• last year
Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) melaporkan adanya penurunan tingkat kemiskinan, baik di wilayah perkotaan maupun pedesaan. Secara angka, angka kemiskinan di desa turun lebih besar daripada perkotaan.

Namun, Plt Sekretaris Utama BPS Imam Machdi mengatakan, masih terjadi disparitas yang cukup lebar antara perkotaan dan pedesaan. Di mana pada Maret 2024, tingkat kemiskinan di pedesaan mencapai 11,79 persen. Sementara di perkotaan 7,09 persen.

Secara tahunan dibandingkan kondisi Maret 2023, terjadi penurunan tingkat kemiskinan pedesaan sebesar 0,43 persen poin, sementara di perkotaan turun sebesar 0,20 persen poin. Begitu pun jika dibandingkan dengan masa sebelum pandemi Covid-19, tingkat kemiskinan pedesaan pada Maret 2024 lebih rendah 0,81 persen poin jika dibandingkan September 2019.


00:00The Central Statistics Agency claims that the number of poor people in March 2024 declined by 0.33 points per year.
00:17And with this decline, the Central Statistics Agency said that the number of poor people decreased by 680,000 people.
00:25The Central Statistics Agency claims that the number of poor people decreased by 9.03 percent.
00:33This number is 0.33 points from the March 2023 position, which reached 9.36 percent.
00:41The Secretary-General of the Central Statistics Agency, Imran Mahdi, explained that the number of poor people in March 2024 was recorded as 25.22 million people.
00:51With the decline in that year, the number of poor people was lower by 680,000 people compared to March 2023.
01:00Based on the region, the Imam said that the decline in the poverty level in the villages was greater than in the cities.
01:07The poverty level in the villages dropped by 0.43 points, while in the cities it dropped by 0.20 points.
01:16However, there was still a wide disparity between the number of poverty in the cities and villages.
01:22The poverty level in the villages reached 11.79 percent, while in the cities it reached 7.09 percent.
01:30The percentage of poor people in Indonesia is 9.03 percent, or about 25.22 million people.
01:43The poverty level in March 2024 experienced a decrease or was lower than March 2023,
01:51that is, the percentage of poor people decreased by 0.33 points, while the number of poor people decreased by 0.68 million people.
02:05Based on the component of its formation, the role of food commodities in the poverty line is much greater than the role of non-food commodities.
02:14In March 2024, food commodities contributed 74.44 percent to poverty, while non-food commodities contributed 25.56 percent to the poverty line.
02:27From Jakarta, Rahar Jopatmo, IDX Channel.
02:31Yes, Mr. Mirso, to discuss our interesting topic this time, the strategy to reduce the disparity of poverty levels in cities and villages.
02:38We are joined by Mr. Indra Karismiyaji, the director of Cerdas Executive, and also Mr. Denny Yuwarta Junivta, an in-depth economist.
02:47Hello, good morning, Mr. Indra.
02:49Good morning, sir. How are you?
02:51I'm fine. Thank you for your time. Good morning, Mr. Denny.
02:56Good morning, sir.
02:58Good morning, Mr. Indra.
02:59Thank you for your time. This is interesting. Let's get straight to the point.
03:02Regarding the disparity, there is still a gap between the rich and the poor, if we can say so.
03:10Even the poverty levels in cities and villages are different.
03:14What is your review of the index itself, with the number or poverty level?
03:19How is the difference in cities and villages? Please, Mr. Denny.
03:24Thank you. This is interesting.
03:26After the pandemic, the recovery of poverty levels in cities and villages has not happened much.
03:36Because I see several differences that are actually quite a factor.
03:46The first reason is that in the village, before the pandemic, there were a lot of workers who returned to the village.
03:58So the village workers increased.
04:03But when the recovery happened, a lot of workers returned to the city.
04:08The problem is, first, there was a shift in the economic pattern that was actually quite fast.
04:17Industrial patterns, trading patterns were quite fast.
04:21Then, this was not able to be followed by the shift in labor skills.
04:28This then caused a lot of workers, as a result of urbanization, to return to the city.
04:37This then led to a phenomenon of poverty, which is actually still quite high at the city level.
04:45Then in the village, this is actually quite interesting.
04:50Yesterday, I watched a report from the BPS.
04:55It said that the characteristics in the village, the level of poverty is indeed very high in the border area.
05:04So when there is an economic recovery, it jumps faster than in the city, which is actually quite strange.
05:15This is one of the reasons why the village changes quite quickly.
05:22The third is related to price increases.
05:28On the one hand, we see that the food price index, even the transportation price index,
05:37the energy price that also affects transportation increases,
05:40this is quite an impact on the output of the community at the urban level.
