
00:01:28You know, we really should politely mention to him that it might be time to hand in his...
00:01:35No way they bought that.
00:01:50Gabe, come on, I'm late enough as it is.
00:01:53Come here, baby.
00:01:57What do you say, Gabe? Want to get married today?
00:02:00Me too. Now where did you hide those rings?
00:02:07Want to take a bet on who's calling to yell at me for being late?
00:02:55All right, Gabe, Dad says this is as fashionably late as I'm allowed to...
00:03:26It's Tara. You knew she was going to be a little late.
00:03:29Yeah, yeah.
00:03:37Hey, I thought it was always bad luck to...
00:03:44Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm on the way.
00:03:47What's wrong?
00:03:51Gabe got hit by a car.
00:03:53Gabe got hit by a car?
00:03:56Oh, no.
00:04:19How is he?
00:04:20I don't know what happened.
00:04:22I was just trying to get the rings from him and then Dad called and I knew I was late already.
00:04:28It's okay, it's okay.
00:04:41How is he, Doc?
00:04:45He's taken a substantial amount of damage.
00:04:48I can operate, see if I can reduce some of the swelling on his brain.
00:04:54Whatever it takes.
00:04:55Unfortunately, it's not cheap.
00:04:59It's not my labor, mind you. The medicine, the procedure itself.
00:05:04We don't care. Anything.
00:05:18I'm happy to help with the costs if you need it.
00:05:22I think you've done enough already.
00:05:44Thank you.
00:06:03I'm truly sorry. We did everything we could.
00:06:15Oh no.
00:06:35Oh, wow. This is nice on the paws.
00:06:41Hey, I can talk.
00:06:42Pardon me.
00:06:43Hello? Yes, you.
00:06:46Yeah, we're looking over here now.
00:06:48Ah, who's a good boy?
00:07:01Excuse me, I was wondering if you could tell me how to get to the church from here.
00:07:04I'm late for a wedding.
00:07:06Yeah, sure. No problem.
00:07:08All you gotta do is go back and take a left at No Chance Avenue. Name?
00:07:12Gabriel. What are you talking about, No Chance Avenue?
00:07:17What is this place?
00:07:19Well, let's see. You're walking on a cloud and listening to harps.
00:07:23Are you honestly not getting this?
00:07:26What? No, that can't be right.
00:07:29I'm going to my family's wedding.
00:07:31I saw a squirrel and I chased him out to the front and...
00:07:36Oh no.
00:07:38Ah, it's always the squirrels.
00:07:41Now, if you kindly sign here, we'll get you sitting on a couch that you can never get kicked off of.
00:07:45How does that sound?
00:07:46I can't. I have to get back there. They need me.
00:07:50Yeah, I feel for you. I do, but it's not how this works.
00:07:54Head on through. I promise you're going to love it.
00:07:56Ah, excuse me. I think I might be lost.
00:07:59Hey, hey, hey. No, no, no. You can't be here.
00:08:05Oh no.
00:08:08Hey! Hey! Yeah, I need some paws down here.
00:08:12Yeah, it's happening again.
00:08:21I'm coming home, guys.
00:08:29Hey guys, I'm back.
00:08:38Look who's home.
00:08:43Oh yeah, I can talk now.
00:08:46Have you seen my tie?
00:08:52Don't be mad.
00:09:02You ready?
00:09:05You ready?
00:09:09Hey Pete, can I sit with you up front?
00:09:15Or in the back? The back's fine too. I'm just happy I didn't miss it.
00:09:29Guys, where are you going? The car's out front. You, uh...
00:09:39I keep opening the fridge door and expecting him to knock me over and steal a hot dog.
00:09:46I can't believe it's been over a month.
00:09:52A month?
00:09:54We were going to go on our honeymoon today, Gabe.
00:09:59You would have loved it. We found a place with a beach just for dogs.
00:10:07I miss you, Gabe.
00:10:16They didn't get married.
00:10:19Hey, the rings are right here, look.
00:10:25I'm sorry.
00:10:30Alright, 135, 136, 137.
00:10:35Hey, remind me to ask the boss what the purpose of squirrels are.
00:10:41What? No, I was...
00:10:43Never mind, you just go on through, chase them all you want.
00:10:49Wait, who's missing?
00:10:53Gabriel? Which one is...
00:10:57Oh no.
00:11:00Hey, I need someone to cover my shift. One of the new arrivals went for...
00:11:05You lost another one?
00:11:07No, and if anyone asks, it's a walk.
00:11:11Who goes back? Honestly, mountains of treats, no baths, no fleas...
00:11:16Come on!
00:11:29Alright, Gabe, where'd you go?
00:11:41It's alright, it's not the one I'm looking for.
00:12:12Hey, Dad.
00:12:15Tax season already?
00:12:18Actually, I wish.
00:12:20Just trying to figure out which vet bills get paid this month and which ones can wait.
00:12:26Why don't you guys let me help you out?
00:12:29I don't know.
00:12:31I'm just trying to figure out which vet bills get paid this month and which ones can wait.
00:12:38Why don't you guys let me help you out?
00:12:43I'm a little socked away and...
00:12:45Thanks, but we're fine.
00:12:48Besides, you've already done so much.
00:12:53You know, if this is just about getting married,
00:12:59you don't need a fancy wedding.
00:13:02I could marry you guys right here.
00:13:06I appreciate it.
00:13:09But we want to wait until we can do it right.
00:13:12We want everyone to be there.
00:13:18I missed your church.
00:13:27We just need a little bit of time.
00:13:29Oh, yeah, no rush.
00:13:32Just, uh...
00:13:35Letting you know, we, uh...
00:13:39We all missed you.
00:13:43I appreciate it.
00:13:56Um, yeah, can you hold on a second?
00:14:03Sorry about that.
00:14:05Yes, the dress still is available.
00:14:08No, nothing wrong with it.
00:14:10Just, um, never used it.
00:14:13Don't sell the dress.
00:14:15Sure, five o'clock sounds great.
00:14:18I'll give you my address. Do you have a pen?
00:14:21I gotta do something.
00:14:58Morning, Mrs. Jeffries.
00:15:02I'm fine. Thanks for asking.
00:15:10Hey, Mom.
00:15:12Yep. Couldn't be better.
00:15:14Everyone in town hates me,
00:15:16which means I'm probably moved back in town
00:15:18just to run your business into the ground.
00:15:23Could be right.
00:15:25Excuse me? Mr. Culligan?
00:15:27My mother's looking for a second opinion.
