Kevin Nash Timeline WCW 1997 Part 1

  • 4 months ago
With the nWo in full swing, there seemed no way that WCW could lose the momentum they’d built. Huge stars appeared on TV weekly as Nash, Hall, Syxx, Hogan, Savage, Flair, Bret, and Sting were red hot and would drive ratings high. Starrcade would deliver WCW’s highest butyrate in 1997 as well.

Now head inside that operation with one of the engineers of the nWo, Kevin Nash. Join Kev for this 3-hour journey into WCW and hear about putting all the pieces together and playing the game of wrestling politics to perfection.

Nash is open and honest as usual and holds no opinion close to the vest. It all goes on the table and if you ever wondered what was going on inside the company during the glory days of the nWo…wonder no more!!! From the contracts to the characters…it’s all here in this edition of Timeline: The History of WCW!


00:00:00Shotgun Saturday night is about to debut.
00:00:29A young Rocky Maivia is making his WWE debut.
00:00:34A fake Diesel and a fake Razor Ramon are still running around.
00:00:38Shawn Michaels is getting ready to challenge the WWE champ Psycho Sid for the title.
00:00:44But in WCW, Nitro is on a six month ratings winning streak over Raw and our guest today
00:00:52is one of the men responsible for that largely, no pun intended, founding member of the NWO,
00:00:58one half of the tag champs, Kevin Nash, agreeing to go back in the time machine again.
00:01:04Remember 97?
00:01:05Mr. Peabody.
00:01:07I mean, yeah.
00:01:08You know, I know that's because some of the 80s guys say the 80s were a blur.
00:01:13Were the late 90s a blur?
00:01:16I hate to bury a friend, but there was a spot for Sean Waltman to come in on a run
00:01:32in and he was in Sean's defense, he was blind.
00:01:38So the run in was miscued.
00:01:42And there was also, Ming and Barbarian were also, it was a six man tag match.
00:01:51So it turned into a cluster and Sags did something, Sags threw the chair into the ring.
00:02:06And if I'm not mistaken, it was like a Brunswick bowling chair.
00:02:12It wasn't a folding chair.
00:02:16So when Scott, you know, and the way they used to light back then wasn't some kind of
00:02:22a truss situation.
00:02:23It was basically, the ring was lit and then outside of that, it was basically dark space.
00:02:31So to take an object and throw it from that light down to somebody, it was like, once
00:02:37it came through that light and the chair hit Jerry, like, if this was the seat of the chair,
00:02:45it hit him almost like that.
00:02:48So he slid back in and I was in the corner and things were getting elevated in physicality.
00:02:57And Ming's starting to lay it in and I'm like, I'm thinking like, I'm starting to like fight,
00:03:03you know, like start to get pissed.
00:03:07And I said to him, I said, hey, easy, like, you know, like, what are we doing here?
00:03:13To Meadow?
00:03:14Yeah, to Ming.
00:03:15And, you know, and now it's one of those situations of we have to, so I'm trying to get loose
00:03:22from Ming and Barb in the corner and then our knobs peeled Barb off and I'm just turning
00:03:32to the referee and going, fucking DQ it.
00:03:38You know, it's turning, it's like, this is, would be a DQ, fucking DQ the match.
00:03:43So in the meantime, Sags comes under the bottom rope and I see him and Scott exchange blows
00:03:49in the middle of the ring.
00:03:52And finally, you know, I got, I went outside, folded the announce table, came in and picked
00:04:01the, opened it up and picked the announce table up over my head and they all bailed
00:04:05on it.
00:04:06And I turn around and Scott is just pouring blood out of his nose and his mouth.
00:04:15I mean, I was livid and I went in the locker room, I grabbed a bat and I think it was knobs
00:04:21or Sags were sitting there and I swung the bat like right above their head, like that
00:04:26far above their head.
00:04:27And I was going to fucking, I mean, I was going to kill him.
00:04:31And because it's my boy and Scott says, no man, he said, he thinks he's right.
00:04:40You know, he said, that's one thing about Scott, you know, he just said, he thinks he's
00:04:47So Scott went home, he had to get dental work done because he busted some teeth and shit.
00:04:55And so I kept the bat and the next night we were in maybe Alexandria or someplace else.
00:05:04I remember that Duggan walked the Nasty Boys in the back and I was sitting on a car with
00:05:12a baseball bat and Duggan looked at me and said, he said, I'm not a part of this.
00:05:22I said, fine, you're not a part of it.
00:05:25And I just looked at the other two motherfuckers and I just looked at them.
00:05:29And then Knobs, who wasn't involved in the situation, came up to me later and said, hey,
00:05:34we've been friends for a long time, you know, this is between those guys.
00:05:37And I said, no it ain't, man, no it ain't.
00:05:42So then we went to New Orleans for Nitro and Eric was going to fire the Nasty Boys on the spot.
00:05:54And it was basically Scott's call and Scott said no.
00:06:04So the longer story of this is, you're going to ask me another question and I know where
00:06:16this is going so I'll let you ask the question.
00:06:19No, go ahead.
00:06:20I'm just saying that there was an incident that happened earlier where Scott had thrown
00:06:25a chair at him in another televised event and hit Jerry in the head.
00:06:31And Jerry, we were like, it was the next TV, Jerry looked right at JJ and said, I
00:06:42can't work, man, my neck's bad.
00:06:45And fucking JJ said to him, just fucking go out there and work.
00:06:50Like basically force him to work.
00:06:53And I witnessed that.
00:06:58I witnessed that.
00:07:00When all this shit went down and they sued and everything else, I said, you stupid motherfucker.
00:07:08I said, you put us in a lawsuit.
00:07:12I said, if you just would have went after the company, the guys that were involved in
00:07:16the incident, one of them would have said, oh, by the way, he should have never been
00:07:21in either of those two had he been pulled at that point with the neck injury.
00:07:26Because you can recount what you heard JJ say to him, yeah.
00:07:29And I wouldn't have deposed me, I mean, it's like, never fuck the boys.
00:07:35You don't sue the boys, you don't fuck the boys, it's the boys versus the promoter.
00:07:40That's the way it's always been.
00:07:42They broke the golden rule, I think fucking Sags got a fucking, didn't work for fucking
00:07:47three years and got a $12 settlement, you know?
00:07:52So nicely fucking played.
00:07:59What had happened was that Bischoff and DDP were friends, and Dallas was getting over.
00:08:13Yet because of his friendship with Eric, Eric was basically holding Dallas down.
00:08:22And we needed, we had Sting, you know, in the rafters type situation.
00:08:29We didn't have anybody at the ground level that could rally the troops.
00:08:34Our envisionment was always for this, was for the NWO to take over WCW.
00:08:42For that to, for it to be WCW, no longer WCW, but be NWO Nitro.
00:08:51And have it be our show.
00:08:52And then have the slow progression of talent, we could, and just do the exact same angle.
00:09:00But the thing was, that brand was so strong, and still is strong, it was, WCW was never,
00:09:09it was like, it's like TNA.
00:09:11It's just, it's like, ugh, was never that, you know, was never the brand, and the brand
00:09:17was NWO.
00:09:19But then, you know, they did so many things to fuck that up, because you're either cool
00:09:26or you're not cool.
00:09:27And we had certain people that were in the hierarchy that just weren't fucking cool.
00:09:33But Paige, Paige was pretty cool, by the way.
00:09:38So, so you guys.
00:09:40Nobody had touched Scott and I up until that point.
00:09:46We said to Sullivan, we want to do this for Paige.
00:09:52Because Paige was our boy.
00:09:55And Paige deserved it on top of that.
00:09:56You know, not because he was just our friend, but Dallas deserved, you know, he had worked
00:10:01hard and deserved this spot.
00:10:05And they were supposed to do it for like three weeks.
00:10:10And finally they were going to do it, and they cut the segment really short.
00:10:15And, you know, Dallas fucking, you know, wanted this, you know, 11-minute moment, and I said,
00:10:19fuck, dude, a six-minute, you know, a good blowjob for six minutes, you know, better
00:10:24than fucking no blowjob at all.
00:10:26Take the blowjob.
00:10:28So we did it, and it worked, and Dallas had a hell of a run.
00:10:35But he deserved it.
00:10:36You know, it wasn't like, it wasn't like we, all we did was use some political clout to
00:10:41push somebody that should have been pushed in the first place.
00:10:45Did the locker room have any reaction?
00:10:46Because you said Eric was kind of holding them back and to show, so as not to show deference
00:10:50to him that, you know, I'm not doing things just for his friend, which isn't fair to DDP.
00:10:55But was the rest of the locker room kind of on board with what you guys were doing?
00:10:59Or does it not even resonate at all with you?
00:11:01It doesn't resonate at all.
00:11:02We don't, I mean, we're so fucking hated, you know.
00:11:14We had so much talent, when guys got hurt, like, I remember when I was, you know, as
00:11:24they use the term booking, but writing down shit on a piece of paper for a period there.
