What Life Is Like In Canada best video in canada

  • 2 months ago
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00:00🎵Lively Music🎵
00:30🎵Lively Music Continues🎵
01:01Well, hello friends. Welcome to Saskatchewan. Welcome to the middle of Canada.
01:09We are currently on my dad's farm where the nearest town is like 10 kilometers away
01:16and the population of that town is about 500 people.
01:20So this is an area of Canada that I highly doubt many tourists come to see
01:26and it's a shame because on the surface it may look like there's really not a lot to see here.
01:31There's obviously not a lot going on but being someone who was raised in Saskatchewan
01:37like I was born in Ukraine but I grew up here from the age of five,
01:41there's actually so much more beauty and just so many more interesting things
01:46that go on in these parts than probably people realize.
01:49So in today's video I wanted to give you guys an inside look of what life is like in these parts.
01:55I'm probably going to have my dad give more of a tour since he's the farmer
02:00and lives in this area of what life is like here.
02:04So I hope you guys will enjoy this inside look and let's get to it.
02:08Hello Pebbles. Aren't you a cutie? Aren't you a cutie?
02:15And here is the man, the legend himself, Gordon MacLeod.
02:22Here with witch cat. Who's this? Blackie. Very creative names.
02:28Alright dad, what can you tell us about...
02:32He said it all. Yeah, he said it all.
02:36I have nothing to add to it. Pebbles said it all.
02:40So you've basically been a farm boy all your life, right? Right.
02:45Where did you grow up?
02:50But you grew up like on a farm outside of Knisteno. Of course, yeah.
02:54And so your dad was a farmer too, right? Yeah, born, raised, farmed all my life.
02:58What age would you say you started helping out on the farm?
03:02Well, when we were quite young, I started driving the tractor and haul all the grain from the combine at 12.
03:08Yeah? Yeah, as soon as we could push the clutch in and change gears, we had the job.
03:15And so was farming something that you enjoyed right from the get-go or it was kind of just the thing to do?
03:20No, well, it's the thing to do. You're brought up to it, but yeah, you enjoy it.
03:25Your own boss and you know, you've got to do the work, but you have your own schedule too.
03:31Yeah. Blackie.
03:34And then also when you're on the farm, you have all these cats and dogs which are kind of special.
03:42They're fun. They're fun. I love how they act and what they do.
03:46Yeah. All right. So my dad's got his truck started and we're going to take you on a little tour of Hafford.
04:42So obviously we're in the quarantine right now too.
05:10So yeah, things are a lot quieter.
05:14The grocery store is still open.
05:16Hafford Fine Foods and the liquor store is also probably open, right?
05:23Yeah. We got the pharmacy and Hafford Cafe looks closed.
05:30Here's the credit union.
05:32Credit union. That's the local bank.
05:34Seniors Hall.
05:38And this here is, I forget what they do here, but maybe they have a beauty salon.
05:44Oh, okay. Yeah.
05:49And here's the insurance agency plus the liquor store.
05:54Oh, okay. Kind of weird that the insurance agency would be with the liquor store.
05:58If you drink, you need insurance.
06:12Well, the thing about going to school in a small town that I found anyway, is you really get to know each other really well.
06:19Because you're literally with the same 15 people for 12 or 13 years if you count kindergarten.
06:26As I hear in the bigger schools, I don't personally know because I've never been.
06:30They usually actually go to like one certain elementary school.
06:34Then they go to a middle school.
06:35Then they go to like high school.
06:38I think those are like the three levels or whatever.
06:43So in a small town, not only are you in a very close-knit community where everybody knows everyone and thinks they know everything about everyone.
06:52But you basically spend your whole education with the same people every day.
06:57Strangely enough, Hafford actually has a mini sort of hospital where they have one doctor or like a nurse practitioner to do the very basics of healthcare.
07:07But just behind it here, they do have a seniors slash nursing home.
07:12So this is actually quite special for a small community to have.
07:17And as you guys can see, they actually got a Ukrainian Catholic church here in the town.
07:24Because Saskatchewan in general, about probably 70 years ago or so, was giving a lot of immigration proposals to people from Ukraine.
07:36So there's actually a lot of Ukrainians besides me who live in Saskatchewan.
07:42And just the prairies here in Canada in general.
07:45And as you can see, they've built a lot of their own churches here as well.
07:50I just want to get up and dance.
07:52Oh, you can do that too.
08:10I just want to get up and dance.
08:12Oh, you can do that too.