00:15:30Mind telling her how everyone in town can't stand me?
00:15:36Thank you.
00:15:39Hey, Mom.
00:15:41Yep, I gotta go deliver these flowers
00:15:43to the only person in town still taking our business.
00:15:46I love you, too.
00:15:48Enjoy the Grand Canyon.
00:15:56Morning, Norma.
00:15:58Late again, I see.
00:16:00Sorry. I got a flat.
00:16:03I was trying to flag someone down to lend me a hand,
00:16:06but people don't seem too eager to help me these days.
00:16:09Well, we all really like that dog.
00:16:12Always appreciated your honesty there, Norma.
00:16:15And while we're on the subject,
00:16:18I just wanted to say thanks
00:16:20for continuing to use me for your flowers.
00:16:26You sticking by me during this,
00:16:29that is to say, it really means a lot.
00:16:33I promised your mother.
00:16:36Is that the only reason?
00:16:42Next week, then?
00:16:44Try to be on time, Jerry.
00:16:47I will.
00:16:53Mr. Jeffries.
00:16:57Mr. Culligan.
00:17:01This is useless.
00:17:03Hey, there's Jerry.
00:17:05Thanks for hitting me and messing up my family.
00:17:08Maybe don't run into the middle of busy roads.
00:17:13Did you just talk to me?
00:17:15You can see me?
00:17:17Seeing you isn't the biggest problem I'm having right now,
00:17:20though that is also troubling.
00:17:23This is perfect. You can help me throw the wedding.
00:17:28I honestly have no idea how to react to this.
00:17:32That's fine.
00:17:34See, I was up there, and he said to go through, but how could I?
00:17:38I didn't want to miss the wedding.
00:17:40Then I came down and found out it didn't even happen.
00:17:43But it's okay, because you can hear me.
00:17:45So now you and me can fix this.
00:17:48Isn't that great?
00:17:51What are you doing?
00:17:53I'm looking up psychotic episodes, specific to dog hallucinations.
00:17:58You're not hallucinating.
00:18:00Look, I don't know how to explain it,
00:18:02but there's obviously a reason I can talk to you.
00:18:08If you're the only one who can see me, that must mean something.
00:18:12Even if I did believe this, which I don't,
00:18:17why would you want me to help?
00:18:21I think I'm the last person Pete and Tara want to help with their wedding.
00:18:25Mysterious ways, my friend.
00:18:28As of right now, you and me, we're in this together.
00:18:32We really aren't.
00:18:34I'm just imagining you because I feel guilty that that's all this is.
00:18:38Jerry, you know you're going to help.
00:18:40Say yes. Come on, be with me.
00:18:44You can ask me a million times and the answer will still be no.
00:18:49Just say yes.
00:18:51Say yes.
00:18:53Say yes.
00:18:55Say yes.
00:19:00Just say yes.
00:19:02Say it. Say yes.
00:19:04How about no?
00:19:07Say yes.
00:19:08Leave me alone.
00:19:10Okay, as soon as you say yes.
00:19:13Just say yes.
00:19:15Or I'm going to bug you all night.
00:19:18Say yes.
00:19:20And when my brother saw that truck under the tree...
00:19:23Say yes.
00:19:25The look in his eyes...
00:19:27Say yes.
00:19:29Said that all his prayers had been answered.
00:19:34Everything okay, Jerry?
00:19:37I do not suggest you say you were talking to me.
00:19:43I was just saying...
00:19:49You know, like...
00:19:52This was a fine sermon today there, Rev.
00:19:56Nice save.
00:19:58May I?
00:20:02Now, I knew how much my brother loved that truck.
00:20:06So when curiosity got the better of me, and I broke it,
00:20:10I knew I had really messed up.
00:20:13Now, here I am,
00:20:15trying everything I can to fix this thing.
00:20:18I'm using tape. I'm using glue.
00:20:21I'm using bubble gum.
00:20:23But it wasn't until I admitted that I knew what I was doing
00:20:27But it wasn't until I admitted that I needed help
00:20:31that that truck got fixed.
00:20:34So are you going to help?
00:20:36Quiet. I want to hear this.
00:20:39My dad, he fixed the wheels.
00:20:42My sister gave me a fancy art glue.
00:20:45And Mom, God bless her, used a red nail polish
00:20:49to make that thing look as good as new.
00:20:53And the moral of this story, people?
00:20:56It takes a village.
00:20:59And I'll see you all next Sunday.
00:21:05Jerry, you have something to add?
00:21:12Please, if that's okay.
00:21:27Hi, everyone.
00:21:30For those of you who don't know me, I'm Jerry,
00:21:34the guy who took over my mom's greenhouse.
00:21:43Some of you may also know me as the guy
00:21:46who ruined Pete and Tara's wedding last month.
00:21:50I'm Jerry.
00:21:53After listening to today's sermon,
00:21:56I was wondering if you guys might be able
00:21:59to help me fix the thing that I broke.
00:22:02Recently, I've been getting a lot of pressure
00:22:06from someone to make things right
00:22:09from Tara's wedding.
00:22:13I'm going to ask you all to help me fix it.
00:22:17To make things right from Tara's wedding.
00:22:22I thought we could throw them another one.
00:22:25But as a surprise.
00:22:27I don't know how open they'd be to me doing this,
00:22:30so I think a surprise might be best.
00:22:32Jerry, Jerry, that is so kind of you.
00:22:35But a wedding is extremely expensive.
00:22:38It is.
00:22:40Yes, and I 100% can't afford to throw them one myself.
00:22:45I thought...
00:22:47maybe we could all chip in.
00:22:50And do it together.
00:22:53You know, like...
00:22:55as a village.
00:22:59Not bad, kid.
00:23:01Kindness is one thing, Jerry.
00:23:03But if I provide the food for an entire wedding,
00:23:05it will bankrupt me.
00:23:08What if I agreed to work for you all
00:23:11in exchange for your help?
00:23:14I mean, I'm not exactly swamped with work these days.
00:23:18So if I helped you at your restaurant or store or whatever,
00:23:22free of charge for a couple weeks,
00:23:25then maybe you could supply what's needed for the wedding?
00:23:29Well, I suppose if I had an extra pair of hands
00:23:32around the restaurant,
00:23:34it might be considered fair trade.
00:23:36There you go.
00:23:38We've got food.
00:23:40What else do you need for a wedding?
00:23:44Who's got music?
00:23:48I have no idea what I can do for you,
00:23:51but we'll figure something out.
