Return of The Lady CEO ( Part 2 ) - Sweet Drama

  • 2 months ago
Return of The Lady CEO ( Part 2 ) - Sweet Drama


00:00I'm Maggie Daunton. I'm your grandmother. I'm your father George's mother.
00:07You're a weird lady.
00:09Oh, hold on. Look, I want to show you something.
00:15Let's go have some fun. Come on.
00:26What's all this?
00:28Tony, come to daddy.
00:32Wait for me in the car, okay?
00:33Okay, daddy.
00:36How'd you find him?
00:38Well, I have my sources.
00:40Mother, please. If this ever happens again, you'll never see me or Tony ever again.
00:45Is this because of that woman?
00:46This is because of me.
00:52Dad, you have to help me. Catherine is back for revenge.
00:55I can't let her cry. This is a new company that hasn't stood on its own two feet yet. I'm not worried.
01:01Howard is totally fucked. His company has been taken over by the bank and his whole family has been removed from the board.
01:07Dad, you have to do something.
01:09Stop crying.
01:19Well, it has been a pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Cooper.
01:23Good to see you, Mr. Cooper.
01:36Okay. I'm afraid I can't sign this. My apologies, Ms. Neal.
01:40What? You can't just back out of the deal now. We have an agreement.
01:43Of course I can.
01:45Mr. Cooper!
01:54Ma'am, you fight a beast, sometimes you get bit, Linda.
02:12Oh, shit. Oh, no. God damn it.
02:15What's wrong?
02:16It's nothing.
02:20Here, grab me one. I'll take care of this.
02:33Thank you.
02:37I'm sorry I burned the eggs.
02:39That's okay. The rice will be fine.
02:43You can count on me, right?
02:45It's really nothing, I promise. Okay, let's just forget it. Let's just eat.
02:50How do you know I can't help you?
02:51Well, of course you can.
02:53Thank you for dinner.
02:56Looks delicious.
03:39That night still haunts me.
03:41Me too.
03:52Oh, God. What are you doing in here?
03:55I'm going to buy you a ring.
03:57Okay, but you're still not allowed in here without my permission.
04:08Hi, we would like to buy some wedding rings.
04:10Oh, well, of course, ma'am.
04:12Would you like to customize them, or we have some very fancy ones that are well made already.
04:17Let's see.
04:22They can't afford to customize it.
04:25Hey, Renee. Tell us how we're doing, by the way.
04:28You're so thoughtful, Catherine. I've always admired that about you.
04:33Mr. Neil, what an honor. What can I do for you today?
04:40You're buying a birthday present for my beautiful daughter, Renee.
04:44Well, I have just the thing for you.
04:48This thing for you.
04:54How much?
04:59Actually, red isn't my color.
05:02Red is too much color for this white birthday dress.
05:06Well, we have a very rare silver diamond that also just came in.
05:12That sounds good. Actually, I'll take a look at the red one.
05:16God, you hear that? So hilarious. You don't deserve to even touch it.
05:21Well, you know what? I'm buying the damn stone, so I can do whatever I want.
05:26No, tell me. We agree.
05:28No, no, Catherine.
05:31Take it, boy.
05:35You guys can take some more. This spot is for our customers.
05:46This is crazy. Police! These two are trying to rob my store.
05:51The owner owes me a favor, so...
05:53Yeah, we'll take the red one.
05:55Okay, okay, guys. Ten seconds ago it was a question, but now it's a fact. He is a moron.
06:00Catherine, you're embarrassing yourself.
06:03I'm sorry. Did you forget about the part where she literally threw me off a building and tried to kill me?
06:08Alright, guys. Please leave my store. I don't have time for these kind of lies.
06:13Especially not if my customers are in-house.
06:22Yes, sir.
06:25Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Miss Neel is in front of me.
06:34Well, you won't believe it.
06:37The owner just told me to give the red diamond to Miss Neel as a gift.
06:41Would you like your wrap, ma'am?
06:44Fine. Thank you.
06:46The owner said give it to Miss Neel.
06:48That's correct.
06:51You're giving it to the wrong Miss Neel.
06:55You're giving it to the wrong Miss Neel.
06:57What are you talking about?
06:59She's Miss Neel too, technically.
07:03Is that correct, sir?
07:06I only have one daughter.
07:11Seems like there was no misunderstanding.
