La promesa - Temporada 3 - Ep 389
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00:16These are Portuguese sweets.
00:18They're called pastel de velém.
00:20Who is this from? Is it from El Lope?
00:23No, it's a traditional sweet from my neighboring country.
00:27Do you know Bruna, the Portuguese girl who lives in Lujan?
00:30Yes, she's a very nice person.
00:32How do you make this?
00:34It looks like puff pastry.
00:36That's right. Puff pastry filled with pastry cream.
00:40But we don't have a pastry bag.
00:42To make the most of the leftovers, Candela.
00:44It's a cooking show.
00:46You said that if I give you food, it's a mortal sin.
00:49Besides, pastry cream and pastry bags
00:51contain milk, sugar, egg yolk...
00:53Who's going to notice the difference?
00:55Lope, for example.
00:57What have you given me?
00:58This sweet is a flag.
01:02Then give me one.
01:05How are you, dear?
01:07Well, I hope today is better than yesterday.
01:10It ended like the Rosary of the hour.
01:14What happened?
01:15At the last hour of the afternoon,
01:16Mrs. Petra sent me to her office.
01:19That woman doesn't get tired
01:21when it comes to making puff pastry.
01:23Look, yesterday she apologized to Mr. Pellicer.
01:26For a moment, I thought she had relaxed.
01:28She's always willing to upset people.
01:31Well, what did Marimandra José tell you?
01:34Well, our dear keymaker
01:36wasn't very happy with how she had cleaned the stairs.
01:40What nonsense is that? They're clean.
01:42Well, according to her, she hadn't made them shiny
01:44and they were all scratched.
01:46Did she tell you that?
01:47She's really scratched.
01:50Whatever Petra tells you,
01:51it goes in one ear and out the other.
01:53I know.
01:54But I just did the opposite.
01:57I couldn't take it anymore
01:59and I ended up letting go of what I think of her.
02:02God bless you.
02:04Everything? I don't know if everything,
02:06but of course, a lot.
02:07The truth about the boatman, come on.
02:09And what did she tell you?
02:11That she wasn't going to give me explanations, because...
02:14I'm running out of time, I have a promise.
02:16Will it be bad and harmful?
02:19I'd better shut up,
02:20or I'll get the devil's attention.
02:22But did she say that to annoy you,
02:24or is she aware of everything?
02:26I don't know how, but she found out about my intentions
02:29of going to work at the nurse's house.
02:30What a snitch.
02:32I can't even imagine who could have heard her with the story.
02:34That's the least of it.
02:35Candela, the important thing is that she's now prevented
02:38and I think she's capable of leaving me on the street
02:40before she can go to work with the priest.
02:42No, she can't do that.
02:44Yes, she can. It's Petra.
02:46The girl is right.
02:48Power? I don't know if she's going to be able to.
02:51But she won't be short of money.
02:52Mr. Baeza won't allow it.
02:55Don't worry, dear.
02:56I'm afraid I'll be left without a house,
02:59without a job,
03:00without the money my in-laws ask me for,
03:02and of course, without my child.
03:04That won't happen, okay?
03:06Look, dear,
03:08even the darkest day has its ray of sun.
03:12That's very nice, Mother.
03:14And a truth like a temple.
03:17Yesterday, Salvador and Hanna came up with the idea
03:21that, among all of us at the service,
03:24we could raise the money your in-laws ask you for.
03:28But how are you going to do that?
03:30Well, by giving it our all.
03:32And it's not the first time.
03:34We did it a long time ago,
03:35for Salvador's eye surgery.
03:38But Salvador is Salvador,
03:39and I just got here, who says?
03:41No, you've been here longer than Salvador
03:44when we paid for his eye.
03:47You've been one of us for a long time.
03:50And you're Simona's daughter.
03:53Your mother and I love her very much,
03:54and so do you.
03:56Are you serious?
03:59God bless us, you're the most beautiful thing there is.
04:01Well, you and all the service of La Promesa.
04:17What the hell are you playing at, Ignacio?
04:21What's with the number you set up last night?
04:23What's wrong, Petra?
04:24Don't you like challenges?
04:26Are you aware of what could have happened to you
04:29if I came to talk?
04:31Are you aware of what could happen to you?
04:34Trinidad, let them clean up the rooms.
04:36They're not going to clean themselves.
04:38Let's go.
04:41Yes, sir, with pleasure.
04:43Let's go.
04:46Yes, sir, count.
04:47I'll take your instructions into account for the return.
04:50I told you.
04:52I knew that the relationship between you and Cruz
04:54was not at its best, and that you wouldn't talk.
04:57I, who you would watch over,
05:01because my relationship with the Marquise will be what it was again,
05:04I assure you.
05:06You've already talked about that.
05:08Stop humiliating yourself.
05:10Whatever you do will hurt you more than me.
05:14Don't intimidate me.
05:15You don't even scare me, Petra.
05:18Besides, we both know perfectly well
05:20that you don't give a damn what happens to Martina.
