Sueños de libertad Capítulo 95 Completo HD

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Sueños de libertad Capítulo 95 Completo HD
00:07Stand up.
00:08Iremos a cenar.
00:11No te arrepentirás.
00:13No olvides que eres un empleado.
00:15Te pagamos para estar a nuestro servicio.
00:17Con unas disculpas será suficiente.
00:19Pidele perdón a la señora, por favor.
00:21Yo lamento abordarte así en plena calle, pero es que no tengo forma de dar contigo.
00:25Y eso me resulta insoportable.
00:26Pues es lo mejor.
00:27If only you gave me your phone number.
00:29Don't insist, really.
00:31You told me that Damian had a dark side,
00:35and that I shouldn't let myself get carried away by him.
00:38That's what I said.
00:40What secret are you both hiding?
00:43That's something that only he can answer.
00:47But have I asked for help?
00:49We're just looking for you.
00:50Get out of here, right now.
00:52My husband is not a murderer.
00:54And I hope I never have to hear that phrase again.
00:57I thought you'd be grateful to know.
00:59That's why I told you.
01:00No, you told me because you couldn't stand the guilt.
01:02I'd better leave my job as a driver
01:04and go back to the factory to be someone else,
01:06which is what I am to you.
01:07You can't be serious.
01:08No, Damian, really, please.
01:09I didn't want any of this.
01:11What's the point of having my father here
01:12if he's not even going to treat me like a son?
02:32Where have you put them?
02:34Where have you put the roof tiles?
02:37What's going on, aunt?
02:38She's paying for the damage to the shed with the pots.
02:41The shed?
02:42The shed that Sara left me
02:44changing things around.
02:45And what are you looking for?
02:46Maybe I can help you.
02:47Some molds for cookies.
02:49I promised Julia
02:50that we'd make cookies when I got back from school.
02:52I hadn't asked for it in a long time
02:54and I thought it was getting too big.
02:57Here they are.
03:00My God!
03:03Don't make that face, man.
03:04I'm going to make a lot.
03:06And there will be some for you too.
03:08That girl looks a lot like her uncle.
03:12If I don't watch her,
03:13she'll eat all my cookies before they get cold.
03:17That girl has her right eye, right?
03:19Like all of you when you were little.
03:21Well, she's more conscious now.
03:24Nephew, you're not getting jealous, are you?
03:29I was just kidding.
03:34that girl has caught me more.
03:37I love her as if she were my granddaughter.
03:40And you know,
03:41grandparents love their grandchildren more.
03:51There's something I'd like to tell you.
03:56How are you?
03:57Sorry to interrupt.
03:58My mother's towels fell into the bathtub
04:00and they're soaked.
04:01I'll go up and get you some more dry ones.
04:04Don't touch anything
04:05and you'll tell me what you're going to tell me.
04:20Why are you still here?
04:22You have a lot of things to do in Toledo.
04:24The only thing I care about is this city.
04:27To the point of going around asking for you.
04:31But no one seems to know Gema Ruiz de Azúa.
04:34I'm a very discreet woman.
04:36I don't tell anyone my name.
04:39So discreet that you even change the way you dress?
04:43Because the clothes you're wearing today
04:45have nothing to do with what you usually wear.
04:47You're so shameless.
04:48And you call yourself a gentleman.
04:50Don't misinterpret me, Gema.
04:52You look just as charming.
04:54I'm just asking you to tell me the truth.
04:56But what truth?
04:57Ernesto doesn't like this attitude of yours.
05:00It would be better if you let me go on my way.
05:02No, Gema, wait, please.
05:06I know you're a maid
05:07and you work at the Queen's house.
05:11But how dare you?
05:14But how dare you?
05:17Like so many people in this country,
05:19I like the chronicles of society.
05:21Staying up to date on who is who.
05:23A hobby like any other.
05:29Isn't this your cousin Asunción?
05:32This is the news of her wedding.
05:36It's Maria Duque.
05:38Married to the Queen's son.
05:41At the store where you left from,
05:43I was confirmed that your last name is Paz Conal.
05:46And that you're not Maria's cousin, but her maid.
05:52I see you've taken a lot of trouble to humiliate me.
05:55No, Gema, I don't want to humiliate you.
05:57I just want to tell you that I like you the way you are.
