She got married instead of her sister to pay for her mother's medicine#drama - MoNo Channel

  • 2 months ago
She got married instead of her sister to pay for her mothers medicinedrama
00:00I hear about the groom, I hear he's a real pain in the ass.
00:08I heard he's into some really shady stuff, debt collection, drugs, you name it, even
00:13worse crimes.
00:14Our Emma's in for a rough ride, it seems.
00:17I was terribly wrong.
00:19Send us in for bail.
00:31Come on, sweetheart, just do it for the family business, okay?
00:35Charlotte turned us down, so we're really counting on you now.
00:39I know Lucas has got a little bit of a dodgy past, but his family's loaded.
00:45And don't worry, we'll pay for your mother's medical bills, you can trust me.
01:01Ready to go, boss?
01:03Let's go get married.
01:07Oh, here he comes.
01:09I heard that he looks totally strung out.
01:12Complete drug addict.
01:13I can't wait to see this.
01:15Oh, me too.
01:31Mom, you didn't tell me he was this hot.
01:35I didn't know either.
01:36Whatever, he's just a good-looking loser.
01:38He's still a leech with mental illness.
01:44You must be my bride.
01:46Let's get started, father.
01:48Very well.
01:49Dearly beloved.
01:51We are gathered here today to celebrate the-
01:52Oh, we can actually skip this part.
01:54I do.
01:57And do you, Emma Harris, take Lucas Anderson to be your wedded husband,
02:02to cherish in love and friendship, in strength and in weakness,
02:07in sickness and in health, in success and disappointment,
02:11to love him faithfully today, tomorrow, and for all the days from now
02:17and for as long as you both shall live?
02:23I do.
02:26Then by the power vested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife.
02:33Congratulations, Emma.
02:35Better watch out for Mr. Perfect over here.
02:37Don't want any trouble, do we?
02:48This place isn't much better than a jail cell, to be honest.
02:51Well, well, well.
02:53I didn't expect a mobster like you to be so picky.
02:56I don't think you actually like this place.
02:59How would you know? This place is pretty nice.
03:03Yeah, right. Keep telling yourself that.
03:06We'll see, Mr. Too-Cool-Mobster.
03:09Got a thing against mobsters, huh?
03:11That obvious. Touch me and you'll regret it.
03:14I don't lay hands on women.
03:17But drop the princess act. It's annoying.
03:20I know who you are.
03:30I know who you are.
03:35Stay back! I'm warning you!
03:37You're a sulky, loud-mouthed young lady.
03:41And you, marrying the black sheep of the family like me?
03:45Pretty suspicious.
03:47Pretty suspicious.
03:49Suspicious, says the poor mobster with fancy clothes and designer cars.
03:54Those are rentals.
03:56Remember, this marriage is just a business deal. Nothing more.
04:01Step out of line and you'll regret it.
04:06Get away from me.
04:08Not interested.
04:11Don't flatter yourself.
04:13The bed's mine. The couch is yours.
04:16Don't you dare try to sneak in there.
04:18Works for me.
04:20The couch can fit two. Just saying.
04:24In your dreams.
04:26When do I get to taste my wife's cooking?
04:29I ordered McDonald's. You can have some if you want.
04:32If not, then just forget about it.
04:34You are quite something.
04:38Pick one.
04:43What is this? Someone's fingers?
04:49The one on the left.
04:51You sure?
04:59Wedding gift.
05:01Try them on.
05:04Wedding gift. Try them on.
05:08This brand is really expensive. Why did you get me something so nice?
05:13They're not real diamonds. Didn't cost much.
05:16But they look real.
05:18Come on. I can't afford real ones.
05:21But I guess you know that.
05:23No need to be shy.
05:26You are my wife, after all.
05:28What's in the other box?
05:32Nothing. It's empty.
05:45Get rid of it.
05:48Lucky for her, she didn't pick this one.
05:51Yeah. Didn't get to scare her.
05:54She's different. Not your typical run-of-the-mill type.
05:58Well, don't forget, you shouldn't tell her who you really are.
06:01Yeah, yeah. I know what I should do.
06:04You actually ate McDonald's?
06:06So? Never had McDonald's before?
06:09I just don't get it.
06:11I mean, why would you agree to this marriage?
06:17I mean, why would you agree to this marriage, live in this dump, and eat that stuff?
06:24I mean, it's not exactly your usual cuisine.
06:27Look, keep something between us, will you?
06:31This marriage, it's more than just a family deal.
06:35My granddad's will is a catch.
06:37If I play my cards right, I'll get all the company shares.
06:41Well, then it's going to be tricky when the time comes to end this marriage.