08:19I'm hitting sauce.
08:20south. They tell me that it's warm down there. They tell me that there's people I should
08:30meet already down there. I'm packing up a suitcase, taking my guitar, heading out somewhere
08:49in a rusty old car. Heard singing in the front yard, sun's been shining all day. Well, I'm
09:18all right, guys. We're with my dad's friend, friend Clarence, and he is a wonderful musician.
09:47And Clarence, since we're talking about living in a small town, what brought you here? Like,
09:53why did you choose this town? I prefer a small town as opposed to the big city. I was born
10:02in a small town and raised on a farm, and I like the slower pace. Hathord's pretty slow.
10:12But you've played music like all your life, too, since you were small. Oh, yes, yes. The
10:16whole family was musical. My father had music stores, and we were always around the music,
10:23played in bands, and all kinds of bands. Polka bands, rock and roll bands, country bands. Yeah.
10:30Even took some Beethoven, Tchaikovsky. Oh, wow. A blend. All kinds of stuff, yeah. So,
10:36where do you see your music, like, or where would you like to see it go in the future? Like,
10:41would you like to do, like, live shows? Would you like to put out an album? What would you
10:46like to do with it? I would like all of the above. Yeah. To an extent. I like writing a lot. I like
10:55working with the words that I recall. And you write all your own stuff, right? Yes, I do. That's
11:00awesome. Well, for anybody interested, we're gonna link Clarence's YouTube channel in the
11:05description, so he's probably gonna have more stuff coming up on there. So, if you want to
11:10check out his stuff, make sure you guys click the link below. Yeah. So, the thing about small
11:24towns that I think a lot of people wonder about is, what do people actually do for work outside
11:31of them just being a farmer, in case they have land? So, what would you say, in Hafford, like,
11:38what would people do as a job? Well, there's a grocery store, a pharmacy, a bank, an insurance
11:48agency with a liquor store, and then there's a nice eating place or restaurant. And then on the
11:57north side of the highway, there's, there's one gas station on the west side, and then there's the
12:04other side, they got the Co-op Agro, and they deliver fuel and got hardware, and they hire quite
12:13a few people there. There's probably six or eight people or more that work there. But overall, you'd
12:19say, in these kinds of parts and in, like, small towns in Saskatchewan in general, most people have
12:25something to do with agriculture, right? Yes, but in the small towns, there'll be quite a few senior
12:31people. Oh, yeah. Because it's a cheaper place to live. Yeah. But they also have a school here from
12:39grades 1 to 12. Yeah. So they have that many schoolteachers, too. True. That's interesting, because
12:47you've always said that back in your day, there were so many people that lived out on the farm,
12:53or lived in smaller sort of communities, but now it's becoming less and less, because people are
12:59choosing to move to the big cities, even here in Saskatchewan, we have Saskatoon. So these smaller
13:06towns are getting even smaller, right? Yeah, well, the farmers are getting so much bigger, so there's not
13:12many people living out in the country now. Yeah.
13:29Transcribed by https://otter.ai
13:59As you guys can see, there's still snow on the ground. It's basically the end of April. And
14:29yeah, this is Saskatchewan weather, in a nutshell.
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15:30So I hope you guys enjoyed today's video. This was Life in a Small Town slash Rural Saskatchewan.
15:40Let me know in the comments down below what you guys thought. And if you've ever been to
15:44Saskatchewan, I would love to know. And I think I'm going to try and do one more video while I'm here,
15:50probably more on farming, because I think that's actually a fascinating and very crazy profession.
16:00So we'll get my dad's input on those types of things, because there's a lot of factors that I
16:04don't think people ever consider when they think about farmers. So I think that would be an
16:09interesting video. And just in a few days, I'm actually going to be heading back to Toronto,
16:15to my home. Things in Canada are getting better, I think, as it is in the whole world, thankfully.
16:22So I'm hoping that trend continues. So I'll be able to start planning an actual trip for some
16:29time this year. And just on that note, I wanted to give a big shout out to my amazing Patreon
16:35patrons, the people who are supporting me on there. Thank you so much, especially in this period,
16:42because this is not what exactly I had planned. So thank you so much for supporting me on there.
16:49And if you do enjoy my content, please consider supporting me on Patreon. I will put a link in
16:54the description. And other than that, I hope you guys are having an amazing day.
16:59Keep being your own kind of beautiful, and I will see you soon. Bye, guys.
17:12Transcribed by https://otter.ai