05:47This is different from the village case.
05:50Because in the village, of course, the price increase is felt a little more.
05:56More positive.
05:58Because the source of power is there.
06:00Then he also produces food.
06:03And I also observed that the value of the farmer's trade also increased compared to last year.
06:08So this then caused the level of welfare to be relatively better compared to the city.
06:15Okay, that's it.
06:16Some data have been reported.
06:17Indeed, there was a shift if we look at the economy,
06:21where there is sugar, there is an ant.
06:25Mr. Denny, if we talk about the condition of the economy,
06:29if we talk about the job market,
06:31if you say that the skills that are needed, the ability of our individuals,
06:35it is also related to the education that they get from childhood until they are ready to become workers.
06:44Now this is Mr. Indra's part.
06:48What do you think?
06:49What do you think, Mr. Indra?
06:50The condition of education, then workers' welfare, poverty,
06:55is it so closely related to education?
07:00Okay, first of all, we should all believe that there is a correlation
07:08between education and welfare.
07:14In order to reduce poverty.
07:17And in Indonesia itself, there is evidence.
07:21So in 2019, there was a researcher from the United States named Esther Duplo
07:30who won the Nobel Prize for Economics.
07:34Interestingly, what she studied was the SDE Fresh program in Mr. Harto's era,
07:43which apparently can increase the level of income of Indonesian people,
07:54the level of welfare of Indonesian people, the level of economy of Indonesian people.
08:00Now, the current government should continue again.
08:05There is SME Fresh, maybe SMA Fresh, but it is not continued.
08:12And the impact is that we can see that the government's target of 7% economic growth
08:21has never been achieved.
08:24And we see for ourselves that the need for education in Indonesia
08:27is one of the worst in the world.
08:31Even the World Bank places us in the business of reading only.
08:37This is the most basic, basic literacy.
08:40The ability to read Indonesian people is placed at the level of functionally illiterate.
08:50Indonesians are able to read, which means they know what is being read,
08:55but they don't understand what is being read.
08:58So in other words, the ability to learn Indonesian people is very limited.
09:06And so, if we connect it again later,
09:09between the quality of education and the effort to improve the welfare of the community,
09:16it looks right.
09:18With a low need for our education,
09:20with education never being a priority for the government,
09:25this is interesting, sir.
09:26Yesterday, in the 10th Committee of the DPRK,
09:30the Ministry of Education showed that
09:35they proposed a school rehabilitation budget,
09:40so a school rehabilitation,
09:42the number is Rp577 trillion
09:46to improve the quality of school life.
09:50It turns out that the government's budget is only Rp15 trillion.
09:54So only 2.5% of the budget.
09:58How can we say that education becomes a priority and automatic?
10:06Of course, the effort to improve the welfare of the community will not be realized.
10:14Because everything is based on education,
10:17how our community is able to become an independent community,
10:23have skills, can work anywhere,
10:27that's what we need to prepare well.
10:30That's the fact.
10:31Okay, this is interesting, sir.
10:33Later we will discuss further,
10:35the strategy of the government,
10:36from the economic point of view,
10:37how to improve the welfare of the community,
10:41and also the access to education for the community,
10:43especially in the regions.
10:44We will discuss in the next episode.
10:46We will be back soon.
10:48I am Pariwara.
10:49Stay tuned.
10:54Thank you for joining us in Market Review.
10:56We will be back soon with our guests,
10:59Mr. Denny Yuwarta Junifta, Economic Indefinite,
11:02and Mr. Indra Karismiyaji,
11:04Executive Director,
11:05Center for Education Regulation and Development Analysis.
11:09Thank you.
11:10Thank you.
11:11Thank you.
11:12Thank you.
11:13Thank you.
11:14Thank you.
11:15Thank you.
11:16Thank you.
11:17Thank you.
11:18Thank you.
11:19Thank you.
11:20Thank you.
11:21Thank you.
11:22Thank you.
11:23Thank you.
11:24Thank you.
11:25Thank you.
11:26Thank you.
11:27Thank you.
11:28Thank you.
11:29Thank you.
11:30Thank you.
11:31Thank you.
11:32Thank you.
11:33Thank you.
11:34Thank you.
11:35Thank you.
11:36Thank you.
11:37Thank you.
11:38Thank you.
11:39Thank you.
11:40Thank you.
11:41Thank you.
11:42Thank you.
11:43Thank you.
11:44Thank you.
11:45Thank you.
11:46Thank you.
11:47Thank you.
11:48Thank you.
11:49Thank you.
11:50Thank you.
11:51Thank you.
11:52Thank you.
11:53Thank you.
11:54Thank you.
11:55Thank you.
11:56Thank you.