00:11:35We had like this upper tier of talent, it was like 12 guys.
00:11:41I mean, you had like, you had Hogan, Scott, me, Dallas, Sting, Booker, Lex, Randy, I mean,
00:11:49Brett, Goldberg, you know, you had fucking, there was a shit load of talent there.
00:11:57So when one of those 12 guys went down for any period of time, he was missed, but we
00:12:04kind of used those guys, like those 12 guys, in maybe three segments.
00:12:09And everything else was, I mean, I always get shit about the vanilla midget thing, you
00:12:15know, because, and I'm glad that I was able to pull that chain and get everybody to fucking
00:12:21sell the fuck out of it, you know, but the bottom line is, you know, that was what, that
00:12:28was the engine that made the program, because we could go out and put Ultimo Dragon vs Dean
00:12:37Malenko for three segments, they didn't even have to call the fucking match, they could
00:12:42just follow storyline that was going to go, they did what they should do on Raw, put some
00:12:50guys out there that can give you a hell of a deal, and instead of going out for 25 minutes
00:12:55and putting this convoluted thing together of what we're going to see tonight, just say
00:13:02this is going to happen tonight, and in the background, look at this fucking incredible
00:13:05wrestling, instead of this stagnant fucking, you know, shot of four people with microphones
00:13:12every week, and it's just like, then I just go zip right by, because guess what, we're
00:13:18going to go to a 245 commercial, and it's like one of those fucking homicide shows,
00:13:22then I'm going to get a recap, you know, so it's just like, come on, I mean, those
00:13:28guys were fucking so instrumental in making that engine work.
00:13:33Randy, specifically though, is he a good political player?
00:13:35Yes, but also, one thing he taught me early, and I'll try to do my best, he just looked
00:13:42at me and said, Nash, never take yourself out of the game, so he believed that, he believed
00:13:48that, don't take yourself out of the game, you've got to know when to hold, you know,
00:13:53to get money, and he knew that the money, and that's one thing that I think that Scott
00:13:59and I always did, was somebody asked us what we made, we told them exactly what we made,
00:14:05you know, because we had favorite nations, so please.
00:14:11So they would ask for more, which would raise your margin.
00:14:16Who helped you with that, Brett?
00:14:20Was Brett probably the biggest one when he came along?
00:14:22Oh, fuck yes.
00:14:23That's when people say bad shit about Brett, I'm like, go fuck yourselves, I love Brett
00:14:29Besides the fact that I love him, I mean, I do, I think I had great matches with him,
00:14:33I don't understand how people have a problem with Brett Hart.
00:14:38I think the problem, well, I don't know, I'm not a spokesman for the world yet, but
00:14:43I think the problem they have with Brett is Brett's unwillingness to play ball sometimes.
00:14:49But people never take in the fact that his socialization process was, his dad was stooped.
00:14:57I mean, it's, you know what I mean, they don't take in, how many guys in the business had
00:15:04an actual dungeon at their fucking house that people screamed out of.
00:15:10I think that you've got to give the guy a little fucking leeway, you know?
00:15:24Was he a vanilla midget?
00:15:25I mean, he was, put it this way, they put a t-shirt out and the t-shirt was Dean Malenko,
00:15:34the eyes have it, and it was this shirt that just had this picture of the eyes, and the
00:15:39eyes on the fucking shirt were green and he had brown eyes.
00:15:46So that was just, I mean, it's just like, now do I like Dean Malenko?
00:15:50Fuck yeah.
00:15:51Dean Malenko has such great dry humor.
00:15:57But they didn't put a mic in front of him, they just let him wrestle.
00:16:00What he could do, he chain wrestled, like I really enjoy that chain wrestling that the
00:16:10Brits do in that era, like a Regal and Fenley, Taylor, like those guys, because it was something
00:16:20I couldn't do.
00:16:21I wasn't taught to do it.
00:16:24But I like that, but Dean did it with like a pizzazz.
00:16:28Like it was interesting, especially with that whole group of guys, like I watch guys do
00:16:34that style now and it looks like Cirque du Soleil tumbling.
00:16:39I'm pushing you through to do, do, do, do.
00:16:41It's not a contest, it's a show.
00:16:43No, it wasn't, you know, where the guy broke a body part down and lodged his head, it didn't
00:16:49look like it was like a Greco, you know, those guys made the work look like a shoot.
00:16:57And then still, and told a story.
00:16:59But what did you think of the, as amusing as the catch-as-catch-can style might be,
00:17:05what did you think of the Cruiserweight division, the Cruiserweight title?
00:17:12Did it diminish product?
00:17:13No, I thought it was, I thought it was really good television.
00:17:17I remember the first time I met Chris was, we went to Dalton.
00:17:31We started at the same TV, me, Scott, and Chris Jericho started at the same TV.
00:17:38And it was Dalton, Georgia, and Chris showed up with like a blue blazer, nice jeans, and
00:17:48they told us show-up time was like noon.
00:17:50And the three of us got to the building at like 11.45, Scott and I had been, you know,
00:17:55just left, you know, the Titan Tower, you know, noon's noon, not 12.01, noon's noon.
00:18:07So we're sitting there and like Barry Windham shows up at like 2.12, you know, and he's
00:18:14like the agent guy, and we're just kind of like, okay.
00:18:19So Chris had long hair, he's a good-looking kid, athletic, but he also had a good sense
00:18:31of humor and he got it, like with Ralfess and all that kind of stuff, he got it.
00:18:36He got it that you could do that style, but then he could, I mean, he laid back in the
00:18:43crowd and the people touched him, which gave him kind of that, you know, second coming
00:18:48kind of thing.
00:18:49And, you know, he just, he was smart, you know, he just, he got, he got, he knew how
00:18:55to get over.
00:18:56And that's, anybody that, that's a, you know, that's something that's, I mean, he still,
00:19:01he was involved at the last pay-per-view, and he still, he stays over.
00:19:13What, what went wrong here?
00:19:17Let's recap.
00:19:18Well, let's, let's just make it, like make it a shorter question.
00:19:22What went right?
00:19:24Okay, you've got equate, the NWO is the James Bond of fucking wrestling identities.
00:19:36So of course, of all, most of the James Bond movies I have watched, they don't start in
00:19:42Hong Kong or Berlin, they usually start someplace like old fucking Cedar Rapids.
00:19:48Just, just, just a place where you say to yourself, you know what, honey, I want a good
00:19:55fucking steak, a good bottle of wine, and a nice cigar.
00:19:58Let's take the private plane to Cedar Rapids.
00:20:01So then you take that, and you fly us in the night before, and have us drive the streets
00:20:06in fucking garbage trucks at about minus 20.
00:20:13Then you have a Miss NWO contest that is, you should have went out and got, it should
00:20:21have been the maximum top 25 girls, and it should have been, it should have been three
00:20:28or four, like, it should have been like the Mr. Olympia, pre-judging for the 25 to 12
00:20:35to 6 to 3, I mean, they could, that should have been the ongoing, and then had background
00:20:43stories with, if guys were going to do jobs, it was because they were coming out of the
00:20:47back locker rooms with their hairs messed up, because they were hooking up.
00:20:51That's great, that's a good, but why, it's such an obvious thing to go against the identity
00:20:58and the brand, like you said before, that NWO had built.
00:21:01Why did it happen?
00:21:02Because Eric Bischoff likes motorcycles.
00:21:06That's his vision.
00:21:08But he was kind of the engineer, too, of the NWO's identity, right?
00:21:14Until two guys walked out there with swagger, I mean, we, he had the concept, we created
00:21:24the image.
00:21:26We were the two guys that the people, like, we were cool.
00:21:32Did you say, this is a mistake, Eric, this is not what the NWO would do, we would have
00:21:39all the strip clubs emptied out in Cedar Rapids by the end of the night.
00:21:43No, number one, though, you would, it's like, you would, why would that not be in Vegas?
00:21:53I always said, you know, and Eric got it towards the end, because Eric, when they were going
00:22:00to, whoever was going to buy the company, that group was going to buy WCW, and we were
00:22:08going to move WCW to Vegas, they were going to put the WCW logo on the sphere, and they
00:22:17were going to build, like, Orleans or one of those were going to make a bigger arena
00:22:22so we could actually do, and we would be based out of Vegas, which is, you could have New
00:22:28York, that's, I mean, that's a great place, you know, so the WWE would have New York and
00:22:34we would be Vegas, we'd be the alternative, we'd be in probably the second-hippest place.
00:22:40Because LA's too, you know, LA goes to bed at night, LA's not chill.
00:22:46So are you aware when this is happening that it's off, that we're off Vegas?
00:22:48Well, the fact that we lost every match, on top of that, you know, it just, it was just,
00:22:56you couldn't have booked, done, but at the same time, I'm sure, and I don't remember
00:23:02what our thought patterns were, but I'm sure Scott and I said, let's just shut up, we'll
00:23:08use this against them later.
