• el año pasado
¡La televisión en vivo nunca perdona! Para esta lista, veremos los casos más notorios ocurridos en televisión en vivo (o transmisión en línea) que salieron mal.


00:00I'm Geraldo Rivera, and you're about to witness a live television event.
00:04Bienvenido a Watch Mojo Español.
00:06Yo soy Jackie, y el día de hoy te mostraremos nuestro top 20 de los casos más notorios de televisión en vivo,
00:13o transmisión en línea, que salieron bastante mal.
00:16We're making sure that you all are entertained.
00:19No incluiremos muertes ni tragedias.
00:22En cambio, analizaremos más los problemas de transmisión y percances graciosos.
00:29Número 20, el fiasco de Tales of Tomorrow.
00:32A principios de los años 50, ABC transmitió en vivo un programa de antología de ciencia-ficción
00:38llamado Tales of Tomorrow, o en español, Cuentos del Mañana.
00:43Tales of Tomorrow.
00:47Thrill tonight to the most famous tale of a science-created monster.
00:51Cada episodio se transmitía en vivo,
00:54por lo que, como era de esperarse, ocurrieron algunos desastres.
00:58Uno de esos errores se produjo en el episodio de la primera temporada, Frankenstein.
01:03El legendario actor Lon Cheney Jr. interpretó al monstruo,
01:08solo que no lo hizo muy bien.
01:10Cheney se salió de su personaje y se negó a destruir la utilería.
01:14En cambio, fingió que lo estaba haciendo mientras ponía suavemente los muebles en el suelo.
01:19Según el biógrafo de Cheney, Don Smith, el actor había estado bebiendo,
01:24y creía falsamente que estaba en medio de un ensayo.
01:27De ahí la mala actuación.
01:29Cheney admitió más tarde que pensó que se trataba de un ensayo general,
01:33pero negó estar borracho.
01:41Número 19, la bóveda de Al Capone.
01:44Este fue el evento televisivo de los años 80,
01:48pero todo fue realmente para nada.
01:50Las empresas constructoras encontraron habitaciones secretas
01:54antes de comenzar a renovar el Hotel Lexington de Chicago,
01:58que alguna vez albergó al legendario gángster Al Capone.
02:12Por supuesto, la gente creía que estas habitaciones
02:15podrían albergar objetos valiosos que alguna vez
02:18pertenecieron a la organización de Capone.
02:21El periodista recientemente despedido, Geraldo Rivera,
02:24presentó el misterio de las bóvedas de Al Capone,
02:28que esperaba revelar el contenido de las bóvedas por televisión en vivo.
02:32El evento fue fuertemente publicitado y visto por 30 millones de personas.
02:38El servicio de impuestos internos incluso estuvo en el lugar
02:41para recoger la supuesta gigantesca pila de dinero escondido de Capone.
02:46Excepto que no había tal cosa, de hecho no había nada en absoluto.
02:51El especial en vivo se desinfló como un globo
02:54e inmediatamente entró en los anales de los desastres televisivos en vivo.
03:00Número 18. Caída de Madonna en los Brit Awards.
03:11Los accidentes ocurren, por supuesto, incluso a los artistas más importantes del planeta.
03:17Madonna apareció en los Brit Awards 2015 para interpretar su nueva canción, Living for Love.
03:34Siendo Madonna, la actuación fue coreografiada por expertos y contó con un cambio de vestuario.
03:40Solo que no salió tan bien.
03:42El plan era arrancar una capa negra de la espalda de Madonna,
03:46revelando su brillante traje rojo y negro debajo.
03:50Pero la capa estaba demasiado apretada alrededor de su cuello
03:54y cuando uno de los bailarines la arrancó de la espalda,
03:57ella fue arrastrada con ella.
04:00Madonna se cayó de las escaleras y se golpeó la cabeza con el escenario.
04:04Luego continuó la actuación como si nada.
04:07Eso sí, que es profesionalismo.
04:13Número 17. Millie Vanille arruina su propia carrera.
04:23El grupo alemán de R&B Millie Vanille fue extremadamente popular a finales de los años 80.
04:30Ganó el premio Grammy al Mejor Artista Nuevo y obtuvo cinco éxitos entre los cinco primeros en los Estados Unidos.
04:39Pero todo empezó a derrumbarse el 21 de julio de 1989.
04:44Durante una presentación en vivo en MTV,
04:47su exitosa canción Girl You Know It's True comenzó a tener problemas técnicos,
04:52lo que delató que estaban haciendo lip-sync.
05:00Además, un hombre llamado Charles Shaw se adelantó y declaró que él había cantado en su álbum debut
05:07no los acreditados Fab Morvan y Rob Pilatus.
05:11Esta acusación más la desastrosa actuación televisiva en vivo finalmente culminó en la verdad.
05:17Morvan y Pilatus eran impostores.