05:24You won't risk a hair to help her.
05:27Maybe you're right.
05:30And that Miss Martina is not holy to my devotion.
05:33And that she thinks a little discipline would be good for her.
05:37But I still think she's a young woman,
05:41with her whole life ahead of her, full of dreams.
05:45And that makes it easier for me to put myself in her place.
05:50You, putting yourself in someone else's place?
05:58Put me in Eva Ignacio's place.
06:00If Miss Martina doesn't return in a prudent time,
06:04I'll talk and tell her everything I know.
06:08Because I don't care about the consequences.
06:35Miss Martina,
06:37I hope no one misses you,
06:39but I thought you'd like to know what's going on in the world.
06:42Thank you, Hanna.
06:43It's good to know what's going on outside of these four walls.
06:46Well, being locked up here, well ...
06:49Well, locked up by your own will, I'll remind you.
06:52In any case, I wanted to know what was going on in the news.
06:56Well, I don't know what to do.
06:58I don't know what to do.
07:00I don't know what to do.
07:02I wanted to know what was going on in the news.
07:04I'm sorry if I've offended you with the subject.
07:07It's just that I'm a little sorry that you're back here.
07:11Well, I went to investigate,
07:14to prevent them from locking up my cousin, but I failed.
07:17My position in La Promesa no longer makes any sense.
07:21I'm sorry for you.
07:22The service ...
07:24No, I have nothing to blame you for.
07:26So I guess, by discarding you,
07:29you have to blame your family.
07:31That's right.
07:33And there is a particular member who monopolizes most of my reproaches.
07:37Let me guess.
07:39Your stepmother.
07:40It wasn't a very difficult riddle, was it?
07:44Well, but I'm still sorry that I stopped seeing the others for her.
07:47I'm very afraid that there is nothing to do about it.
07:51The situation has reached a point where the less we cross paths,
07:54the better for everyone.
07:56Anyway ...
07:58How are things around the palace?
08:01Did you hear anything about my cousin?
08:02Well, no, not for now. There is no news from the sanatorium.
08:05As far as I know, of course.
08:07It's horrible.
08:11I know, and you're right, but ...
08:13At least Mrs. Margarita says that it is beautiful
08:16and that she is already receiving all kinds of attention.
08:19Yeah, that's what they say.
08:21But it's a shame that we can't check it ourselves.
08:25Anyway, apparently they are very strict with visits
08:27if they are not allowed until several weeks have elapsed since his arrest.
08:32And that doesn't inspire confidence either.
08:34But we can't do anything about this either.
08:37Especially if there is no one investigating what happened.
08:40Well, you were doing it until you came back to the hangar.
08:44And there is nothing. I assure you.
08:47But I am convinced that my cousin is innocent.
08:50We all know that she did nothing.
08:52And I wish we could prove it.
08:55Well, I'll let you read the newspaper.
08:58I'll clean up there if you think it's okay.
09:00Thank you for everything, Hanna.
09:21What's going on?
09:24What's going on?
09:34My God.
09:47Go to the kitchen and order a tisana to be prepared for Mr. Márquez.
09:52He has read a piece of news in the newspaper and he has left you completely upset.
09:59Mr. Pellicer. Mr. Baeza.
10:01I just wanted to ask you how everything is going.
10:04Has he fully adapted to the routines of La Promesa?
10:07I think if it hadn't been like that, I would have already kicked the bucket.
10:10I see.
10:12Mr. Baeza, I have you because of a man who speaks clearly.
10:15And that's why I think he wants to talk to me about a matter that he doesn't dare to address.
10:19You are right, Mr. Pellicer.
10:22And I don't know why, but I also have the impression that someone has come to me with the story
10:25about an incident in which Vera is involved.
10:29Well, you're right again.
10:31And who has been the kind informant?
10:32Who do I have to thank for such a disinterested gesture?
10:36My father?
10:38Maybe López.
10:38That's the least of it.
10:41I have been at the head of La Promesa for many years
10:43and I have found a way to have eyes and ears in every corner.
10:48I understand.
10:49Now it has been both.
10:50Look, I'm going to be direct.
10:53Do you want to tell me your version of this matter?
10:56The truth is no.
10:58I already told my father everything with hair and signs
11:00and he took the matter for granted.
11:02Okay, well, nothing.
11:03Case closed.
11:05Before you go,
11:07I would like you to remember something.
11:12Do you remember why you are here?
11:14Excuse me?
11:15Do you know who made you call La Promesa here?
11:19Yes, I think it was a commitment of his.
11:23And not everyone agreed.
11:26And have you ever wondered why I did it?
11:30Look, if I wanted to have you here at La Promesa,
11:34it was because I always believed that you were a young man
11:36with great potential.
11:39And I thank you for your trust.
11:41Don't thank me with words,
11:44but give me back the trust that I placed in you.
11:47Of course, of course.
11:49What do I have to do to ...?