07:26Bobby. No, it didn't go smoothly.
07:29No, you got a situation down here. Get your ass down here. Hurry up.
07:34What the fuck, dude?
07:36Oh, no.
07:38Hey, hey, hey! Stop!
07:41Who the hell are you?
07:43And you, Mr. Neel. I thought you were a man of your honor.
07:51Oh, my sweet baby. Papa's got you now.
07:58Miss Neel, I am such a piece of shit. Would you forgive me?
08:04Miss Neel, I am such a piece of shit. Would you forgive me?
08:08You owe him.
08:13I owe him because one night I was leaving the shop late,
08:17and I was attacked by a bunch of punks in leather jackets.
08:20It was horrible. I thought I was gonna die.
08:23But then this guy comes blazing in and mops the floor with them like it was a Bruce Lee movie.
08:29Anyways, I owe him my life.
08:35Yeah, you're fired. Get away from me.
08:38Miss Neel, I'm so sorry. I didn't know Mr. Neel has two daughters.
08:41She's not my daughter.
08:43I don't think you've ever fooled, don't you, Catherine?
08:45In the beginning, you were such a sweet little girl.
08:47But I always knew that you were rotten to the core.
08:50Even your mother, my sweet Mary, she had no idea.
08:52What did you do to her, you sick old bastard?
08:54I didn't do anything to her. She killed herself because of you.
08:57A little shame you brought to us.
09:01Officer, over here.
09:04All right, I need you guys to come with me.
09:11Don't listen to him. You know he's a liar.
09:24Catherine's still hiding a lot from me, so I need you to look into that.
09:27I always do.
09:29You know, one of these days, you're gonna have to face the fact that like it or not, this company's got your name on it.
09:34Well, that day's not today.
09:36Also, we need to figure out what we're doing about the Neil group.
09:39I want to bury those guys.
09:41We do hold some shares of the stock, but not enough to join the board.
09:44Buy more and give it to Catherine and the Yale Enterprise group.
09:46All right, but that could cost a fortune.
09:48Make it discreet.
09:50Is Nan here?
10:00No offense, he deserves a better father than a pizza delivery boy.
10:21Are you going in there, ma'am?
10:27Oh, look how hot it is right now.
10:29How would you do that?
10:30See the little panels on the tree right there?
10:33Why don't you guys wait inside?
10:35I'll see you in a second.
10:37Thanks, brother.
10:39I'm gonna hang out here and have a smoke break or something.
10:46George, what a coincidence.
10:48I just happen to be in the neighborhood.
10:52What are these?
10:54Let's get over here.
11:01Okay, I can't do it.
11:03And why are you doing this to me?
11:05Just tell me how I can see my grandson.
11:10George, don't make me beg.
11:13No, don't cry.
11:16All right, look.
11:19The truth is, Catherine, Tony's mother,
11:23there's no easy way to say this,
11:25she thinks I'm a pizza delivery driver.
11:28A pizza boy.
11:30Oh, good heavens.
11:32How on earth could she think that?
11:34I think maybe we ordered pizza delivery to the first night,
11:37to the hotel the first night we met.
11:39I don't know, it doesn't make a lot of sense.
11:41But if you wanna meet Tony, then you gotta play along.
11:46Oh, George.
11:48Are you really so ashamed of me?
11:51Of where you came from?
11:55No, mother, it's...
11:58You know, at a really young age,
12:00I knew that I saw what wealth did to people.
12:03I watched it rip people apart from the inside.
12:05I mean, look at that.
12:07And I never wanted that.
12:09And I don't want it for Tony either.
12:11Okay, so what do we need to do?
12:13You need a cover, too.
12:15I can see your face in the newspaper every day.
12:17Miss Donna.
12:25I'd like you to meet my mother.
12:29Hi, Mrs...
12:31Oh, please, just call me Maggie.
12:33Hi, Maggie.
12:35Grandma, what happened to your face?
12:37Oh, sweetie.
12:39I'm just recovering from a bit of plastic surgery.
12:42I see.
12:46You know, once you just get older,
12:50you can't let go of your vanity.
12:55Come on, darling, you're with me.
12:57Thank you.
12:59Apologize to him.
13:01You're so brave and honest.
13:03Honey, come sit with me.
13:15It is so lovely to see you again.
13:18Thank you, Maggie.
13:20But have we met before?
