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Join us for an exclusive interview with Vlada Galan, an esteemed Elections Expert and International Political Strategist. Vlada serves as President & Chairman of the Board of the International Ukrainian Crisis Fund and is a Partner at Altum International. With a deep understanding of US and Ukrainian politics, Vlada discusses the global implications of the upcoming US election, focusing on foreign policy, international relations, and the impact of the Ukraine conflict on American voters and campaign strategies. She also analyses Biden's and Trump's approaches to key domestic issues and evaluates their crisis management capabilities. Don't miss her insights on global perceptions of the US electoral process and its outcomes. Join the conversation with Vlada Galan, exclusively on Oneindia.

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00:00Biden's had four years to prove what he's capable of on delivering to the American people.
00:07And unfortunately, it really feels as if he's failed. His green initiatives have failed.
00:12He's certainly watching the United States, and we find ourselves in a position where I feel that there isn't much of a choice.
00:20And I think we've all seen how the Democratic Party has responded in their calls to ask Biden to step down.
00:28There is an active campaign. There are active debates. That is no longer the case.
00:32He's cognitively come to a different position. So it's a very, very different scenario.
00:37Hello and welcome to this special broadcast on U.S. elections.
00:41So today we are joined by Vlada Galan all the way from Kiev in Ukraine.
00:46And Vlada joins us from there. Thank you so much, Vlada.
00:50She is the elections expert, lobbyist, public relations specialist, president and chairman of the Board of International Ukrainian Crisis Fund.
01:00Vlada, I must say that you wear too many hats, but given the scenario and the two countries that you are representing as of now,
01:08you are in Ukraine and elections are due in the United States.
01:11How do you see this whole scenario unfolding in the United States?
01:16And geographically, internationally, if I may ask you, what are the implications that you're looking at following the U.S. elections?
01:23Well, I think the situation that we have unfolding in the United States has truly shocked the world.
01:30And that starts, first and foremost, a huge part of the world who was able to stream it or watch,
01:37watch the presidential debate that just took place just last week.
01:43I think that the world is shocked by Biden's cognitive decline, his age and just the declining cognitive abilities.
01:54I mean, at the end of the day, we're in a global power competition.
01:59You have Russia and China at the table and the U.S.
02:03And are we seriously being led in the United States by a president with a very heavy cognitive decline?
02:13It was very evident in the debate. So the political situation has raised a lot of questions for what the future of the U.S. looks like.
02:22First of all, we can take a step back and remind ourselves that nobody thought that we would be in the position,
02:30that we would have another Trump-Biden rematch. Yet here we are. We do have another Trump-Biden rematch.
02:38And Biden, the last time, had the luxury during COVID-19 to hide and not be actively on the campaign trail.
02:47He could sit and hide back with his advisers and have very small events with a very limited number of people under the auspice of COVID-19.
02:57That no longer is the case. There is an active campaign. There are active debates. That is no longer the case.
03:04He's cognitively come to a different position. So it's a very, very different scenario.
03:08And the world is certainly watching the United States.
03:12And we find ourselves in a position where I feel that there isn't much of a choice.
03:17And I think we've all seen how the Democratic Party has responded in their calls to ask Biden to step down.
03:24Well, absolutely. And that fiery debate that happened a couple of days ago was something, if that is the beginning,
03:31then trust me, how it is going to end and how it's going to culminate into is something that the whole world definitely will be watching.
03:39Talking about the domestic issues, how do you perceive both Joe Biden's and Donald Trump's approach towards these domestic issues like economy,
03:50health care, climate change, for that matter, and which approach do you think resonates more with the American voters?
03:58Well, at the end of the day, Biden's had four years to prove what he's capable of on delivering to the American people.
04:05And unfortunately, it really feels as if he's failed. His green initiatives have failed.
04:11We have a rampant issue at the United States border with Mexico.
04:16And you have a massive amount of border crossings. You have drugs flooding across our border.
04:21You have rampant crime spreading across the United States.
04:26You have central cities that are filled with illegal immigrants that are staying luxury five star hotel accommodations in some cities.
04:37What does that say to the average American that is just trying to put food on the table and take care of their family?
04:45What does it say to the black American whose community center was taken over by migrants that needed a place to sleep?
04:53Are they less valuable in the American system?
04:57They're American citizens and American citizens have to come first.
