
  • 2 months ago
00:00My daughter grew up. One day she asked me lovingly,
00:06Baba, have I ever made you cry?
00:09I said, yes.
00:11She was surprised and said,
00:13When Baba?
00:14I told her,
00:16At that time you were almost one year old.
00:19My hands were shaking.
00:21I placed a pen and a toy in front of you
00:25because I wanted to see who among the three of you would pick.
00:31Your choice would tell me
00:33who you would give more importance to when you grow up.
00:37Money means property.
00:39Pen means intelligence.
00:41And toy means to have fun.
00:44I did everything with love.
00:46I wanted to see your choice.
00:49You sat in one place.
00:51I sat quietly on the other side of these things in front of you.
00:56I was looking at you.
00:58You moved forward with your knees bent.
01:01I was constantly looking at you.
01:03And in a moment,
01:05you shook all three things with your arms
01:09and came and sat in my lap crossing them.
01:14I could not concentrate.
01:16Apart from these three things,
01:18I could be your choice.
01:21Son, it was the first and last time
01:24when you made me cry
01:26and made me cry a lot.