13:24No, we haven't.
13:26You know, I meant to say,
13:28it's so lovely to finally meet you.
13:30Yes, it is.
13:34Look, Maggie,
13:36I figure George hasn't told you the truth yet
13:40about our relationship.
13:42You see, our marriage,
13:44it's based off of a deal that George and I made.
13:46I mean, we don't even really know each other.
13:49We're just doing this for Tony.
13:51I mean, we're going to split up when he turns 16,
13:53so I just, right now,
13:55I don't really see the point
13:57in you getting too close to Tony.
14:00I'm sorry, I just,
14:02we don't want to confuse him.
14:09What are you two ladies talking about?
14:11Our contract, George, remember?
14:15Hi, Linda.
14:17Oh, that's great.
14:19And we're partnering with the Dauntons?
14:20Yeah, I mean, I just,
14:22I didn't expect that.
14:24But yes, go ahead,
14:26set up the board meeting right now.
14:28I'll be there soon, okay?
14:30All right, bye.
14:32I am so sorry, Maggie.
14:34I've got to run.
14:36Please understand.
14:38Hey, look, it really was lovely to meet you.
14:40Enjoy your time with Tony.
14:42Bye, sweetheart.
14:46Bye, George.
14:48Our family helped her,
14:50and that's the way she treats me?
14:52Mom, give me some time.
14:55I'll fix it.
15:07Good afternoon, folks.
15:09Please welcome your new president,
15:11Ms. Catherine Neal.
15:13I don't know what this is.
15:15The Dauntons managed this acquisition.
15:17Enter in my seat.
15:21You can check your email for more details.
15:27Now, for those of you who have not yet been made aware,
15:30I am now the majority shareholder here.
15:32And by first order of business,
15:34I hereby release John Neal from his position
15:37as CEO of the Neal Group.
15:40Any objections?
15:45If you have any questions or concerns,
15:47you can direct those towards our new CFO,
15:50Linda, of course.
15:52But for now, shall we get started with the meeting?
15:56Sounds great.
15:59You're in my projector.
16:03Let's get started.
16:07Got all the details up there?
16:11I have a word.
16:13You can schedule an appointment with my CFO.
16:26I'm listening.
16:28Are you happy ruining my life?
16:30Get to the point.
16:32You don't have to do this.
16:34On the contrary.
16:36I feel terrible about it, but I do have to do this.
16:38You want me to reinstate you as CEO
16:40and withdraw your dismissal?
16:42But it's going to cost you.
16:44More than I'd let loose.
16:51What else when I was your daughter?
16:53You were a bad husband and a terrible father,
16:56so sign this and you're released from it.
16:58Disinherit her like you disinherited me.
17:08Thank you so much for watching in tonight.
17:10We really appreciate it.
17:12Hey, buddy.
17:14Look, you're going to go stay with Nan tonight, okay?
17:16Mommy, I don't want to go.
17:18Oh, I'm sorry, love.
17:20You've got to go with Nan.
17:22Adults only tonight.
17:26Hey, big boy.
17:28Thank you so much.
17:32Thank you.
17:38Good evening.
17:41Maggie, you work here too?
17:43I own this place, darling.
17:45George works for me.
17:47You know it is family business.
17:49Oh, yeah.
17:51Just pick up a white card.
17:54You know, I really never thought
17:56that I would enjoy going on a date
17:58with a man and his mother,
18:00but I've got to say,
18:02you guys really proved me wrong.
18:04Thank you, Maggie, for everything tonight.
18:06It's been great.
18:11It was a really,
18:13really delightful night, Georgie.
18:15Catherine's a decent girl.
18:17I can tell she'd be a very good wife
18:19and certainly a good mother.
18:21I'm happy you say that, Mom.
18:23Well, it's too bad you're engaged to Vivian.
18:26Oh, God.
18:30Did you forget that?
18:32I didn't.
18:34I don't think Vivian has.
18:38as sweet as it is,
18:40eventually this little fairy tale
18:42is going to have to end.
18:45Good night, Mom.
18:47Good night, sweetie.
18:49I love you.
18:51Love you too.
19:02I booked a table for tomorrow
19:04if you want to come.
19:06Of course I do.
19:08You don't have to do that, though.
19:10You know, I had a really good time
19:12tonight with you and Maggie.
19:14Okay, well,
19:16I'll get a good table tomorrow as well.
