4:37 / 25:05 Black Ops 3 | IMMERSIVE Realistic ULTRA Graphics Gameplay [4K 60FPS HDR] Call Of duty Part 1

  • 2 months ago
Black Ops 3 | IMMERSIVE Realistic ULTRA Graphics Gameplay [4K 60FPS HDR] Call Of duty Part 1

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00:00has become commonplace throughout the developed world.
00:03The sheer scale of this disaster has overwhelmed the authorities.
00:08Superstorms continue to hammer the region, hampering relief efforts.
00:15These are uncertain times.
00:19Our future depends upon the choices we make.
00:23As populations continue to expand, megacities emerge worldwide.
00:28The extreme conditions have led to a vast exodus of displaced residents.
00:33WA bases were on high alert this morning.
00:37Direct energy air defenses neutralized the attack almost immediately.
00:43Protesters and local forces clashed again today, resulting in yet more bloodshed.
00:48Make no mistake, this is a new Cold War.
00:52We may not always see our enemies, but they are out there.
00:58My name is Jacob Hendricks. I'm your new CO.
01:02This is Egyptian Minister Saeed, taken hostage by NRC forces two days ago.
01:11After the uprisings in Cairo, they may want to make an example of him.
01:16Punish him.
01:18We're not going to let that happen.
01:21Just so we're clear, if this goes wrong, you never existed.
01:29The NRC are going to be here soon.
01:32We've got about one minute to create the mother of all distractions.
01:48Tower, I need all traffic diverted from runway 19.
01:51Copy that. Diverting traffic to runway 11.
01:55Cargo 4-0-1-Niner, we have a fuel fire on runway 19.
01:59Divert course for landing to runway 11. Please confirm.
02:10Alright, you're up.
02:11Okay. Hacking module in place. Recalibrating dead system target.
02:15We've got company.
02:17We've got company.
02:20Dead. Manual override. Please select target.
02:26Input confirmed. Targeting parameters accepted.
02:29Tower, we're showing this as target locked. This is an NRC friendly coming in.
02:34All is good down here. Possible malfunction at your end? Fire. Now!
02:40Dead system engaging target. Firing.
02:44Open the door!
02:45Shit! Get down!
02:54Let's get this done!
03:04Taylor, virgin is in play. Bird is down.
03:07All confirmed. Sentries are leaving their posts to respond to the crash.
03:11Proceed to the pack and fake the grab before it breaks.
03:14Or gets broken.
03:16We're on it. See you at the RP.
03:18Roger that.
03:26While they're busy dealing with the crash, these uniforms should allow us to slip by.
03:31So long as we don't have to talk to you.
03:33So keep your mouth shut.
03:39Security stations across the way in the tunnels.
03:41Once there, we'll be able to pinpoint the minister's exact location.
03:44Heads and weapons down. Keep it cool till we make the grab.
03:51I'll follow your lead.
03:59Just keep your head down.
05:03Taylor, we're at the security station. Moving to secure.
05:07I hear you, Hendricks.
05:12Let's do this.
05:14Ready when you are.
05:27I'll kill the alarms on this floor. Get plugged in and locate the minister.
05:39Taylor, scanning for package.
05:43Waiting for hit on facial recognition.
05:45Other hostages. I thought it was only the minister.
05:49So did I.
05:51Poor sons of bitches. The NRC are known for their brutality.
05:57Taylor, did you know there were other prisoners?
06:02The minister is the only priority.
06:05Understood. Check the next feed.
06:08Are we just gonna leave him to be tortured?
06:10We have our orders.
06:14No match.
06:19That's him. The minister.
06:26What are you doing?
06:31He's being moved. We have to find out where they're taking him.
06:45Bingo. Match confirmed. Moving to secure.
06:50Two minutes.
06:51Two minutes. I'll be timing you.
06:55Son of a bitch was never funny.
06:57You sound like the voice of experience.
06:59Trust me. I am.
07:25I'm incoming!
07:44Gunner up top!
07:54Get me out of here!
07:57Anyone have him?
08:12Defend him!
08:20Right in the face, you fucking ass.
08:29Cellblock ahead. On me.