11:50Well, what you have to do is take advantage of the opportunities
11:54that life gives you and continue with that commitment
11:57and that courage that characterizes you.
11:58But without forgetting that the path to follow
12:01is probably not the easiest.
12:04Mr. Baez, I advise you to be a little clearer.
12:07A good understander does not need many words.
12:10And you are better than good, Mr. Pellicer.
12:13If so far I have wanted to convey my trust in your worth,
12:17know that this can change at any time.
12:21I will do my best so that does not happen.
12:23Focus on avoiding conflict and disobedience.
12:28Yes, with the rest of the service.
12:31With Mr. Ruiz, with his father,
12:34and even with Miss González.
12:38Did I explain myself well?
12:40I think so.
12:42Because otherwise I would be forced to dispense with your services.
12:46And that is something that neither you nor I want, right?
12:50Of course not.
12:59The explosions not only affected the center of cities like Nancy,
13:02causing hundreds of civilian victims,
13:05but also the surrounding forests,
13:08where the battalions deployed have registered the highest number of casualties
13:12since the beginning of the contest.
13:14My God!
13:16And in those forests is Manuel.
13:18From there he wrote the letter, the last one that arrived.
13:22Cruz, that region is as extensive as the entire province of Córdoba.
13:25It is most likely that neither Manuel nor Curro
13:27have been affected by that bombing.
13:30You can't bomb an entire province, right?
13:32Of course not.
13:36I have the feeling that this news is only the confirmation
13:39of all my feelings.
13:41There are so many nightmares and bad omens out there.
13:43Cruz, please, don't draw conclusions that have no logic.
13:47But I saw it, María Antonia.
13:50I saw my son in danger. I saw him drown in the rough waters of a river.
13:54But we already talked about it yesterday, Cruz.
13:57There are a thousand reasons that can cause those nightmares.
13:59Do you think that's consolation for me?
14:01The image was very real, María Antonia, very vivid.
14:04My son was dying before my eyes and I couldn't do anything to help him.
14:07Leave it, Cruz, please.
14:09Manuel will be fine, you'll see.
14:12This is a premonition.
14:14My son is really in need of my help right now.
14:16Oh, be reasonable, please.
14:20You can't spend the day tangled in such funeral thoughts.
14:23Come on, let's go for a walk and get some fresh air.
14:28Why not? It's a great day.
14:29No, no.
14:30The other day I went out and a wasp bit me.
14:32You're going to stop walking as soon as the wasps bite you.
14:34I told you no, please.
14:37I'm sorry.
14:39I'm very distressed. I don't feel like doing anything.
14:43This situation is getting out of hand.
14:45But, Cruz, I have a bad feeling that something bad is going to happen
14:49if it hasn't already happened.
14:59You don't get it.
15:01They wanted to have a good time with us
15:03and instead of being at the game,
15:05they were arguing all the time.
15:07What's the point of playing without money?
15:09That guy has a really bad temper.
15:11Really bad.
15:13Yeah, but he pays for it with his girlfriend.
15:16That's another thing I'll never understand,
15:18that they're together.
15:20I mean, love is blind, but it's not stupid.
15:23No, it doesn't apply.
15:25And all this time they've been together,
15:27I've never seen them have a good time.
15:29Like you and me, for example.
15:31Well, to have a good time like us,
15:33you have to love each other a lot.
15:35Salvador, that's not what I mean.
15:37We're always thinking about the same thing.
15:42I don't know what they'll do in their intimacy,
15:44I don't care.
15:46I just have a knot in my stomach
15:48that tells me that something weird is going on.
15:51And especially with Vera.
15:53Well, something weird is going on.
15:55I can't get my head out of my face
15:57when I think about Vera, the day of the wedding.
16:00Yeah, it didn't look like they were having a great time.
16:03No, he looked at us as if he were a lamb
16:05about to take it to the slaughterhouse.
16:07As if he were watching from afar
16:10his butcher with a knife in his hand.
16:12Now that you mention it, Maria,
16:14I have to tell you something.
16:16I talked to Lope and...
16:18Salvador, I was looking for you.
16:20Do you need help with any task?
16:22All I need is to thank you.
16:24Well, you and everyone else.
16:27Thank me for what?
16:29Because this morning my mother and Candela
16:31told me about the crêpe that was made for your operation.
16:34And that you are going to repeat the same thing
16:36to get the 550 pesetas
16:38and get my son back.
16:40Yes, well, the truth is that it was more Hanna's initiative,
16:43but I have also put my grain of sand.
16:45Well, and we're all going to put it.
16:48Even fill a desert if you do. Come here.
16:50What a good idea, Salvador,
16:52if you have a golden heart.
16:54It's not that big of a deal.
16:56If we get the eye surgery,
16:58what less than gathering quarters to bring your child, right?
17:01And how nice they left him. Look at him.
17:03Just like Ico.
17:05What is clear is that together we can do anything.
17:08That's it.
17:10Thank you.
17:12From the bottom of my heart.
