RTL Liga - isječci (sezona 2013/14) 3/10

  • 2 months ago
00:00Friends, now it's time for your questions to our guest Krun Jurcic.
00:04So, Dinko Golik Kalinovacki asked on Facebook,
00:08Krun, do you ever want to return to Dinamo?
00:12Well, Dinamo is the club of my life, football, footballing and coaching affirmations.
00:17I've had a lot of great moments here.
00:21In any case, I've done more in my mandate than we set out to do.
00:26In terms of plans, in terms of results, in terms of finances.
00:30Of course, it's illusory to talk about it from such a short distance,
00:34but one day I will definitely return to Dinamo.
00:36Okay, interesting.
00:38Kreso Budisa asks, can you explain the term controlled football?
00:43I'm glad you asked me that question.
00:45I launched that term about two years ago, in my second mandate.
00:49And then there was a sports journalist who did not quarrel with my statement
00:56Now, Wilmot Steyer from Belgium said that he is most satisfied with the Belgian national team
01:00and has managed to play controlled football.
01:02And that was a big statement, because he said it about a Wilmot who is not from Croatia.
01:05What is controlled football?
01:07Well, Barcelona shows you that very clearly.
01:11So, if you have as much time, the ball in your possession,
01:15and if you have the geometry of the team, if you have a good order,
01:18if you have a good balance of the team,
01:20then you reduce the impact of the opponent to the least possible extent
01:25That's what controlled football is.
01:27So, that's your football philosophy, you don't give up?
01:30Well, of course, that's one segment of my football philosophy.
01:33My football philosophy consists in one sentence,
01:36take the ball where you lost it.
01:38That's the beginning of my football philosophy, and this is just an addition.
01:42Can you comment on the role of Križanac in the team?
01:45Because obviously, when he doesn't play, he's good on the defensive line.
01:48Križanac is a real leader, a real leader, a real expert.
01:52He was one of the best players in the game,
01:55and an assistant, practically, and good.
01:58He knows how to keep the back line, when it's necessary,
02:01he goes to the center, he goes to the center.
02:03However, looking at the youth in the back line,
02:06Galo, who is 20 years old,
02:08Glumac, 21, Rugašević, 22.
02:11According to that, this is a team that will certainly
02:14become real players in half a year.
02:182-2, are you satisfied or not?
02:21Well, if we look at the whole game, of course, I'm not satisfied.
02:24We had a lot more ball in the games,
02:27we had a lot of chances, some opportunities,
02:30where we should have finished in a different way.
02:33We had two times in Ostovo, and it turned out that one team
02:36took it more seriously, and we should have kept it.
02:39However, you saw it yourself, Bela was 3-4 times today
02:42to score a goal, 3-4 times to assist,
02:46but I hope that in the next game it will be much better
02:49and that we will have a good win.
02:52I'm glad that Cecek came back,
02:55because after a long time, his first game,
02:58he played quite well, he tried, scored that beautiful goal
03:01and got a yellow card.
03:04Otherwise, I didn't even think to take it,
03:07but I remember some kind of fatigue,
03:10that he stayed, maybe it was completely different until the end.
03:14They have their own doctrine, they are very solid behind the ball,
03:17they have a good half-counter and counter.
03:20What I personally don't like, and Stanka will ask,
03:23is the substitution of Erceg for Pehar,
03:26for closing the game.
03:29I think that Split, considering the quality of their players,
03:32considering the quality of the team,
03:35should try to score a third goal.
03:38Pehar's entry is absolutely the exit of Erceg,
03:42and he scored that second goal.
03:45Only later did Kvesic come in,
03:48that is a much better option instead of Erceg.
03:51Of course, Stanka is a coach.
03:54There are 10 messiahs in the team,
03:57although there are one or two.
04:00At that moment, Aljoša was already out of his running game,
04:03and then I went to try to close the game,
04:06not in a way that we would be down on our knees,
04:10but in a way that we would be down 16 meters.
04:13We got that goal from the cross,
04:16from someone with a weak ball,
04:19but in any case, it was a sign that the defensive players,
04:22the special and related players,
04:25had to be where they were supposed to be,
04:28and that was with Pehar's Bolea.
04:31Before they did that, it was a sign that we had a chance,
04:34and we came later a couple of times to score, maybe even increase it.
04:37Maybe when we count everything,
04:40we regret it, because we practically got that first goal
04:43from 30 meters, where the defensive players
04:46were not at the level they should have been.
04:49Stanka's work, his longevity,
04:52continuity in Croatian clubs,
04:55of course, the philosophy of football,
04:58mine and his is probably different,
05:01since I prefer a little attacking style of play,
05:04but do you think, Stanka, that this is one of the reasons,
05:07given the number of matches in the Croatian football league,
05:10that you never got a chance in our two clubs,
05:13because many have changed,
05:16is that a problem, or is it a problem of PR or image?
05:19Maybe that's what you said last time,
05:22but in any case, it's a sign that I deserved it,
05:25given that I've been in the coaching process for 23 years,
05:28that very big players have passed through my hands,
05:32and especially when Martin Veselac,
05:35when he was no longer in the national team,
05:38was a sign that I should get a situation,
05:41even through the national team,
05:44because I was often in a state of war with the players,
05:47as a selector of their players,
05:50and that I practically passed all those players.