00:23:10Like, this is what your guys' vision was, we'll, you know, this is when you guys would
00:23:16charge, this is what you, like, I guess you guys don't remember when fucking King Curtis
00:23:22fucking right before we came was saying, Sullivan, my son, my son, my son, and the giant fell
00:23:27off the top of Cobble Hall.
00:23:29I guess we've all had amnesia after the 60-fucking-week run we've had here.
00:23:36I guess this is a rhetorical question, why have the NWO drop it on this pay-per-view?
00:23:53When it's pitched to you, do you say, why tonight?
00:23:59No, because I already have looked at the sheet, and it's such a debacle, from A to Z, it's
00:24:09just like, I'm hoping there's a master plan, you know?
00:24:17Do you have that much faith in Eric that there would have been?
00:24:19No, but nobody could have just shit the bed to that degree without some kind of, I thought
00:24:28out of it, unless they just fucking decided they like the smell of shit, we're going
00:24:33to just lay in the sheets for another couple of months.
00:24:35Well, let's take the Steiners, were you okay at least with having it be them as opposed
00:24:40to anybody else you like?
00:24:42Fuck, the Steiners could have beat anybody in the world at that point, at any time, there
00:24:48was a suplex on your head, you fucking gave up.
00:24:52You know, Robbie and Scotty are two of the toughest son-of-a-bitches on the planet.
00:24:56I was just blessed that we were all from Detroit, and before I broke in the business,
00:25:00we all pushed iron in the same gym.
00:25:02So they were my fucking, they were my friends and buddies way before I got in the business.
00:25:16Good ref, good guy.
00:25:18What did you think of the angle with the family, too much?
00:25:23I actually liked it because I watched Eric spend time with the, I remember that, I know
00:25:30there was a young, he had a young son, and I remember that Eric really went over the
00:25:36fact that this was like, you know, this is your moment for the camera, act like this
00:25:44is, we're not fucking with your dad.
00:25:47They didn't just throw him out there and try to get like real reaction.
00:25:51So I mean, I knew that there was, you know, it wasn't done from a malicious standpoint
00:25:57to the family.
00:25:58It was just, I think that what it was, was we became so cool that they were trying to
00:26:06get some legitimate heat back on us.
00:26:09What was your take on the whole Kevin, Nancy, Jacqueline thing?
00:26:24It's kind of weird, had a weird vibe to it.
00:26:32Any time you try to blur the lines and it's, it doesn't feel like you're blurring them.
00:26:40That those are the lines.
00:26:43It's like a line in the sand during a sandstorm.
00:26:47It's right there, there, there, it's right there.
00:26:52Was it public knowledge among all the boys?
00:26:55No, no, I didn't, not till years, not till somebody saw Benoit kissing Nancy, like in
00:27:01a closet, in a building, that it, was it known that like shit was on.
00:27:17What's the reaction internally in WCW?
00:27:20I mean, I knew it was a matter of time, you know, that they would.
00:27:26I knew that, you know, if people don't realize that, you know, when that decision was made,
00:27:36that's a decision that Vince McMahon made out of his pocket.
00:27:40It's not like, you know, Eric's using Ted's money.
00:27:44You know, Vince is taking the production quality at that time was, I don't know what it was,
00:27:50230 an hour, whatever it was, and basically, of course, not doubling it because he's not
00:27:55moving the trucks and everything, but still to edit and to do everything that they've
00:27:58got to do.
00:27:59And the thing was, there was never a time that we outproduced their show, that our show
00:28:07had a better production quality than the WWE show did.
00:28:11So you know, it was, it showed me that, you know, the general and Vince had to make that
00:28:23kind of decision of, you know, do I put more troops in?
00:28:29Is that what we do?
00:28:30You know, do I, you know, he made, he calculated and said, you know, I'm going to do this.
00:28:36I'm going to, I'm not going to fold.
00:28:39You've very comfortably turned the ratings corner and you've been ahead for over six
00:28:47Do you think that the war will be on again or do you feel that you're pretty comfortably
00:28:52ahead right now?
00:28:53I remember we were flying home one night and Bischoff was sitting, it was Bischoff, we
00:29:03were in a Lear 35 and it was Hulk, Hulk was here, I was here, that's the front of the
00:29:12plane, and then the two seats here, Bischoff was in front of Hogan and Scott was in front
00:29:18of me and Bischoff looked at, looked across and he says, he says, I'm going to put, I'm
00:29:28going to put him out of business and before, I was going to say, you, before I even said,
00:29:37Hulk said, he said, brother, you'll never put that man out of business, and I said,
00:29:44I said, I said, you don't, I said, you don't know him, you don't know him.
00:29:48I said, you won't put him out of business.
00:29:52I said, I said, what's, what's, what's he doing?
00:30:00He's getting killed.
00:30:01No, he's getting mad, that was my Paulie there, he's getting mad.
00:30:18It's one of your, it's like, you know, hey, did you hear that your brother's coming?
00:30:24You know, it's one of my, it's one of my boys, you know, it's like, to this day, like knowing
00:30:32like later on today that I'm going to see Scott and Sean, it's like, you know, a little
00:30:38Christmas, you know, it's always, it never sucks.
00:30:43Giving him the title, did there need to be any political maneuverings, or was this something
00:30:49that would have been the natural course of action?
00:30:50I think we had them all, didn't we, at that point, the NWO, again, had, I think they,
00:30:56at that point, had all of them, we had the tags, I think Hulk had the world again, and
00:31:02he came in and grabbed that.
00:31:05Plus you have to realize that when Hulk had the heavyweight title, that title never made
00:31:10a house show.
00:31:12So that's why, you know, for Scott and I to, if we didn't have the tag belts, somebody
00:31:22had, somebody from NWO had to have a belt that was on the line.
00:31:27That way there, I remember in Fayetteville, Eddie Guerrero and Kidd had an unbelievable
00:31:34match, and we came down at the end of the house show, and Eddie was going for the frog
00:31:40splash, I think Scott pushed him off, and, you know, we all hit him with our fetishes,
00:31:46and that was, they got their NWO moment, and we wouldn't have been able to do it unless
00:31:51that cruiserweight belt was on the line, so it was still carrying what they were seeing
00:31:57on Monday nights, and taking it to the houses, because, you know, Hulk would, I mean, Hulk
00:32:03worked a Boston house show, he worked an LA house show with, you know, when he was champion,
00:32:10very few times, he didn't Hulk work any of the house shows.
00:32:22What was your take on what the horsemen were at this point, kind of with two factions in
00:32:30Well, you've got the WCW faction, you've got NWO, and it's not the horsemen.
00:32:34It's nothing against anybody that was in it, but it's just, you know, it was kind of like
00:32:42the NWO black and white, as opposed to the NWO black and red, when they kind of made
00:32:48the divide, and somehow Scott decided to stay with the uncool guys.
00:32:54So you don't see them as a threat, because you don't see them in your class?
00:33:01No, I mean, they were great workers, it's just that...
00:33:05But what they meant to the company, as a faction?
00:33:08I think what you did was, you know, it was like, it was almost...
00:33:14For some reason, they always wanted to take a group of guys and make them regionally acceptable
00:33:25to the South, you know?
00:33:29They always wanted to have that, they just could never, they never got it when Scott
00:33:33said WCW, they never got that.
00:33:39Wasn't that one of Eric's big things, though?
00:33:41He told us that one of his big goals was to get the identity, kind of get the South wiped
00:33:46off of.
00:33:47But you couldn't do it when you kept bringing in groups like that, you know?
00:33:53I mean, you're taking me back to, I mean, you know, all of a sudden I'm in Greensboro.
00:34:02I'm in Greensboro at the first Starrcade watching it on closed circuit.
00:34:08It's like, I'm talking about Time Machine, fuck.
00:34:12Do you remember 1981?
00:34:14I do now.
00:34:16I'm reliving it in 97.
00:34:23We actually would do, we went out on the road and we did a handicap match of the Wolf Pack,
00:34:37which was, at that point, that's what we were calling the three of us.
00:34:42And it was Waltman, myself, and Scott versus Luger and the Giant.
00:34:49And we would do a thing where we'd get the Giant in trouble, like the three-man buzzsaw,
00:35:05get him down and he'd go to tag, and then we'd go through the ropes.
00:35:09You know how you blast a guy off the apron?
00:35:12We'd blast the guy off the apron, so we'd blast Lex off the apron,
00:35:17and then the three of us just, I mean, just get heat on him.
00:35:21Not that, to the point where now the Giant's like draped over the thing
00:35:26and he's just looking down there, where now it's like he's come to enough
00:35:31where he's coming through the ropes to come down and make the save on the floor,
00:35:37and then we go back out, and then now the Giant comes back in
00:35:41and the Giant starts to make a little bit of a comeback.