19:18What are you up to?
19:21What do you got going on here?
19:31Catherine, what's wrong?
19:33I thought this would be a nice surprise.
19:35It is a surprise.
19:36God, George, you just,
19:38you don't understand.
19:40This is a special place for us.
19:42This is where we met.
19:44We can see Tony here.
19:46It is a special place,
19:48but not in a good way.
19:51I'm sorry.
20:04I am so sorry for what I did to you,
20:07but please,
20:09give me a chance.
20:11I mean, could you please forgive me?
20:15Renee, how did you get my number?
20:17Daddy gave it to me.
20:19Katie, sister, please,
20:21I'm begging you, don't.
20:23Okay, meet me on the roof
20:25if you dare.
20:39You look like shit.
20:41Why are you doing this to me,
20:43you evil bitch?
20:45Tell me what I did to you.
20:47I want to hear you say it.
20:49Howard married another woman
20:51because of you for her fucking money.
20:53Dad expelled me from the family
20:55because you made him.
20:57And my baby, my baby, my baby,
20:59I lost my baby.
21:01I didn't do anything to your baby.
21:02It's all your fault.
21:04I thought that you came here to beg me.
21:06What do you want me to do?
21:23I loved you.
21:25Why did you turn your back on me?
21:28You ruined my fucking life.
21:30You're out of your mind.
21:34Dad will hate you forever.
21:36Mom believed you.
21:38But she's dead now.
21:40You know what you are now?
21:42Pathetic orphan.
21:44She didn't kill herself
21:46because of those photos?
21:48How ironic.
21:50Mother never doubted you.
21:52You were her perfect angel.
21:54You doubted her?
21:56Poor mom.
21:58Why then, why?
22:00Tell me, why did she do it?
22:02You jumped off the fucking roof in shame.
22:05Her only and perfect daughter was gone.
22:11Oh my God, no.
22:13I'm sorry.
22:21You can follow her
22:23just like she followed you.
22:27Maybe she's not coming back.
22:29We can talk about her jacket and purse over there.
22:33Maybe she's just getting some air.
22:35Oh shit, come with me.
22:43This roof is your destiny.
22:55Oh my God, no don't.
22:58She's not breathing.
23:10Oh my God.
23:24Why are you shaking like that dear sis?
23:45No, no George.
23:47George, please stay with me.
23:55No, just call 911.
23:59Please, no George.
24:01I'm sorry.
24:13Please, save my son.
24:17We're doing our best but Mr. Daunton's condition is critical.
24:20No, listen.
24:22You are the best doctor in the world.
24:24This is not a request, this is an order.
24:26Save him.
24:28We're trying our best.
24:41I'm so sorry Megan.
24:47You don't have to say anything.
24:49I don't know if I'm lucky or not.
24:51At least I don't have to wear a mask when I'm joining.
24:54I'm sorry Megan, I don't know what to say.
24:57You don't have to say anything.
24:59I'm sorry.
25:01We need the shop bought.
25:04George gave you that shop, bought it for you.
25:07I never even stepped foot in that place until, I don't know, before I met you.
25:19The first time I saw you at that party, I liked you.
25:26I remember that.
25:30Can you help me?
25:40You can finally show up.
25:45I have to take care of Tony.
25:47What did you tell him?
25:49On a business trip.
25:51I know who you are now.
25:54Mysterious Mr. Daunton.
25:58That's where all the money came from for my company, out of nowhere.
26:02A partnership with the Dauntons.
26:04It was a dream of mine.
26:06I tried to tell you the truth, but you didn't listen.
26:11Are you okay?
26:13Mom, get out of here.
26:20I got a question for you.
26:22Was Pete's delivery driver doing a business trip?
26:25I don't know.
26:26You still gonna be able to love me, even though I'm like this?
26:30I'm gonna have a nasty scar just like you.
26:33I don't want to think about my scar.
26:41I don't want to be drunk when I'm with you anymore.
26:46I don't either.
26:49You know, your scar is the sexiest thing I've ever seen in my life.
26:53That is ridiculous.
26:58We have matching scars. It's like a secret Asian couple.
27:02Mr. and Mrs. Smith.
27:06I'm sorry. Let me go get a nurse, okay?
27:11I think maybe he just needs something else for the pain.
27:14Could you just check on him for me?
27:16Sure. Thank you.
