• last year
A gripping journey into the covert world of Kamran Faridi, a former intelligence operative, as he navigates the intricate webs of terrorism and espionage. Join Faridi as he encounters an unexpected proposition from a criminal gang member, delves into the sinister plots of Al-Qaeda, and grapples with the emergence of a new threat in the form of Daesh's notorious brother-in-law, N. Leslie Davis.

Follow along as Faridi maneuvers through high-stakes situations, from thwarting plans to poison New York City's water supply to unraveling the mysteries of D Company's drug trafficking schemes. With each twist and turn, discover the resilience and resourcefulness of Faridi as he confronts adversaries and allies alike, all while striving to protect his homeland and dismantle terrorist networks. Immerse yourself in this riveting tale of courage, intrigue, and resilience, as Kamran Faridi's actions shape the course of international security in an ever-changing landscape.

{ crime, thriller, politics, pakistan, india, usa, threat }