00:35:44We'd cut him back down, Giant make a comeback,
00:35:47then finally he'd give Lex that, finally Lex would get back up,
00:35:51give him that hot tag, then Lex would come in and they'd do the thing,
00:35:55and Lex would brack us.
00:35:57I mean, so we really put together a story that worked every night,
00:36:04and the Giant would do the, he'd roll his ass and do the big Andre,
00:36:10and we got Paul to kind of just have some fun with it,
00:36:15and we didn't call shit, I mean, everything was called,
00:36:18we didn't lay shit out, and just had fun with it.
00:36:22I remember one night in Seattle, actually it was the night I fucked my knee up,
00:36:31but we did a thing and we had a spot in there where Paul would pick up X-Pac
00:36:37and throw him at me, and it hit Lex and I went to turn it,
00:36:42he just, you know, I was probably from the distance from us,
00:36:49and when he picked him up and threw him, he just threw him right down here
00:36:53and just caught my knee and tore my knee up.
00:36:56So I ended up getting hurt and had to be wheeled by Scott
00:37:02through the Seattle airport the next day,
00:37:06and the funny thing was, it's embarrassing to be wheeled through an airport,
00:37:09but especially when the guy that's wheeling you,
00:37:12the only thing keeping him up is the handles on the wheelchair.
00:37:19It's like an Olympic event.
00:37:23Love that guy.
00:37:24What did you think of having Randy in the NWO?
00:37:27I was always a huge fan of Randy's.
00:37:32But he would have worked as an NWO member, you felt?
00:37:39Especially when we did the Wolf Pack, it was,
00:37:42because we had Lex,
00:37:45and we had a lot of other guys,
00:37:48especially when we did the Wolf Pack, it was,
00:37:51because we had Lex,
00:37:57he should have been in that group off the bat,
00:38:01because I think he's a way better babyface.
00:38:04Randy's a better babyface.
00:38:07But, no, it's just, yeah.
00:38:10I mean, Savage to me is
00:38:14arguably a top five guy.
00:38:16All time.
00:38:27Let's start with scheduling these outdoor spring break nitros.
00:38:32Is this just an excuse to party at spring break?
00:38:35Eric liked motorcycles.
00:38:37Maybe you guys like spring break?
00:38:40I'll tell you the truth.
00:38:43I mean, for about, at that point,
00:38:46it had been like six years of spring break.
00:38:49You didn't need spring break for spring break?
00:38:52We didn't need spring break.
00:38:53Fucking spring break.
00:38:54We were in Anchorage, it was spring break.
00:38:57So, yeah.
00:38:59It was just, it was kind of cool,
00:39:01because the ring was in the water,
00:39:04and it always said, you know,
00:39:05absolutely no one goes in the pool.
00:39:07We were like, we're going in the pool.
00:39:09So, uh.
00:39:10Who said no one goes in the pool?
00:39:11It was always on the board.
00:39:13And absolutely no one goes in the pool.
00:39:16Like, you should have said,
00:39:18and everyone please jump in the pool,
00:39:21and nobody went in the water.
00:39:25Were these Miss Nitro contests just rat hunts?
00:39:32Didn't Tori win one?
00:39:34Wasn't she a ringer?
00:39:37I remember that she came on the bus,
00:39:40she had a robe on,
00:39:41and she had this green bathing suit on,
00:39:43and she said,
00:39:44and she, you know,
00:39:45had been spray tanned,
00:39:46and she goes,
00:39:47and Hulk and I were in the back,
00:39:48and she goes,
00:39:49is this going to work?
00:39:50And she took the robe off,
00:39:51and it was just like,
00:39:53like, wow.
00:39:55Like, because I've always thought
00:39:56like she's probably one of the,
00:39:58even to this day,
00:40:00she's probably one of the most beautiful,
00:40:03like, that,
00:40:04if I was to say Miss America,
00:40:07like the blonde,
00:40:09like, you know,
00:40:11she reminded me of Bewitched.
00:40:16That, what was her name,
00:40:17the actress?
00:40:20Elizabeth Montgomery.
00:40:21Elizabeth Montgomery.
00:40:22She had that kind of
00:40:23Elizabeth Montgomery quality.
00:40:27But back to the general searches.
00:40:33we were so hot,
00:40:34we would go to
00:40:37do TV,
00:40:38do Nitro in Miami,
00:40:39and there'd be like
00:40:41two models,
00:40:42like two six-foot models
00:40:43at the end of the bar,
00:40:44and they'd,
00:40:45you know,
00:40:46they'd come down,
00:40:47and they'd,
00:40:48could you,
00:40:49could we get an autograph
00:40:50from my brother?
00:40:51I'd be like,
00:40:52my pictures are up in the room.
00:40:53We'll go.
00:40:55That's the move?
00:40:57That's the move.
00:40:58Yeah, that works.
00:40:59Leave the picture,
00:41:00leave the pictures in the room.
00:41:02Don't have them in your,
00:41:03don't have them
00:41:04in your Halliburton.
00:41:08What did you think
00:41:09of Pamela Rogers?
00:41:10Clearly you were too old
00:41:11for her at the time,
00:41:12but what did you think
00:41:13of her as a choice?
00:41:14You know,
00:41:15when all that came down
00:41:16and somebody,
00:41:17I think Disco
00:41:18informed me,
00:41:19you know,
00:41:20the correlation.
00:41:21I was just like,
00:41:22I remembered,
00:41:23I remembered her.
00:41:25You know,
00:41:26it wasn't like
00:41:27she wasn't attractive.
00:41:29You know,
00:41:30it's so sad
00:41:31that we live
00:41:32in a society
00:41:37every guy
00:41:38that sees
00:41:39these attractive
00:41:41that take
00:41:42some kids' innocence,
00:41:45we all go,
00:41:47I didn't have
00:41:48teachers like that
00:41:49when we were a kid.
00:41:52And the,
00:41:53you know,
00:41:54the bottom line is
00:41:57it's no different
00:41:58than some creepy
00:41:59science teacher
00:42:00with a nose hair
00:42:01like a walrus
00:42:02molesting some girl.
00:42:03It's just
00:42:04dead wrong.
00:42:05The fact that
00:42:06she's attractive
00:42:08it still doesn't
00:42:10I mean,
00:42:11that kid
00:42:12wasn't ready
00:42:13for sexual
00:42:15especially now
00:42:16with somebody
00:42:17with that much
00:42:19I mean,
00:42:20I guess
00:42:21the movie
00:42:22The Graduate
00:42:23in our era
00:42:24has always been
00:42:26you know,
00:42:27I guess when you're,
00:42:28because when I was
00:42:29a kid,
00:42:30we were,
00:42:31you know,
00:42:32we had this one
00:42:33hotter lady
00:42:34on the route
00:42:35and it was always
00:42:37I don't have
00:42:38any change,
00:42:39but if you
00:42:40could come in
00:42:41for a moment.
00:42:42My change
00:42:43is upstairs
00:42:44in the room,
00:42:45not in my haliburton.
00:42:46Excuse me,
00:42:47Mrs. McCarthy,
00:42:48do you mind
00:42:49if I smoke
00:42:50a menthol
00:42:52in the foyer?
00:42:53Like you would
00:42:54have been
00:42:56if you were
00:42:58That's what
00:43:00point is.
00:43:01You know,
00:43:02race is such
00:43:03a touchy
00:43:06you know,
00:43:07I was,
00:43:08I was
00:43:09eight years
00:43:12the race
00:43:16I mean,
00:43:19there was,
00:43:20I mean,
00:43:21it's like
00:43:22I was
00:43:23eight years
00:43:26the race
00:43:28was old
00:43:29enough to
00:43:30have a,
00:43:31I mean,
00:43:32when you watch,
00:43:33when you sit
00:43:34from your house
00:43:35and go down
00:43:36to the river
00:43:37and basically
00:43:38watch Detroit
00:43:40and then you
00:43:41see on your
00:43:42news that
00:43:46going down
00:43:53the number
00:43:54of people,
00:43:55like 357
00:43:56people were
00:43:58in the
00:44:00I'm not,
00:44:01I might be
00:44:03but for some
00:44:05I mean,
00:44:06I remember
00:44:07it was a
00:44:08huge amount
00:44:09of people
00:44:10that were
00:44:12and they
00:44:13were sniping
00:44:14police officers,
00:44:15so when
00:44:17when you,
00:44:21in a city
00:44:22that didn't
00:44:23have that
00:44:26it wasn't,
00:44:27you know,
00:44:28it just,
00:44:29it amazed
00:44:31but when
00:44:33when you see
00:44:34what happened
00:44:36you know,
00:44:37and then
00:44:39you know,
00:44:40two white
00:44:41cops go
00:44:42to a,
00:44:43what they
00:44:44called back
00:44:45then a
00:44:46blind pig
00:44:48they gunned
00:44:50a black
00:44:52and it
00:44:54it starts
00:44:55I mean,
00:44:56it's just,
00:44:57and I look at
00:44:58what we have
00:44:59and it's just
00:45:01and everybody
00:45:03well we have
00:45:04a black
00:45:06things are
00:45:08and I look
00:45:09at them and
00:45:11if you don't
00:45:13it's not
00:45:141968 still.