11:57Thank you.
11:58Thank you.
11:59Thank you.
12:00Thank you.
12:01Thank you.
12:02Thank you.
12:03Thank you.
12:04Thank you.
12:05Thank you.
12:06Thank you.
12:07Thank you.
12:08Thank you.
12:09Thank you.
12:10Thank you.
12:11Thank you.
12:12Thank you.
12:13Thank you.
12:14Thank you.
12:15Thank you.
12:16Thank you.
12:17Thank you.
12:18Thank you.
12:19Thank you.
12:20Thank you.
12:21Thank you.
12:22Thank you.
12:23Thank you.
12:24Thank you.
12:25Thank you.
12:26Thank you.
12:27Thank you.
12:28Thank you.
12:29Thank you.
12:30Thank you.
12:31Thank you.
12:32Thank you.
12:33Thank you.
12:34Thank you.
12:35Thank you.
12:36Thank you.
12:37Thank you.
12:38Thank you.
12:39Thank you.
12:40Thank you.
12:41Thank you.
12:42Thank you.
12:43Thank you.
12:44Thank you.
12:45Thank you.
12:46Thank you.
12:47Thank you.
12:48Thank you.
12:49Thank you.
12:50Thank you.
12:51Thank you.
12:52Thank you.
12:53Thank you.
12:54Thank you.
12:55Thank you.
12:56Thank you.
12:57Thank you.
12:58Thank you.
12:59Thank you.
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13:01Thank you.
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13:09Thank you.
13:10Thank you.
13:11Thank you.
13:12Thank you.
13:13Thank you.
13:14Thank you.
13:15Thank you.
13:16Thank you.
13:17Thank you.
13:18Thank you.
13:19Thank you.
13:20Thank you.
13:21Thank you.
13:22Thank you.
13:23Thank you.
13:24Thank you.
13:25Thank you.
13:26Thank you.
13:27Thank you.
13:28Thank you.
13:29Thank you.
13:30Thank you.
13:31Thank you.
13:32Thank you.
13:33Thank you.
13:34Thank you.
13:35Thank you.
13:36Thank you.
13:37Thank you.
13:38Thank you.
13:39Thank you.
13:40Thank you.
13:41Thank you.
13:42Thank you.
13:43Thank you.
13:44Thank you.
13:45Thank you.
13:46Thank you.
13:47Thank you.
13:48Thank you.
13:49Thank you.
13:50Thank you.
13:51Thank you.
13:52Thank you.
13:53Thank you.
13:54Thank you.
13:55Thank you.
13:56Thank you.
13:57Thank you.
13:58Thank you.
13:59Thank you.
14:00Thank you.
14:01Thank you.
14:02Thank you.
14:03Thank you.
14:04Thank you.
14:05Thank you.
14:06Thank you.
14:07Thank you.
14:08Thank you.
14:09Thank you.
14:10Thank you.
14:11Thank you.
14:12Thank you.
14:13Thank you.
14:14Thank you.
14:15Thank you.
14:16Thank you.
14:17Thank you.
14:18Thank you.
14:19Thank you.
14:20Thank you.
14:21Thank you.
14:22Thank you.
14:23Thank you.
14:24Thank you.
14:25Thank you.
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14:28Thank you.
14:29Thank you.
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14:34Thank you.
14:35Thank you.
14:36Thank you.
14:37Thank you.
14:38Thank you.
14:39Thank you.
14:40Thank you.
14:41Thank you.
14:42Thank you.
14:43Thank you.
14:44Thank you.
14:45Thank you.
14:46Thank you.
14:47Thank you.
14:48Thank you.
14:49Thank you.
14:50Thank you.
14:51Thank you.
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14:54Thank you.
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14:58Thank you.
14:59Thank you.
15:00Thank you.
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15:49Thank you.
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20:56Thank you.
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20:59Thank you.
21:00Thank you.
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21:39Thank you.
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21:42Thank you.
21:43Thank you.
21:44Thank you.
21:45Thank you.
21:46Thank you.
21:47Thank you.
21:48Thank you.
21:49Thank you.
21:50Thank you.
21:51Thank you.
21:52Thank you.
21:53Thank you.
21:54Thank you.
21:55Thank you.
21:56Thank you.
21:57Thank you.
21:58Thank you.
21:59Thank you.
22:00Thank you.
22:01Thank you.
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22:13Thank you.
22:14Thank you.
22:15Thank you.
22:16Thank you.
22:17Thank you.
22:18Thank you.
22:19Thank you.
22:20Thank you.
22:21Thank you.
22:22Thank you.
22:23Thank you.
22:24Thank you.
22:25Thank you.
22:26Thank you.
22:27Thank you.
