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00:00Welcome back to Movie Recaps. Today I will show you a crime, thriller, horror film from 2016,
00:06entitled Don't Breathe. Spoilers ahead. Watch out and take care.
00:10An old man is dragging a young woman by the hair trough a street that seems to be part of an
00:15abandoned neighborhood. A group of young people, two men and a woman, unlock a door from a fancy
00:20house. One of them stops the alarm before it can go off. The same person, who looks the most
00:25nervous, repeats their rules as they enter the house, about not taking any cash and grabbing
00:30only things that are below 10 g's. They are in and out of the house fast. Before they leave,
00:35they switch the alarm back on and break the front door window, which activates the alarm sound as
00:39they escape. Later, they're driving in their car, smoking pot, chatting. The nervous guy starts
00:45telling the other two about another of their friends that's leaving town. They don't seem
00:49phased, saying everyone leaves Detroit. Even they were planning to leave for California after the
00:54next robbery, with no plans of coming back. The girl tells the nervous guy to come with them,
00:59but he says he can't leave his dad. They drop him off at his house, he goes in and heads straight
01:04to his dad's study room, where he opens a drawer and returns the key from the house they just
01:08robbed. His dad works in home security. The third guy, called Money, goes to fence the things they
01:14got in the robbery and doesn't get as much as he hoped. He argues a little with the guy that
01:18buys the things from him, but the guy tells him that if he wants money, he should steal money.
01:23He gives him a tip about a new job. Money tells his friends all about it. It's a house that
01:28belongs to a loner veteran, secured by the nervous guy's dad, and is in a part of the
01:32city that's abandoned. That doesn't raise too much confidence in the other two, so Money explains why
01:37they should rob it. Apparently, the vet's daughter was ran over by a rich girl and her family gave
01:42him a huge settlement of at least 300k. The girl goes along with the idea much easier than the
01:47nervous guy, Alex. He's worried about the consequences of grabbing such a large amount.
01:52To both them and his dad's company. He walks away. Later that day, the girl, Rocky,
01:58sends Alex a text message begging him to do the job for her so she could get someone out.
02:02While Alex researches the vet, Rocky is at home with her little sister, her mom and her mom's
02:06new boyfriend. Him and her mom are horrible. It becomes apparent that the message Rocky sent Alex
02:12was clearly about her sister, when she starts asking her if she wants to go to California with
02:17her. She wanna get her sister out of their terrible family situation. Alex, Rocky and
02:22Money go to stake out the vet's house and neighborhood. Alex and Rocky remain in the
02:26car alone. She shares a story from her childhood with him and Alex tells her that he will come with
02:31them to California when they finish the job. Money comes back in the car and confirms what
02:36they knew about the house, when a Rottweiler dog jumps at the girl's window. An old man calls for
02:41the dog and Money tells them that that is the vet. They realize he's blind and have a small
02:46argument about how unethical it would be to rob a blind guy. That night, they come back to the
02:51neighborhood. The lights are off in the vet's house. They take care of the dog first by feeding
02:56it meat with some kind of drug. When they go to open the front door, they realize that the keys
03:00Alex had taken from his dad's security company don't work. They check for a side door or a window,
03:06but find only a small window which only Rocky can go trough. She enters the house and manages
03:11to stop the alarm with a remote that Alex gives her. She sees framed pictures of the vet's dead
03:16daughter on the mantle. Meanwhile, Alex and Money are waiting for her to let them in.
03:20Once inside the house they start going trough it, looking for the safe with the money. Rocky looks
03:25trough the closet. Money goes on the next floor to chloroform the old vet, so he doesn't wake up.
03:30He finds him sleeping in his room with the sounds of a video of his daughter playing,
03:34when she was a child. The vet wakes up and turns off the TV, but Money manages to set up the gas.
03:40He comes down and the three of them find a bolted door, thinking the money must be stashed somewhere
03:45behind it. Money takes out a gun and thinking that the vet is sleeping, blasts the bolt from
03:49the door. Alex, frightened about how having a gun there changes things, decides to leave.
03:55He takes his shoes from the stack and goes. Money and Rocky open the door,
03:59but the vet appears out of nowhere, asking who's there. The two of them fall silent,
04:04but he hears Money and starts following his voice as he tries to first lie to and then reason with
04:08the old man. He shoots at him once to scare him, but that doesn't stop him. Alex hears the shot
04:13outside. The vet grabs the gun from his hands and shoots him in the head. He doesn't know the girl
04:19is there too. She hides in the closet. Alex walks into the house and almost bumps into the vet,
04:24nevertheless dodging him as he runs around the house bolting the doors and the windows.
04:28He hides in the bathroom and texts with Rocky. She tells him where she's hiding and he goes
04:33after her. Before Alex gets there though, the vet comes into the closet, takes a part of the dry
04:38wall to reveal the safe, enters his code, which is fully visible to Rocky, and checks if the money's
04:43all there. After he finds out that it hasn't been taken, he closes the safe and walks of,
04:48still unaware that Rocky is inside the closet too. Alex comes in the closet and suggests they
04:53should call the cops. Rocky disagrees. She opens the safe and takes the money, to his surprise.