00:45:18I don't see,
00:45:19I don't see
00:45:21I mean,
00:45:24and if it doesn't
00:45:25happen then
00:45:26it just,
00:45:27So you feel
00:45:28there was merit
00:45:29to the lawsuit?
00:45:30I thought
00:45:33that's interesting.
00:45:35I thought
00:45:37And it's also,
00:45:38it's such a
00:45:39home run.
00:45:41they don't
00:45:42want to fight
00:45:45A company
00:45:46wouldn't want
00:45:47to fight it.
00:45:49it's just,
00:45:51you know,
00:45:55I mean,
00:45:56look at Hulk.
00:45:57You know,
00:46:00you cross
00:46:02you go
00:46:03anywhere near
00:46:05You know,
00:46:09the other
00:46:11did a
00:46:12half hour
00:46:14on it,
00:46:15on the
00:46:16N word.
00:46:18would go
00:46:23to serve life
00:46:24in prison
00:46:25for multiple
00:46:26counts of sex
00:46:28and forced
00:46:31doesn't make
00:46:32him a bad
00:46:36you got to
00:46:37make a living.
00:46:38And they
00:46:42that I
00:46:43would have
00:46:44came up
00:46:45with that
00:46:47for me.
00:46:49don't know
00:46:50that the
00:46:51one time
00:46:52in Auburn Hills
00:46:53from the rafters
00:46:55I think,
00:46:56was the third
00:46:57highest drop
00:46:58they'd ever
00:47:01I mean,
00:47:03you couldn't
00:47:04have drove
00:47:05a fucking
00:47:06amoeba up
00:47:07my ass
00:47:08with a
00:47:11From the
00:47:14They dropped
00:47:15me into
00:47:17into the
00:47:18ring at
00:47:19like World
00:47:20War III
00:47:24I think
00:47:25that's how it went.
00:47:27I mean,
00:47:28I played
00:47:29the seven foot
00:47:30sting for one
00:47:32Did you know
00:47:33that this was
00:47:34going to be
00:47:35money when
00:47:36he finally
00:47:37would engage
00:47:38with you guys?
00:47:41And it
00:47:42was one
00:47:43of those
00:47:46you know,
00:47:51knowing that
00:47:52Orndorff was
00:47:53going to turn on
00:47:55Seeing it coming
00:47:56and sensing it.
00:47:58And it's just
00:48:00and they always,
00:48:01and you know,
00:48:02and they did
00:48:03a really good
00:48:04job of just,
00:48:05and that's the
00:48:06whole thing is
00:48:07you know it's
00:48:09you know it's
00:48:11you know it's
00:48:13but then
00:48:14it was pretty
00:48:15damn epic
00:48:16the way he
00:48:18you know,
00:48:20and then after
00:48:21he repelled
00:48:22and he repelled
00:48:23and he repelled
00:48:24and then finally
00:48:25he repelled
00:48:26in like
00:48:27New Mexico
00:48:28and we dropped
00:48:29a cargo net
00:48:30on top of him.
00:48:31You know,
00:48:32so it was like,
00:48:33you know,
00:48:34it kind of had
00:48:35like a little bit
00:48:36of a marvel
00:48:37kind of feel
00:48:38to it.
00:48:39What's Steve
00:48:40like behind the
00:48:42I think
00:48:43he's one of the
00:48:44best human
00:48:45beings that's
00:48:46ever been in
00:48:47the business.
00:48:48I mean,
00:48:49before he was
00:48:50a Christian,
00:48:51he was always
00:48:52a fun guy,
00:48:54comes from
00:48:55a great family,
00:48:56no dysfunction.
00:48:57He's the
00:48:58one in the
00:49:00No dysfunction?
00:49:02I mean,
00:49:03he just
00:49:04seemed to
00:49:05always have
00:49:06a pretty
00:49:07good grip
00:49:08on everything.
00:49:09He seems
00:49:10to get
00:49:11a reputation
00:49:12in the business
00:49:14from people
00:49:15we talk to,
00:49:16someone who
00:49:17didn't care
00:49:18about wrestling
00:49:19all that much.
00:49:20I don't
00:49:21have a problem
00:49:22with that.
00:49:23And it
00:49:24never became
00:49:25an issue
00:49:26with any of
00:49:27the business
00:49:28you had to
00:49:29do with it?
00:49:31because not
00:49:33you know,
00:49:34I didn't
00:49:35wake up when
00:49:36I was six
00:49:37years old
00:49:38and wanted
00:49:39to become
00:49:40a pro
00:49:42I wanted
00:49:43to become
00:49:44a pro
00:49:46when I was
00:49:50think I'd
00:49:51like to do
00:49:53You know,
00:49:54packed house,
00:49:57town to
00:49:59seems like
00:50:00a pretty
00:50:01sweet gig.
00:50:02You don't
00:50:03have to
00:50:04grow up
00:50:05and want
00:50:06to be a
00:50:08I'll tell
00:50:09you one
00:50:11I learned
00:50:12to love
00:50:13the business.
00:50:14Maybe that
00:50:15may be one
00:50:16of the reasons
00:50:17why I love
00:50:19I don't
00:50:21I don't
00:50:23I don't
00:50:25I don't
00:50:27I don't
00:50:29I don't
00:50:31I don't
00:50:33I don't
00:50:35I don't
00:50:37I don't
00:50:39I don't
00:50:41I don't
00:50:43I don't
00:50:46Do you try to
00:50:47be polite,
00:50:48and not look at
00:50:51it got
00:50:54Is there
00:50:58of it?
00:51:00was a very
00:51:03How do
00:51:04you handle
00:51:07like that?
00:51:08Is he
00:51:09a friend?
00:51:10A buddy?
00:51:11I don't
00:51:12think anything
00:51:14She went
00:51:15You know, what's that? What's the appropriate reaction from a friend?
00:51:21Thanks for the material like what do you you know, I I just you know, I you just I
00:51:27Don't think there was any comment. I
00:51:29don't think you know, I
00:51:32Guess the gamut is I'd hit that to
00:51:37Tastefully lit shoes
00:51:50Hit me in the head with a rock was that what it was a rock
00:51:53Yeah, and I guess security's not taking care of it. So you guys decide you will
00:51:58Hear the whole story
00:52:00Absolutely. We have these giant
00:52:05Suction they like syringes but they're
00:52:09For what like for water? I'm having water fights
00:52:12But the the premise of it is that you would have a bucket in front of you and just
00:52:18Mm-hmm, you know, it's like almost like a shotgun
00:52:21So we have like yellow blue and green paint in ours and when you go to the wall and we shame you we
00:52:28We spray you
00:52:31Xbox decides
00:52:33To take the thing and shoot it in the crowd
00:52:36So everybody, you know pretty much is blue and
00:52:44About that time I feel a rock
00:52:47Rifle off the side of my head
00:52:50And I just turned like the predator
00:52:53I'm thinking like
00:52:56They watch and they like I'm looking in the direction it came from the people like
00:53:02And the guy there's this kids is standing there and I looked down at him he turns and runs
00:53:09And I said bingo
00:53:12Bad knees cripple as fuck. I jumped eight feet off the fucking stage
00:53:18Over a six-foot barricade and caught that fucking brick
00:53:24He had like a bucket a weak head start and I was like, okay, I'm gonna get out of here
00:53:30A weak head start and I caught him and I'm behind him like a lion trying to fucking snatch his feet together
00:53:38Boom, he turns around I grabbed my throat and I get on my top of my pull him over. He's a little kid
00:53:43He's like a 16 17 18 year old kid
00:53:46So the cops are jogging. I said man arrest this dude, so they sue me
00:53:52Who's that the kids the kid and the kids father they sue me
00:53:57Go get some ambulance chaser from the back of a thing. So long story short
00:54:05The attorney wants to talk to my turn I said, oh well, I'll talk to you on the phone. I said now you do know
00:54:13That this kid was arrested charges were pressed and he did
00:54:19Community service it was fine
00:54:21For the Rockets. Yeah for this incident. Mm-hmm
00:54:25He's like no the attorney didn't know that no because he thinks he's got a home run
00:54:34We settled for one dollar I
00:54:41Settled for one dollar and I had to write it
00:54:44And had to like write this, you know like a letter
00:54:49And I wrote it in Crayon
00:54:52A little red
00:54:55To match red red red crayons and then the kid had to send me a letter back an apology. So
00:55:02So connect that whole thing and I'll never forget Ed lover
00:55:07After it's all done
00:55:09And I got the kid I catch America grab by the throat and lover says on the microphone
00:55:14So I've seen it played back. He goes way for keeping it way to keep a real big man
00:55:21Which did nothing to hurt our persona that that's the rub. Yeah, I was like, thanks Ed
00:55:35What's the tension between you and Kevin all about I think at this point we've decided is
00:55:44Cedar Rapids and everything else it's like time for a hostile takeover
00:55:50Well, did you feel there was an intentional attempt to make you guys look bad in the booking decisions I
00:55:57Think that there was jealousy being played above
00:56:01common sense
00:56:03And there was a lot of people and we weren't in the we've never been that group of guys
00:56:09It's in the office everyday lobbying for positions
00:56:13You know
00:56:16And we always knew that when it came down to it because the show was live and so
00:56:21Unfiltered that we would no matter what you could do Scott and I could dice you up with a microphone
00:56:27Make you look like an idiot then you can pen us and it wouldn't matter
00:56:31You know, so we we always knew that we could print. It's one thing what once
00:56:36Once a promotion or a booking team or creative once they realize you don't give a shit of your if you get penned or not
00:56:44That takes about 90% of the game out
00:56:47if you're a mark
00:56:49Then they can always but if I remember the first time Scott worked with Jericho Scott was supposed to beat Jericho
00:56:58Scott put Jericho over right and
00:57:02Scott's like obviously you guys don't see what this kid has I do I
00:57:08Can do this every night and stay over this kid that there's no upside for me beating him
00:57:15You know, and I think that helped Chris. I think that was a good little shot in the arm early for him in that in that organization
00:57:23It's one of those things where you know, you've got to
00:57:29It's a work
00:57:30It's a work when you win work when you lose and the only thing that matters is in the
00:57:36words of the great Lou Albano
00:57:39Only the only things that are real in this business is money in the miles
00:57:43And that's a shoot
00:57:45Speaking of a shoot you take the microphone here you
00:57:49At the end of the show you rip on Hogan and Bischoff for not being there at that
00:57:54At that nitro little shot at Sullivan's height
00:57:57It's reported that Sullivan gets on the phone with Bischoff to to report back what happened and said that so that Nash
00:58:05threatened him
00:58:07Bischoff calls you
00:58:09You apparently say Sullivan wasn't clear-headed enough to know what was even said a special meeting has to be set up and settled matters
00:58:15Is that accurate?