05:29Fueron despedidos por el productor musical y Millie Vanille rápidamente desapareció del ojo público.
05:37Número 16. Ashley Simpson baila fuera del escenario.
05:44¡Pobre Ashley Simpson! ¡No creemos que alguna vez vaya a olvidar esto!
05:49En octubre de 2004, Simpson apareció como invitada musical en Saturday Night Live,
05:55en apoyo de su álbum debut Autobiography.
05:58Una vez más, Ashley Simpson.
06:29recibieron una enorme reacción y el incidente fue ampliamente parodiado.
06:44Número 15. El incidente de Max Headroom.
06:47Era el 22 de noviembre de 1987 y miles de habitantes de Chicago se preparaban para ver la televisión.
06:54A las 9.14 pm, WGN-TV estaba transmitiendo las noticias cuando su señal fue secuestrada.
07:01En lugar de clips deportivos, la televisión ahora mostraba a una persona vestida con un disfraz de Max Headroom
07:08balanceándose hacia adelante y hacia atrás.
07:17Esto duró casi 20 segundos.
07:19Unas horas más tarde, a las 11.20 pm, la transmisión de Doctor Who en WTTW
07:25fue interrumpida aparentemente por la misma persona.
07:29Este fue un secuestro mucho más complejo, duró casi un minuto y medio,
07:33y contenía conversaciones, cantos, props extraños,
07:37mostraban el dedo medio e incluso un trasero desnudo.
07:41Este fue uno de los primeros actos de troleo en la televisión en vivo,
07:46y los trolls se salieron con la suya.
07:48A pesar de una investigación, nadie pudo encontrar el origen del secuestro.
08:03Número 14. La BBC entrevista al tipo equivocado.
08:07Número 14. La BBC entrevista al tipo equivocado.
08:11Este bien podría ser el error más divertido jamás visto en la televisión.
08:16El 8 de mayo de 2006, el experto en tecnología Guy Cuny
08:20tenía programada una entrevista en vivo en la BBC sobre un reciente caso judicial que involucraba a Apple.
08:27Sin embargo, el personal lo confundió con Guy Goma,
08:31un licenciado en negocios que estaba dando una entrevista en la BBC ese mismo día.
08:43Goma fue conducido al escenario rápidamente, le conectaron el micrófono,
08:47y pronto se inició una entrevista en vivo con la presentadora Karen Bowerman.
09:01Goma did everything he could to answer the questions, but it was very obvious that something was wrong,
09:07especially considering the reaction of surprise that Goma shows at the beginning of the interview.
09:12And the worst part of all? He wasn't even hired.
09:27Number 13. The battle of Bramall Lane.
09:30This 2002 football match was between West Bromwich Albion and Sheffield United.
09:36The goalkeeper of United, Simon Tracy, received a red card less than 10 minutes later,
09:43which caused the coach Neil Warnock to make a change.
09:47A misjudgment and a real chance for Doby, and that's a handball outside the area of which there is no question,
09:53and I wonder if a red card is on its way. It is.
09:55Later, he made two more with strategic purposes.
09:59The coaches only receive three substitutions per game, so he couldn't add new players.
10:05What followed was a pure comedy at the tip of mistakes.
10:08Two players were expelled for physically attacking their opponents,
10:13and two others were eliminated by injuries.
10:16This left United with only six men, less than the seven assigned by the rules.
10:22The referee was forced to end the game for this infraction,
10:26which made this game the only one in English football history that ended with a shortage of players.
10:33You go in the showers and then you realize people coming down the car park, the media attention.
10:38It's never happened before to be a game abandoned, so it's not ideal to have been involved in it.
10:43Number 12. The deception of the balloon boy.
10:46Live television is fascinating. You can follow a national news in real time,
10:52and you can also see in real time how a belly is.
10:55On October 15, 2009, the country watched embellished as a gas balloon
11:00was floating in the air with a six-year-old boy supposedly trapped inside.
11:15However, the boy was later found in the attic of his house,
11:18which generated accusations of deception.
11:21This was apparently confirmed during a live interview with Wolf of Blitzer,
11:26when the boy said his mom did this for the show.
11:30We did this for the show.
11:32You're a man.
11:51It was never a hoax, not once, not ever.
11:53Number 11. The famous confusion of Steve Harvey.
11:56Steve Harvey may be a consumed professional,
11:59but he will always be remembered for a simple mistake.
12:02At the end of Miss Universe in 2015,
12:05Steve Harvey declared the Colombian Ariadna Gutiérrez the winner.
12:15However, he came back to the stage and told the crowd that he had made a mistake.
12:21Gutiérrez was actually the first finalist,
12:24and the Filipino Pia Wurtzbach was the true winner.
12:29The first runner-up is Colombia.
12:40Harvey had been confused when reading the results,
12:43since number one was next to Gutiérrez's name.