05:53Of course, there was a little more understanding
05:56that I could be one of them, but it will be an opportunity.
05:59You were the best in HNL, and why?
06:02You have a lot of experience with clubs.
06:05Yes, I was in a state of war,
06:08but I have to mention Varteks,
06:11when I was up there,
06:14especially now in Split,
06:17where I came, where the club is really on its feet,
06:20that the representatives are doing a great job,
06:23they have a good youth drive,
06:26the result comes slowly,
06:29they have good scouts,
06:32and it seems to me that there are many more clubs
06:35than there are now.
06:38So the best in HNL, as far as you are concerned.
06:41Tomislav Barisic had a short question.
06:44The best player you trained with?
06:47Well, it's hard to say now,
06:50there were a lot of good players,
06:53including Luka Modric,
06:56there are the best shooters, Popovic of the Croatian League,
06:59there are the best players, Bjelic,
07:02so there were a lot, I would not separate anyone,
07:05everyone left a good impression on me,
07:08because we made good results in Osijek, Vucib,
07:11and in the youth team, so there were a lot of good players.
07:14Maybe in Split, if you could separate someone now?
07:17Well, in Split, you saw that Rebic left,
07:20I did not have a lot of training with him,
07:23but in any case, I immediately realized that he is a good player,
07:26an out-of-the-box player, and he will surely show very quickly
07:29at the World Cup that he is a real player.
07:32Erceg is there, a guy who, I would say,
07:35has an extremely talented hand,
07:38he has speed, he has control of the ball,
07:41he is dangerous for the goal, and it is a pity for him
07:44that he did not pause in these months and a half,
07:47and this part of the championship until the end,
07:50that he will actually invite the national team
07:53to call him to the national team.
07:56In Split, everything, from bottom to top,
07:59from top to bottom, and again from bottom to top,
08:02so as a player.
08:05I was only 20 years in Split, I was a captain,
08:08and it was a huge experience that I had as a player.
08:11However, he experienced some of his problems after that,
08:14and after that, I got together with him,
08:17until I realized these two goalkeepers of Zula,
08:20who planned and perfectly arranged the team,
08:23and they are excellent leaders, so these results are not accidental.
08:26I now have the experience of coach Mršić,
08:29and the team is terribly well organized,
08:32so it is not surprising that there are these results,
08:35I am especially glad, and now I hear that a project
08:38of a stadium will be made, which makes me especially happy,
08:41so that the stadium gets its real function.
08:48And until today, what did you expect in Na'Vi?
08:51No. Why?
08:54Much more and much better than I showed today,
08:57although all the scores are beautiful,
09:00because it was really beautiful,
09:03there are four goals, two of them are fouls,
09:06two are real combinations,
09:09but this game was first a media game,
09:12then it was played,
09:15and then it was played by the police.
09:18But this new match, I have to say, satisfied the audience,
09:21because I am a very demanding coach,
09:24so I noticed a lot of technical errors in the game,
09:27which did not really suit me,
09:30but in my opinion, Dynamo was a bit closer to victory,
09:33but thanks to Žihaj Duho's aggressiveness,
09:36and he pushed to 2-2,
09:39I am very happy that such a result was achieved,
09:42that this team and this coach have something to work on.
09:45I have to say that they are the same,
09:48that one group takeover remained,
09:51which Hajdu started to do in the beginning,
09:54as Tudor gives new demands,
09:57it may have been lost a little today, it was not seen,
10:00but when it all comes together,
10:03it will be much more powerful than it was today.
10:06Mr. Poklepović, in the first game,
10:09in the first part of the championship, Hajduk won,
10:12now he took a point in his advantage on Dynamo,
10:15there is also Kup, who is already in the middle.
10:18Well, I would say in the studio that Hajduk is going forward,
10:21that he needs to go further and better,
10:24in my opinion,
10:27I am sure that this compatibility between the coach and the player
10:30will give him a lot of work,
10:33but the fact is that Hajduk should not be afraid,
10:36that he will do a good job in the future,
10:39surely when it gets even better,
10:42there were 2-3 players missing,
10:45there was no Saktoš, there was no Bencun,
10:48Hajduk has a potential situation to do a great job,
10:51I want as much as possible that something bad does not happen,
10:54and that the game is lost today,
10:57but in the middle of the game,
11:00it would be interesting for the audience to come again,
11:03and to behave culturally and civilly.
11:06What does it mean for a coach,
11:09the same opponent for a few days,
11:12and again a different competition,
11:15can we expect a similar Hajduk's approach,
11:18or will there be some changes?
11:21If I were to do it, then I would certainly do 2 options,
11:24but Hajduk is not able to make such a tactical game,
11:27which will change during the game,
11:30or change after the game into a new one,
11:33Hajduk will have more impulses,
11:36and more expectations,
11:39to make a better result in the next game.
11:42What about the reception of the ball at the beginning of the action,
11:45when the goal is scored,
11:48we saw it in this story.