17:14I don't know, you're going to get excited
17:16and you're going to shed a tear.
17:18I'm so excited to think
17:20that I can get my Adolfito back.
17:24Although I prefer to be cautious,
17:26that something always arises that complicates everything.
17:31No, you're going to get it.
17:33You just have to believe.
17:35You're right, Maria.
17:37I have to make an effort
17:39and start seeing life in a different way,
17:41more positive.
17:43Of course, even if it's just to be up to our level.
17:46Come on.
17:48Come on.
17:56550 pesetas is not a lump sum.
18:00No, but we don't have a hard time trying.
18:02I'm going to be a hurricane.
18:04A coin that shines, a coin that hits the target.
18:19The press talks about an intense bombing,
18:21but it does not specify the specific areas.
18:23And even if it did,
18:25I wouldn't be sure of anything.
18:28That's the way it is.
18:30There is no way to know if my brother and my cousin are well or not.
18:33I see.
18:36Do you know when the bombing was?
18:40So it's too soon to know about them.
18:46I'm sorry, Catalina.
18:49It must be hell
18:51to live with that uncertainty.
18:54And I would like to be able to help you.
18:58No one can do anything
19:00to get Manuel back to work.
19:04Maybe there is something that can be done.
19:08I could entertain you,
19:10or try to do it.
19:13I know some chants
19:15and my father taught me a song from a tavern
19:18that is not very suave.
19:21I'm sorry, I just wanted to help you.
19:23I'm a snob.
19:25Thank you for trying.
19:28But tell me something about you
19:30that I haven't stopped talking about since you arrived.
19:32I don't know, the only thing I can tell you
19:34is that I'm pretty exhausted.
19:36I never imagined that my father's business
19:38would involve so much work.
19:40I remember when I was a kid,
19:42he got up at dawn and went to bed shortly after sunset.
19:44And not a day did he complain.
19:47And now you arrive ...
19:49And I cry like a baby at the first shift.
19:51Come on, I deserve all the stones
19:53that Rando finds me.
19:55You'll get used to it.
19:58And the work will be more bearable.
20:00I hope that one day I can take things
20:02more calmly.
20:04Even face new projects.
20:08Like the chants of a tavern?
20:12No, I meant something more fruitful.
20:17Like ...
20:19resuming your jam business.
20:22I know I don't aspire to much,
20:24but I could be one of your fruit suppliers.
20:27You have plenty of fruit trees.
20:31You know what?
20:33I'm curious to know how you started your business.
20:35It all started with the talent
20:37of one of La Promesa's servants.
20:41A lackey who didn't stand out as a lackey,
20:43but he has a gift for the kitchen.
20:45And he made the first jams?
20:47That's right.
20:49Although saying that it was all thanks to him
20:52would not be fair.
20:54He contributed to the innovation,
20:56making the jams would have been impossible.
20:58I guess you would also do your part.
21:00And then there's how much
21:02the women of Lujan helped.
21:04Although I guess you'll be aware,
21:06a company is a collective task.
21:19Close the door and sit down, Santos.
21:27Thank you very much for coming so quickly
21:29to my call.
21:31I didn't have a choice,
21:33considering that another rapist is waiting for me.
21:35In this case, you're wrong, Rauw.
21:37I'm not trying to pick a fight or anything like that.
21:41In fact,
21:43I'd love for us to leave all that behind.
21:49Without further ado?
21:51Yes, and I know it won't be easy,
21:53but if you can,
21:55but if we could start over,
21:57at least in this palace,
21:59nothing would make me happier
22:01than for you to stop seeing me as an enemy.
22:07I don't see you as an enemy, Father.
22:09I understand that from time to time
22:11you have to keep up with me.
22:13After all, you're my superior
22:15and I guess that goes without saying.
22:17Do you really understand that?
22:21I'm torn.
22:23It shouldn't be easy.
22:25Well, no.
22:27No, it's not.
22:29It's hard for me to separate my feelings from yours
22:31and to forget that, above all,
22:33we're father and son.
22:35Is there something
22:37I've never told you about?
22:41Because I didn't dare to share it with you.
22:43It's about your grandfather, my father.
22:47I've never talked about him.
22:49You didn't get to meet him.
22:51And what was he like?
22:53He was a person
22:57with strong principles,
22:59obsessed with hard work
23:01and very marked
23:03by the bitter experiences he had in his youth.
23:05I understand it was in other times.
23:07And that's why he was so determined
23:09to instill those values in me.
23:13our relationship was...
23:20I didn't know.
23:22Yes, it was.
23:24I didn't want to follow in his footsteps.
23:26I wanted him to continue
23:28working in the family farm.
23:30A farm?
23:35I didn't want to work the land
23:37or milk cows.
23:39If it's good for you,
23:41I don't imagine it's good for my father.
23:43You're right.
23:45My dream has always been to work
23:47in a place like this, serving great men.
23:49And your father opposed it.