12:47The mistake was first-rate news.
12:50It became a sensation on the internet,
12:52and continues to torment Harvey to this day.
13:03Barely 14 months later,
13:05Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway took some pressure off Harvey
13:09by announcing the wrong winner of Best Movie
13:12at the 89th Academy Awards.
13:1710. Mariah Carey's New Year's Show
13:20On December 31, 2016, Mariah Carey joined Ashley Simpson
13:25at the shameful Hall of Fame of I Don't Know What I'm Doing.
13:29Just get me out of here!
13:31The legend was ready to perform Emotions and We Belong Together
13:36at Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve with Ryan Seacrest,
13:41when she experienced some unfortunate technical difficulties.
13:45During the first song, she supposedly couldn't hear the track,
13:49and instead of continuing, she wandered around the stage.
13:53Carey spoke passively to the audience,
13:56while her dancers continued as planned,
13:59and a strange whistle emanated from the speakers.
14:03Meanwhile, the second performance could be described
14:07as an entertaining but funny disaster.
14:15I find it hard to believe that they made big mistakes that night.
14:199. Flaming Arrow
14:22Can you promise you won't be mad at me if I kill you?
14:24Sure, I promise that.
14:26During a live performance of the quarterfinals
14:29at America's Got Talent,
14:31specialist Ryan Stuck swallowed a steel rod
14:34with a target at the end.
14:36This target protruded from his mouth,
14:39and it was supposed that his fiancée Amberlynn Walker
14:42would shoot him with a flaming arrow.
14:44This seems like a bad idea,
14:46not only from the point of view of security,
14:49but also from the point of view of live television.
14:53A trick like this can go catastrophically wrong,
14:57and it almost happened.
15:03The flaming arrow ended up stuck to Stuck's throat,
15:07which caused him to have a sore throat,
15:09and quickly put out any possible flame.
15:12Judges and the public watched the scene in silence and concern
15:16before presenter Nick Cannon assured everyone
15:20that Stuck was fine.
15:228. Kanye West interrupts Taylor Swift
15:26Kanye West thought Beyoncé had...
15:31Well, we believe that this is one of the most unforgettable
15:34live television disasters of all time.
15:38It was the MTV Video Music Awards of 2009,
15:41and Taylor Swift had just won with You Belong With Me.
15:45By winning, she surpassed Beyoncé's iconic single-ladies video.
15:49When Swift accepted her award,
15:51West broke into the stage and took the microphone from her hand
15:54and claimed that Beyoncé should have won.
15:57It's probably worth waiting for applause,
15:59but instead she received slaps,
16:02which led her to turn around and make an obscene gesture to the crowd.
16:06It was an incredibly shocking moment
16:08that even caught the attention of President Barack Obama,
16:12who called West an idiot.
16:167. The accident of Anthea Turner
16:19At the end of the 80s,
16:21television presenter Anthea Turner
16:23had a live children's show called Up To You.
16:27Turner was there reporting on a parade
16:30held by the British Armed Forces.
16:36A motorcycle trick was planned for Turner's story,
16:40but the lack of communication resulted in a horrible accident.
16:44While Turner was sitting in the back of a truck,
16:48pyrotechnic games exploded in her face
16:51and set her on fire.
16:53The person who was cuing the motorbike mistook my cue to speak
16:58as the cue to ask the motorbike to fly out of the back of the van
17:03and of course I'm still sitting on the tailgate.
17:05The families who watched from home
17:07were understandably shocked and scared
17:10as they did not know the extent of Turner's injuries,
17:13who ended up suffering numerous burns
17:16and temporary hearing loss.
17:18After this, she successfully sued the BBC.
17:22A few minutes ago you might have just seen
17:24something a bit dangerous happen to Anthea.
17:26Just here to say she's okay, she's just gone to first aid
17:29and she's going to have a nice hot cup of tea
17:31because she's got some shock.
17:326. The defective costume in the Super Bowl
17:35A famous episode in television history
17:38happened on the night of February 1, 2004,
17:41also known as Super Bowl XXXVIII.
17:44As everyone knows, Justin Timberlake
17:46accidentally ripped off the outer layer of Janet Jackson's shirt
17:51while performing a dance move,
17:53revealing more than expected.
17:56This instigated a national discussion
17:58as rarely seen before or after.
18:01It was first-rate news throughout the country
18:04and some described it as an indecent act of immorality.
18:08If each CBS station ends up having to pay,
18:11fines could reach the millions.
18:13Janet Jackson ended up on the blacklist
18:15of many radio stations and music channels.
18:19The fact led to the creation of YouTube
18:21and added the term wardrobe malfunction
18:24to the dictionary Merriam-Webster.
18:28Yes, it was an unforgettable mid-time show.
18:435. Sinead O'Connor breaks a photo in Saturday Night Live
18:48Sinead O'Connor was once the most important name in music.
