The Deep - S01E10 Colossal Squid

  • 4 months ago
The Nektons are a family of underwater explorers who discover the hidden secrets of the oceans, including sunken cities, sea creatures and pirates.


00:00That's the biggest sperm whale I've ever seen.
00:23Get closer.
00:25That's why we use drones.
00:26So we don't have to get closer to giant animals.
00:41Deploying tracking device.
00:46Hey, one of those marks on the whale.
00:49Okay, now you gotta get me closer.
00:51No way, Ant.
00:53Come on.
00:54Where's your sense of adventure?
01:00That's a bit too close.
01:19Ant, you're crushing me.
01:21I can't steer.
01:39My family are explorers.
01:41We have been for generations.
01:43While others look up to the stars,
01:45we know there are an infinite number of things that shine in the darkness below.
01:49There are things lurking in the seas that long ago vanished into mint.
01:53My family are explorers,
01:55and we explore...
01:57the deep.
02:10Rover, come in, Rover.
02:12This is Aranax.
02:13You guys okay?
02:16I'm okay.
02:17I fell on something soft when we crashed.
02:19That would be my face.
02:21We're nearly in position to retrieve you.
02:23Sit tight.
02:27Oh, stupid light.
02:30I hope the rover's not badly damaged.
02:32Replacing the drone's gonna put a big enough hole in your pocket money, Fontaine.
02:36The rover's in one piece.
02:38More or less.
02:39My pocket money?
02:41What about Ant?
02:42Uh, you were driving.
02:44The only reason we were even out here is because of your dumb plan.
02:49What's wrong with finding a colossal squid by tracking the animal that eats them?
02:52It's the perfect plan.
02:54How many perfect plans have you had to find a colossal squid?
02:57And how many colossal squids have we actually found?
03:00Oh, wait.
03:02Face it.
03:03You're obsessed.
03:04I'm not obsessed.
03:05I'm just never giving up.
03:11Okay, Will.
03:12We're above the rover.
03:13Deploying retrieval claw.
03:21Did I tell you?
03:23Many times.
03:25What was I gonna say?
03:26Did I tell you if we find a deep-sea colossal squid,
03:29it'll be the first time anyone's ever seen one alive?
03:32A ginormous moment for Ant-Nekton's science and the universe.
03:36Don't even sound like that.
03:38I was gonna say I saw sucker marks on that whale.
03:41It must have been fighting a colossal squid.
03:43Look, there.
03:46Ready to grab the rover.
03:48Hold on.
03:49This could get bumpy.
03:51Huh. That wasn't so bad.
03:53I haven't started yet.
03:57Sorry, Fontaine.
03:58Does my face look like a cushion to you?
04:01The kids are in bed, but Ant isn't sleeping.
04:20He's probably too excited about chasing squid tomorrow.
04:23Can you pass me the torque wrench?
04:27I need a torque wrench.
04:28This is an impact driver.
04:31You should go.
04:32Get some sleep.
04:34Are you sure?
04:35I'm sure.
04:36I'll be done here soon.
04:37And then I'll be straight up after I've replaced that faulty light bulb on the bridge.
04:41It's just bugging me.
04:43Professor Fiction was pretty insistent that we don't touch anything electrical on the Aeronex
04:48until he's completed a thorough analysis.
04:50I think I can handle a light bulb.
04:54Will, this isn't your field.
04:56You know how I know?
04:57Because you just handed me a can opener.
05:02I must be really tired.
05:05I'm not doubting that you can change the bulb.
05:07Just promise me you won't.
05:11I'll think about it.
05:27See, Will?
05:28Nothing went wrong.
05:40Come out!
05:42You went in easily enough.
05:44I just had a nightmare about the sun exploding.
05:47You messed with that light bulb after promising not to?
05:50I didn't.
05:52You didn't touch it?
05:55I didn't promise not to.
05:58Jeffrey's tank aerator just went into overdrive.
06:01I think he's had too much oxygen.
06:07You didn't touch anything electrical, did you?
06:10Don't worry.
06:11As soon as I find the right tool, I'll undo the...
06:13Aeronex, this is Base.
06:15Professor Fiction.
06:17Keiko, I've got a readout somewhere
06:20indicating the Aeronex experienced an anomalous surge.
06:23You didn't touch anything electrical, did you?
06:26Well, I...
06:29Okay, yes.
06:31But I only changed a tiny, really tiny light bulb.
06:36Now every single light in the entire sub
06:38has the brightness of a thousand suns.
06:41I'm changing it back.
06:42Don't touch it!
06:43The circuitry's too unstable.
06:44Any power surge, however small,
06:46might have unpredictable consequences.
06:49Oh, come on.
06:50It's just a light bulb.
06:52Should we be heading back to Base?
06:55Oh, there you are.
06:57According to this, you should be fine.
07:00Just don't put the electrics under any more stress.
07:03Don't worry, we won't touch a thing.
07:05Will we, Keiko?