05:00So I think Biden's policies have clearly failed.
05:04I can't point to one overly successful policy.
05:07And the debate was riddled with false claims from Biden talking about how the average African-American is better off and average black American is better off under Biden.
05:19That's just not the case. In fact, I can tell you myself, I have a home in the United States.
05:24When I go grocery shopping, groceries cost three times the price of what they cost under Trump.
05:31And that is a significant issue. Americans vote by the pocketbooks.
05:35And so inflation is incredibly high. So I don't see that Biden's presidency has been overly successful.
05:42Trump often had a very firm rhetoric, but his policies worked.
05:47So however you feel about the man, however you feel about his rhetoric, the policies worked.
05:54Fair enough. From your understanding of things, obviously Joe Biden needs to do more, fail to deliver in the four years that was stipulated to him.
06:04Talking about the international sphere, Vlad, you are in Ukraine as of now.
06:09Many people believe, maybe the critiques of Joe Biden and supporters of Donald Trump, that had Donald Trump been in power, he could have avoided this prolonged war between Russia and Ukraine.
06:24Do you think so? Because I distinctly remember Donald Trump going out and meeting Kim Jong-un on an island in Singapore.
06:32Do you think that he could have done something to make the world a safer place?
06:37At the end of the day, we cannot lie to ourselves. We have to admit that Biden has emboldened our enemies.
06:43I'm sitting in Ukraine right now, and this war should have never happened.
06:47Biden's weakness enabled Putin. Now, because of that, hundreds of thousands of people are dead.
06:54My father has been enlisted to fight. He received a draft notice just a few weeks ago himself.
07:01He's sitting in Odessa, Ukraine, the port city.
07:04So look at what happened in Israel October 7th. This should have never happened.
07:09The problem when you have someone weak in the White House is it emboldens our enemies.
07:16Trump is the only president in the last, I don't know, 25 years that hasn't had a war start under him and hasn't had a serious conflict take place under his presidency.
07:29So I think the facts speak for themselves.
07:32I think there is this slander campaign and this misinformation to say that Trump was very close with Putin.
07:40No, I think Trump knew how to handle Putin. I think Trump knew how to play both sides of the coin.
07:45I think he knew how to sit down with Kim Jong-un. I think he knew how to sit down with Putin.
07:50And he knew how to talk at their level.
07:53And at the end of the day, there was some sort of reciprocal respect back to him because they feared him.
08:01And when it comes to politics, when it comes to the global ruling elite in the world, they have to think you're crazier than they are.
08:09And they were scared of Trump. And that made all the difference.
08:13And no one is scared of Biden. And we see the world running rampant.
08:18And you have to ask yourself the question, China's also watching. Is Taiwan next?
08:23Yes, absolutely. I mean, that is something, you know, calls for a united effort in order to either ward off or the question is who would stop China?
08:32Maybe the United States, but you're right. You need a decisive leadership there.
08:37One more question there. Talking about Donald Trump and his policies, more often than not, they have been seen as, you know,
08:45something which might or might not be possible to pull off, like making that wall across the Mexican border.
08:52He talked about it. He had a very strong stand against the migrant crisis that was happening, the migrants coming in.
09:02Now, the poll positioning or the SOPs that Donald Trump is mentioning or promising in his campaigns is about the immigrants and about the green card that would be handed over,
09:14about the permanent residency things for the United States, for those who come from outside the United States.
09:21How do you see Trump striking a balance between the two, his hardened stand against migrants and also his SOPs for the green cards?
09:31At the end of the day, I'm a legal immigrant. I came to the United States in 1996 with my mother as a child.
09:38I fought hard to keep and stay legal. And we did as a family, moving from status to status.
09:47I'm a personal example of a legal immigrant. My family, during the last war that was the first war that was started in Ukraine in 2014,
09:55had to wait two years for an interview to be able to bring my grandparents to the United States.
10:01So skipping the line is not acceptable. And Trump understands that.
10:06And that's why a lot of legal immigrants like me understand and support his policies.
10:11There is a place for immigrants in America. It's a melting pot in a country of immigrants just like me.
10:19But there is not a place for criminals. There is not a place for other countries to send their prisoners and their trash to our country.
10:27Now, there is a serious question that we have to look at when we assess immigrants.
