• last year
Shri Rahul Gandhi Party President of the Indian National Congress from 2017-19-84th AICC Plenary Session, New Delhi

Rahul Gandhi is a four-term Member of Parliament in the Lok Sabha, and has represented the people of Wayanad, Kerala since 2019. Previously, he was the Member of Parliament from Amethi, Uttar Pradesh from 2004 to 2019.

He is a member of the main opposition party, the Indian National Congress, and was the party president from December 2017 to July 2019. He is the chairperson of the Indian Youth Congress, the National Students Union of India and a trustee of the Rajiv Gandhi Foundation and Rajiv Gandhi Charitable Trust.

Member of the Indian National Congress | Member of Parliament | #GintiKaro | #BhartiBharosa |

#Pehli Naukri Pakki | #Kisaan MSPGuarantee


काँग्रेस ने कई प्रान्तों में सामाजिक समस्याओं को हटाने के प्रयत्न किये जिनमें छुआछूत, पर्दाप्रथा एवं मद्यपान आदि शामिल थे। राष्ट्रव्यापी आंदोलन शुरू करने के लिए काँग्रेस को धन की कमी का सामना करना पड़ता था।


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