27:22May I have a word, please?
27:27Maggie, hey. Georgia's gonna be okay. What's wrong?
27:32Do you love him?
27:35Why would you ask that?
27:37It's a simple question.
27:39I know it is, but I don't see the point.
27:41Just answer.
27:45Maggie, I've told you, okay? Our marriage is based off of a contract.
27:49Tony is still very young and he needs a proper family and his father by his side.
27:57And look, I appreciate George and how good he is to me and Tony. I do.
28:01You're not answering, Catherine.
28:03I know I'm not, okay? I'm not answering because I don't know.
28:07All right? I'm sorry. I just, I don't, I don't know if I love him,
28:10but it doesn't affect me being grateful for him, for everything that he's done for me, for saving my life.
28:15The two of you look so good together.
28:18Maybe we are.
28:20Then just say it.
28:23I'm sorry, Maggie. I can't.
28:26You divorced my son.
28:30I have a contract. End it.
28:33I don't see any reason for this contract marriage to go on any longer.
28:37Listen, Maggie, no offense, but this is a private matter between George and I.
28:42Well, I've said all I have to say on the matter.
28:45George has another visitor.
28:59Oh, hello, sweetheart.
29:02How are you feeling?
29:04I'm fine, Maggie. He's doing much better.
29:12Who is this?
29:16Oh, Catherine. This is Vivian Shanks.
29:21George's fiance. Nice to meet you, Catherine.
29:27George, who is this woman?
29:29I'm his wife.
29:33This is Donna. Is this some sort of sick joke?
29:35This is Donna. Is this some sort of sick joke?
29:38Vivian, I tried to tell you.
29:41I thought you disappeared, but that was the anesthesia talking, not this whole laughable idea. I mean, I just don't understand.
29:46Okay, Vivian, don't worry. They'll be filing for divorce very soon.
29:52Says who?
29:54George. You wake up. You know that she doesn't love you.
29:57Mrs. Daunton, I guess with your marvelous wealth, you wouldn't give a shit about my money.
30:02If you want to end it, then just end it. I have no interest in this little melodrama.
30:07Catherine, wait.
30:09Look, no, no, no. Just lay back. Just trust me.
30:14I'm sorry to say I'm engaged to a married man.
30:18That's not what we're saying. We're not engaged.
30:21Say that, George. You don't mean that.
30:22I got nothing left to say to you. Just go.
30:28I'm serious. Go.
30:31This isn't over.
30:36George, you must behave around that girl. We can't have any trouble from her family.
30:42Trouble? My mom just died. What more trouble can I get in?
30:45Alright, look, George. You are not a little boy anymore.
30:48I can't shield you from the world's cruelties forever.
30:52And sometimes those cruelties come in the form of truth.
30:55Now, I know you cared about that girl.
30:58But she doesn't love you. She is using you.
31:02You are just part of a twisted family revenge plot.
31:06I'm sorry.
31:08I'm sorry.
31:10You are just part of a twisted family revenge plot.
31:14I'm sorry.
31:16You know, I told her that you loved her.
31:19But we cannot turn our backs on the Shanks now.
31:23We cannot have that trouble in our family.
31:26Just give me some time. Just give me some space. Just go.
31:32Just go.
31:40George, what are you doing here? I didn't know you were recovered yet.
31:45Mrs. Neely, your finder room has been emptied and cleaned. Have a good day.
31:49Wait. Hey, wait, wait. What's all this about? What's going on?
31:52See Aunt Catherine. You'll hear from my attorney about custody.
31:56No, stop. Let me get this straight.
31:58You actually want to go through with this divorce? Is that it?
32:01We never really did get married.
32:03You're right. I'm glad we didn't.
32:09I'm sorry.
32:10I'm sorry.
32:37You never meant to lie to me.
32:41Oh God, I deserve this.
33:05What's taking Daddy so long?
33:07I know. You're so...
33:12I missed you.
33:14Welcome home.
33:16Not that long, sweetheart.
33:18How are you doing?
33:19Doing good.
33:21Welcome home.
33:22Thank you. America, I'm back.
33:29You sure you're ready for this?
33:31Yes, Mother. I'm tired of hiding.
33:33It's been so long.
33:35Mr. and Mrs. Daunton, your table will be ready very shortly.
33:38Thank you.
33:40Daddy, you're back!