06:01Gema, I just told you that I don't care
06:02that you're not so cunning.
06:04You've done so much research
06:05and you haven't discovered the most important thing.
06:07That I'm a married woman.
06:09You see, this can't be happening.
06:11So please, stop following me.
06:16It can't be.
06:17It can't be.
06:20So please,
06:21don't ever show up here again.
06:35Are you really going to tell him
06:36if he doesn't come in through the door?
06:37Begoña, we should.
06:39You've heard her.
06:40You think it's fair.
06:41Look, what's not fair
06:42or unacceptable
06:43is that Luz, my friend,
06:44told you something so private.
06:46Begoña, I'm fed up with secrets.
06:48What's Julia's good side?
06:49For God's sake.
06:50She has the right to know.
06:51I can't agree with you anymore,
06:52but now is not the time.
06:54You're not like that.
06:56Or rather, you weren't.
06:58You've always told the truth.
06:59Look, there are more hurtful truths than lies.
07:01And this is one of them, I assure you.
07:03What are you afraid of, Begoña?
07:04Less and less things.
07:05I assure you.
07:07I'm just trying to protect Julia's well-being.
07:09I've suffered too much
07:10and if I can avoid a trauma,
07:11I will.
07:13I love Julia too.
07:15And the sooner she's with her real family,
07:17the less difficult it will be for her to understand certain things.
07:19But do you really think
07:20that Julia is capable of assuming
07:21that her father is not the person she thought he was?
07:23But if the poor girl is still
07:24trying to recover from the runaway.
07:26She's not even able to love him by his name.
07:28From your attempt to murder Begoña.
07:29Look, we're talking about Julia.
07:30Don't deviate the subject.
07:31You know perfectly well
07:32that she has the memory blocked by the trauma.
07:34Do you really want to put her under more pressure?
07:36Is that what you want for your niece?
07:38Andres, please.
07:39Have you stopped to think
07:40what would happen next?
07:41She would go to live with the Merinos.
07:43And who would take care of her?
07:45That the poor woman works from sun to sun?
07:46Or your cousins?
07:48They are her family
07:49and they will take care of her.
07:50And Digna deviated for her.
07:52And we don't have to get involved.
07:54I know that, Andres.
07:55But until today,
07:56Julia has been and is the daughter of Jesus.
07:59You have to understand that.
08:00And she is the daughter of Jesus.
08:02Do you think that Joaquin and Luis
08:03would let Jesus continue to see her?
08:05Here, the one who would suffer the most would be her.
08:07And you will be the only one responsible.
08:09Because you are going to have a son or a daughter
08:10and you will leave.
08:11And you will leave your destroyed niece
08:12with an uncertain future.
08:14Is that what you want?
08:22Andres, promise me that you won't say anything.
08:26You win, Begoña.
08:27I won't say anything.
08:47You have to be careful
08:48with the amount of alcohol you put in, Daniel.
08:50Because if you do,
08:51you will use the mixture too quickly.
08:56Marta, do you need anything?
08:58Romero, can you leave us alone for a few minutes?
09:10Aren't you going to leave that?
09:12Can I do two things at the same time?
09:15I'll be brief,
09:16but I would appreciate if you had the least education
09:18to look at me.
09:25You tell me.
09:27I'm starting to think that my father was wrong.
09:29Maybe I was the one who was wrong,
09:30thinking I was going to have the same opportunities as you.
09:33Don't be unfair.
09:35Your first proposal was approved by a majority.
09:38This one has been rejected.
09:39They are numbers, it's not personal.
09:41Are you so sure about that?
09:43Because it seems to me that if this proposal
09:45had come out of any of you,
09:46it would not have collapsed.
09:49Is it so hard to believe
09:50that the good of the company
09:51is above what one wants?
09:54The problem, Marta,
09:55is that the good of the company has two points of view.
09:58The queen's
10:00and the merino's.
10:05it's the first conversation I've had with you
10:06since you were at the decision-making table
10:07and at the first exchange,
10:08you took out the ax of war.
10:10And this is not a war between families, Luis.
10:13I'm not the one who is determined
10:14to make the difference between the two families.
10:17Do you really say that?
10:18Because Andrés and I have always been on your side.
10:20You know that.
10:21And if Jesus is not there...
10:22Yes, yes, Marta, yes.
10:24I know.