00:58:17Yeah, what's the special meeting only is it just the three of you Bischoff and and Kevin there was so many special meetings
00:58:26House ways and means committee
00:58:30Yeah, there were a lot of special meetings a lot get done at those meetings
00:58:34So it's like an apology meeting or you got to air your grievances
00:58:38We always went in with our fucking same old swagger
00:58:43Sat down just looked across at him
00:58:47And say are we done?
00:58:51Yep, okay. Thank you
00:58:54Like if we're I did we we did what we wanted to do. I already said it on live TV in front of a 7-3
00:59:02Are you told not to do it again? No
00:59:06But then it's like what I was gonna take my creativity away from me
00:59:11Like, you know, he was there was there were some things going on and it needed to be addressed. It was addressed
00:59:18Like I said, you know, he came knocking on my door that night in hotel room Conan was sitting in there with me
00:59:24I said go away little man. Go away
00:59:28You know if I suppose open that door somebody's gonna get hurt
00:59:32That was the that was a threat
00:59:35Yeah report. I could have gotten hurt. I
00:59:40Could have banged my head on the doorframe coming out. I mean there's a lot of things good. It's like Sullivan was a bitch
00:59:47How are you Kevin today Oh
01:00:00You remember the incident yeah
01:00:03At the time was it noteworthy or just in retrospect. It's become funny. I don't even think I mean it was
01:00:11Shockmasters funny
01:00:13That's just somebody
01:00:16Being them
01:00:18the way like if you look at through the through the through the course of
01:00:23Like pro wrestling especially the attitude era like Booker was the only black dude. That was like a black dude. I
01:00:35It was there was no I mean book was that's what books book, you know, like he's
01:00:45I don't know. I think because I just have always been so close with him
01:00:51That it's just like when when when he when that happened, it just it didn't and then again if that word doesn't
01:01:05Like that word to me isn't what it is to a lot of other people it's just something I've heard my whole life
01:01:12Mm-hmm you play basketball you
01:01:16You know you hear that word a lot. It's got a lot of context to different. Yeah
01:01:22You live it up you live in and do things that are predominantly
01:01:31Associated with you know, R&B music and you know rap and all these other things. It's just like
01:01:38It's not that I'm not gonna walk in and do a Bullsworth
01:01:42You know, but I mean at the same time, I mean because I know the sensibilities but there are you know
01:01:48a few of my friends throughout the you know, my life that I've actually we've
01:01:55You know, they've given me permission to you know
01:02:04And they used to call me average white boy
01:02:06That was because it the song pick up the pieces came out nobody had any idea there was a bunch of Scottish dudes
01:02:24In general, how do the foreign guys fit in with the rest of the locker room and particularly these guys I can't even speak English
01:02:34Was a factional
01:02:37No, because it was always like Conan or a ray or somebody that could could translate for the Mexicans and
01:02:47You know dragon could speak dragging to speak I mean
01:02:52It's like when you go over work Japan, you know
01:02:55There's a common, you know, it's always funny when you work in Japan
01:03:00You go over there and you talk about getting heat on them. They don't speak a fucking word of English, but
01:03:06Soon as you start giving him maybe a leg screw, you know, yes
01:03:10Right. I was gonna say what about the thing where they all say that? Yeah. Yeah, I don't speak English until it's fucking that shine
01:03:16They can say can speak English during the shine spot
01:03:19What'd you think of Sonny? Oh, no, I liked him a
01:03:23Deserved spot or a friend of Eric thing. I don't know. I mean, it's a he just fit
01:03:29It didn't mean we I thought he was
01:03:33He was intelligent
01:03:37He played the part, I mean he played the part well
01:03:48When shit like this happens on TV, I mean it seems to happen a lot in WCW on live TV
01:03:54Is this a result of too much going on are the agents not doing their job?
01:03:59Is the fact that the talent always wasn't afraid to have a cocktail during fucking work or that?
01:04:06You know, I
01:04:08Love gene to death, you know, but you know genes having a double scotch while he's waiting for fucking a kidney transplant
01:04:16So I mean he's a man's man. Fuck it. I mean, what am I one of my best fucking?
01:04:23Plane trips that I've had in the last five years
01:04:26Was flying back from WrestleMania
01:04:30next to gene and we get on the plane at like 912 and
01:04:36Order a red wine and he orders a double fucking whatever he's having and you know, and the thing about genius
01:04:44We fucking when we we drank all the way to Atlanta
01:04:48Got off the plane
01:04:50He said I got to make a call. He's a
01:04:52I've got to make a call
01:04:55Got off the plane made the fucking call. I waited it was the open gate there
01:05:04What time's your next flight he's going down to Sarasota and I somebody's just as
01:05:09Well, it looks like we've got about an hour and 45 in the crown room
01:05:12And we just boned right in the crown room kept it up telling stories back and forth
01:05:18He fucking went his way to Sarasota. I went my way to Daytona Beach and I just said
01:05:24Fuck man, it's like it's like nobody's slurring. Nobody's
01:05:30It's just two guys
01:05:32Having drinks and I mean a drink every 20 minutes to 30 minutes is a drink in moderation
01:05:41We're not fucking pounding drinks, you know, we have this another one of my great ones we had
01:05:50Jericho and I were never close, you know, we had had words and you know, and I said the vanilla midgets, you know
01:05:58He really took offense to that then, you know Eddie and and and Chris both dying shortly after
01:06:07Me really, you know, I put out the comment that said that you know, a lot of people don't get the correlation that
01:06:14when I said
01:06:15The wrestling business died the day those two were the champions. I
01:06:20Made that statement when they were both alive. A lot of people don't understand that a lot of people think that Jesus
01:06:26What if I could prick, you know, this guy said that, you know one way and you know, I
01:06:32Thought they were both great talents, you know, I thought Chris was a great talent. I enjoyed working with both of them
01:06:38I mean they they both could make me look like a million bucks
01:06:43And they both had offense. They both had offense for small guys. I just thought that
01:06:47You know
01:06:49in a bigger than life business that I thought we were at a point and
01:06:55I still think to this day that I
01:06:57Remember the first day that I walked into a pro wrestling locker room and was under contract. I looked around that fucking locker room
01:07:05It looked like fucking Sing Sing
01:07:08You know, everybody was 300 pounds and fucking guys smoking fucking cigarettes guys over here playing cards
01:07:15You know, if I can hardly race if I can sit down there if I can ash this long
01:07:21Doing his fucking boots I told that mother
01:07:25you know, it's just like it was a it was a different crew of guys you go in there now and
01:07:31You know, it's kind of like an Abercrombie and Fitch fucking convention, you know, nothing against that
01:07:37but it's just everybody's fucking really handsome and really tan and
01:07:42You know, it's it's this is a different fucking world. And I you know, I know that I've become fucking that
01:07:50Well, you know kid back in my day
01:07:54I mean, I know that we all get to that point. Don't worry Harley at the same time, though
01:07:59I also say that if I can I watch Sasha and Bailey at the NXT and
01:08:04they stole it and I and I appreciate and understand where things are going and
01:08:10the business is
01:08:12Is past me
01:08:15Did you have a Jericho story you wanted to tell oh
01:08:19Yeah, I'm sorry
01:08:22That comes with age to add that concussions. Oh, you're not allowed to say that. Are you that what were the concussions? So
01:08:32Me and Chris are sitting next to each other. It's the Hogan
01:08:37Birthday maybe it's an Oregon. It's in Portland
01:08:42And I'm dieting for the Magic Mike movie, so I'm not drinking any alcohol. So I'm sitting there
01:08:48That Jericho says you could drink
01:08:52We're taking the red-eye home. I said fuck man. I said like I'm on this diet, man
01:08:56I said that he says I said I'm on no carbs
01:09:00Over there this funny looks at me. It says it says vodka zero carbs Google's it
01:09:07He goes I'm gonna have a fucking double vodka on the rocks. I said, well, I'll have a double vodka on the rocks with it
01:09:12So Hogan's sitting in front of us
01:09:15Hogan's fucking I'll have one too
01:09:19We fucking drank every drop of vodka on that plane
01:09:24Chris got fucking Chris passed out didn't make his connection
01:09:28it was just one of those and that was the same thing a
01:09:31Buddy of mine saw me get off the plane at Daytona Beach
01:09:36and he said that it was
01:09:39like I
01:09:42Was like
01:09:43Kind of like a fucking like on a tilt just kind of like my the only thing keeping me
01:09:49Upward was the fact the weight of my bags was kind of keeping me from from doing the face time
01:09:55He said he spoke to me said how are you?