06:47I can do what's necessary.
06:58All right, I'm coming, I'm coming.
07:03Why are you here?
07:05For the money that we agreed on.
07:07I married Lucas, didn't I?
07:09But the bank says that there's no cash. What gives? That was our deal.
07:12You'll get your money, just not today.
07:16Why the rush?
07:17Are you serious? My mom's in the hospital. She needs surgery.
07:20She needs that money now.
07:22Where's my dad? Is he here?
07:24No, Henry's not home.
07:26No, Henry's not home.
07:27I don't believe you. Let me in.
07:29Mom, what's going on?
07:32What do you want?
07:33I came here to get the money that we agreed on.
07:36Really? What's the rush, okay?
07:39Your earrings don't exactly scream broke.
07:42I need a minute.
07:46Where did you get those?
07:48Lucas gave them to me.
07:50Those are the pair I lost, aren't they?
07:52You stole them!
07:57These pair of earrings is not a copy.
08:00Ha! I always knew you were a thief.
08:03And you just lied to us and told us that Lucas gave these to you?
08:07How on earth could he ever afford something so valuable?
08:10Excuse me, but this is a one-of-a-kind product.
08:13These gemstones are ultra-rare.
08:15Unlike Charlotte's, they're the marketplace ones.
08:19But these, these are one-of-a-kind.
08:21They're beautiful.
08:23Emma, where did you get those earrings?
08:25For the last time, Lucas!
08:27You're a liar!
08:30What's the problem here?
08:34I just gave those earrings to Emma a few hours ago.
08:36And I just heard the inspector say they're not yours.
08:39So, you owe Emma an apology.
08:42No, I'm not apologizing to her.
08:44You disrespected my wife.
08:47Apologize, now.
08:50Apologize, now.
08:57No, I'm not apologizing to her.
08:59You disrespected my wife.
09:02Apologize, now.
09:08Are you seriously threatening me with a gun right now?
09:11Yeah, and it's not just for show. Understood?
09:14Enough! Your violence ain't flying here!
09:18Really? You're Emma's dad.
09:21And you let her get insulted like this?
09:24Give me a break.
09:26Lucas, just forget it and let's go.
09:31Think twice before bullying my wife.
09:36Let's go, Em.
09:38You're going fucking crazy.
09:48Lucas, if those earrings were so special, then why did you tell me that they were fake?
09:55Why did you tell me that they were fake?
09:58I just didn't want you to feel bad about how much they cost.
10:03Can I suggest something?
10:07Go ahead, princess.
10:09In the future, can you just ease up on the spending?
10:12Even if you're making a lot of money, I don't want you spending it all on me.
10:17I promised that, but it's meant to be spent.
10:22What were you doing with your dad, by the way?
10:27I just missed him, I guess.
10:30Feels like you're hiding something from me.
10:33So, it feels like you're hiding stuff from me, too.
10:37So, I helped you out.
10:40Got your sister to apologize.
10:43You gonna thank me?
10:48You gonna thank me?
10:50Stop it. Come any closer and I'll scream.
10:53Car's got great soundproofing. Scream won't do much.
10:56Stop it!
11:00Ungrateful. And boring, too.
11:03Why should I be grateful?
11:05If you wouldn't have given me those earrings, none of this would have ever happened.
11:08Your lies almost worked on me.
11:10And can you stop threatening people with guns?
11:13How else am I supposed to protect you?
11:21Hello? Yeah, I'll be there in a bit. Okay.
11:26You can drop me off here, thanks.
11:30Where are you going? Got another guy waiting for you?
11:33We both have our secrets, I guess.
11:47I'm really honored to...
12:00I see you have only worked at an indie studio for three years.
12:05No big corporate experience like us.
12:08Yeah, but I got a lot of experience in those three years.
12:11And your uni? It's not too prestigious, is it?
12:15Yeah, my mom couldn't afford a private one, so I went to state.
12:20Give me your family's non-exiling rolling in wealth.
12:23I, the Bob You, got a canine for luxury jewelry.
12:26So what makes you think that you are cut out for this job?
12:30My experience, my skills, and my passion, I think, makes me a good fit for this job.
12:35Please just look at my portfolio one more time.
12:38You know, I see tons of you every day. No relevant experience.
12:43What makes you so special?
12:46You know, I bet a lot of people didn't get a chance because of some stupid HR like you.
12:51You are playing with fire.
12:53You know, if I want, I could make sure that every HR head in the industry knows that you,
12:58Emma Harris, is just trouble and professional to the core.
13:02You'd never get a job.
13:04So if you are smart, apologize to me right here, right now.