10:25But if you know it,
10:26get rid of the differences in your head
10:28and take advantage of the opportunity
10:29that my father has given you.
10:31An opportunity that I deserved.
10:32Of course you did,
10:33but now you have to be up to it.
10:37When they fired you,
10:38I thought that Andrés, you and I,
10:39somehow we would be on the same side.
10:42Not that this would happen
10:43at the first exchange.
10:47What hurts me the most
10:48is that you are letting the company
10:49get between Andrés and you.
10:52You are losing your relationship
10:54because of your pride.
10:57Relationships can change.
10:59Of course they do.
11:00Of course I know they change.
11:01What scares me
11:02is that you end up facing each other
11:03like my brothers.
11:06I'm not Jesus.
11:08But you are just as blind as him.
11:10Anything else to add?
11:15You can continue working.
11:16Very well.
11:25Wait a minute.
11:35You are...
11:36You are right.
11:39It doesn't take me anywhere
11:40to be in love with Andrés and you.
11:45Thank goodness.
11:47I thought I had lost you.
11:49I'm new to these jobs
11:50and I have to learn
11:52how to handle my frustrations.
11:57I'm really sorry.
12:00I'll look for Andrés
12:02to sort things out.
12:03Don't worry.
12:05Can I give you a hug?
12:14Well done.
12:22Hey, Isidro.
12:25What's up?
12:26You've lost so much weight
12:27over the last few days.
12:29Digna brought him
12:30to entertain me.
12:32I'm reading the headlines
12:33because he's willing
12:34to come and ask me.
12:35Yes, of course he is.
12:38I'm glad to see you
12:39in such a good mood.
12:42By the way,
12:43I've heard that Digna
12:44offered to stay here
12:45while he repairs
12:46his house's fence.
12:47Yes, of course.
12:48Anyone would have done the same.
12:50I won't let him sleep
12:51on a sofa
12:52while he can stay at home.
12:53Of course.
12:54It's normal.
12:56It could be a golden opportunity
12:57to look for a moment alone
12:58and lock yourself in with her.
12:59What do you think?
13:00Or not.
13:01With so many people
13:02walking around the house,
13:05there's nothing to wait for.
13:07There's no rush.
13:09I don't want to be insistent,
13:10but I understand
13:12that you wanted to put
13:13your things in order.
13:16And yes,
13:17I did.
13:20given the result,
13:21I'm going to think
13:22about the next step.
13:24But then,
13:25did you talk to Digna
13:26or not?
13:28I talked to Tasio.
13:35After talking to you,
13:36I understood that
13:37the boy deserved
13:39to know the truth
13:40about his father,
13:41who had been
13:42deceived for too long.
13:43You said that,
13:44not me.
13:45What happened?
13:46Didn't it go as expected?
13:48At first,
13:49he didn't seem to take it badly.
13:51I was even surprised
13:52by his talent.
13:54He asked me a lot of questions.
13:55Well, that's normal.
13:57Such news
13:58must impress
13:59even someone
14:00with such a low IQ
14:01like Tasio.
14:02And I answered
14:03as best I could.
14:06I'm telling you,
14:07I was surprised
14:08by his maturity
14:09to accept the situation.
14:14we've had
14:15a little
14:18A disagreement?
14:20a little disagreement
14:23has become
14:24bigger and bigger.
14:29in short,
14:30what Tasio told me
14:31is that
14:32he's not willing
14:33to be a bastard.
14:35In what sense?
14:37If he feels
14:38like a second son,
14:39he feels
14:41I'm ashamed of him.
14:43it's inevitable
14:44that he feels that
14:45having to keep
14:46this secret relationship.
14:47I don't know, Isidro,
14:48but I can't
14:49reveal this
14:52I know you'd understand
14:55the pain of keeping
14:56the secret
14:57would be compensated
14:58with the happiness
14:59of knowing
15:00who his father is.
15:01I don't know,
15:02maybe I rush
15:03doing things
15:04like I did.
15:06the truth
15:07is sometimes
15:08very painful
15:10to know,
15:13maybe things
15:14are worse than before.
15:16Cleaning my conscience
15:17has been expensive for me.
15:18Poor Tasio.
15:20It must be
15:21very difficult
15:22to find out
15:23that he's not
15:24who he thought he was.