08:41I'll take point. You breach observation.
08:45You invaded our home. We only did what we had to do.
08:51Interrogator has his back to the door.
08:54Two sentries inside. Guards down.
08:58On my mark.
09:00Three, two, go!
09:07We're here to extract you.
09:10Do as I say and you'll make it through this.
09:12What about Lieutenant Khalil and the others?
09:14Sorry, no time.
09:16Khalil was a hero of the Cairo Uprising.
09:18You know that makes him a valuable asset.
09:20For their propaganda, they will make an example of him.
09:25All right, let's go!
09:32Here, this one.
09:33Get the door. I'll cover.
09:36I'll cut the poor bastard down.
09:48Can you fight, Khalil?
09:50We'll grab a weapon from the locker room up ahead
09:52and reprogram it to match your biometrics.
09:55Hold on, guys.
09:56Any subterfuge in sight?
09:57No, sir.
09:58I'm on it.
09:59I'm on it.
10:00I'm on it.
10:01I'm on it.
10:02I'm on it.
10:03One suspect has infiltrated security building 3.
10:06Witness security compromised.
10:08Finally infiltrated.
10:09Sounds like they're finally on to us.
10:11Let's move!
10:13Package plus one secure and inbound.
10:15Plus one?
10:16Your orders were to extract the minister.
10:19His name is Lieutenant Khalil.
10:21Sound familiar?
10:22Get moving.
10:24See you topside.
10:26Depot ahead will be heavily guarded.
10:28Get ready to go loud.
11:01That's our exit.
11:02Cargo elevator up ahead.
11:20Get in the elevator.
11:21It'll take us up to the hangar.
11:30Clear out the NRC so we can get to topside.
11:36Come on, get to the elevator.
11:54Drop your weapons!
11:57Do it! Now!
11:58We're dead if we do.
12:01Trust me.
12:02We're dead if we don't.
12:03Drop dead!
12:04Move forward!
12:15We're late.
12:19Your imaginary watch is fast.
12:23Nice to see you, Jacob.
12:25You too, John.
12:26You look... look different.
12:30You still seeing Rachel?
12:33That didn't work out.
12:35That's a pity.
12:37No blood?
12:39Gonna take care of him as good as you did me?
12:43That's not funny, man.
12:45We still set on our exfil?
12:46Charges are set.
12:48Alright, good to go. Exfil in ten.
12:50Diaz, you're on babysitting duty.
12:52Let's roll!
12:53Stay close.
13:10Move into the next hangar.
13:18On my position. Let's take the high road.
13:22He's fucked.
13:53Get to exfil! I got these guys! Go!
13:59Our weapons are no good against that APC!
14:03We gotta bring down that VTOL!
14:05Aim for the missiles!
14:11We ain't doing shit to that APC!
14:13Focus your fire on the VTOL!
14:17APC is down.
14:23Diaz, I'm in position.
14:24Copy that.
14:25Hendricks, rendezvous with Hall on the other side of the hangar.
14:52Watch that vehicle!
15:15Try and keep up, alright?
15:17That technical's mine. Give me some cover fire.
15:25Get to the bridge. I'll keep them busy.
15:32Reddy's got you from here.
15:34Better hustle. Pickups five out.
15:37On me! On me!
15:39Exfil is across the bridge up ahead.
15:42They'll still be there.
15:43Exfil is across the bridge up ahead.
15:45They'll still be right on our ass.
15:47We've sent charges all across the base to cover our exit.
15:50We detonate as soon as we're across the bridge.
15:52No one follows us.
15:55Say goodnight.
16:03Those AFVs are blocking our route to exfil.
16:14The bridge is just ahead! Let's go!
16:33Reinforcements! Coming over the bridge!
16:36What's the plan?
16:38Fuck it. Plan B. Blow the bridge. We're moving to secondary exfil.
16:44Taylor, primary exfil is compromised. Moving on to secondary.
16:48Copy that. Ron and Bill at Hotel Tango will use the APCs.
16:55Roger that. Accessing buildings' electrical systems.
17:04Heads up. We have multiple hostiles inside the comms room.
17:11Killing lights!