23:52He didn't understand that I preferred
23:54to work for others
23:56having a farm on my property
23:58that I had to get ahead of.
24:00And that's why we argued.
24:02We talked about a strong argument.
24:08So strong that I ended up leaving forever.
24:10And I left with one hand ahead
24:12and the other behind.
24:14I never imagined, Father,
24:16that I could be rebellious and rebellious.
24:18You've always been so...
24:23You see.
24:25So I went to Cordoba
24:27and soon I started working
24:30on what I wanted.
24:36I've always been tenacious and persistent,
24:38like you.
24:40And that's why I've always done well.
24:42And thanks to that, you're where you are now.
24:44Well, the...
24:48The thing is...
24:50Being away from home,
24:54I understood that,
24:56despite our differences,
25:02My father always...
25:04He always wanted the best for me.
25:09So, some time later,
25:11I tried...
25:13I tried to go to him
25:15to reconcile us.
25:17And could you make peace?
25:22No, I can't.
25:24He... He had passed away.
25:28And I didn't know.
25:32I could never thank him
25:34for all the values he instilled in me.
25:39How sorry I am, Father.
25:43And I don't want that to happen to me and my son.
25:56I guess Cruz is very upset.
25:58So am I.
26:00You're the one who should be.
26:02After all, it's our children who are in danger.
26:04I would rather believe they're leading a heroic speech.
26:10It looks like that bombing was a massacre.
26:12What do you think, as a soldier?
26:14No matter how much experience you have,
26:16it's hard to shed any light on this matter,
26:18this matter only from the information of the newspapers and you have more data
26:24silence sepulchral although judging by the ammunition used by the German aviation
26:30I intuit that the consequences have been devastating
26:36I was afraid of it, although I also tell you that many buses are needed to raze with the
26:40forests of Alsace and Lorena but a single projectile to end the lives of our children
26:49does not know anything else makes me feel very impotent you could not find out something we are going to do
26:56one thing I am going to put you in contact with the superior with whom I had dinner the other night
27:00maybe to notice your desperation he comes to tell you something else if you give me the signs I call him
27:08and martina we know something no I hope his stay in that sanatorium is less regrettable than
27:16what Cruz says she better than anyone else should know that those places are not as terrible as it seems
27:22maybe I should take notes on the matter you also want to know my opinion no but you are going to give it to me
27:29anyway but according to what I see one has to breastfeed with what he does and that girl has tried to
27:37poison her that is to prove that you say is proven or not proven what is
27:43true is that she was right to say that this place is much better for Martina than
27:47jail any place is better than jail better than the French front
27:53not everything is black and white at this point you should know
28:06so much effort trying to get that business ahead and goes and puts it in the hands of that
28:11captain who, from what I can see, does not trust a hair of him, that's how things are so
28:17Adriano, but I prefer to leave it alone, I don't want to remove it anymore, as he did with the
28:24management of his farm that you used to occupy, right? Yes, as you said, that was before
28:33past water does not move mills as the saying goes, but it also says that the waters return to their
28:41course and in your case it seems inevitable. What do you mean? Well, sooner or later he will be
28:50in charge of the management of his farm as well as the business of the jams. Now I see it complicated
28:59, for God's sake, I think I was a little late, I'm sorry to have entertained you, I just wanted
29:05you to take a book to read. A book? You already know that books and I are not good friends.
29:12Well, it's time for you to start making them. Any recommendations? Do you intend to fill the whole hangar with books?
29:21I don't fit all the ones I've brought on my last visit to the palace. I feel bad having them like this, but
29:27my shelf has broken and I don't know where to put them, so I insist, take one.
29:32If I can think of something better, let me set up a shelf. So little desire you have to read that
29:38you prefer to set up a shelf? It's going to be more practical, let me do it, it's my way of helping you.
29:46Okay. You'll see how I do it in a moment and in the meantime you can continue
29:52telling me things. Well, go ahead if you think I'm going to let you do it alone.
30:02As I told you, Santos was very cordial and willing to start over, without so much friction.
30:11That's great news, Ricardo. I'm very happy for you.
30:15Yes, of course, but the funny thing is that I had already tried to get close to him many times and I had never succeeded.
30:22What could have changed in his attitude?
30:24What else? Today was the day and that's it.
30:26Yeah, but I just don't understand why.
30:29Well, I don't know, maybe you told him something that made him reconsider.
30:32I told him about my father, I had never told him about him before.
30:36And I told him about all our differences and how things ended.
30:41It must have been that. For the first time he got on your feet and understood that it is not easy to be a son,
30:47but it is not easy to be a father either.
30:49Much less being welcome. Yes, I think so. I think for the first time he looked at me in a different way.
30:58And that smile?
31:00Nothing, that I'm happy for you.
31:02Well, it seems to me that you have been surprised quite a bit,
31:05considering how Santos always makes things difficult for me.
31:09Well, it's a matter of time for him to fix your differences.
31:12Well, it doesn't always happen. My father and I are not far away.
