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(ARC) Marvel vs Capcom - 16 - Wolverine - Gambit - Lv Expert
00:00Alright, one critical left.
00:03Alright, where are you, Ruby?
00:09Last one for today.
00:27Oi, Max.
00:43Last one.
00:52Okay, good.
00:54Ready card. Ready card.
00:57Last one.
01:00Let's go.
01:07Go, go, go.
01:08Let's go, hypers.
01:11Royal Viragics.
01:13I think we need to get like a stack of hypers to get a different secret character fight.
01:21Also we can do hyper combos instead.
01:23You can get sometimes like a combination.
01:27Also put some crits in the machine.
01:33Come on.
01:37Oh, hurt. That hurt.
01:54Once again I'm putting her on the wrong side.
02:12Okay, let's see if we can get a level 2 going.
02:17Dude, hurt.
02:24Ready card. Ready card. Ready card. Ready card.
02:30Oh my god, Strider, why are you so strong?
02:55I gotta clear more health off of her.
03:04Let's go.
03:06Berserker Punch.
03:11That was a bit scary.
03:14Didn't just like...
03:15If I miss, it's not gonna be good.
03:22Captain Cat.
03:25Let's go, Bob.
03:32That's nasty.
03:35Super nasty.
03:37Oh my god, I'm dead.
03:43What's going on, Cap? Jesus Christ.
03:55Hux. Okay.
04:18Let's see if it launches him.
04:20Let's see.
04:23Okay, we got this under control. Under control.
04:33Blue, give me a hand. Thank you.
04:36You can call out your assists to combo into your own super.
04:40That's what you use them for.
04:43That's what you should be using them for.
04:45100%. Once it lands, it's a hit confirm in super.
04:50I didn't realize that.
04:53How hideous have I been?
04:57It's like they're open for attack.
04:59Let's go, Bob.
05:21Oh my god.
05:24Let's get him out.
05:27Come on.
05:51Okay, I think we've got to spend it. He's not willing to die.
06:09Oh, come on.
06:20Let's see.
06:36Alright. No, not alright.
06:43We got him.
06:48Nothing at all. Infinity.
06:53Oh, wait.
06:55Let's go, Bob.
07:10Let's go.
07:12Don't take him.
07:20I'll give you one back.
07:24Oh god.
07:25Okay, we've got to get out.
07:35No UTGs.
07:36No UTGs.
07:42Alright, we've got to get him out.
07:48Man, this is only becoming so deadly.
07:53Nice evade, Venom.
07:54Oh god.
08:05Nice E-slip.
08:09Okay, we should really...
08:11F-L on this.
08:20Let's see.
08:36Two more to go.
08:38Let's go, Bob.
08:54Let's go.
09:09Too high.
09:11I was wondering if it was going to be too high.
09:19Oh god, we've got to get Wolverine out.
09:25Let's go, Bob.
09:27Let's go.
09:37Nice hold. Okay.
09:39Charge in.
09:50Let's fly.
09:54Let's go.
10:00Don't mess with the Cajun.
10:06One more team.
10:07And this one's on its own.
10:13Let's go.
10:25Man, this guy.
10:46Oh my god.
10:48We got Wolverine so good.
10:51Let's shield up.
11:14Okay, you can stay in the air.
11:22Oh, another Link off-screen.
11:50Oh, it doesn't land into it.
11:59That's fine, he can die.
12:02Oh shit!
12:06I decided to Cajun Slash.
12:11And she whipped out the guns.
12:19Let's see what teammates win.
12:43Oh, it doesn't land. Oh, come on.
12:52Alright, we've got a riddle for the machine.
13:02Don't slide.
13:14Don't know if this is going to work.
13:41Alright, let's try not to get killed here.
13:59Alright, one more to go.
14:29Good luck on that.
14:42Oh, come on.
15:09Yeah, looking for Wolverine's ending.
15:16One hidden, great element.
15:28Come on.
15:31Could be dangerous.
15:39Come on.
15:50Oh my god, I got...
16:01He called in the drones on me.
16:04That could have been one and done.
16:17That freaking 50-50'd me.
16:19It was like, if I was going to block one way, it turned the other way.
16:23So I couldn't, like, never block.
16:29Alright, we're bringing out Wolverine.
16:35Wolverine's superior in this situation.
16:42He's cutting him down.
16:50I'll take it.
16:54What is this, like a book paparazzi?
16:59I'm dead.
17:23I can only hope that Wolverine gets the last hit in.
17:51Oh god, what did I do with my dash?
18:05Let's go!
18:15I knew this anger emerged with my powers.
18:23I almost destroyed the world that we fight for.
18:27How can I still see of a brighter, new future?
18:31History check. We all make mistakes.
18:35We're still here, and life continues on.
18:39We can still change things for the better.
18:43Yes, we'll find a way. Thank you, my friend.
19:43Game over.
19:57Alright guys, thank you for watching.
20:00Hope you enjoyed this Marvel vs Capcom.
20:02Next time we come back, we will be doing some secret characters.
20:06And then secret fights.
20:08And then maybe I'll play the PlayStation version, because we can play as Onslaught, I think.
20:12We'll give that a shot.
20:13Alright guys, have a good day, good night, wherever you may be.
20:15And I'll see you guys next time.