07:11It's the collision alarm.
07:12Something's coming at us.
07:14Sorry, Professor. Gotta go.
07:16It's the whale I'm tracking.
07:18It's swimming in wild zigzags.
07:20There are other objects.
07:21Must be the rest of the pod.
07:23It's too bright in here.
07:25I can't see anything out the window.
07:27They're coming straight at us.
07:28Activate the shield.
07:34No way!
07:35Hold on!
07:42The outside camera.
07:43Gotta rewind that footage.
07:46Everyone all right?
07:49Sorry, Fontaine. It was an accident.
07:51Don't worry. I'll live.
07:54Any damage to the sub?
07:55Running diagnostics now.
08:00Are those tentacles around the whale?
08:02There were sucker marks on the whale before.
08:05A colossal squid was fighting the whale,
08:07trying to escape being eaten.
08:09It would explain why the whale crashed into us.
08:11And why Mom fell on my face.
08:15No sign of the whale.
08:17That's a huge impact. Hope it's okay.
08:19It looks like the whale is still swimming.
08:24I never get tired of that sound.
08:27It can't be badly hurt.
08:29It's probably still fighting the colossal squid.
08:31Please don't make me wait till morning to follow it.
08:34This might be our best chance to observe a colossal squid.
08:38Impact took out the outside cameras,
08:40and we've lost comms to the surface.
08:42But nothing bad enough to stop us from making history.
08:47Besides, it's way too bright in here to sleep.
08:57So, if the whale sings when it hunts,
09:00wouldn't that scare off its prey?
09:02You'd think so.
09:03Jeffrey's scared every time he hears me sing.
09:06I don't blame him.
09:07I'm scared every time I hear you sing, too.
09:10Could be how the whales hunt.
09:11The squid flees the singing
09:13right to where the rest of the pod's waiting.
09:15Soon! Ambush!
09:17Something's ahead.
09:18Big, and it's not moving.
09:23It's not the whale.
09:25Can we get the floodlights up?
09:27It might cause another electrical surge.
09:29We need to know what's out there, Keiko.
09:31You're right.
09:32But only minimum power.
09:38And we just lost power to the fridge.
09:41Something else for fiction to fix.
09:45See anything, Ant?
09:46Oh, yeah.
09:50That's bigger than anything that's ever washed up on a beach.
09:54You are not going anywhere.
09:56But my whole mission's been to get video
09:57of one of these animals in the wild.
09:59You let us go out there with a huge sperm whale.
10:02And look how that turned out.
10:04It's not moving at all.
10:06I don't think it's alive.
10:09Ant can drive the rover.
10:11I'll record.
10:12You'll come?
10:13I'm not gonna miss out.
10:14And if you drive,
10:15it'll be your pocket money if something does go wrong.
10:18We haven't said yes yet.
10:21Mom, Dad,
10:23going back many generations,
10:25the Nekton family has always...
10:29I cannot believe Mom and Dad bought your cheesy
10:32you-raise-me-to-be-a-Nekton speech.
10:34What can I tell you?
10:36It's a gift.
10:37We can still hear you, you know.
10:40You're out there because we agreed
10:42that a dead thing probably won't hurt you.
10:45Also, that cheesy speech was pretty good.
10:53I wonder what happened to it.
10:55Possibly the fight with a whale?
11:03Did that tentacle just move?
11:05Eh, probably just the current.
11:08I don't think it's the current.
11:11Look, there!
11:12I don't see anything.
11:13Play it again.
11:16It's alive!
11:19Chin, Fontaine!
11:20Get back to the Aeronacs, now!
11:32It's eating us!
11:33It's eating us!
11:39Look at the size of those suckers!
11:41Use the camera!
11:42We've got to record this!
11:43Are you kidding me?
11:45It's squeezing!
11:46Do something!
11:47I am!
11:48I don't mean record.
11:50This is terrifying!
11:52Stop being filled with wonder!
11:55Will, what's your plan?
11:56I have no idea.
11:58We need a way to repel it.
12:00I could try singing.
12:02This thing is dragging us into the darkest depths of the ocean,
12:05and you...
12:06That's it!
12:07Thank you, Fontaine!
12:08Mom, we need the floodlights up to full power.
12:11The squid lives in the dark.
12:12It has the largest eyes in the world.
12:14It'll never handle that much light.
12:16Working on it.
12:22Don't surge, don't surge, don't surge!
12:26Well, that was fun.
12:28All okay?
12:29Yeah, and we got our own video!
12:31That's a world first!
12:32More importantly, nobody fell on my face!
12:39The floodlights caused the air scrubbers to fail.
12:44Kids, get back ASAP!
12:46We need to surface if we want to keep breathing air.
12:49Did you see that?
12:51My friend has friends!
12:54If they were waiting for us in the dark,
12:56you know what this means?
12:57Um, surprise party?
12:59They're intelligent!
13:00They work together!