15:26but I only ask
15:27him not to rush
15:31that's very reasonable,
15:32but what Tasio
15:33needs now
15:34is to recover
15:35what he has missed
15:36all these years.
15:37A confession
15:38is not worth it.
15:40Give him time, Damián.
15:42That's my advice.
15:51When you were little
15:52I couldn't comb your hair.
15:55And now
15:56you're the one
15:57who combs my hair.
16:00It's not worth
16:01thinking about
16:02what we couldn't do, Mom.
16:05Life has given us
16:06a second chance.
16:08Your father
16:09will be very happy
16:10when he comes back.
16:12The roses are
16:13as he likes them.
16:15They're beautiful.
16:18Hi, Begoña.
16:19Hi, Mercedes.
16:20Who's here?
16:22Come here, little one.
16:25How are you?
16:27Happy to see you.
16:29My turn.
16:31Can I comb your hair?
16:33Leave it like that.
16:35There you go.
16:39Sir Teresa taught us
16:40that we have to help
16:41those in need.
16:44We all need to be
16:45taken care of
16:46at some point, Julia.
16:48I like
16:49helping your mother
16:50because she's like
16:51my grandmother,
16:52isn't she?
16:53Of course.
16:54Since I don't have
16:55a grandmother,
16:56I can't help her.
16:57Dad didn't leave me
16:58when he got here.
17:00I think
17:01it's better not to do it yet.
17:03Later on.
17:05We should try
17:06not to confuse her.
17:08Be careful, Begoña.
17:11you're hurting me
17:12a little.
17:13You see?
17:16Sometimes I think
17:17it's you.
17:18Of course.
17:19Is it because of the disease?
17:21No, it's not.
17:22It's just that
17:23I don't know
17:24what to do.
17:25That's because of the disease.
17:27Sometimes her mind
17:28is here with us
17:29and sometimes
17:30in the past.
17:32If you went back to the past,
17:34would you like
17:35her to take care of you?
17:37I'd love to.
17:40But I don't know
17:41if I could have,
17:42because I was already
17:43sick then.
17:45My aunt Maria Antonia
17:46raised me.
17:47She was my father's sister
17:48and she raised me a lot.
17:49Oh, no, look.
17:50Then she would be
17:54Yes, just like Begoña.
17:56I'm very lucky.
17:58I had a mother
17:59who loved me a lot
18:01and when she was gone,
18:02you came.
18:04I always tell her
18:05I've had two mothers.
18:07I know I'm lucky with you.
18:09You're a blessing.
18:13Didn't you tell me
18:14you had a daughter?
18:16Yes, Mom,
18:17I did tell you.
18:19It's Julia.
18:22have you ever seen
18:23a girl more beautiful than this?
18:25She looks like her mother.
18:28Do you want Julia
18:29to pick up your hair
18:30or let it go?
18:33Let it go.
18:35I want to be beautiful
18:36when your father comes.
18:43he's coming this way.
18:46There's no one in the garden.
18:48Don't you see?
18:50He's cutting roses
18:51before entering the house.
18:53They're for me.
19:01Mom, Mom, Mom.
19:02Mom, sit down.
19:04Sit down.
19:05Don't worry.
19:06What's wrong?
19:07What's wrong with her?
19:08Julia, honey,
19:09go get a glass of water
19:10and call Digna.
19:11Call Digna, please.
19:13Don't worry, don't worry.
19:15Breathe slowly.
19:16Come, look at me.
19:18Look at me.
19:21That's it.
19:25Hello, cousin.
19:28Good afternoon.
19:29Good afternoon.
19:30One coffee, please.
19:32Sit down, please.
19:35Thank you for coming.
19:37We had a pending conversation.
19:38I know.
19:39And I'm going to say it quickly
19:40because I want to get to the point as soon as possible.
19:43I was wrong.
19:45I was wrong.
19:46First, I insisted
19:47that you approve the budget
19:48to expand the lab
19:50and then,
19:51taking your negative as something personal.
19:54You don't know how hard it is
19:55to work these days.
19:57I know.
19:58I don't know what happened to me.
19:59Well, yes, I know.
20:01I was determined
20:02to expand the lab.
20:04I would have liked
20:05the proposal to have come out,
20:06but it couldn't.
20:07I want you to know
20:08that I learned my lesson
20:10and it won't happen again.
