• 5 months ago
Fox News ¦ Trump sentencing could be delayed after SCOTUS ruling.


00:00And we learned just this hour that Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has written
00:16to Judge Juan Marchand.
00:18He says that he is not opposed to postponing President Trump's sentencing in his New York
00:23criminal trial and conviction.
00:26Right now, that is still set for next Thursday, July 11th.
00:30Leo Terrell, attorney and Fox News contributor is here.
00:33Leo, what do you make of all of this?
00:37What I make of all of this is simply this.
00:39The Supreme Court got it right.
00:40It is a great day for the rule of law and we're turning away from being a banana republic.
00:46Dagan, let me be as clear as possible.
00:48This wasn't a ruling just for Trump.
00:50You correctly stated it.
00:51This is a ruling to protect the office of the presidency from weaponization by the judicial
00:58system and by others who want to go after a former president.
01:02Let me be very clear.
01:03This ruling today, this decision by Alvin Bragg, is because he recognized the fact that
01:09some of the evidence in that fake New York hush money case was inadmissible.
01:14They were official acts.
01:15And if I was Alvin Bragg and Jack Smith, I would throw him a towel.
01:19These cases are dead.
01:22They were motivated simply because they do not want President Trump on the ballot.
01:27One interesting thing is, and you keep hearing this over and over again from the left, the
01:34president is now a king.
01:36And this was in Judge Sonia Sotomayor's dissent, I believe.
01:41But what about the checks and balances against the president?
01:46And the Wall Street Journal editorial board writes about this.
01:49How about Congress?
01:50And the judiciary?
01:52They still exist.
01:54The impeachment power still exists.
01:56Elections are the ultimate check on abusive presidents, the Wall Street Journal writes.
02:02And how could they be shocked about this decision in the first place?
02:06The Supreme Court just followed up on the 1982 opinion, Nixon v. Fitzgerald, which dealt
02:12with civil suits.
02:16You're absolutely right.
02:1735 years of being a civil rights lawyer.
02:18Let me be as clear as possible.
02:21The Supreme Court just simply followed the rules and regulations of the Constitution.
02:25You just laid out all the options available to the American people.
02:30You have impeachment there.
02:32You have the rule of law to vote out a candidate or a candidate who's running for office.
02:38Every avenue is available.
02:40And I want to be clear, Biden's corrupt open border policy is protected under this rule
02:46of law.
02:47And so what you have, you have sour grapes on the part of the Democrats, Dagan.
02:51They're mad.
02:53Because they want to take President Trump off the ballot.
02:55I'm old enough to remember the Colorado Supreme Court wanted to take him off the ballot.
03:01Thank goodness for the Supreme Court.
03:02Thank goodness that the Supreme Court is above the fray of politics.
03:06And we have to make sure that the rule of law applies.
03:10The Democrats aren't done.
03:11They're going to try everything possible to try to prevent us, the American people,
03:17from voting for President Trump.
03:19Well, one progressive congresswoman, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, wants to drag the high court
03:25down into the political muck.
03:28She says that she's planning to file articles of impeachment following the Supreme Court
03:33She posted on X quote, the Supreme Court has become consumed by a corruption crisis beyond
03:39its control.
03:41Today's ruling represents an assault on American democracy.
03:44It is up to Congress to defend our nation from this authoritarian capture.
03:49I intend on filing articles of impeachment upon our return.
03:54The House is in recess until July 8th.
03:56If she files, they would likely go to the GOP-led House Judiciary Committee for review.
04:04Articles against whom, bless her heart.
04:08I think she's trying to threaten the Supreme Court justices.
04:12That article proposal will go nowhere.
04:16You know what AOC's upset with?
04:18AOC's upset with people like myself and over 50% of this country who want to vote for President
04:25That's why she's mad.
04:26You're talking about democracies at issue?
04:28The Democrats do not want the American people to vote for President Trump.
04:32And the Supreme Court said, no, that's not going to happen.
04:35The American people will have the opportunity to vote and elect President Trump as our next
04:41president in November of 2024.
04:43And what they're also trying to do, Dagan, is deflect from an incompetent, cognitively
04:49declined president who cannot articulate a thought.
04:54I challenge President Biden and the Democrats for him to appear before the American public
05:00without cue cards, without a teleprompter, and stand and answer questions for an hour.
05:06He can't do it.
05:08Before we go, do you think that Judge Marshawn will delay the sentencing next week?
05:14Oh, yes, he has to.
05:17Because you have newly acquired information and law.
05:20He has to consider it.
05:21If he doesn't, he will become a laughingstock.
05:24He has an obligation.
05:25So Bragg's acknowledgement that he has no opposition, I want to be very clear to the
05:30Fox viewers, that sentencing will be delayed and there will be a hearing on whether or
05:35not this motion should be set aside.
05:38Big victory for President Trump.
05:40Leo Terrell, always a pleasure, sir.
05:43Thank you for being here.
