• anno scorso
Alain Buro (Bureau, Burrow, Von Bur) ) was a Belgian multi-instrumentalist, singer and composer. In 1975 in collaboration with some Brussell based session musicians, he recorded the album "Fume, c'est du Belge". The album is all sang in French, the music is vaguely proggy rock music with some good guitars and strong mid-1970's vibe,as well as some dreamy symphonic psych rock feeling.

Alain Buro - vocals, guitars, piano, synthesizer, flute, sitar, bells.
Robert Beleyn - guitars.
Eric de Wolf - bass, vocals.
Gerry D'Ayers - drums, percussion.

Trilogie: La Chine/Bah...'t es Niks, Santei/La race des soiffards.
L'étang mort.
Les réactions chimiques.
Grandeur et décadence.