20:13You weigh me down.
20:15Living with you
20:16has been a bit unbearable.
20:20I'm sure
20:21you've faced worse things.
20:24For how much I appreciate you.
20:27By the way,
20:28can I ask you
20:29who or what made you reflect?
20:30And who do you think?
20:34The conscience of this family.
20:36The one who seems to never be there,
20:37but she's always there.
20:38And who knows how to touch the fiber,
20:39I'm telling you.
20:42By the way,
20:43regarding the subject of the vans,
20:44you can count on me.
20:46I appreciate it,
20:47but we're going to postpone it.
20:49We'll only cost the repairs.
20:52Although it hurts me to say it,
20:53my brother is right.
20:55Investing in the laboratory
20:56and the vans
20:57is an expense
20:58that we can't afford right now.
21:02Not for you,
21:03not for me.
21:04What are we going to do?
21:05In boards, then.
21:09Well, Luis,
21:10how's life going for you?
21:11Tell me.
21:12How's it going with Sara?
21:13Come on,
21:14you know what's going on
21:15around your house.
21:16Sara left two days ago.
21:20She proposed to me
21:21to stay here.
21:23But I've preferred
21:24that she continue with her life.
21:25That girl can't give up
21:26her dreams.
21:28I see.
21:29I see that you haven't been able
21:30to forget your dear doctor yet.
21:32Why are we going to fool ourselves, cousin?
21:34I can't get it out of my head.
21:37Are we talking about the doctor?
21:41is there anyone else around here
21:42who wants to give their opinion?
21:43You ask whoever you ask,
21:44the answer will always be the same.
21:46Go for it.
21:47At once.
21:49I can't believe it,
21:50come on.
21:52if you've let a girl like Sara escape,
21:54at least it's for a reason, right?
21:55But come on,
21:56since when has my personal life
21:57been dominated by the public?
21:58Don't be offended,
21:59you know that here
22:00you can hear everything,
22:01and even more about love.
22:03It's often Gaspar's board.
22:05And what else do you know?
22:06If I ever had to write
22:07the memoirs of this place,
22:09more pages would come out
22:10than the Bible.
22:12That's not it, Gaspar.
22:13Luis asked if you had information on Luz.
22:16Mr. Andres,
22:17I can't reveal my sources.
22:18I only know that here
22:19the doctor and this man
22:21are made for each other.
22:23If you say so.
22:25the whole neighborhood says so.
22:27You've heard it,
22:28now it's time to get going.
22:29Yes, yes, yes.
22:32do you have anything to do now?
22:36Because I have the perfect plan
22:37for us to spend the afternoon together.
22:44You take these to the Dársena.
22:46And as soon as you load the van,
22:47you tell Marcelo
22:48to go all out.
22:49This should have arrived yesterday.
22:52Come on.
22:54What's up, Joaquín?
22:55Mr. Etasio,
22:57what is the honor of this visit due to?
23:00Well, I wanted to see
23:01if everything was going well.
23:03Very well.
23:05Are you worried?
23:09Actually, yes.
23:10I came to ask you
23:11if I could get my old job back
23:12here at the factory.
23:15So soon?
23:17Mr. Etasio,
23:18I think that
23:20Isidro is not yet ready to drive.
23:25He won't fire you, Mr. Damián.
23:26No, no, no.
23:27On the contrary,
23:28it was my fault, Joaquín,
23:29that I missed all this.
23:31I sit with my ass squared
23:32and I don't see myself as a driver.
23:35You won't have to say goodbye
23:36to your old job,
23:37Mr. Damián.
23:39You won't have a gun, will you?
23:40I swear I won't.
23:42Does the boss know?
23:43Well, of course.
23:45Well, of course.
23:46And what else?
23:47Does he agree?
23:48I told him I wanted to leave the job
23:49and he seems fine with it, yes.
23:51Well, I'll have to
23:52corroborate that, don't you think?
23:54Are you serious?
23:55Yes, Etasio.
23:56I'm not going to admit you
23:57until I'm sure
23:58that Don Damián approves it.
24:00It's okay, Joaquín.
24:01If Etasio wants to go back to the factory,
24:03there's no problem.
24:06very well.
24:08It's all been said.
24:10Go change, Etasio.
