Préparons un repas d’anniversaire amusant avec le jouet Cuisine || BRICOLAGES AMUSANTS !

  • 2 months ago
Salut les amis ! Préparez-vous à vivre l'aventure culinaire la plus épique qui soit ! Aujourd'hui, nous organisons une fête d'anniversaire pour notre meilleure amie Dolly, et devinez quoi ? Nous ne nous contentons pas de cuisiner. Nous préparons un chef-d'œuvre culinaire avec les gadgets de cuisine TOY les plus cool de la ville ! Êtes-vous aussi enthousiastes que nous ? Plongeons dans l'aventure et commençons cette fête de la cuisine !

Accrochez - vous ! Nous allons préparer un festin digne d'une reine de l'anniversaire ! Tout d'abord, nous allons créer une pizza extravagante ! Imaginez : des tourbillons de sauce tomate, des toboggans aquatiques au fromage, des plongeoirs aux olives, des montagnes de champignons et des montagnes russes au poivron vert ! Sans oublier le défilé de pepperoni et les confettis de laitue ! C'est une fête de la pizza comme aucune autre, en compagnie de nos fantastiques compagnons de cuisine !

Mais attendez, il y a d'autres grignotages mystérieux sur notre menu magique ! Salade de fruits, crème glacée, et le grand final : le gâteau d'anniversaire ! Chut, c'est une surprise super secrète, et vous ne pourrez la découvrir qu'en rejoignant la fiesta vidéo complète ! Ce sera un tourbillon de rires, de sourires et de prouesses culinaires. Abonne-toi à la chaîne de Sam et mets-lui un pouce bleu pour le motiver à faire plus de vidéos pour toi !

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Musique par TheSoul Sound:

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OPENING THEME Title: Cuckoo Source:

Coucou les fans de Sam ! Découvrez nos chouettes nouveautés avec Sam sur la boutique de Sam le Slime