04:59Alex thinks there are a million dollars there. They decide to leave trough the door that was
05:03bolted, thinking it would lead them trough the basement and to a hatch that leads to the yard.
05:08Before they could go trough the door, the vet appears from inside and begins dragging Money's
05:12body to a different part of the house. After a little scare, he continues doing what he was
05:17doing, which gives them ample space to run trough the door. At this point he still doesn't know that
05:22they're there, until moments later when he finds their shoes. He goes to check on the safe and
05:26realizes the money is gone. Meanwhile, Alex and Rocky are going trough the basement. They are
05:32shocked to find a girl roped up with army cords. The moment she moves, a ring attached to her
05:37notifies the vet that there is something going on in the basement. While there, Alex and Rocky find
05:41out that the girl is the same one that ran over his daughter. Rocky decides to help her, no matter
05:46what she had done. They try to go trough the basement hatch, but the vet is waiting for them
05:51in front of it and starts shooting. He kills the girl that killed his daughter. As Alex and Rocky
05:56are running, the vet is calling to his baby, saying that his baby is dead, while holding the
06:00body of the dead girl. He then chases after them in the huge basement, after he turns off the
06:05electricity. Since they are also blinded in a way, he almost manages to catch them and strangle Alex,
06:11but the guy escapes with Rocky again. Outside of the basement, the Rottweiler, who is now fully
06:16awake, is waiting for them. The dog chases after them on the second floor and corners them in one
06:21of the rooms. The windows there are barred and it seems that they have no way to escape.
06:26Meanwhile, the vet catches up to them and is outside of the room with his dog and a gun.
06:31Rocky and Alex try to find a way to escape, when she sees a vent on the wall. He tells her to go
06:36trough it and that he will keep the door safe. As she enters the vent, the old man and the dog
06:40break trough the doors and attack Alex. He falls trough the window onto a selling window, one level
06:46down. Back at the room, the dog follows Rocky in the vent by her smell and chases after her trough
06:51the shaft. She jumps into a vertical shaft to escape it. The vet realizes where Alex is and
06:57shoots the window, hurling him down on the first floor. Alex runs again, but he catches up to him
07:02in the room where he keeps his gardening tools and where he had stashed money's body. He beats Alex
07:07unconscious and stabs him with giant gardening scissors. Rocky wakes up in the shaft, hurt and in
07:12pain. She starts crawling trough the vents again when she spots two openings, one going down in the
07:17house and the other outside the house. As she tries to break trough the bars at the opening leading
07:22outside of the house, the vet grabs her from the other one. Rocky wakes up in the basement. She's
07:28tied up the same way as the other girl was. The vet is there and she begs him to let her go,
07:32saying she won't tell anyone about the girl. He explains, however, that holding the girl in the
07:38basement wasn't about torture or punishment for what she had done to his daughter.
07:41It was his crazy idea that, since she took his child from him, it would only be fair she should
07:46give him a child in return. He'd been holding her there because she was pregnant with his baby.
07:51With his insane logic, he comes to the conclusion that Rocky is to blame for her death and she
07:56should be held accountable. In the meantime, Alex wakes up. The vet hadn't stabbed him,
08:01but money's body. He tricks the dog into the room and locks it in.
08:05Then, he unlocks the front door. Back in the basement, the vet is heating something up.
08:10He tells Rocky that she would now have to bear his child in the girl's stead.
08:14But since his not a rapist, he wouldn't force himself on her, just his sperm. It's revealed
08:19that he was heating up his sperm, so he could inject it in her. Fortunately, Alex bursts into
08:24the basement at the right moment and the vet is unable to do what he wanted to do to Rocky.
08:28Alex chains the vet up and releases Rocky, who kicks the heck out of the old man,
08:32among other things. Alex tells Rocky that calling the police now is out of the question,
08:37that they should just leave the vet chained up in the basement.
08:40The two of them take the money and leave the basement, going to the front door. The moment
08:44Alex opens the door he gets shot by the vet, who succeeded in breaking free. It's already daylight
08:49outside, as Rocky starts to run. The vet sends his Rottweiler after her. After a long chase,
08:55she finally gets to Money's car. But when the dog catches up to her she drops the bag with the
09:00money outside. Moreover, once in the car she realizes that she doesn't have the key. Rocky
09:06traps the dog inside the car in a clever way, but as soon as she is out and grabs the bag,
09:10the vet grabs her again and starts pulling her toward his house by her hair. When they get there,
09:15Rocky finds the remote for the alarm and activates it. The sound completely disorients the vet and
09:20she manages to push him down in the basement. Thinking that he's dead, she grabs the money and
09:24runs, as the police is pulling over to the house. Rocky is sitting with her little sister in the
09:30bar of an airport. She hears the news on the bar TV, with the news anchor talking about what had
09:34happened. The vet had survived the fall. However, he didn't mention the fact that she was involved
09:40in the robbery as well, or that the money was missing. Rocky is free to live her best life
09:45with her sister in California. Maybe. //
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