31:14Well, that's another story.
31:16Well, but the fact that he listened to me without interrupting me, escapes me.
31:21You don't have anything to do with it, do you?
31:24Have you talked to him?
31:25Not at all, not at all.
31:27You're in a hurry to deny it, you're surprised, aren't you?
31:30Come on, let's finish.
31:32You know what I think?
31:34That I just caught the impeccable Romulo Baeza in a lie.
31:39Come on, confess it. Have you talked to him?
31:42The only thing I told him was that he had to soften things with the service, including you.
31:46Despite the fact that I asked you, I would take care of it.
31:50Thank you very much, Romulo. You are a very good friend.
31:53Now the important thing is that we get that good boy back,
31:57who is under that armor of pride.
32:24Thank you for waiting for me with the lights on, Hanna.
32:27And if I don't pee before going to bed ...
32:29I know.
32:32And what's wrong with you? I already feel sad.
32:36I'm tired.
32:42Because of the news of the bombing of Sasia and Loretta, right?
32:46And you?
32:49Because of the news of the bombing of Sasia and Loretta, right?
32:55The truth is that it has me with my soul in my belly.
32:58The newspaper has said that ...
33:00that it was a fake. So ...
33:04Come on, you scared people.
33:06Couldn't they put more beautiful news in the newspapers?
33:10Well, it must have been terrible, really.
33:13All wars are, Hanna.
33:16But don't get into it.
33:18The worst thing is that they won't be there, Manuel.
33:20And God forbid.
33:21Maybe yes.
33:23Because the last time I wrote a letter to Manuel, he came from that area.
33:28Well, don't say huge things, because if not ...
33:30I turn off the light and we both go to sleep.
33:32If you dare to turn off the light, I don't want to close my eyes.
33:35In the end I'm going to end up imagining horrible things.
33:37Do you know what I'm going to do?
33:39I'm going to go down to the kitchen for a glass of milk.
33:41They say it's holy water, to reconcile sleep.
33:44Shut up and obey.
33:46Because you'll agree with me that you can't spend the whole night in the candle.
33:51Well, then you stay here and I'll be right back with the glass of milk.
33:55Good night.
34:14And have you managed to find out anything about what I told you?
34:18That's right.
34:20And well?
34:23You are right.
34:27I went to the town of Pía and visited the cemetery.
34:34His grave had the earth removed.
34:39I waited for it to be done at night to make the relevant checks.
34:44Please, this is his grave.
34:47No, Mrs. Narcos, I did not dig any grave.
34:52Because when I opened the coffin ...
34:56it was empty.
34:58Jesus Maria José!
35:02Yes, for being extravagant, everything indicates that you were right.
35:09Pía lives.
35:12And she will be hidden somewhere near here, probably taking care of that intruder Hanna.
35:20And what do you plan to do now?
35:23Follow that maid, of course.
35:27Find out where she is going when she leaves the palace and give her my wife's whereabouts.
35:32For that I need your help.
35:34Count on it.
35:37I have already started doing my part.
35:39What do you mean?
35:41Well, yesterday I apologized to everyone for my attitude lately.
35:47But as you will understand, I just wanted the guards to come down.
35:50I think I got it right.
35:53I need my eyes and my ears to be the promise.
35:58Count on them, Mr. Castillo.
36:01But now leave.
36:03It is convenient that no one sees you around here.
36:23Santa Maria, don't you see that you are not letting me sleep in peace?
36:26What surprised Petra on the garden stairs?
36:29Talking to Gregorio.
36:31What? Gregorio is here?
36:33Yes, I saw it with these two eyes. They were talking in the dark.
36:36And those two can't get any better.
36:38But where are you going in such a hurry?
36:40To talk to Don Rámulo.
36:42But you're crazy, you're not going anywhere.
36:44What do you mean?
36:45To talk to Don Rámulo.
36:46But you're crazy until now.
36:48Maria, there's no time to lose, this is very serious.
36:51I'm coming.
36:57It will be just a runaway.
36:59A few days away from the promise, away from all this noise.
37:02I don't know if it's appropriate, Ignacio.
37:04I think that after everything that has happened, you and I deserve it.
37:08I just don't feel like doing a leisure trip when my daughter is hospitalized in a sanatorium.
37:14This trip is to compensate you for so much suffering.
37:17Oh yeah?
37:18And who compensates her?
37:21You know she can't receive visits the first few weeks.
37:23Your suffering doesn't help her at all.
37:26Let's go far away.
37:28Let's recover energy.
37:29You're going to need it when they finally let you visit her.
37:33I don't know, maybe you're right.
37:36It's just that this topic is driving me crazy.
37:38It will be wonderful for you, you'll see.
37:41Let's go to the coast, near the sea.
37:44Well, it could be good, yes.
37:46I have some friends, the men of Escañuela, Don Antonio and Doña Bárbara,
37:50they have a palace in Sanlúcar de Barrameda.