00:00Hi everyone! Today we're going to make delicious food for our friend Dolly's birthday party! Here it is!
00:07Oh, thank you, Sammy!
00:08You're also going to help us today, aren't you?
00:11Absolutely! Today we're going to make a pizza, a fruit salad, ice cream and a cake, of course!
00:19Ah, that's a lot of things! So, how do we start? I'm so confused!
00:24Everyone loves pizza, so let's start with that! We already have a base. What else?
00:29Well, tomato sauce and some delicious toppings. We have lettuce, mushrooms, onion and pepper.
00:36Great! As a professional, I say that should be enough.
00:40Great! Let's make tomato sauce. In fact, the tomato is a fruit and I always thought it was a vegetable.
00:47I put the mixer on.
00:48What? The tomato is a fruit? You must be kidding, Suzy!
00:52Let's now add our sauce to the future pizza.
00:59One, two, three and four. You see, all the pizza slices have sauce on them.
01:09What should I add next? Let's see.
01:12I know, I know! It should be cheese. Here it is, all yellow. And don't be stingy, but a lot!
01:20Ha ha ha! Okay, okay.
01:27Wow! It looks cool!
01:28So, did I cover all the pizza slices?
01:31Let me count. One, two, three and four. Yes, you did it very well, Suzy!
01:35Now let's take care of the toppings. I have some olives here. I think it would be good to start with them.
01:42They are great!
01:45By the way, did you know that olives grow on trees?
01:48Incredible! On a tree?
01:51Let's move on to the mushrooms. Look at this little man.
01:56Friends, do you know where to find mushrooms?
02:00In the forest, of course. And there are a lot over there.
02:04Correct! What toppings do we have now? It's a green pepper. We should be really careful when we cut things.
02:12And here is a special place to place it.
02:15Do you know what's missing here? It's pepperoni!
02:20Yum! I can't wait to taste this delicious pizza we're making!
02:25We're not done yet, Sammy. We have lettuce. It's just in the middle.
02:29I really want to add more cheese. Let's go!
02:35Wow! We can finally cook our pizza! Hurry up, Suzanne! And don't burn yourself!
02:41That's right. The oven is really hot.
02:45We just have to wait a little.
02:47Yes, and how much time is left?
02:49It's ready!
02:51Wow! My friends, come and see this delicious and bright pizza we made.
02:55Let me cut it with this special pizza knife.
03:00And for me, please. Oh, come and see, daddy!
03:03And let's continue!
03:06Oh, it's so hot here when we cook!
03:09That's why we'll make ice cream. It will help you cool down.
03:12I thought we had all the ingredients for that. Where did they go?
03:17Ah, here they are! Let's see what kind of fruit we have.
03:21A banana. And here's an orange.
03:24A little green pear.
03:26A kiwi, of course.
03:28And a strawberry. Great!
03:32Let's start with the banana.
03:34It's so yellow, like the sun.
03:37Let's take the green pear. It's as green as our sweater.
03:42And here's the kiwi. It's also green with a brown skin.
03:47Here's a strawberry. So red and so sweet.
03:51And finally, the orange-orange.
03:54Did you get it?
03:56To make ice cream, we must first freeze all our fruits.
03:59Hurry up, Sue! Put them here!
04:08Oh, that's great! It will be delicious!
04:11I must bring the ice cream spoon. Where was it?
04:14I'm sure it was here!
04:16Aha! I found it! Get out of my way!
04:19Well, is it ready?
04:20Let's see.
04:22Yes, our frozen fruits are ready to be turned into delicious ice cream.
04:25I also need ice cream.
04:27I'll help you.
04:30Thank you, Sammy.
04:31Okay, let's go!
04:37Well, are you ready?
04:39Of course! Let's go!
04:47Amazing! We did a great job!
04:50It smells so good!
04:52Where was this spoon?
04:53I've got it!
04:54Come on, put an ice ball here.
04:57Wow, so cool! It looks like strawberry ice cream.
05:00I must taste it now.
05:01Oops, I ate too fast!
05:03Brain freeze!
05:05I'll also take one.
05:06Mmm, it's so good!
05:08Sammy, it's time to make the cake now.
05:13So, friends, what do we need to make the cake?
05:15Sammy, any ideas?
05:16Of course! Get ready to take a bite, Sue!
05:18We need an egg, but also butter, sugar, milk and flour and strawberries, of course!
05:26Excellent recipe! Let's start with the egg.
05:29We must certainly crack it first.
05:34Wow, it's so sticky and elastic!
05:38Then comes the butter.
05:40I've already brought it. Here it is!
05:42Thank you! Let's put it directly in the bowl.
05:46It's done! And now?
05:48The flour! I've got all the packets here.
05:53Friends, did you know that flour is made from wheat?
05:58Wow, directly from real wheat?
06:00And we make cakes out of it? Isn't that great?
06:03Let's add a little sugar to soften things up.
06:08The next ingredient is milk.
06:10It's purely organic.
06:12And who provides us with milk?
06:14The cows!
06:18I don't understand. Are we short of strawberries?
06:21I hope she doesn't notice!
06:23Sammy, give me that!
06:24Wow, what a big strawberry!
06:27That's good, that should be enough for the cake.
06:30We can mix our dough now.
06:33The result is so soft!
06:35With such a dough, we can make a soft and spongy cake.
06:38Yes, we completely forgot about the cake decoration!
06:41We absolutely need whipped cream!
06:43That's right! Thank you for the reminder, Sammy!
06:45We'll put it on the surface.
06:49All that's left to do is to bake the cake.
06:51It will be done in a blink of an eye.
06:53Yes, turn on the oven!
06:55All that's left to do is to bake the cake.
06:57It will be done in a blink of an eye.
06:59Yes, turn on the oven!
07:03Oh, it's ready!
07:05Oh, wow!
07:15It's time to put the decoration!
07:17Look at these beautiful roses!
07:19Each one has its own place on our cake!
07:25We'll put this one on the side.
07:27Yes, don't forget the top layer!
07:29Got it!
07:31I'm also going to add a pretty candle
07:33so that Dolly can make a wish.
07:35Wow, we made a really amazing cake together!
07:37Good job!
07:39Yes! There's still not enough food!
07:41We have so many guests on the list!
07:43We need more Amuse-Gal for everyone!
07:45So it's time to make a fruit salad.
07:47It's always a good idea!
07:51I have everything we need to make a nice fruit salad.
07:54Wow, everything is so bright and colorful!
07:56I love it!
07:58Let's start with the watermelon.
08:00Where is it?
08:02Found it!
08:04Let's cut it in half.
08:10Here's a piece.
08:12And here's another one.
08:14The banana now.
08:16We also have to cut it into pieces.
08:21Join your friend, the watermelon!
08:23Let's also add some kiwi.
08:25It's delicious!
08:27Okay, we can cut it into four small pieces like this.
08:36Now, friends, we have to find the dragon fruit.
08:38Can you spot it faster than me?
08:42You did it!
08:44Great job!
08:46Let's add it to our delicious fruit salad.
08:52It looks amazing!
08:54I'm sure it's delicious too!
08:56Are the guests here yet?
08:58Let's hurry!
09:22We have everything ready!
09:24Don't cheat, Dolly!
09:26Okay, okay.
09:28So, are you ready to see your birthday surprise?
09:34There are so many delicious dishes!
09:36Even the ice cream!
09:38And a real birthday cake!
09:42You girls are all here too!
09:44It's great!
09:46I'm so happy!
09:48I'm so happy!
09:50You girls are all here too!
09:52It's great!
09:54Happy birthday!
09:56Happy birthday!
09:58We did a great job!
10:00Everyone is happy!
10:02We make such a great team!
10:04That's right!
10:06Thanks for cooking with us today, friends!
10:08Subscribe to our channel!
10:10See you soon!