13:02That one must have been playing dead to catch us!
13:05I'm not so impressed by being hunted.
13:08But we know we're not alone.
13:10I'm sure we'll find a way.
13:12I'm sure we'll find a way.
13:14I'm sure we'll find a way.
13:16I'm sure we'll find a way.
13:17But we know they hate light!
13:19Get us into the light before...
13:23It's got us!
13:24Hold on!
13:26It's blocking our light!
13:28Is it doing that on purpose?
13:29More squid are coming!
13:34Pan, accelerate when I say.
13:43Go, go, go!
13:48They're coming from the sides!
13:50Get into the light!
13:55Hold on!
13:56I've got you! Hang on!
14:00Come on!
14:10We made it!
14:11Shut the moon pool!
14:18Great work, Team Nekton!
14:23Hold on!
14:27You're not taking my kids!
14:38Is everyone okay?
14:41I swear she put her face right in the way!
14:43If I need plastic surgery...
14:45You're paying.
14:46Sorry, Fontaine, but Ant will have no money ever.
14:49He'll be paying off the rover for the rest of his life.
14:55We'll head for the surface.
14:56We've still got hours of good air.
14:58We'll be fine.
14:59No, never say that!
15:08Well, that solved the bright lighting problem.
15:11Maybe the squid won't attack.
15:21Without the engines, we can't get to the surface.
15:24We're too deep to dump the ballast?
15:26An emergency ascent from this depth would blow the aeronauts wide open.
15:29We have to climb slowly so we can equalize the pressure inside
15:32with the massive easing of pressure outside.
15:35How long will our air last?
15:37If the oxygen mix drops below this mark,
15:39we won't have enough breathable air to get us to the surface,
15:42even with the engines.
15:44Got any bright ideas?
15:45Electrical problems must have blown the engine fuel servos.
15:48I've got to find a way to fix them.
15:50Need a flashlight?
15:51It's okay. I know this boat like the back of my hand.
15:57Yeah, a flashlight'd be good.
15:59Well, we're not using up air too quickly.
16:01At least something electrical's working on this boat.
16:07Hey, Ant!
16:15Trying the engines now.
16:18Come on, come on!
16:25All right, you did it!
16:26Nice work, Keiko!
16:28Way to go, Mom!
16:37Back off the throttle, back off!
16:40The engines are overheating, thermostats shorted out.
16:42We can only run at minimum power or they'll seize.
16:51We've stopped climbing.
16:52At minimum power, the squid are gonna drag us down.
16:55Keiko, we have to get the engines back up.
16:58Working on it.
16:59We should be fine so long as nothing else goes wrong.
17:02I really think we should ban sentences like that on this submarine.
17:05Every time we...
17:06We have a fire!
17:07There it is.
17:09Fire will eat up the last of our air.
17:11Keiko, I'm coming.
17:14Both of you head to the moon pool room.
17:16If this gets any worse, I want you ready to abandon ship.
17:20We can't go outside with those squid.
17:22It wouldn't last two seconds.
17:23We'll find a way to draw them away.
17:26Get to the moon pool now!
17:36What is it?
17:37I left something on the bridge.
17:42What did you leave behind?
17:44An idea.
17:45Come on, come on.
17:47Yes! Fear!
17:49The whale you were tracking?
17:50Can you get us close to it before we're dragged down?
17:52We can only move at a crawl.
17:54If we can get close...
17:55The whale song could scare the squid away.
17:58Okay, let's do this.
18:12We're going down faster than we're moving forward.
18:14Just a bit closer...
18:19We lost all of our detection systems.
18:21Sonar, tracking...
18:23We're blind!
18:24Hey, Fontaine!
18:26Why have we changed direction?
18:27Why aren't you in the moon pool room?
18:32We were just trying to...
18:33We're almost out of air!
18:35Whatever you were trying, it hasn't worked.
18:37We're out of time.
18:38Please, kids.
18:40Get ready to abandon the sub.
18:52Whale song!
18:55They're leaving!
18:56It worked, Fontaine!
18:59They're not running from the sound.
19:00They're moving towards it!
19:02They're gonna attack the whale!
19:04And we brought them to it!
19:08Oh, no.
19:12The squid are coming back.
19:15It's not just our whale, Fontaine.
19:19It's the whole pod!
19:33What's happening?
19:35We're being saved by the whales!
19:46The fire's out, but the engine's still dead.
19:51We haven't got enough oxygen to get to the surface anyway.
19:57I wonder...
20:04Use this.
20:07Use this.
20:08A can opener?
20:19The old faulty bulb?
20:36We have air!
20:39Engines are online.
20:40Fridge is back on.
20:42Little blinky light, I will never be mad at you again.
20:48Let's get out of here.
21:06It's amazing footage,
21:08but worth being almost dragged to our doom?
21:12We captured footage of creatures never seen before.
21:15And nothing too bad happened.
21:16I mean, it's not like there's any permanent damage.
21:35To be continued...