Na wrocławskim skwerze Czesława Niemena stanęła nowa atrakcja dla mieszkańców.
00:00The music on the Niemen square is not an unexpected addition, because the pattern is a bit obligatory.
00:09The story is that when we set up this square last year, it changed its face quite dramatically,
00:17when it comes to the device, the greenery, the benches.
00:21However, due to its location, it still remains, let's say, the main interest of the residents.
00:33It is in the areas of interest of those who want to take a nap here, let's say, between the train and the monopoly shop.
00:51I think it's a great idea that there should be more places like this in Wrocław,
01:18because, for example, Niemen is associated with everyone.
01:22Young, old, maybe older, but young people also know who Niemen is.
01:26And there should be as many squares like this as possible.