17:12What? You expect us to fight in the dark?
17:15Something like that. Sending tactical feed to your HUD.
17:21Remember, they ain't got the night vision.
17:28Take it slow. Pick them off.
17:30Use your advantage.
17:49Disabling tactical feed.
18:01Now what? VTOLs got us pinned down!
18:08Easy. Hold your fire. He's mine.
18:20Taylor, Alpha 2 team has rejoined for exfil.
18:25Comes easy now, doesn't it?
18:28Extractors to satellite tower. We'll commandeer a vehicle and get you to extraction.
18:33You didn't answer me, John.
18:37Keep up. Secondary route's just ahead.
18:58You guys hear that?
19:00You hearing things already? That itchy finger of yours is infecting your ears.
19:05Hey! Fuck you!
19:08Shut up. I hear it too. Listen.
19:12Holy shit!
19:14Contact! Contact!
19:17NRC assault robots moving in! A shitload of them!
19:21We need that door open now! Give us some cover fire!
19:27Get inside! Go, go, go!
19:30Get to the extraction. We'll deal with the robots.
19:39Taylor, we're in the clear. We can take it from here.
19:42Those other hostages we saw, you can get them out.
19:45Not a mission priority.
19:47They may not be a mission priority, but they're still people, dammit!
19:51Or have you changed so much that you've forgotten what that feels like?
19:58Alright, change of plan.
20:01Hendricks, your team will escort the minister to the extract. We'll go back and get the hostages.
20:07More robots.
20:09Yeah, don't worry about them. We were built to handle them.
20:12Go on, get out of here. Go!
20:21I got the wheel. Get on the turret.
20:36Get ready! We got a shitload of grunts moving on our position!
20:51Keep fire on that VTOL!
20:57We gotta take a detour! Hang on!
21:05ATC from the right! Redirect fire!
21:08Nice fucking shooting!
21:16Inbound VTOL! Redirect fire!
21:21Redirect fire!
21:24Fuck! Damn piece of shit stalled out! Hang on!
21:31Hendricks, start that thing!
21:34What the hell do you think I'm doing? Come on! Start, you fucker!
21:39Hold them back! This piece of shit ain't dying on us yet!
21:50Turret, where the fuck are you?
21:53Take out that AMV!
22:02VTOL dead ahead! Get him out of our way!
22:06Ground and range, 30 seconds.
22:08Presenting drop coordinates your way.
22:11Hendricks, additional primary secure. Get that minister out of here.
22:15Moving to secondary rendezvous with plus four packages.
22:18Copy that. Going off-road. Exvil in sight!
22:22Fuck! Coming in too fast!
22:34There's a ride!
22:36Exvil pod first pass en route. Hang tight down there.
22:39Pod detached. Exvil airspace non-viable. Drone will sweep around for a second pass.
22:44NRC reinforcements coming from the left!
22:47Minister, on your right. Can you move?
22:50I'm fine. I'm fine. Please, just get me out of here!
22:54We gotta move! Let's get out of here!
23:03NRC reinforcements coming from the left!
23:06Minister, on your right. Can you move?
23:08Minister, on your right. Can you move?
23:11I'm fine. I'm fine. Please, just get me out of here!
23:15We gotta move! Let's get out of here! Now!
23:18APC from the right! Bring her in fire!
23:23Hold them back! We're hitting the minister in the position!
23:27We're on concentrating fire on multiple targets. Let's wrap this up, boys.
23:35Keep them back! We're almost out of here!
23:38We're almost out of here!
23:43Minister, almost secure! Keep those NRC bastards busy!
23:47Drone is in position, ready for pickup.
23:50Secure! Get your ass over here now!
23:53Get your ass over here now! Move! Move! Move!
23:56No, wait!
23:58Back windows closing. Airspace is compromised.
24:01No, no, no! Fuck! Get to the NPC! Get out of there!
24:04Taylor, my team's still at X-Build. More NRC clutch moving in!
24:09Inbound, two minutes. Hang tight, you're not dying today.
24:49Hey! Hey!
24:54It's gonna be alright. Just hang in there. Hold on.
25:04Thanks for watching!