00:23:53Who's next?
00:23:55Well, I'll be.
00:23:58Well, I'll be.
00:24:17A little girl with the very sticky fingers touching my coat.
00:24:20I saw your dog.
00:24:22You did?
00:24:24Always the kids.
00:24:26Come with me.
00:24:28Oh, you have no idea how great this is.
00:24:30I am going to make sure you get an extra...
00:24:33Yes, that's him.
00:24:35Where did you see him?
00:24:44You saw the poster.
00:24:50Thank you very much.
00:24:51You're welcome.
00:24:57Excuse me, ma'am.
00:24:59I was wondering if you could help me.
00:25:01I've lost my dog.
00:25:03Scooty poops.
00:25:05You know what? I miss him so much.
00:25:07That looks like Tara's dog, Gabe.
00:25:10Yeah, I heard about that.
00:25:13I was actually just about to go over and get my condolences to...
00:25:19Tara. Yes.
00:25:21I'm going to go do that right now.
00:25:23Okay, thank you.
00:25:43I'd like to start off by saying how sorry I am for interrupting your sermon.
00:25:57I loved that dog.
00:26:00Yes, sir.
00:26:03I imagine you did.
00:26:07I don't think I could say sorry enough to make it better.
00:26:13You think it's your job to make it better?
00:26:19I don't know.
00:26:22Not persistent little birdie, but the idea in my head.
00:26:27Well, if you think you can get my Tara and her Pete to come back to church,
00:26:32you have my full support.
00:26:38They're struggling.
00:26:40We all do, sometimes.
00:26:44They're just not ready and I'm not pushing.
00:26:49I know the feeling.
00:26:53You know,
00:26:55I think what you're doing here is exactly what this town needs.
00:27:00A little community kindness.
00:27:02And I, for one, am happy to practice what I preach.
00:27:08That's great, sir.
00:27:10Thank you.
00:27:12I'm going to go get started.
00:27:14I feel like there's going to be a lot of work to do.
00:27:16Great. I'll see you tonight at six at the soup kitchen.
00:27:19Yes, sir.
00:27:22Soup kitchen?
00:27:24Well, you're going to need someone to perform the ceremony, I assume.
00:27:28And an ounce of your time helping those less fortunate
00:27:33is a fair exchange, don't you think?
00:27:36Couldn't agree more.
00:27:38See you at six.
00:27:47I think I caught most of that.
00:27:50It's hard to listen through those doors.
00:27:53Did he ask you to make him soup?
00:27:55Couldn't you just walk through?
00:27:57Oh, I didn't even think of that.
00:28:00See, you and me are going to be a good team, Jer.
00:28:03Please don't call me that.
00:28:05What, Jer? I can't call you Jer?
00:28:09No, what?
00:28:15Uh, no.
00:28:17Sorry, nothing. I was just talking to myself.
00:28:22Which is something I do when I want to feel embarrassed.
00:28:29You know what? I'm Jerry.
00:28:32Hi, I'm Shauna.
00:28:34It was nice to meet you.
00:28:38Oh, hey, um, Jerry, look, if you need any help or anything,
00:28:41just let me know, okay?
00:28:43That would be amazing.
00:28:45Uh, Shauna.
00:28:51Have you ever talked to a girl before?
00:28:54Okay, great. I'll keep that in mind.
00:28:58Thank you.
00:29:00Okay, I'll see you later, Jerry.
00:29:03Uh, she remembered yours.
00:29:05That's got to make it even worse.
00:29:14So I'm thinking if we skip out on birthday gifts this year,
00:29:17that'll be enough to get us square with the vet bill.
00:29:19Make your homemade gift again?
00:29:21Sure. I need a new TV stand for the bro point you gave me last year.
00:29:26Well, someone just talked themselves out of a really uneven table.
00:29:29Hey, Willow.
00:29:30Hi. You know, I was just thinking,
00:29:32boy, I sure don't give Tara enough hugs.
00:29:38Can never get too many hugs, I guess.
00:29:40Uh, we were just going to grab a coffee.
00:29:42Coffee? Uh, do you want to join?
00:29:45Sorry, no time. Can't. Gotta go.
00:29:56Hey, Kevin.
00:29:57You will never guess what just happened. Willow?
00:30:00Tell me your favorite color.
00:30:03If you had to choose just one between the both of you guys.
00:30:06Um, pink, I guess?
00:30:12Fair enough.
00:30:17Are we on a hidden camera show?
00:30:20Well, I'm not picking my nose just in case.
00:30:28Oh, you made it.
00:30:31Yes, sir. I figure this is as good a place to start as any.
00:30:35So, what do I do?
00:30:39Follow me.
00:30:42Luckily, this should be pretty easy for you.
00:30:45All you have to do is stand back here and serve these nice folks a meal.
00:30:50Think you can handle that?
00:30:53Seems easy enough.
00:30:56I'll fix them if he messes it up.
00:30:59Oh, hi.
00:31:03You volunteer here, too?
00:31:05Going for sainthood?
00:31:07Some of us just help for the sake of helping.
00:31:10Careful, Jerry. You don't want both my daughters mad at you.
00:31:17That means you're going to help me?
00:31:21That means you're Tara's sister?
00:31:25Yeah, for my whole life now.
00:31:29I take it you hate me then, too?
00:31:32You know, hate is not something I let get a hold of me.
00:31:38Hey, Carrie, how are you?
00:31:40It would be a lot better if I could find some work.
00:31:43You know what? I'm sure something will come up. I promise.
00:31:46There you go.
00:31:50I didn't know so many people in town needed help.
00:31:54Yeah, sadly, there's always lots of people who need help, right?
00:31:58Let's at least do our part.
00:32:20Well, what did you think?
00:32:23That was actually a lot of fun.
00:32:28Hopefully the rest of the plan goes as smooth.
00:32:35Well, you did a good job.
00:32:38Anytime you want to come down and help out, we'd be glad to have you.
00:32:41I think I just might.
00:32:44Well, thanks, and you're good to go.
00:32:47You sure?
00:32:55Does that mean you'll do the wedding?
00:32:58She's my daughter, Jerry. I was always going to do it.
00:33:02Take care.
00:33:05Night, Jerry.
00:33:08Night, Shawna.
00:33:18How do you fit in here? I can't even get my head in.
00:33:21Give me a sec. I just want to water the flowers.
00:33:27It's definitely him.
00:33:36Under here.
00:33:39This is so much harder with the paws.
