10 Celeb Lives Ruined By Stalkers.!

  • 21 days ago
10 Celeb LiveHere’s a list of some of the most terrifying and tragic examples of celebrities whose lives were significantly impacted by stalkers:

1. **Taylor Swift** - Taylor has had multiple stalkers over the years. One man was arrested after breaking into her home, while another was sentenced for sending her threatening letters and emails.
2. **Selena Gomez** - Selena has also faced several stalking incidents. One stalker was arrested after repeatedly showing up at her home, and another was detained after threatening her on social media.
3. **John Lennon** - Tragically, John Lennon’s life was ended by a stalker. Mark David Chapman, a fan who had been stalking Lennon, shot and killed him outside his New York City apartment in 1980.
4. **Sandra Bullock** - In 2014, a stalker broke into Sandra Bullock’s home while she was there. The actress had to hide in a closet and call 911, a harrowing experience that she later described in court.
5. **David Letterman** - David faced a persistent stalker for years. The woman broke into his home multiple times and believed she was his wife. She was eventually committed to a mental institution.
6. **Gwyneth Paltrow** - Gwyneth had a stalker who sent her hundreds of letters and packages over a period of several years. He was ultimately charged and convicted of stalking.
7. **Madonna** - Madonna has had multiple stalkers, including one who was arrested for scaling the wall of her home and another who sent her threatening letters.
8. **Rihanna** - Rihanna has had several stalkers, including one who broke into her home and stayed there overnight before being discovered by her assistant.

Which celebrity stalker story creeps you out the most? Let us know in the comments!s Ruined By Stalkers
