
  • 3 months ago
فيلم تاج
00:00I appreciate the opportunity to be here today to discuss how to improve care for
00:04the nearly 400,000 children that are living in the foster care system as we
00:08speak. While my experience was not through the foster care system, I know
00:13from personal experience the harm that is caused by being placed in youth
00:16residential treatment facilities. When I was 16 years old, I was ripped from my
00:22bed in the middle of the night and transported across state lines to the
00:26first of four youth residential treatment facilities. These programs
00:30promised healing, growth, and support, but instead did not allow me to speak, move
00:35freely, or even look out a window for two years. I was force-fed medications and
00:40sexually abused by the staff. I was violently restrained and dragged down
00:45hallways, stripped naked, and thrown into solitary confinement. My parents were
00:51completely deceived, lied to, and manipulated by this for-profit industry
00:55about the inhumane treatment I was experiencing. Today, residential
01:00facilities are continuing to warehouse over 50,000 foster youth, an unknown
01:05number of adopted youth, in lockdown facilities. Innocent kids who have not
01:10committed crimes. Kids whose parents didn't have resources to support them.
01:15Kids whose parents passed away. Kids who have already experienced trauma. This
01:21$23 billion a year industry sees this population as dollar signs and operates
01:27without meaningful oversight. It costs approximately $800 to $1,000 per day to
01:34place a foster youth in a facility, significantly more expensive than
01:38serving them in their own communities. What is more important, protecting
01:43business profits or protecting foster youth lives? Why can't we as a society
01:48see that these kids are hurting? They need love and kindness, not beatings and
01:53restraints. As a mom, these stories break my heart. Progress isn't an option
01:59anymore. It's a life or death responsibility. If you are a child in the
02:04system, hear my words. I see you. I believe you. I know what you're going through and
02:12I won't give up on you. You are important. Your future is important and
02:16you deserve every opportunity to be safe and supported. Congress, please join me
02:22in creating a world where all children have a right to family, love, education,
02:27and the support they need. You know, I was only sent there because I was getting
02:31bad grades. I was just ditching classes. I had ADHD. I have ADHD and that was
02:39something that they weren't really talking about back then, so somebody
02:43recommended that I go to these schools. My parents had no idea. They just thought
02:49it was going to be a normal boarding school and when I got there, there was no
02:55therapy. We would just constantly be torn down, abused, screamed at, yelled at, no
03:03education whatsoever. I learned nothing there except trauma.