01:09:57he said I power walked right by him went out got my car and
01:10:03Drove this is the responsibility factor still there at 50 fucking five years old
01:10:09Drove my ass home woke up in my bed and don't remember
01:10:16So when you think you fucking got a grapse on this whole fucking thing
01:10:22Not so much
01:10:24But that was a five was a Chris makes reference to everyone. They'll see a little tweet or something. You'll do on a podcast
01:10:29it's the the
01:10:32Vodka trip. Yeah, the Vodka rocks trip
01:10:44Good on-air commissioner
01:10:48We've already told the story how he got hired right you can tell it again new viewers every day
01:10:56We were doing
01:10:58TV tapings in Orlando and JJ was down there with his family. We saw him was a JJ
01:11:04What are you doing? We knew he'd got let go by Vince and we just said we just hooked it up right there
01:11:10They I think he talked to Eric either that day or shortly a couple days after and he got hired
01:11:16and then he ended up being you know on air commissioner, so
01:11:20JJ was in JJ was in that that you know, that was a tough spot
01:11:25You know that the hatchet man for events. Mm-hmm, and everybody knew it
01:11:30You know, I always liked JJ
01:11:34So I thought it was good. I thought he I thought he gave credibility. He was a good interview
01:11:40He was you know, like a legend kind of guy
01:11:44Hell of a lot better than Tony when
01:11:48this table
01:11:50some of the
01:11:51Sometimes when former workers become office, they they have to walk that fine line
01:11:57Because they still have a foot in being one of the boys
01:11:59But you know, they've got a job to do and a family defeat. How did JJ do with the balance?
01:12:06Did well, yeah, but at the same time like
01:12:11Everybody that was there saw so much instability that it was hard if you had any
01:12:19Anybody that had been around Vince and
01:12:23Had been in that shark tank where it was, you know, Vince loved the
01:12:27Competition between the guys like that's one thing that that drove
01:12:33events insane with a click was
01:12:36For the first time ever five guys were calling each other going. What'd you paid?
01:12:41That was always the key
01:12:44you know
01:12:46I'll give you a little extra you keep your money
01:12:49Yeah, it was always that once that thing was broken
01:12:53Once power. Yeah
01:12:54Once Shawn Michaels got five grand more for Survivor Series and me and Scott and all he did was super kick
01:13:00It stayed on the apron the whole night all night. We made that fucking call. That was the one that was a game-changer
01:13:06That was the one judge answered, right? Yeah puts you through to Vince big D
01:13:10That was a big day
01:13:13My god, I don't know how that happened motherfuckers are talking
01:13:29Take talk to me about the Japan experience in and of itself
01:13:34What's it like going over there the fans the food the flights the hotels what's the Japan experience Japan to me is
01:13:44Because I believe in
01:13:46reincarnation to a degree because there's too many times in life when you are in a situation and
01:13:55You're like
01:13:57Why does this seem so familiar? Why do I so at some point I?
01:14:02Was either Japanese
01:14:06Station in Japan or gang or slept with the Japanese woman. I don't know which it was a Japanese
01:14:13Or had sushi in a Vancouver Airport, but uh, you see you felt at home in Japan
01:14:19It's yeah, it's like I'm so like I remember the last time I worked I worked for all Japan. I was
01:14:26God, I was probably 53 years old. It was me and Chono
01:14:32Know me and Muda Chono came out with us. It was an NWO reunion
01:14:37It was a smaller venue, maybe four or five thousand people, but it was just like it was in
01:14:42I flew into a yoga. I stayed in Yokohama and
01:14:49Just walking the streets
01:14:51It was just like it's so Zen over there. You know, you just don't get that, you know people bump in India
01:14:58it's just to me, it's like
01:15:01It's such a hard language to learn like I've tried and I've gotten the Rosetta's
01:15:06You know, I mean, I've really tried. I just I need to sit down with Steven Seagal, but uh
01:15:18But I mean I there's that's a place I know I could live I just I dig the culture
01:15:23I think the people are I just I love it over there. So for me to go to Japan, it's just
01:15:29You know, I just I'm pissed I'm too old to get a booking over there
01:15:35Well, it is an expensive airfare first-class. Mm-hmm
01:15:41What's the relation what's the nature of the relationship between New Japan and WCW here or is there any larger
01:15:48There's always when I was Oz, you know
01:15:50Like they I they shipped me over there like we always used to ship even back when NWA when Muda was with Gary Hart
01:15:59You know, that was an exchange of there was always an exchange
01:16:03we did the
01:16:07wrestled flair and world worlds collide or whatever. That was a
01:16:11Co New Japan. So there was always a
01:16:15correlation in a business
01:16:18Agreement between New Japan and our office
01:16:21How are they native workers to the gaijin coming over?
01:16:29You know, I think like anything else I think you've you know, I think that
01:16:35Respect goes goes huge over there. I think being polite goes huge
01:16:41Try to adapt as much as possible to their you know
01:16:47Culture, I think if you go over there and do that and I see that you make that, you know
01:16:52Being the ugly American doesn't work very well anywhere. But if you go over there and you culturally try to
01:16:58You know just mentally try to show them that that you're
01:17:03Trying to fit in that it's it's a pleasant experience. Is there a language barrier in ring?
01:17:10Yeah, I mean it's it's you know, but it's the style so different that you know, you start and stop 93 times
01:17:18There's real no ebb and flow to it to most Japanese matches. It's you know
01:17:23Lock up push off lock up push off you hit the ropes, you know sell you hit the ropes, you know
01:17:31So I hit the ropes I
01:17:33Close on you, you know sell, you know
01:17:35Then finally you grab a headlock the guy
01:17:37You know out of the headlock gives you a belly to back you roll out and start over again. Mm-hmm, you know, it's so it's so
01:17:46Segmentated as far as how the work goes
01:17:49That it's you know, you just you can you can bit piece it
01:17:53especially if you have a Tory or something that it speaks that can interpret you can you can use the referee a lot of times to
01:18:00To especially if something's not we're gonna change something
01:18:03So I always had a Tory as my referee
01:18:18Did it add the significance that I guess they had hoped it would it did to me I
01:18:24Watched I had not watched back me and Bill Goldberg's
01:18:28Starrcade match
01:18:30Since it happened and my son
01:18:35Went by his room and I heard
01:18:38That like a crowd noise and he was it was getting ready and buffer was getting ready to start
01:18:46the ring announcement and
01:18:48that night had a kind of a
01:18:51real feel to it anyway and
01:18:54To watch it back though just for buffer to make that call
01:18:59Really kind of gave it like it gave it that big fight kind of validity, right?
01:19:04And I didn't my I was always a huge fan of his
01:19:08as a human being says
01:19:10We spoke a lot
01:19:12he's highly intelligent, you know, just a really rounded human and
01:19:17I mean his numbers on my phone
01:19:21So was he a wrestling fan?
01:19:23Think he's a I think he's I think he was I think he's I think he appreciated definitely appreciated that what we did
01:19:35Just you know, there's just something
01:19:38He's the the epitome of to me of a ring announcer
01:19:43Like nobody does the Spanish pronunciations like Michael Buffer. I mean that to me
01:19:50I don't care if I've never heard of the guy by the time he tells me who he is. He's somebody
01:20:07Would you think of Alex right? Well, what was this whole thing too soon too young?