37:54I don't have the pleasure.
37:55They are a charm.
37:56They recently wrote to me and invited me to spend a few days with them.
37:59It's not far away.
38:01What do you think?
38:03I don't know, Ignacio, I have doubts about all this.
38:08Good evening.
38:10Why did you wake up so late?
38:11We were sleeping at this time.
38:13I can't sleep.
38:15I suspect you neither.
38:17You have to rest, dear.
38:19I prefer to be up.
38:21I refuse to turn around in bed.
38:23Do you want us to make you a herbal tea?
38:24Maybe that way you can sleep.
38:26No, you don't understand, Ignacio.
38:27I don't want to sleep.
38:29For nothing in the world I would like to have one of those nightmares again.
38:33Well, stay with us then.
38:41What were you talking about?
38:42Well, nothing important.
38:43We were making plans.
38:46What kind of plans?
38:49Given the current circumstances with Martina, who has just been admitted.
38:52Have you heard anything else from her?
38:56The truth is, no.
38:57Well, we can't be calling day after day.
39:00I already told you.
39:01Until a few days pass and the doctors see how she adapts, they won't be able to tell us anything.
39:06This is another issue that doesn't allow me to continue the dream.
39:11There were no plans.
39:13You took her from here, from the palace, at midnight, and in a hurry.
39:16Without even allowing me to do anything about it.
39:19You shouldn't have done anything, Cruz.
39:21Oh, no? Not even say goodbye to her?
39:22Well, we did the right thing.
39:24You acted heartlessly.
39:26And with a lot of selfishness.
39:27That's the truth.
39:28Well, enough.
39:29I'm a little tired of so much hypocrisy.
39:31You're a lynx looking at the straw in someone else's eye and not looking at the beam in Cruz's own.
39:34Don't talk to me in that tone.
39:36Well, according to what I've been told, you did exactly the same with your sister Eugenia on the last visit.
39:40You took her out of the palace, in a hurry, in the middle of the night, without letting her say goodbye to her son.
39:45My poor sister has a real disorder.
39:48She has no point of comparison.
39:50That doesn't justify how you behaved.
39:52Well, in our defense, I would say that we follow the recommendations of the specialists.
39:56They advised us to spare Martina the disgust of saying goodbye to her family.
40:01Nothing to do with depriving Curro of a deserved farewell from his mother.
40:05Well, enough already.
40:06And stop mentioning Curro.
40:08That spoiled brat.
40:09You have no right to talk about him like that.
40:11No, yes, yes, I have the right.
40:12And do you know why?
40:14Because if it weren't because that capricious man had to go face to face,
40:18right now my son would be in La Promesa, safe and sound.
40:22What do you mean Mr. Castillo was in La Promesa?
40:35María Fernández saw him.
40:38A moment ago, he went down to the service floor for a glass of milk and saw him talking to Mrs. Petra,
40:42who were on the stairs leading to the garden.
40:45María Fernández is completely sure it was him.
40:48She couldn't have confused him with ...
40:50It was him, Mr. Baeza, it was him.
40:52And I think we should wake everyone up to see if they catch him.
40:56I'm sure he's already left.
40:58The same as he came in.
40:59Giving the voice to the soul, the only thing we're going to get is to give Mr. Arco a warning.
41:04Now I understand about his apologies.
41:06If he asked for forgiveness, it was to lower the guard.
41:09That's right, that's right.
41:10And he got it.
41:11That man has entered a palace, it shows how exposed we are.
41:16But what are we going to do?
41:18Because it is clear that we have to continue bringing him food and supplies to Mrs. Pia.
41:22That is out of the question.
41:25Mrs. Petra is watching us.
41:27And now we know who is going to tell her anything if she finds out something.
41:31We will have to be extremely careful if we are in a jail.
41:35They also have their point of view on me.
41:38And in fact, I'm convinced that Gregorio knows where I'm going, so ...
41:42You are in grave danger.
41:45That man may be on the lookout to follow you next time.
41:49You don't have to go back to that cave.
41:52No, no, no, no.
41:53Because you are not only putting yourself in danger, you are also putting Mrs. Adolfo in danger.
41:59And then what will that minister bring him?
42:01I don't know.
42:02Then we have to think about it quickly.
42:04Because we are thinking too much about the agreement and Mrs. Pia has neither water nor food.
42:07You are absolutely right.
42:10What are we going to do?
42:12For a moment, take a deep breath and relax.
42:15It is clear that that man is not going to do anything tonight.
42:17It is true that we have to act quickly, but it is essential to do things cautiously.
42:23I'll think about it tonight, we'll talk tomorrow.
42:40Day 2
42:54Good morning.
42:55Good morning.
42:56Can I steal your moment?
42:58Sure, what do you need?
43:01I haven't been able to get my head out of the conversation we had.
43:05And I have come to the conclusion that you are right.
43:08All the reason.
43:10That I can't go on like this and that I have to face Santos.
43:14Are you serious?