11:51First of all, a few weeks ago,
11:54I referred to a statement of Igor Tudor,
11:57after the game against Slaven Belup and Suca Matoca,
12:00where I wanted to say,
12:03that there is no need for such a comment,
12:06because in the end it all comes down to me,
12:09that all the teams will have a decision
12:12in their favor during 36 games.
12:15That is the case,
12:18and in this game, we can clearly see,
12:21that Maglica is receiving the ball with his hand,
12:24and it is evidently a mistake of the 5th referee behind the goal,
12:27because the assistant referee judged absolutely well,
12:30that there was no lag in 2 cases in this story,
12:33but the 5th referee had to see it.
12:36However, I do not want to diminish the merit of Hajduk,
12:39or the quality of this game,
12:42the behavior of the actor, the focus was on the field,
12:45and the coach for Dinamo,
12:48Dinamo is looking for a coach.
12:51No, I was for Ivkovic.
12:54Ok, that is obvious now.
12:57I think it is logical,
13:00he proved himself in Lokomotiv,
13:03he is in the family,
13:06because Lokomotiv and Dinamo are the same family,
13:09so they should not go far.
13:12But I am badly placed to suggest anything,
13:15because very often,
13:18whoever I suggest, he is rejected.
13:21I would not leave Krznar,
13:24absolutely, and this Citanovic.
13:27You like how he works?
13:30It must be left, Dinamo must not look for a solution from outside.
13:33I think that our locality,
13:36it will be said along the way,
13:39Ivic, Mladinic, Kalinic, Vulic, Vucevic, Mish,
13:42there are millions of Dinamo players,
13:45this is an opportunity,
13:48there is no exception, Krznar and Citanovic.
13:51A question for Mr. Poklepovic,
13:54David Barisic posted on our Facebook profile,
13:57who is the best player you have led in Hajduk?
14:00Blas Slišković.
14:03Blas Slišković.
14:06Blas Slišković was a player who had a personality.
14:09But he has a false defense.
14:12Good, but he was a player.
14:15And the character?
14:18No, I can not remember that character,
14:21he had values that could do everything.
14:24Hajduk has a lot of good players,
14:27it's hard to separate them,
14:30he has him close to him,
14:33but Slišković had a personality.
14:36I led the best player Savičević.
14:39Savičević was the greatest player I've ever seen in my life.
14:42He was a terrible player.
14:45And such a type, that was Slišković,
14:48but not such a type.
14:51Jerković was a great player.
14:54But in my time, there were a lot of good players.
14:57He had a personality,
15:00he had a special soul.
15:03He was not for discipline.
15:06I told him, you will do an intellectual defense.
15:09He looked at me,
15:12because he was a typical type,
15:15he would knock behind the door.
15:18Slišković said, you will steal the ball,
15:21you will cut the ball.
15:24When he heard that, he accepted it.
15:28Can Hajduk keep the championship for a long time?
15:31Yes, he can.
15:34He has the capacity.
15:37He is young, ambitious.
15:40He has a great coach.
15:43He teaches.
15:46He lives for it.
15:49I'm sure he can do it.
15:52Split everything from bottom to top.
15:56As a player.
15:59I was in Split for 20 years.
16:02I was a captain.
16:05It was a great experience.
16:08I had some problems,
16:11until I got these two goalkeepers.
16:14I made a perfect team.
16:17They are great.
16:20They are not random results.
16:23I'm happy about it.
16:26Now I hear,
16:29that they will make a stadium.
16:32I'm happy about it.
16:35I want our city to be proud of itself.
16:38I want the stadium to have
16:41its real function.
16:44I have a question,
16:47would you rather play for Hajduk or Dynamo?
16:50Would you rather play for Hajduk or Dynamo?
16:53I love my mom and dad more.
16:56Both clubs left a mark on my career.
16:59I was born a Hajduk.
17:02I will always be a Hajduk.
17:05I respect Dynamo.
17:08I try to be neutral.
17:11Filip Ljulj has a question for you.
17:14Who is a better player?
17:18Interesting question.
17:21Alina Halilović has more potential.
17:24Alina Halilović has more potential.
17:27I like Mario Pašalić more.
17:30I like Mario Pašalić more.
17:33I like Mario Pašalić more.
17:36I hope he will improve.
17:39I hope he will improve.
17:42I hope he will improve.
17:45Who is more important for Hajduk?
17:48Who is more important for Hajduk?
17:51We need to know who he plays for.
17:54He is young and has no competition.
17:57He is young and has no competition.
18:00Dynamo has a lot of competition.
18:03Dynamo has a lot of competition.
18:06What is the best formation to play?
18:09What is the best formation to play?
18:13Journalists are the best.
18:16But the best formation is 4-2-3-1.
18:19But the best formation is 4-2-3-1.
18:22But the best formation is 4-2-3-1.
18:25But the best formation is 4-2-3-1.
18:28But the best formation is 4-2-3-1.
18:31But the best formation is 4-2-3-1.
18:34I prefer a team with a lot of possession.
18:37I prefer a team with a lot of possession.
18:40Even with a lot of screen time.
18:46Even with a lot of screen time.
18:52That is all lies.