00:33:43I'm a cat. Up the tree.
00:33:46Be like a cat. Fat cat. Very fat cat.
00:33:53You will not look up here. You will not look up here.
00:33:57There's nothing to see.
00:34:02Oh, I'm so heavy.
00:34:16How do I get down?
00:34:19Let's see.
00:34:22Shirt right. Tie right.
00:34:25And coat right.
00:34:28Well, you can't be popular unless you know how to dress.
00:34:31Hey, so I've got tomorrow all planned.
00:34:34We'll start by getting the jukebox for Norma,
00:34:37then make our rounds.
00:34:40I navigate and I get to control the radio.
00:34:43How'd the soup kitchen go?
00:34:46You didn't think Shawna being Tara's sister was worth mentioning?
00:34:49It never came up. Why does that matter?
00:34:52What? It doesn't.
00:34:55Just saying. Would have been nice to know.
00:34:58Somebody's got a crush.
00:35:01Enough of that. Get up.
00:35:04Why? Tara and Pete always let me sleep on the bed.
00:35:10Fine, but stay on your side.
00:35:13Can I be the little spoon?
00:35:16My paw falls asleep if I'm the big spoon.
00:35:19No spoons.
00:35:22Go to bed.
00:35:26We're just about ready to close,
00:35:28so if you want food, you have to order it right away.
00:35:37Coming up.
00:35:40Honestly, you know,
00:35:43I don't know if I'm going to make it.
00:35:46I don't know if I'm going to make it.
00:35:49I don't know if I'm going to make it.
00:35:53Honestly, who invented a tie?
00:35:56You're like putting a leash on yourself.
00:36:03There you go.
00:36:06Thank you.
00:36:10Hey, Norma.
00:36:13Evenwillow. Coffee?
00:36:16Yes, please. I need a pick-me-up. I'm working on Tara's dress.
00:36:19I'll have it with one milk and...
00:36:22Nine sugars.
00:36:25You might want to dial that back a scooch.
00:36:28Oh, no. I love the tingling feeling it gives me in my toes.
00:36:31Gonna see this one pretty soon.
00:36:34That sugar foot, darling.
00:36:40Let's try a dollop of honey instead.
00:36:44You'll never believe what I saw today.
00:36:47A UFO?
00:36:50A log rider?
00:36:53No. Blue cats.
00:36:56I worry for you.
00:36:59No. I watched Jerry losing his mind.
00:37:02Standing right out front here.
00:37:05Talking to an imaginary friend.
00:37:11It's about dog hallucinations.
00:37:14Hi there. Me again.
00:37:17Just wondering, who's this Jerry fellow?
00:37:20You know. Jerry.
00:37:26Right. Remind me.
00:37:29Jerry who's helping Pete and Tara with their wedding that they didn't have.
00:37:32Because of the... you know.
00:37:36Right. Yes. Of course.
00:37:39Just wondering, where might I find my good buddy Jerry tonight?
00:37:43If he's such a good buddy,
00:37:46you'd know he doesn't like to be called Jerry.
00:37:49But he is most likely at his greenhouse.
00:37:52Or wherever he grows his flowers.
00:37:55The... his...
00:38:01Yes. He lives in a greenhouse.
00:38:04All right. Thank you very much.
00:38:07Greenhouse for Jerry.
00:38:10Have a great night.
00:38:13Jerry's house isn't green.
00:38:16Yes it is. I ran into him the other day and he said,
00:38:19I'm on my way to the greenhouse.
00:38:22Drink your coffee.
00:38:34Can you believe he's doing all this for me?
00:38:37Maybe he needs it.
00:38:40Like for himself.
00:38:48Hey guys. Good morning Jerry.
00:38:51Hey Jerry.
00:38:57came by to get this over with.
00:39:00Figured it would be best to rip it off quick like a band-aid.
00:39:03Well the car's in good shape.
00:39:06I mean, it runs.
00:39:09Not so bad.
00:39:12Yeah. Would have been nice to finish it with my dad, but...
00:39:15that's life, right?
00:39:26So that's your problem now?
00:39:29I've got a little bit going into the third.
00:39:32Come by and drive it whenever you want.
00:39:38But it just sat there.
00:39:41And this is a good deal.
00:39:44You guys get this, Norma gets the jukebox,
00:39:47and Tara and Pete get food and the best band I know.
00:39:53I've already loaded up the jukebox.
00:39:56I appreciate it.
00:40:26Hi there.
00:40:29You must be the lady of the house?
00:40:35Joke probably went over your head.
00:40:38Imagine most do it your size, don't they?
00:40:41Anyone inside the house speak?
00:40:44Not any chances. Anyone?
00:40:47Hi. Sorry about that. I didn't even hear you knock.
00:40:50She must be talking to someone.
00:40:53Yeah, real chatterbox you got here.
00:40:56I am here with a rather specific task.
00:40:59What I'm doing is I'm...
00:41:02Oh, sweetie, I can't believe you remembered.
00:41:05Of course I remembered.
00:41:08You got me a singing telegram for my birthday.
00:41:11Yes, yes, I did.
00:41:14I'm sorry. There must be some kind of...
00:41:18Hey, what day is it?
00:41:21It's your day, this is it.
00:41:24Hope it's grand, hope it's swell,
00:41:27hope your year goes as well.
00:41:30It's your birthday, and your husband...
00:41:33...Dan will give you back...
00:41:46It's your birthday, Dan...
00:41:49...we'll give you back rubs every night...
00:41:52...for a year.
00:41:55Thank you so much.
00:41:58That was fantastic.
00:42:01Come on, honey, I'm going cash in on one of those back rubs.
00:42:04Yeah, every year...
00:42:07...for the rest of my life.
00:42:10A bit pitchy.
00:42:13I forgot to ask about the dog.
00:42:31My dad used to call me Jared.
00:42:36I know it seems dumb to ask people not to call me that, but...
00:42:39It just hurts too much.
00:42:42He was a good guy, huh?
00:42:45The best.
00:42:48I actually bought that car as a project for him and I to work on.
00:42:53That's cool.
00:42:55He was good with cars?
00:42:57Not even a bit.
00:43:01But we learned.
00:43:04Some of my favorite memories of my dad were with that car.
00:43:06This is crazy.
00:43:08Let's go back and see if we can figure something else out.
00:43:12I'm letting him down.
00:43:15He was just sitting there, reminding me of how much I miss him.
00:43:21There's no way you're letting him down.
00:43:24I bet he's watching.
