• 3 months ago
Had to take him down.
00:00Is there any items in here? Nope. Bummer.
00:21You can almost not even tell where the grass is.
01:41Yes, sir.
01:51He's such a douche I'm gonna bang his sister
02:19Do I have anything? I do!
02:31Goodbye mother Oh, yeah, I guess so
02:49Do I have pokeballs?
03:15I don't, can I use the time map on it?
03:30No. Scratch the shit out of him
04:00A battle, come on
04:30Do I have to go this way because of the little butthead?
04:58Oh, yeah
05:04A tree to be cut
05:11Damn it
05:21Is there any rare pokemons here? I don't, I don't know
05:41Oh, no
05:44Is he about to steamroll me?
05:49He already has a second pokemon? Oh my, what?
06:06He just won the battle
06:12That was so bad
06:16No way, dude, he's gonna take my money
06:27Stop with the sand There it is
06:33This guy's a prick, dude
06:50Jesus Blue, you dickhead
06:56Oh, of course he had to say that Did he take my money?
07:02All right, let's see if we get a rematch
07:16We'll see this time, buddy
07:34Gonna throw sand in my eye, you know what? It hit, no
07:42Can I burn him? Okay, good start
07:52Let's go, Squirtle
08:00Ouch, dude
08:14All of my training was for this
08:30You son of a turtle
08:34Come on
08:46Come on, Sparrow
08:50That was probably the best thing I could have had happen
09:00Yes, screw you, Blue
09:13You know what, you're just mad because I whooped you
09:42Yes, I am
09:55Oh, no, no, no
10:01I'm gonna do one battle, then I think I'll call it quits for the night
10:08Battle me, Bugs, battle me
10:15Am I not worthy?
10:26Where are the encounters?
10:35Thank you
10:51Watch him actually poison me
11:15Oh, let me save
11:23Until next time, I think that's pretty good