43:18I have been naive not to want to face him and I can't delay it any longer.
43:24I agree.
43:25I have to stop him.
43:27Because if not, all this will go further and I will end up going crazy.
43:32So I have decided that I will try to solve all this for good.
43:39And if Santos does not agree?
43:42Well, he will have to accept my decision.
43:45And if he doesn't, wait.
43:47And if he decides to reveal the secret of your past, what?
43:50Well then I will have to assume the consequences.
43:52If only you told me what it is about.
43:57Lope, I appreciate that you have supported me so far without knowing it.
44:01At the moment I prefer it to continue like this.
44:05Okay. As you prefer.
44:09You know you have me for whatever you need.
44:11You know that, right?
44:15I don't know.
44:21I am glad of that decision you are making with respect to Santos.
44:24You are being very brave, Vera.
44:28I am really very proud of you.
44:31Well ...
44:33I wouldn't have achieved all this if it weren't for your help.
44:38In fact, I haven't achieved anything yet.
44:42But you will.
44:45You will see.
44:50And ...
44:52If you want ...
44:54After I solve all this ...
44:58Can we get back what was between us?
45:02Of course.
45:06Because I need you to breathe, Vera.
45:12But I'm very afraid.
45:28I love you.
45:40You didn't have problems with the isolator, then?
45:43I already told you no.
45:44Come on, my eyes were squinting when I saw Marra's bracelet.
45:48You don't know how much I appreciate it.
45:50It has been a pleasure to help you, friend.
45:52You can't imagine how happy I am to know that letter is traveling.
45:56It's only a matter of time before it reaches its destination.
45:59Well, now, with all this war, things are going slower than usual, but ...
46:03But yes.
46:04But it will arrive.
46:05You'll see.
46:06And that's what matters.
46:08God will hear you.
46:09And when that letter reaches Curro's hands, he will know where you are.
46:12And he will know that you still love him despite everything.
46:15I hope so.
46:18Uh ...
46:21One moment.
46:23Do you know his name?
46:27That's his name, right?
46:31Yes, but I haven't told you.
46:32How do you know his name is Curro?
46:35He must have escaped you.
46:36Otherwise, how would I know?
46:37No, no, he didn't escape me.
46:38How do you know?
46:41Maybe I read it in the envelope.
46:42When you gave it to me.
46:43To send it.
46:44Yes, I know you put Francisco, but ...
46:47Curro is a diminutive of Francisco, isn't it?
46:50And it's also Fran, and Cisco, and Paco ...
46:52How do you know it's Curro?
46:54I was lucky.
46:56You will introduce it to me, right?
46:59Let's continue with the passage.
47:08It's my bracelet.
47:09What are you doing?
47:10It's mine.
47:11No, no.
47:12It's the bracelet you were going to give the jailer so he could send the letter to Curro.
47:14What are you talking about?
47:15This bracelet is mine.
47:16It's Martina's.
47:18Yes, and Martina is me.
47:20That's not true.
47:21I am Martina.
47:22I am Martina and Curro is my boyfriend.
47:24Juana, please give me the bracelet.
47:25It's mine.
47:26I am Martina.
47:28You can't imagine what I miss you, Curro.
47:31And the desire I have to hug you.
47:34I pray every day that you end that war and come back safe and sound.
47:37Have you read my letter?
47:39It's my letter.
47:40No, it was an intimate letter.
47:41It was my letter.
47:42What's this game about?
47:43I don't understand it.
47:44My letter.
47:45Martina's letter.
47:46My bracelet.
47:47Martina's bracelet.
47:49Curro, my boyfriend.
47:50Martina's boyfriend.
47:51What are you doing?
47:55Juana, Juana, Juana, Juana, look at me, please, Juana.
48:00Juana, please, Juana.
48:10Since Martina is recovering in the sanatorium,
48:14you and I should definitely seal our love.
48:17Are you talking about getting married?
48:21Are you rejecting a gift from me?
48:24I could accept it on one condition.
48:26And what is that condition that you want to put?
48:29That she accepts my invitation to dinner.
48:31When I call to explain what has happened,
48:33they kick me out.
48:34It torments me to think about what will be happening to my niece there, locked up.
48:37How did it happen that Gregorio came back here?
48:40Has he made any decision about it?
48:42He has decided that María Fernández and you will leave here.
48:46And me?
48:47What do you mean we're not going?
48:48Where are we going?
48:49And those days you say, how many days are they?
48:51And above all, Hanna, why are we leaving?
48:53No matter how hard you try to hide it,
48:55every time you notice more that something is happening to you.
48:57Well, even if it is,
48:59I ask you, please, not to meddle.
49:01There are things that it is better not to remove.
49:03I am offering myself to help you.
49:06Maybe it would be good for me to vent.
49:09I think it would be good for you.
49:10It seems that there have been several attacks from the enemy
49:13in the place where Curro and Manuel were.
49:17And there are many dead.
49:19The problem is that many of them are unidentified.