00:43:26Super proud of you right now.
00:43:29At least Paula can do something with it.
00:43:33At least Paula can do something with it.
00:43:36She and her family taught us everything we know about cars.
00:43:40They're really good people.
00:43:44Hey, um...
00:43:46I realize I haven't really said thank you for doing all this.
00:43:51You don't have to.
00:43:54I want to do it.
00:43:56I owe it to them.
00:43:58I wish I could help you more, but you're the only one who can see me.
00:44:03You can encourage me.
00:44:06I could use that sometimes.
00:44:09You got it.
00:44:11Let's start now.
00:44:13Come on, champ. Get up.
00:44:17You heard me. Get up. You're gonna climb those stairs.
00:44:19And then you're gonna knock that chump out.
00:44:21Are you quoting Rocky?
00:44:23Name a better movie for inspiration.
00:44:25Can't argue with that.
00:44:27One, two, three, four.
00:44:29Tell me what you're looking for.
00:44:32Here now.
00:44:36I'm sure you've got something more.
00:44:39Here now.
00:44:41Don't be afraid to lose.
00:44:44Take what could be yours.
00:44:47One, two, three, four.
00:44:49Walk right through the door.
00:44:56Pray to the unknown.
00:44:59Here's the flowers.
00:45:01And the gnome, just like we promised.
00:45:32There you go.
00:45:34Oh, my goodness.
00:45:40Thank you.
00:45:45One, two, three, four.
00:45:47Walk right through the door.
00:45:52You don't wave at me like that.
00:46:01I guess I don't, do I?
00:46:13Afternoon, Kevin.
00:46:17Got that lens for you.
00:46:20So you do.
00:46:23Much obliged.
00:46:25So, so we're all square.
00:46:26That lens for photography and the centerpieces, yes?
00:46:30That was the deal.
00:46:34We'll see you soon.
00:46:36Unfortunately, I've got to change my conditions.
00:46:42What's wrong?
00:46:44Is that lens not the right one?
00:46:46The lens is fine.
00:46:48I've got something else I need.
00:46:53What do you need?
00:46:54Hold on.
00:46:56Let me go get us some gloves.
00:47:03Oh, no.
00:47:05What's wrong?
00:47:07Kevin is a Golden Gloves boxer.
00:47:10He probably wants me to be his training partner.
00:47:13Oh, wow.
00:47:15That's going to go bad for you.
00:47:17Have you ever been in a fight?
00:47:19All right.
00:47:21Let's get to it.
00:47:23All right.
00:47:25Kevin, I'm begging you.
00:47:27I'll do anything.
00:47:29I can...
00:47:33I need you to help me with my garden.
00:47:38Okay, then.
00:47:40Flowers I can help you with.
00:48:01I'm so glad you could make it.
00:48:03No problem.
00:48:05So, I was looking over this list and it says Pete and Tara can use your summer house for their honeymoon if I can get you a...
00:48:13You're going to be a clown.
00:48:18Oh, this isn't good.
00:48:20I'll see you in there.
00:48:23This might not be...
00:48:24Not a word.
00:48:25Not one word.
00:48:38Hey, kids.
00:48:47The Cloud.
00:48:51That's not a clown name.
00:48:53I'm going to call you Stinky.
00:48:57All right, then.
00:49:08I'll be right back.
00:49:18What do you guys want to do?
00:49:21Let's play throw a cake at the Cloud!
00:49:29All right.
00:49:32Throw a cake at the Cloud.
00:49:35I can't look.
00:49:37And I can't look away.
00:50:04That was fun, but...
00:50:13That was lovely, Pauline.
00:50:15Thank you.
00:50:16Always my pleasure.
00:50:20How about an update on our church's secret wedding?
00:50:23Go on.
00:50:25Come on up.
00:50:37I'm sorry.
00:50:44I think it's going well.
00:50:46I've been able to secure the music, the food, photography...
00:50:52Flowers are looking great.
00:50:56Where I fall short is in the cash department.
00:51:00I'm working on it.
00:51:02I think if I just have a garage sale and get some of my stuff out there, then...
00:51:05How much do you need?
00:51:08It isn't much.
00:51:09I can work it out.
00:51:11I can give $20.
00:51:12It's not much.
00:51:17That would be incredible.
00:51:19I have a dollar.
00:51:21I got a few bucks I can throw in.
00:51:24How about we pass around the collection plate?
00:51:27I think this week, we'll all donate to another good cause.
00:51:37Whoa, this is gonna be a nice wedding.
00:51:47Do you have a second?
00:51:55Everyone's been really generous.
00:51:58I think this is actually gonna come together.
00:52:01Yeah, you did a really great job.
00:52:03I couldn't have done it without all your help.
00:52:07Well, since you mentioned it...
00:52:10I was just wondering, when do I get to cash in for all my help?
00:52:17Oh, wow.
00:52:18I'm sorry.
00:52:19I didn't even think about that with all that's been going on.
00:52:23You're right.
00:52:25What can I do for you?
00:52:27Well, there is this person.
00:52:28I did promise them that I would help clean out their garage.
00:52:31I just literally have not had a second.
00:52:35You're done.
00:52:38Yeah, what's the address?
00:52:39I've got the afternoon free.
00:52:42Honestly, Jerry, this is such a huge help.
00:52:45Thank you so much.
00:52:50Tara's house.
00:52:54You have to talk to her.
00:52:56I really don't think she wants...
00:52:58You know, sometimes what people want to do and what people need to do are two different things.
00:53:06Thanks, Jerry.
00:53:08I really appreciate it.
00:53:27I don't really know how this all works.
00:53:29I mean, I know we don't chat that often, and I'm not blaming you.
00:53:36That's on me.
00:53:39But if you have a sec, I could really use some advice.
00:53:45I know I screwed up.
00:53:49I do.
00:53:52I'm really sorry.
00:53:54I'm really sorry.
00:53:59But I'm scared to death of seeing them.
00:54:06So if you could just...
00:54:08Send me a sign.
00:54:11Anything, just...
00:54:13To show me that they even want to talk to me.
00:54:17I'll go.
00:54:19Jerry, come on, man.
00:54:21It's like a bazillion degrees out there.
00:54:29You picked a seriously odd angel.
00:54:48Could really use some of that encouragement right now.
00:54:51Put a foot forward.
00:54:52It's a first step. That's all it takes.
00:54:55I think I need to do it alone.
00:54:58If that's okay.
00:55:00I'll be right here.
