Cet Objet Cosmique est si Lumineux qu’il Défie les Lois de la Physique

  • 3 months ago
Avez-vous entendu parler de l'objet cosmique qui est si lumineux qu'il semble enfreindre les lois de la physique ? Il est appelé un quasar, et c'est essentiellement un trou noir supermassif qui dévore le matériel environnant. L'énergie libérée est si intense qu'elle surpasse la luminosité de galaxies entières. Les scientifiques se grattent la tête en essayant de comprendre comment quelque chose peut être si lumineux sans se désintégrer. C’est l'une des nombreuses énigmes de l'espace qui nous fait réaliser combien nous avons encore à apprendre sur l'univers ! Animation créée par Sympa.
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00:00In a distant galaxy, very distant, we discovered the brightest object ever observed.
00:07ASSA-ASN 15leh.
00:11Astronomers were perplexed and wondered what kind of monster could produce such a stupefying amount of energy.
00:19But when they thought they had solved this cosmic riddle, the object disappeared into the depths of space,
00:27leaving behind only a vague memory and a few disconcerted astronomers.
00:33Fast forward to today, and it seems that the universe has decided to play a cosmic trick on us.
00:39Yes, ladies and gentlemen, ASSA-SSN 15leh is back, and this time, it is even brighter than ever.
00:47So, let's take a look at this brilliant space object.
00:53This event was detected for the first time on June 14, 2015, in the Indian constellation.
01:01It was located in a weak galaxy, proving that the brightest things sometimes come from the most unexpected places.
01:09It's like finding a diamond in a pile of stones, or a chocolate chip in a cookie oven with dry grapes,
01:15without wanting to offend cookie lovers with dry grapes.
01:20ASSA-SSN 15reh was so bright that if it had been in our own galaxy, it would have shone brighter than the full moon.
01:29Imagine, instead, no night, no stars, just this mysterious thing illuminating the sky like a huge spotlight.
01:37Wouldn't that be cool, and a little scary?
01:41But more seriously, it was a fascinating astronomical event.
01:45At its peak, it was 570 billion times brighter than our sun.
01:50So bright that even seen from a distance, it would suffice to blind you.
01:55Imagine, instead, we are in 2015, and astronomers discover the brightest object ever observed.
02:02It was an incredible discovery, because scientists had no idea what it could be.
02:07Was it a supernova? A tidal event? What was that thing at the end?
02:14But as soon as they started studying this object, it began to disappear.
02:19Which was particularly disappointing.
02:22Scientists, perplexed, had no choice but to speculate about its nature.
02:27Then, against all odds, ASSA-SSN 15leh suddenly resurfaced.
02:33Shining like never before.
02:35Astronomers were stunned.
02:37How could this thing have come back to us from beyond?
02:41For 40 days, its ultraviolet radiation tripled before stabilizing for a few months,
02:47then decreasing again.
02:49Faced with this unexpected development, astronomers exclaimed,
02:53Okay, that's really strange.
02:56But then, what is the nature of this object, and what caused its resurgence?
03:01Several theories have been advanced.
03:03The first is that of a supernova superluminous.
03:07A supernova is the apotheosis of the life of a star.
03:10When a star runs out of fuel, it undergoes a cataclysmic event
03:15that releases a colossal amount of energy and light.
03:18A breathtaking spectacle called a supernova.
03:22It is the final bouquet of life of a star.
03:24A kind of cosmic end clap.
03:26Except that the clap is the whole star.
03:30Some astronomers think that this object could be a supernova,
03:35but of an exceptional magnitude.
03:38If it was once a star, it would probably be 100 times more massive than the sun.
03:44Such a supernova would be an unprecedented event,
03:47and this giant star would undoubtedly attract the attention of the whole universe.
03:52Another theory is that of the magnetar.
03:56During a supernova, the core of the star collapses on itself
04:00to form an extremely dense object.
04:03Imagine a marshmallow the size of a mountain,
04:06compressed to the size of a real marshmallow.
04:10This density is so extreme that if you could miraculously
04:14hold on to the surface of a neutron star,
04:17which is impossible because you would be crushed by its gravity,
04:20you would weigh as much as a billion elephants.
