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Yogini Ekadashi Vrat Katha | योगिनी एकादशी व्रत कथा | Ekadashi Vrat Katha | Gyaras Katha #ekadashi @Mere Krishna

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योगिनी एकादशी व्रत कथाः
स्वर्गलोक में इन्द्र की अलकापुरी में यक्षों का राजा कुबेर रहता था। शिवभक्त कुबेर के लिए प्रतिदिन हेम नामक माली फूल लेने मानसरोवर जाता और प्रात: राजा कुबेर के पास पहुंचाता था। एक दिन हेम माली रात्रि को फूल तो ले आया परंतु वह अपनी पत्नी विशालाक्षी के प्रेम के वशीभूत होकर घर विश्राम के लिए ही रुक गया।

प्रात: राजा कुबेर के पास भगवान शिव की पूजा करने के लिए फूल न पहुंचे तो राजा ने अपने सेवकों को कारण बताने के लिए हेम माली को बुलाकर लाने का आदेश दिया।

हेम माली को राजा कुबेर ने क्रोध में आकर श्राप दे दिया कि तुझे स्त्री वियोग सहन करना पड़ेगा तथा मृत्युलोक में जाकर कोढ़ी होना पड़ेगा। कुबेर के श्राप से हेम माली स्वर्ग से पृथ्वी पर जा गिरा और उसी क्षण कोढ़ी हो गया। भूख-प्यास से दुखी होकर भटकते हुए एक दिन वह मार्कंडेय ऋषि के आश्रम में पहुंचा तथा राजा कुबेर से मिले श्राप के बारे में उन्हें बताया। हेम माली की सारी विपदा को सुनते हुए मार्कंडेय ऋषि ने उसे आषाढ़ मास की योगिनी एकादशी का व्रत सच्चे भाव तथा विधि-विधान से करने के लिए कहा। हेम माली ने व्रत किया तथा उसके प्रभाव से उसे राजा कुबेर के श्राप से मुक्ति मिली।


00:00Today, we have come with the Yogini Ekadashi Vrat Katha of Krishna Paksha of Ashaad Maas.
00:07So, let's start with the Yogini Ekadashi Vrat Katha.
00:11Dharmaraj Yudhishthir said,
00:13Maharaj, I have heard the greatness of Jyestha Shukla Ekadashi i.e. Mirjala Ekadashi Vrat.
00:20Now, kindly narrate the story of Ashaad Krishna Ekadashi.
00:25What is the name of this Ekadashi and what is its greatness?
00:29Kindly narrate all that.
00:31Shri Krishna said,
00:33O King, the name of Ashaad Krishna Ekadashi is Yogini.
00:37Due to its Vrat, all the sins get destroyed.
00:40It is the one who gives enjoyment in this world and salvation in the other world.
00:44It is famous in all three worlds.
00:47I will tell you the story described in the Puranas.
00:50So, listen carefully.
00:52In the city of Alkapuri of Swargdham, there used to live a king named Kuber.
00:57He was a devotee of Lord Shiva and used to worship Lord Shiva every day.
01:01A gardener named Hem used to bring flowers to him for worship.
01:06That Hem gardener had a very beautiful wife named Vishalakshi.
01:11One day, he brought flowers from Mansarovar,
01:14but as he was very busy, he started playing with his wife.
01:20Here, the gardener did not reach to King Kuber with flowers till afternoon.
01:25There, the king kept waiting for him.
01:27Finally, he ordered the servants to go and find out the reason why Hem gardener did not come.
01:34Because he has not yet brought flowers.
01:37The servants said,
01:38O King, he is very busy.
01:41He must be having fun with his wife.
01:44Hearing this, Kuber got angry and called him.
01:47Hem gardener came trembling with fear of the king.
01:51King Kuber, who was trembling with anger, said,
01:56O sinner, scoundrel, Kami, you have disrespected Lord Shiva, the God of my most revered gods.
02:04Therefore, I curse you that you will suffer the separation of a woman and will go to hell.
02:11Kuber's curse made Hem gardener fall from heaven and he fell on the earth at that moment.
02:17As soon as he came to hell, his white skin came out.
02:21His wife also died at the same time.
02:24He suffered a lot after coming to hell.
02:27He went to the terrible jungle and wandered without food and water.
02:31He could not sleep at night.
02:34But due to the effect of Lord Shiva's worship, he definitely had the knowledge of the memory of the previous birth.
02:40One day, he reached the hermitage of Markandeya,
02:44which was older than Brahma and whose hermitage looked like the assembly of Brahma.
02:50Hem gardener went there and fell at his feet.
02:53Seeing him, Markandeya said,
02:55What sin have you committed that you are suffering so much?
03:02Hem gardener said,
03:04I am Kuber's servant Hem gardener.
03:06I used to bring flowers for the king's worship.
03:10One day, I got late to perform vihar with my wife.
03:14And I could not reach by taking flowers till afternoon.
03:17So, he cursed me that you will have a woman's miscarriage.
03:21And you will go to the dead world and suffer like a whore.
03:24I am suffering a lot by becoming a whore because of this curse.
03:28So, you tell me a way to get rid of this pain.
03:32On this, Markandeya Rishi said,
03:34Since you have spoken the truth in front of me,
03:37I will tell you a vow for your recovery.
03:40If you perform the vows of Yogini Ekadashi,
03:43which is the Krishna Paksha of Ashaadh Maas,
03:46then all your sins will be destroyed.
03:49Hearing this, Hem gardener was very happy and bowed down to the hermit.
03:55The hermit picked him up with great love.
03:58According to the hermit, Hem gardener performed the vows of Yogini Ekadashi.
04:03And due to its effect, he came back to his old self and started behaving with his wife.
04:09O King! This vows of Yogini Ekadashi gives equal results to feed 88000 Brahmins.
04:17All sins are removed from this vow and heaven is attained in the end.
04:23In this way, the story of Yogini Ekadashi Vrat ended.
04:26Jai Shri Krishna! Radhe Radhe! Jai Shri Lakshmi Narayan!