00:55:22I probably should have thought about what I was going to say before I actually stepped up here.
00:55:27I'm not exactly great at thinking on my feet.
00:55:39What are you doing here, Jerry?
00:55:42Here it goes.
00:55:46I was talking to your sister, and she thought that...
00:55:49Why were you talking to my sister?
00:55:50It's a long story.
00:55:54I think we've heard enough.
00:55:56Please don't come here again.
00:56:05Come on in.
00:56:10What are you doing?
00:56:11He took the first step, so I'm inviting him in.
00:56:14That's the family rule.
00:56:21Come in.
00:56:35You have a really nice place here.
00:56:42No small talk.
00:56:46I don't like dogs.
00:56:53I just never understood the...
00:56:56The way that they smell.
00:56:59Jumping all over you or licking your face.
00:57:01Is this really what you came here to say?
00:57:05I finally understood.
00:57:08That day.
00:57:10When I saw what I'd done to you.
00:57:15The look on your face.
00:57:19All at once.
00:57:23I finally knew what all the other people knew.
00:57:28About that accident.
00:57:33I didn't just take your dog from you.
00:57:37I took your family.
00:57:44I left the gate open.
00:57:45I ran to grab the phone and I left the gate open.
00:57:49It's my fault he ran out into the street.
00:57:52I blame myself for not being there.
00:57:59I'm gonna go.
00:58:01I just thought I should come by and I did, so...
00:58:08I'm really glad you came over.
00:58:11I'm really glad you came over.
00:58:15Me too.
00:58:19Oh, I almost forgot.
00:58:22Shauna said you needed some help cleaning your garage.
00:58:27I don't have a garage.
00:58:31I kinda odor so I was repaying a favor.
00:58:36I think you just did.
00:58:52One more thing.
00:58:54It's kind of a long shot but I promised your dad I'd try to see if I could get you to come to church this Sunday.
00:59:04Tell him we'll be there.
00:59:08Great. See you there.
00:59:21You got a good family there, pal.
00:59:24I got a good friend too.
00:59:34I really appreciate you letting us use your space at the reception.
00:59:37Oh, I'm so excited. I love weddings.
00:59:38You sure we can get it all done by this weekend?
00:59:40Of course! I'm finished Tara's dress and there's just a few things to clean up around the studio.
00:59:53If you can grab that bucket, I think I can handle the rest.
00:59:57How are we supposed to get this place ready by Sunday?
01:00:00You can start by grabbing that bucket.
01:00:09I have an idea.
01:00:16You didn't even move the bucket.
01:00:22Hey, we got the good stuff today.
01:00:24Would you like some fruit?
01:00:33Jerry! What's wrong?
01:00:35Nothing. Well, I'm just a little tired.
01:00:38Well, Willa's place. How much money did we make?
01:00:43I don't know. I'd have to double check, but quite a bit.
01:00:49Hey everyone. Sorry to interrupt your breakfast, but I was wondering if anybody might like a job?
01:00:56Alright, then finish your food and come meet me at Willa's studio.
01:01:04By the way, thank you for making me talk to your sister.
01:01:09Thank you.
01:01:15Hey you! I was going to move your bucket, but I was like, nope, that's Jerry's bucket.
01:01:21I know, but Willa, meet your new employees.
01:01:26What can we do to help?
01:01:28Let's turn this place into a reception!
01:01:38Here now, satisfied, I'm sure you've got something more.
01:01:45Here now, don't be afraid to raise a date, what could be yours?
01:01:53One, two, three, four, walk right through the door.
01:02:00One, two, three, four, tell me what you're looking for.
01:02:05Here now, satisfied, I'm sure you've got something more.
01:02:12Here now, don't be afraid to raise a date, what could be yours?
01:02:20One, two, three, four, walk right through the door.
01:02:24I think we need something here where the food will go.
01:02:27Willow, do we have anything that will make this area pop?
01:02:31Here, I made this.
01:02:32Here now, satisfied, I'm sure you've got something more.
01:02:36Um, I think this would be perfect at the front, you know, where everyone can see.
01:02:40Fantastic. Wait until you see this baby lit up.
01:02:43Here now, satisfied, I'm sure you've got something more.
01:02:47One, two, three, four, walk right through the door.
01:02:54One, two, three, four, walk right through the door.
01:02:56I think that's about it.
01:02:57Walk right through the door.
01:03:01Satisfied, I'm sure you need something more.
01:03:07Please tell me we're done.
01:03:09All trades, all jobs, all favors exchanged.
01:03:13We are now officially finished.
01:03:16Thank goodness. Can I sleep now?
01:03:19Yeah, we can sleep after the wedding tomorrow.
01:03:23If you get that, I'll let you be the little spoon tonight.
01:03:26They can't see me.
01:03:28Would you if they could?
01:03:30We'll never know.
01:03:34All right, I'll be right there.
01:03:42Come with me in case I fall asleep.
01:03:53Hi there. Can I help you?
01:03:56Hi. You.
01:04:01You can see him?
01:04:03What? Yeah, of course I can see him. I've been searching for him all over town.
01:04:07You're the little fella.
01:04:09First of all, very rude. I am as I was created.
01:04:14Second of all, yes, I'm the little fella.
01:04:17I'm the one you ran away from.
01:04:19So if you don't mind, I'd like to go back.
01:04:22Please open the gate. Let's go.
01:04:24Hold on. I don't understand.
01:04:27Where'd you say you came from?
01:04:29You said you were...
01:04:33Oh, wow.
01:04:37Are you...
01:04:39No. I just worked there.
01:04:42Or at least I did before all this happened.
01:04:44So if you don't mind, please.
01:04:47I can't.
01:04:51Please. I know this seems crazy, but we've been working so hard to keep this wedding together.
01:04:56And tomorrow's the day. See, first Jerry had to feed the homeless. That's where he met Shauna.
01:05:02And then we were helping Norma and Kevin's flowers.
01:05:05Yeah, sure. Kevin deserves flowers.
01:05:07And then Shauna convinced him to talk to Tara and Pete.
01:05:11And now everything's settled.
01:05:12And I talked to your boss. He sent me a sign.
01:05:15What? You didn't tell me that.
01:05:17Yeah, it was really cool. Sorry, I meant to tell you.
01:05:21All right, you know what? This is...
01:05:23This is a wonderful story, and I'm sure it's going to have just a fantastic ending.
01:05:28But you and I, we'll be watching from up there. You know, that is if you're still invited.
01:05:33Look, I know this seems crazy. I hardly even believe it myself, but...