18:52Her single Nothing Compares to You was quite successful.
18:56It topped the Hot 100 for four weeks
19:00and was named the world's number one single of 1990 by Billboard.
19:05But then her career essentially stopped
19:08on the night of October 3, 1992.
19:11She was playing Bob Marley's Word in Saturday Night Live
19:15when she broke a photo of Pope John Paul II.
19:22The measure was meant to protest against abuse
19:26within the Catholic Church,
19:28but it only got O'Connor in a lot of trouble.
19:31NBC received thousands of complaints
19:34and other celebrities, including John Pesci and Madonna,
19:37brutally criticized her actions.
19:40I mean, why should I let it bother me, right?
19:42It wasn't my show, it was Tim Robbins' show.
19:45And that was all for Sinead O'Connor,
19:47at least as a pop star who topped the list of hits.
19:524. The fight between Detroit Pistons and Indiana Pacers
19:56Despite the injuries, the battle of Bramall Lane was funny.
20:01Instead, this one, colloquially known in English as
20:04Malice at the Palace, was quite... malicious.
20:08In my head, I'm like, you're done?
20:11There's no way you might not have a play again.
20:14So start thinking about something else.
20:16This was a basketball game between the Detroit Pistons
20:20and the Indiana Pacers.
20:22With less than 46 seconds left in the game,
20:25Pacer Ron Artest missed the Piston Ben Wallace.
20:29Wallace's physical response to Artest's act
20:32resulted in a fight.
20:34The fight was brief, but then,
20:36someone among the crowd threw a drink at Artest,
20:40which propelled him to the stands.
20:42He attacked whoever he thought was the thrower,
20:45when in reality, that person was innocent.
20:48People tried to separate Artest from the man.
20:51The situation intensified to include the spectators,
20:55and in a short time, a big fight broke out.
20:58The police intervened and many people were accused of aggression,
21:03including players and fans.
21:12Number 3, the earthquake during the World Series.
21:15The 1989 World Series is perhaps the most famous of the modern era,
21:20not because of the matches, but because of what happened before one.
21:24Shortly after the ceremony before the third game began,
21:28the Loma Prieta earthquake hit the Candlestick Park in San Francisco.
21:32Interrupting the video transmission
21:35and distracting the sports commentators,
21:38Jim McCrubber and Al Michaels.
21:44The spectators at home found a strong static,
21:48a graph of technical difficulties,
21:50and the creepy sound of the fans screaming.
21:54Fortunately, no one inside the stadium was injured,
21:57despite the intense tremor.
21:59In fact, the game is attributed to having saved lives,
22:03since the people who were normally on the roads,
22:06were in the game or watching from their homes.
22:15Number 2, Richard Belser and Hulk Hogan.
22:19In the mid-80s, actor Richard Belser
22:23presented an interview program on cable called Hot Properties.
22:27To promote the first Wrestlemania,
22:30Belser received the main stars of the event,
22:33Hulk Hogan and Mr. T.
22:36Belser asked Hogan to demonstrate a wrestling move,
22:40so Hogan made him a chin lock.
22:43However, Hogan exaggerated a bit and ended up leaving Belser unconscious.
22:52Then he dropped the inert Belser to the ground.
22:55Belser hid it after waking up,
22:58but it was obvious that he had been affected.
23:07Later, Belser sued Hogan for an undisclosed amount.
23:12With the profits, he bought a farm in France,
23:15which he called Chess Hogan.
23:17I feel really bad about the situation.
23:19Richard asked me to demonstrate a professional wrestling hold,
23:22and that's exactly what I did.
23:24We haven't reached the end yet, but almost.
23:26Just make sure to subscribe to our channel
23:28and activate the bell to receive notifications of our latest videos.
23:33Very well, let's see our position number 1.
23:36Number 1, Gary Stoltman's Incident.
23:39In August 1988, a man named Gary Stoltman
23:43entered the set of KNBC
23:45and took as host the television presenter David Horowitz.
23:50Stoltman pointed a gun at Horowitz's back
23:53and ordered him to read an incoherent manifesto
23:56full of phrases about conspiracy theories.
24:02The viewers at home only witnessed the initial attack,
24:06since the broadcast was cut off intentionally shortly after.
24:10Horowitz then obeyed the gunman,
24:12who didn't know that he had been taken out of the air.
24:19The manifesto ended with the revelation
24:21that Stoltman actually held a gun
24:24of compressed air unloaded
24:26and placed it on the desk next to Horowitz.
24:29Stoltman was arrested immediately
24:31and then declared himself guilty of the minor crime
24:34of false imprisonment,
24:36which resulted in a three-year parole.
24:40Burbank police wrestled a man to the floor.
24:42He has been identified as Gary Stoltman
24:44and he said he never intended to harm anyone.