24:11Oh, and as soon as you get back,
24:12get a cart
24:13and fill it to the brim
24:14with women's wishes.
24:16The arsenal is full of orders
24:17that need to be loaded.
24:21there's a new list
24:23of orders for Galicia
24:24in the office.
24:32When Dignan called me,
24:33I thought it was much worse,
24:34but it seems to have stabilized.
24:36Yes, I imagined
24:37it was a low blood pressure,
24:38but I'd rather you came
24:39to assess it, right?
24:41Yes, his blood pressure is low.
24:43Probably because of the medication.
24:45I'll leave you the blood pressure meter
24:46until tomorrow.
24:48Keep an eye on his blood pressure,
24:49measure it a couple of times a day
24:50and have him drink things
24:51with salt and coffee.
24:53Thank you, Luz.
24:54Thank you for coming so quickly.
24:56It's my job.
24:58But I'd like to take advantage
24:59of the visit
25:00so we can talk.
25:02I see.
25:03And not about my mother's health, right?
25:06Begoña, please.
25:08Let's make things clear.
25:10Your friendship is important to me.
25:13It's so important
25:14that you didn't have time
25:15to tell Andrés my feelings.
25:17Luz, I thought
25:18our conversations would be private.
25:20I'd never reveal anything
25:21about what you're telling me.
25:22I know, Begoña.
25:24I was wrong, and I'm sorry.
25:26This morning,
25:27I had to stop him
25:28so he wouldn't tell Dignan
25:29that he has a granddaughter.
25:30The only thing I can tell you
25:31is that Andrés and I
25:32are worried about you.
25:33I've told you so many times
25:34that I'm fine.
25:36We can't sit idly by
25:37while we deal with your situation.
25:39You don't get it.
25:40I need you to stop intervening.
25:43I have to take care of it myself.
25:44Stop the Valentine's Club thing.
25:46If you keep intervening,
25:47you'll complicate things even more.
25:51I don't know if I can trust you anymore.
25:53Please, Begoña.
25:54Don't say that again.
25:55I've made myself clear.
25:56It's a mistake
25:57that won't happen again.
25:59Maybe you should leave.
26:03Go back to the dispensary,
26:04to our long walks
26:06fixing the world.
26:19Is something wrong?
26:20My mother has had a miscarriage.
26:22But apparently,
26:23it's just a low blood pressure.
26:25I have to go back to the dispensary.
26:27Jaime is waiting for me
26:28with the ophthalmological checkup
26:29at the factory.
26:30Thank you, Luz.
26:32Yes, thank you, Doctor.
26:45Are we getting ready for dinner?
26:47I've booked a table at nine.
26:50Jesus, it's just that...
26:52I want to take care of my mother.
26:54I don't want to leave her alone.
26:56I think...
26:57we're going to have to cancel that dinner.
26:59Of course.
27:00Of course, I understand.
27:01I'll call right now
27:02to cancel the reservation.
27:04The cake is waiting for you.
27:05Alfonso can wait.
27:07Thank you for your understanding.
27:09Begoña, enough with the formalities.
27:11Mercedes is my mother-in-law
27:12and her health comes first.
27:28I can't force you
27:29to keep being my driver.
27:31Although I'd like to.
27:32I see.
27:33It's better to leave things as they are.
27:35As you wish.
27:37But I'd like you to know
27:40that I've liked having you close
27:42and that I've felt very comfortable
27:44in that relationship we had.
27:46Me too.
27:47Until I found out the truth.
27:48You even offered me
27:49to be the godfather
27:50of the child you're expecting.
27:53Those proposals are still good.
27:55I'm glad.
27:57I'm very excited
27:58to be a godfather to my grandson.
27:59And I'm also very happy
28:00to have you as a son.
28:03It's a joy
28:04I've had all these years,
28:05don't you think?
28:07I understand you're on the defensive.
28:10You feel I've taken a step back
28:12and that once the truth has been revealed,
28:13we've gone back to the old ways,
28:15to the boss-employee relationship.
28:18I didn't want any of this.
28:22So I suppose
28:23it's a complicated situation for both of us.
28:25If I'm being honest,
28:26yes, it is.
28:27A lot.
28:29And I know you were expecting
28:31another gesture from me.
28:33Isn't that right?
28:36As you can see,
28:37our disagreement
28:39has made me reflect.