01:05:37The fact is, Gabe talked to me.
01:05:40And he came back, so there must be some sort of reason, right?
01:05:46It's possible.
01:05:48So just let us see this through. Then I promise, tomorrow I'll go with you.
01:05:53No running.
01:05:58You know what? Fine. I've probably lost my job already anyway.
01:06:02You know what? Fine. I've probably lost my job already anyway.
01:06:07I'm so tired.
01:06:10You can stay at my place.
01:06:14Thank you.
01:06:17I already called dibs on the little spoon.
01:06:20Already regretting this.
01:06:32Why do you sleep on the floor?
01:06:36What? Where else was I supposed to sleep?
01:06:39In the bed. That's where I'd sleep.
01:06:45What? I didn't even know that was an option.
01:06:50Oh, my back.
01:06:53Come on, I need a walk. I'm taking Danny to help me with something. Call if you need us.
01:06:59Phone two dogs. That's perfectly normal.
01:07:04Have fun!
01:07:12Hey, Willow. What's up?
01:07:15Okay. Just stay calm. I'll be right there.
01:07:21I just think it's very important.
01:07:25Hey, what's wrong?
01:07:26The wedding's off. We should call Pete and Tara.
01:07:31No, no. Nothing's off. Just the power's down.
01:07:33I called. The whole block will be out for probably at least a day.
01:07:37Does that mean the church too?
01:07:39Yeah, yeah. Dad called me. He's out buying candles.
01:07:43This is perfect. We're done.
01:07:46No, no. We're not done. We just need to find somewhere that still has power.
01:07:51What about your greenhouse?
01:07:53I don't know.
01:07:54I don't know. It's big enough, but it's not exactly reception ready.
01:07:59I can fix that.
01:08:01Carrie, I can't ask you to do this. I mean, we spend all the money trying to get this place ready.
01:08:05I didn't say anything about money. Leave it to me.
01:08:08You sure?
01:08:10Yeah. Just get them there on time, okay?
01:08:16Okay, great. I will call everyone and let them know. And make sure everyone lends a helping hand.
01:08:20Alright, then. Wedding's back on. I've got tons of candles. I'll see you guys at the church.
01:08:27Okay, great.
01:08:30Go team!
01:08:41You okay?
01:08:43Yeah. You?
01:08:45Yeah, I am.
01:08:51This is crazy. You know they can see me, right?
01:08:56I need to make sure they're gone.
01:09:03Okay, come on.
01:09:05Let's go.
01:09:09Go on.
01:09:11I need you to help me fix something I screwed up.
01:09:14Come on.
01:09:27They can't get married without them.
01:09:31You know they don't actually need these, right?
01:09:34Honestly, it's just a symbol. If they love each other, it's enough.
01:09:37I know. But I want to make today such a good day that they forget about the bad day.
01:09:45They're never going to forget that day.
01:09:51Probably wouldn't hurt if they didn't forget this day either.
01:09:57Alright, come on.
01:09:59I knew you were a softy.
01:10:08Where is everyone?
01:10:11Hey Dad.
01:10:12Hey guys.
01:10:13What's going on? Why isn't anyone at church?
01:10:16Oh, they're at church. They just aren't here.
01:10:20So what are we doing then?
01:10:22Something we should have done a long time ago.
01:10:25Why don't you go inside and get changed?
01:10:29Yeah, so we can get started.
01:10:31Go on.
01:10:32Go on.
01:10:36Let's get you a bow tie.
01:11:02Oh, just set it on the head table.
01:12:02I love you.
01:12:04I'm true to you.
01:12:06I'd die for you.
01:12:08I love you.
01:12:13And the smile that shines on your face
01:12:18Makes my troubles fade away
01:12:23Oh, you are
01:12:26So beautiful
01:12:29You're beautiful
01:12:30My beautiful
01:12:35I want you every day
01:12:41Oh, you are
01:12:45So beautiful
01:12:47You're beautiful
01:12:49My beautiful
01:12:57Dearly beloved
01:13:00We are gathered here today
01:13:02To join this man
01:13:05And this beautiful woman
01:13:07In holy matrimony
01:13:09And love
01:13:11Is not just a word
01:13:14Love is that last thought
01:13:18You have before you go to sleep
01:13:21It's that hand
01:13:23That you hold on to
01:13:25Not because you have to
01:13:27But because you can
01:13:30Sometimes love is not even for us
01:13:32We give love to others
01:13:34Just to see them smile
01:13:37And the best part is
01:13:40Love is something that we don't run out of
01:13:46Even when we lose someone
01:13:51That we've poured our whole heart into
01:13:55We realize that
01:13:57When it comes to love
01:14:00You can always find a little more to give
01:14:05The rings
01:14:07Now the rings
01:14:09Oh, we don't have them
01:14:11Yeah, we lost them
01:14:13It's okay
01:14:15I thought you two might
01:14:17Be able to give this guy a good home
01:14:24Our rings
01:14:26How did you find them?
01:14:28Well, I guess someone who loves you found them
01:14:33I'm sorry
01:14:35I'm sorry
01:14:37I'm sorry
01:14:39I'm sorry
01:14:41I'm sorry
01:14:42I'm sorry
01:14:50Come on
01:14:52Let's get ready
01:14:56Do you, Pete
01:14:59Take my beautiful daughter
01:15:02To be your bride?
01:15:04I do
01:15:12And do you, Tara
01:15:14Take Pete to be your husband?
01:15:17I do
01:15:26And I now pronounce you
01:15:28Husband and wife
01:15:42I love you
01:15:44I love you
01:16:13I love you
01:16:21This is beautiful
01:16:23Too bad everyone else couldn't be here
01:16:37Thanks, Dad
01:17:01It ain't what she's wearing
01:17:05That's making me turn around
01:17:08It ain't what she's saying
01:17:12Cause I ain't heard a sound
01:17:17I wish I had the words
01:17:20To say what I mean
01:17:23Cause somehow I love you
01:17:25Not strong enough for me
01:17:28And I'll find the words
01:17:32I've got forever to try
01:17:37I've got forever to try
01:17:42It ain't how she's looking
01:17:47That makes me shy away
01:17:50It ain't what she's saying
01:17:54But what she's trying to say
01:17:57Ladies and gentlemen
01:17:59Pete and Tara Maguire
01:18:01Might not have the words
01:18:03Now on this night
01:18:05But how she makes me feel
01:18:07She does that just right
01:18:09And I'll find the words
01:18:14I'll take forever to try
01:18:19I'll take forever to try
01:18:46And I'll find the words
01:18:50I'll take forever to try
01:18:56I'll take forever to try
01:19:09I can't believe what an incredible job you did
01:19:12It was easy with so much help
01:19:14No, really
01:19:16You've got a great eye for this
01:19:18Hey, this is your place, right?