01:20:11Well, I gave him that you know that dancing thing right out of the chute. So I mean it's kind of like saying
01:20:19You're a good-looking German kid
01:20:22The Oz costumes just too big but we've got something just as shitty for you
01:20:31you know when
01:20:34When you when you get to the first hole and they tell you oh, by the way, you're laying 23
01:20:42Hi, what do you mean I'm laying 23 before you get the ball you're laying 23 good luck
01:20:49When the tournament so no chance nothing
01:20:54And he was talented right
01:20:57It was talented, but I mean
01:21:00Geez but never never came back again in any
01:21:04Incarnation in well, they gave him that Berlin gimmick, which was dusty's idea and it kind of I mean, I think it was kind of cool
01:21:13Then they put together this
01:21:17Almost like a
01:21:21Trailer of like a like a Nazi
01:21:24Whatever you remember and I was like a like a German
01:21:27Brigade like
01:21:30Marching in black and white and all that and it you played one time and
01:21:34You know, it was just like a little too reminiscent proof. It's just like oh
01:21:39Okay, I'm sure that's a this isn't this they just put together some Holocaust film on TNT. I'm thinking boy
01:21:46This is good timing
01:21:57Well when they gave him like the like the shoot gimmick I mean I
01:22:04didn't see any money in that it's it's
01:22:10Was he a legit badass I
01:22:13Don't know
01:22:15Okay, I'd heard that he would he did point. He was most guys did point karate
01:22:20I heard that he did you know, you hear all this shit
01:22:25You know
01:22:26Unless I see a fight like Don Frye with a Korean guy in the corner exchanging blows for three hours
01:22:33I mean, I pretty much I don't have to fucking like
01:22:37Touch Don Friday. No, Don Frye's a bad motherfucker
01:22:41You know, I mean, they're just certain guys that you just and they're always the nicest guy to
01:22:47The baddest ass guys are always the nicest guy. So I had nothing to prove. No, fuck no
01:22:51They know that bitch beat the fucking dog shit out of you
01:22:53Was was Ernest liked by the boys that he cut off a whole Eric's friend thing
01:22:58Again, also because it was I think it was it wasn't he like Garrett like Eric's son Garrett
01:23:04Did he teach him karate and that's where the correlation was?
01:23:06Yeah, I know Eric was a I think Eric trained to in martial arts. So
01:23:13You know
01:23:14My thing is on top of all that though
01:23:17And I'm a Detroit boy and Eric's Detroit boy
01:23:21Man, if you can't get your friends a fucking job when you're on top, who the fuck are you?
01:23:25You know, I
01:23:27Mean, that's kind of what you do. Don't you but is that the pervasive notion with the other guys or is there resentment?
01:23:34Toward Ernest
01:23:38It's my friend
01:23:49Tennessee boy
01:23:51That's right. Yeah, he was
01:23:55He was at school when I was at school. He was a freshman when I was a junior
01:23:59so it was nice to
01:24:02Let's see a Tennessee guy. Did he come in respectful and oh, yeah, he was that he was
01:24:08What was that another here's a guy that you know, you couldn't triple team stop
01:24:13You know, he was such a badass. I mean he had nothing to prove
01:24:18It was something you just sometimes see I guess in later generation the
01:24:23NFL NBA athletes kind of saw you guys as athletes to wasn't always that way. It was kind of that
01:24:29Fake wrestler kind of thing ready in the 70s or 60s
01:24:32but by this point it's safe to say that the guys you would work with Rodman and
01:24:37They walked in and saw you guys as well
01:24:39And we also were doing such numbers and it was you know, it was we were we were
01:24:44You know, we were part of pop culture at that point, I mean it was it was you know
01:24:49It was cool to be on our show
01:25:00Did you get along with Ric Flair outside the ring yes why
01:25:05If you want to hear really great wrestling stories like listen to Flair because like, you know, he was that like that
01:25:15Generations back guy
01:25:18You know where it was territories and you know
01:25:23You know blackjack Mulligan, you know comes in a locker room with a loaded three-fifths of a pound of cash
01:25:28You know, he's he's he's he's he's he's he's he's he's he's he's he's he's he's he's he's he's he's he's he's he's he's he's he's
01:25:3427 looking for Barry and Barry's and out the
01:25:38parking lot hiding in an RV and it was a very different era of professional wrestling and
01:25:46To the guys that navigated through that shit, you know going to Puerto Rico and you know
01:25:52Rick was Rick was that guy that you know, they
01:25:55You went in and you know, he was like he was the world champion
01:26:00And he was the shoot, you know
01:26:03He's the last guy that levered that's the last guy that'll do that like that's so to me he's
01:26:11He's like he's one in a million and it's just and then on top of that he's also a huge
01:26:17See that there's so many guys and wrestling that aren't sports fans
01:26:23You know, especially when I broke in but just guys that just weren't really sports fans and Rick like likes every sport and knows
01:26:31I like to talk sports. I like to follow sports and Rick and I have always had that, you know had that bond
01:26:38and as we've gotten older, it's just
01:26:41Like anything else it's just like oh
01:26:45You're still around, huh?
01:26:47You know, but he never
01:26:50saw you guys as
01:26:52The guys taking that top spot
01:26:55From what had basically been his for years
01:27:01Think what I think that I don't think that we got
01:27:06There was heat between him and Eric. Mm-hmm, and I don't think that it trickled down to us
01:27:13You know, I think that you know, I never felt it
01:27:17Like I never felt any and there was any animosity that Rick had towards Kevin Nash
01:27:23How was Kevin Green as far as?
01:27:26great guy
01:27:27In in the ring, there's a great athlete. I mean he'd you know, we did that match with him in Charlotte were they
01:27:38Green hit me with his finish Piper put kid in his and flair put
01:27:42And the roof came off and they fucking thought we're gonna fuck him
01:27:46yeah, like they thought we were gonna pull some shit on him and we
01:27:50You know, I think there was a lot of respect if there was anything that Rick had against any of us
01:27:57That night squirreled it because he knew these fucking three guys were pros
01:28:10A lot has been set about as a legendary after hours antics. Can you add to the
01:28:19Set of stories my favorite thing on earth is is
01:28:25I've traveled the Caribbean pretty extensively
01:28:31Have some little places down there and stuff and
01:28:35You cannot go to a Caribbean island that Ric Flair has wrestled in and not have somebody tell you a story
01:28:43And then at that point right there Ric Flair was naked and in the pool
01:28:49You know, this is just always just this
01:28:52Incredible I heard one story where Ric Flair like
01:28:56Walked out with the penny loafers on with a fucking
01:29:02he walked in to
01:29:06Like the lobby type thing there was some event going on there was balloons
01:29:09And he fucking just snagged some balloons went upstairs
01:29:13Came down put the robe on open the robe and it had the balloons underneath the robe on it was dick
01:29:19And just did the little fucking shuffling and just shuffled right back in the elevator went up whether it's true or not
01:29:25I don't know but fucking that's
01:29:27That's that's that's good shit. That's good stuff
01:29:39What's the story with getting Jim Kelly is a there's a there's a football thing is Eric
01:29:44In making inroads with someone in and in the NFL that's it could have been sure it could have been sure
01:29:50Schiller you never know what was going on. Uh-huh, you know with
01:29:55with Harvey
01:29:57You remember Jim Kelly coming in? Yeah, we'll see a fan
01:30:04He'd had some cocktails he was
01:30:07He had some cocktails that night. We talked to him in the locker room for a while
01:30:10Was Jim Kelly
01:30:13the story Missy told
01:30:17What was it remember in Bill Fralick
01:30:20Someone wanted a black dildo up their ass and I it was Jim. Well, no, there was one that was a premature ejaculator
01:30:27That thought that was Jim. We're gonna leave this off
01:30:30Till I get it straight. Well, Bill Fralick the
01:30:33offensive lineman for the Falcons
01:30:35He always made me fucking with a black dildo, oh, well, I know that that's him that's him
01:30:52The place was packed and we were going to
01:30:57To Moline for the attack
01:31:00To Moline for the attack. Yeah
01:31:11We just
01:31:14Scott I sat down with him before that, you know before the the match and just said
01:31:20You know
01:31:21Whatever we do tonight because this was never you know
01:31:26It wasn't spot spot spot spot and then you'll take a breath. All right, then, you know, I'll turn semi left 14 degrees
01:31:34But if there was something important that had to be said yeah, and the thing was this it was real simple
01:31:40Whatever we do. Let's not fucking jump-start it. We'll have nowhere to go at the pay-per-view
01:31:47No that night. Oh because neither one of them have what?
01:31:51Flair's gonna chop us for 16 minutes Piper's gonna throw fucking the tenant had that fucking body shots
01:31:59It's not like they're gonna pick us