10:32And that's the fact that there are millions of illegal immigrants that have been in the United States for years on end that are hard workers,
10:39that prop up a huge backbone of the economy. And it's hard to deny that.
10:44From house cleaners to cooks, they're embedded and ingrained in every aspect of our society.
10:50And for those people, I truly believe there has to be a pathway to citizenship.
10:54I think Trump acknowledges that and will eventually create a pathway for people that have a clean record,
10:59that have been in the United States for years. You cannot deport all those people.
11:02But as far as the criminals, as far as the thugs that are being sent here from prisons and other countries, there's no room for them.
11:10And, you know, we've seen in the news just in the last two weeks, there was a 13-year-old American citizen who was raped by two immigrants and killed.
11:19There was a mother who had multiple children. She was murdered on a hiking trail in the woods.
11:24In my own home state of Georgia, we had a nurse who was murdered by an illegal immigrant.
11:32The American people deserve better. So I think your question goes to, can the policies become reality?
11:38They can and they have become reality. And Democrats were largely opposed to building the wall and put up every block that they could.
11:45Unfortunately, we have forgotten what it means to be American.
11:49We have forgotten what it means to work on both sides of the aisle.
11:53And we've forgotten what it means to put the American people first instead of politics.
11:58And I certainly hope that we can get back to that in the next four years.
12:02Right. Even Barack Obama gave this slogan, America first, you know, when the Democrats came to power.
12:09But nonetheless, one final question, Vlada, before I let you go here.
12:13As someone who operates in both Washington, D.C. and in Kiev,
12:18what misconceptions or misunderstandings about the U.S. electoral process do you often encounter internationally
12:26and how it might impact the global perception of the outcome of the U.S. results?
12:33Because last time when Trump came to power, there were lots of talks about some, quote, unquote, Russian role there.
12:40Well, at the end of the day, the Russian the Russian hoax has been proven to be exactly as it is a hoax.
12:47Just like Charlottesville, the racist comments that they claim Trump made, Snoop's has now come out and claimed that it was false.
12:55And what we see is I think a lot of people don't realize.
12:59And the biggest thing that I run into that's a huge issue is that people internationally don't realize
13:04that the last election was the first election in over 200 years that we changed the way we vote.
13:09And that was a massive mistake. We had mass mail voting.
13:13We've never changed our voting system in over 200 years.
13:16We have one of the most stable democracies. We're the only country in the world.
13:20We're 100 years from now. I can tell you the election date.
13:23There's no other country like that. And so at the end of the day, we change that the last election.
13:28And I think a lot of people have a misconception about things being different in the last election.
13:34When you have mass mail voting without signature verification, you open the door and the pathway to large fraud.
13:41Is it enough to change the election results? Well, I can't say I'm not an auditor,
13:45but I can tell you that it certainly can create cause for a lot of irregularities.
13:50So I think in this election, you know, you will certainly see that the Democrats have realized that they want Biden out.
13:58They've realized that the charade is over. They have realized now that they need to try to find another candidate.
14:06Unfortunately, they're already on the ballot in three states, and it's very difficult.
14:10It's impossible to take him off the ballot in those three states.
14:13I'm not sure what kind of constitutional crisis we'd have to have to do that.
14:17But because of that, we're going to see, I'm sure, some sort of scandal going into October.
14:25Democrats will certainly try to pull something out of their hats.
14:28But the big conception is about our election system and and how the election system was different and run different the last time.
14:38And a lot of people don't seem to have knowledge on that. And I certainly hope this time we won't have that amount of mass mail voting.
14:45Lovely, lovely. Thank you so much. You know, postal votes, the mail votes that you're talking about is something that has often, you know, created quite a uproar in the United States.
14:54And it is also appealed to the masses that they should come out and go to the voting stations and rather cast their vote there rather than choosing the mail option.
15:04Thank you so much. And from a country like India, which is the biggest democracy, if not the oldest, as United States is,
15:12I wish United States, you and your family all the very best for the upcoming electoral season.
15:17And we hope to see you more on One India there.
15:21Thank you so much. Thank you for having me. It was a pleasure.
15:24Thank you. So that was Vlada Galan, election expert, lobbyist, public relations specialist,
15:30president and chairman of the board of International Ukrainian Crisis Fund.
15:34Thanks for watching this broadcast. This is me, Pankaj Mishra, signing off on One India.
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