
  • 2 months ago
00:00Lunch, milord.
00:02I hope I haven't forgotten anything, milord.
00:06Forgotten anything?
00:08I've never seen so much food in all my life.
00:11How can we afford it?
00:14You're the richest man in the world, sir.
00:17You can go anywhere, do anything, see anything.
00:24Really? You're not pulling my leg, are you?
00:27I wouldn't dare, milord.
00:29Look, there are thousands of people queuing up out there
00:34just dying to see the richest man in the world.
00:42Do that again.
00:51Oh, my lord.
01:08I really am the richest man in the world.
01:12You're a millionaire.
01:14A billionaire.
01:16A trillionaire.
01:20I'm a millionaire, a billionaire, a trillionaire too.
01:26There's nothing in the world that I can't do.
01:30I'll drive a car, fly a plane, a rocket to the moon.
01:35Then I'll go travelling.
01:38See you soon.
01:41He's so rich, his money never ends,
01:44but there's only one thing he can do.
01:48Spend, spend, spend.
01:50He's so rich, his money never ends,
01:53but there's only one thing he can do.
01:57Spend, spend, spend.
02:01I'm a millionaire, a billionaire, a trillionaire too.
02:06I'll buy a sweet shop, that's what I'll do.
02:10I'll have lollipops, chocolate drops, anything I like.
02:15You'll grow so fat.
02:17Well, I'll buy a bike.
02:21He's so rich, his money never ends,
02:24but there's only one thing he can do.
02:28Spend, spend, spend.
02:30He's so rich, his money never ends,
02:33but there's only one thing he can do.
02:35I know.
02:36Spend, spend, spend.
02:40I'm a millionaire, a billionaire, a trillionaire too.
02:46There's nothing in the world that I can't do.
02:50I'll buy anything, anywhere, everything I see.
02:55Yes, a super rich zillionaire is what I want to be.
03:01I'm so rich, my money never ends,
03:05and there's only one thing I can do.
03:09Just spend, spend, spend.
03:14Ha, ha, ha, ha.