04:23This is in a way what happens when a star runs out of fuel.
04:27The remaining superdense core is what is called a neutron star.
04:32We could therefore say that a supernova is the big farewell party of a star,
04:37where it goes into a big boom,
04:39and that a neutron star is what remains after the party,
04:42like empty pizza boxes and beer cans after a hellish evening with friends.
04:48Some scientists think that ASASN15LH could report this kind of phenomenon.
04:54They think it was a star that exhausted its fuel to become a neutron star.
05:00Then, it would have rotated so fast that it would have expelled overheated matter jets,
05:05like pulverizing water with a pipe, but a prodigiously hot water.
05:10These jets can heat their surroundings and make a supernova even brighter than usual.
05:16But our mysterious object was even brighter than that,
05:20which raises the question of this theory.
05:23Fortunately, we have other hypotheses.
05:25Another theory suggests that this extreme brightness could be due to the collision of two neutron stars.
05:31Such a collision would cause a real pyrotechnic show, with quills and cosmic glitter.
05:37Another idea is that ASASN15LH could have been caused by a supermassive black hole tearing a star that would be too close.
05:47Imagine a hungry monster grabbing a delicious snack,
05:51but instead of eating it, he tears it into pieces, creating a monumental chaos.
05:56This is probably the most impressive hypothesis.
06:00Finally, the most prosaic explanation.
06:03This theory suggests that this mysterious object could not be as bright as we had thought.
06:09In reality, its light would be amplified by a cluster of galaxies or another massive body in space.
06:15A bit like if you put on magnifying glasses that make everything huge and brighter.
06:21So here are all the possible explanations for this event.
06:25And if these mysteries were not enough,
06:27remember that scientists have no idea why this object started to shine.
06:32They thought it could have met a lot of gas, making it momentarily brighter.
06:38But after verification, they found nothing of the sort.
06:42So it's 2-0 in favor of the strange luminous object.
06:46In other words, ASASN15LH remains a mystery.
06:51It continues to challenge astronomers.
06:53As if to tell them, you thought you knew everything about supernovas,
06:57keep looking for mere mortals.
06:59And this is not the only mystery in our universe.
07:02There are a multitude of phenomena that scientists still cannot explain.
07:06For example, have you heard of black matter?
07:10No, it's not a group of gothic particles.
07:13But something even more mysterious.
07:17Black matter makes up about 27% of the universe.
07:21Yet we can neither see it, nor touch it, nor taste it.
07:25Although it is omnipresent.
07:28Scientists know it exists because it exerts a gravitational attraction on the observable matter.
07:33A bit like a delicious cheeseburger has a gravitational attraction on me.
07:38The strangest thing about black matter is that we don't know what it's made of.
07:44It's a mystery box that we can't even see the edges of.
07:48And this mystery keeps scientists awake at night.
07:52Another obscure enigma is that of black energy.
07:55Unpredictable and enigmatic.
07:57It represents about 68% of the universe.
08:00But its nature still escapes us.
08:03These two elements are called black
08:05because they don't interact with light or any other form of electromagnetic radiation.
08:10In other words, although we know they exist,
08:13we can't observe them directly.
08:16Just imagine.
08:17We can only perceive about 5% of the universe.
08:20Who knows what is still hidden in the shadows?
08:23One day, scientists noticed that the universe was expanding more and more rapidly over time.
08:29But it seemed impossible, didn't it?
08:33After the Big Bang, the expansion of the universe should have slowed down gradually,
08:37like any natural phenomenon.
08:39And yet, it wasn't the case.
08:42Something must have propelled it, didn't it?
08:45This is how scientists introduced the concept of black energy.
08:50A mysterious force supposed to accelerate the expansion of the universe.
08:54But what is its origin?
08:56Researchers still don't know.
08:58And as long as we don't elucidate these mysteries,
09:01they will remain among the greatest of our universe.
09:04Thus, this mysteriously luminous object is not even one of the greatest mysteries.
09:09We still have a multitude of things to understand.
09:12And who knows what other secrets the universe holds for us?
09:15Let's hope that one day, we will know more about our world
09:18and that we will finally be able to answer these fascinating questions.