01:19:20It is, yes
01:19:22We were hoping we could book it for our wedding this fall
01:19:25Oh, well, it's not our
01:19:27As long as it's not the day that I would like to book this place for renewing my vows
01:19:33You guys kidding me?
01:19:38You guys can book that through my new partner
01:19:46Yeah, she's in charge of booking all weddings, parties
01:19:50Whatever you need
01:19:52Alright, let's step over here and talk about what you're thinking
01:19:55Thank you
01:20:04So you throw one wedding and you're starting a business now, huh?
01:20:07Well, I figure it's pretty easy
01:20:10As long as I employ every person in town every time I need help
01:20:16Look how happy she looks
01:20:19She deserves it
01:20:23You did a really great thing
01:20:26We'll be back in a couple minutes to do another set
01:20:29But for now, it's time for you chickens to ask those pretty girls to dance
01:20:34What do you say?
01:20:37I would love to
01:20:51Time to go
01:20:55They look happy, don't they?
01:20:59Which one?
01:21:01All of them
01:21:12Come on
01:21:21Two minutes?
01:21:23Do I have a choice?
01:21:26Take your time
01:21:29So, that was it?
01:21:32You're just gonna leave?
01:21:34No goodbyes?
01:21:36My job here is done
01:21:38Tara and Pete got their wedding
01:21:40I got to make a new friend
01:21:42Looks like you did too, huh?
01:21:47I guess so
01:21:52I'm gonna miss you, Gabe
01:21:54I'm gonna miss you too, Jerry
01:21:59Call me Jer
01:22:01Jer it is
01:22:09What's it like up there?
01:22:11It's like a long drive where the window's always down
01:22:23You're a good boy, Gabe
01:22:52We didn't know this was happening
01:22:56So obviously
01:22:58I didn't plan anything to say
01:23:03We've had a pretty tough time
01:23:07And sadly
01:23:09I chose to hide it from everyone
01:23:15But when I look around
01:23:17At all of this
01:23:19What everyone did just because
01:23:23I realized how lucky we are to have friends
01:23:29Like all of you
01:23:33And the more we talk to everyone
01:23:35The more we learn what love truly means
01:23:40So we'd like you all to join us in a very special toast
01:23:46To Jerry
01:23:50Come on, come over
01:23:52Come on
01:23:56To Jerry!
01:24:02Thank you
01:24:04Thank you
01:24:07I have to go
01:24:09No, stay!
01:24:10Come on
01:24:26You alright?
01:24:28Yeah, just
01:24:30I don't take compliments very well
01:24:33Well then you probably shouldn't go back in there
01:24:35Everybody's waiting to congratulate you
01:24:40Well hey, you don't have to go back in
01:24:43Let's do something
01:24:45Just you and me?
01:24:47Yeah, sure, why not?
01:24:49I'd love to
01:24:52That sounds great
01:24:59Sorry, the truck's kind of a mess
01:25:01I don't mind
01:25:13What, did you really think we were taking this car?
01:25:20I've watched you and your dad fix a car ever since we were kids
01:25:24I just needed to finish it up for you
01:25:28I don't know what to say
01:25:31I thought you could use someone doing something nice for you too
01:25:39Go enjoy it, bud
01:25:42We love you, Jer
01:25:49After you
01:25:52Well he's off to a good start
01:25:55Let's say you're right
01:26:14Okay, this time you have to promise to go through
01:26:18I am really behind on my paperwork
01:26:21Don't worry, I promise
01:26:23Nothing's going to stop me from going through this time
01:26:26Hey, I think I'm lost
01:26:32I don't know
01:26:34I think I'm lost
01:26:38I don't know
01:26:40I think I'm lost
01:26:41Oh no
01:27:11I'm lost
01:27:12I'm lost
01:27:13I'm lost
01:27:14I'm lost
01:27:15I'm lost
01:27:16I'm lost
01:27:17I'm lost
01:27:18I'm lost
01:27:19I'm lost
01:27:20I'm lost
01:27:21I'm lost
01:27:22I'm lost
01:27:23I'm lost
01:27:24I'm lost
01:27:25I'm lost
01:27:26I'm lost
01:27:27I'm lost
01:27:28I'm lost
01:27:29I'm lost
01:27:30I'm lost
01:27:31I'm lost
01:27:32I'm lost
01:27:33I'm lost
01:27:34I'm lost
01:27:35I'm lost
01:27:36I'm lost
01:27:37I'm lost
01:27:38I'm lost
01:27:39I'm lost
01:27:40I'm lost
01:27:41I'm lost
01:27:42I'm lost
01:27:43I'm lost
01:27:44I'm lost
01:27:45I'm lost
01:27:46I'm lost
01:27:47I'm lost
01:27:48I'm lost
01:27:49I'm lost
01:27:50I'm lost
01:27:51I'm lost
01:27:52I'm lost
01:27:53I'm lost
01:27:54I'm lost
01:27:55I'm lost
01:27:56I'm lost
01:27:57I'm lost
01:27:58I'm lost
01:27:59I'm lost
01:28:00I'm lost
01:28:01I'm lost
01:28:02I'm lost
01:28:03I'm lost
01:28:04I'm lost
01:28:05I'm lost
01:28:06I'm lost
01:28:07I'm lost
01:28:08I'm lost
01:28:09I'm lost
01:28:10I'm lost
01:28:11I'm lost
01:28:12I'm lost
01:28:13I'm lost
01:28:14I'm lost
01:28:15I'm lost
01:28:16I'm lost
01:28:17I'm lost
01:28:18I'm lost
01:28:19I'm lost
01:28:20I'm lost
01:28:21I'm lost
01:28:22I'm lost
01:28:23I'm lost
01:28:24I'm lost
01:28:25I'm lost
01:28:26I'm lost
01:28:27I'm lost
01:28:28I'm lost
01:28:29I'm lost
01:28:30I'm lost
01:28:31I'm lost
01:28:32I'm lost
01:28:33I'm lost
01:28:34I'm lost
01:28:35I'm lost
01:28:36I'm lost
01:28:37I'm lost
01:28:38I'm safe in your arms