28:41You're my son
28:43and you deserve more
28:44than a paternity recognition.
28:52In this envelope,
28:53there's enough money
28:54for you to spend
28:55a good time
28:56without worries.
28:57I insist.
29:00Now you're going to be a father.
29:02It'll be good for you.
29:04So take it
29:05and put it in your mouth.
29:07And you don't have to thank me.
29:09You deserve it.
29:12if we take care of this huge order
29:13from Galicia,
29:14we won't be able to supply
29:15Mejino perfumes
29:16until next week.
29:18That can't be.
29:20Let's see.
29:21Let's look at this.
29:39You can have your share.
29:40Don't keep the money
29:41because she's buying.
29:43What's the point of that?
29:46ever since you started to give Mass,
29:47I've had this full of happiness.
29:50I'm sure your renewal spirit
29:51is close to the Word of God,
29:53even to the Mass.
29:55Drop the nonsense.
29:56No, no.
29:57I have the results if I'm honest.
29:58I did the math, the days you gave the thousand.
30:05How are the trades? A chat, Gaspar.
30:07Fine. And you, Portoledo?
30:09Fine too.
30:11In the archbishopric, they gave me good news.
30:15Come on. Well, congratulations.
30:17And what are they, without indiscretion?
30:20Don't be so impatient, son.
30:21All I can tell you is that I'm looking good for you.
30:24For me?
30:26Well, I think you're going to leave me with the intrigue, right?
30:31That's right, and I'm sure you'll like what's coming.
30:34You are very important to me and, as they say, you have raised my breasts.
30:38Although we have had our more and our less.
30:42Father, there is something that worries me.
30:45Share it, see if I can help you.
30:47The other day, when Don Damián proposed to share the chaplaincy of the factory with me,
30:53you accepted without opposition.
30:55Who am I to deny it? I'm just a shepherd in the middle of the herd.
30:59Before accepting the offer to stay,
31:02I would like to know if there is no inconvenience on your part.
31:05What inconvenience is there going to be?
31:07Well, I don't want to look like an intruder or feel like, well,
31:12that I'm here to correct his work or anything like that.
31:15Don't worry.
31:16Your presence here would be of great help to attract new generations.
31:20The church needs to nourish itself with young blood.
31:23Well, if that's what you think, I'm much calmer.
31:28Although, to be honest,
31:32I'm very sorry that you waste that potential you have.
31:37What's wrong with being an officer here?
31:39It's nothing wrong.
31:40But I think that with your dedication and courage you would be, I don't know, a great missionary.
31:47Have you ever considered it?
31:49Well, sometimes, but I don't know.
31:51I can imagine you in Latin America or Africa.
31:54A destination like this factory is for someone of my age.
31:58Calm, predictable.
31:59But you are very young and you have the energy to do great things, my son.
32:04Great things.
32:05Yes, I thank you very much, Father,
32:07but I think it is God who has to enlighten me on that path.
32:11I'm going to tell you the truth,
32:13that in the end you surprise me.
32:15What surprise?
32:17That my meetings in the archbishopric go in that direction.
32:20I'm moving my threads so that they can offer you the destiny you choose.
32:24But I didn't ask him to do that for me.
32:26Besides, he just told me that he is delighted that I accompany him here.
32:28I know.
32:29And I also know about your worth.
32:30And they have to know that in the archbishopric.
32:32You don't have to look so much for my future, Father.
32:36I am overwhelmed by his good intention.
32:39Don't bother so much, son.
32:40I only look at you.
32:41And having me as a godfather, only good things can happen to you.
32:46The best destination where you can develop that potential you have.
32:55Think about it.
32:56And let me do it, come on.
32:58You will have time to thank me.
33:02I invite you.
33:07Goodbye, Father.
33:20We're done.
33:22You have a little myopia.
33:23You don't have much.
33:24You won't need glasses.
33:26But I would like to have it under control.
33:28So that it doesn't go any further.
33:29So we'll do some tests.
33:31And with this, we're done.
33:35Thank you.
33:41It was the last one.
33:42If we did a statistic, I think it would be the last one.
33:45If we did a statistic, I think a fifth part would need glasses.
33:50Well, there we have a reason for the small accidents we attend to.
33:54We could do a follow-up.
33:56If the number of accidents decreases with this campaign, we will test your theory.
34:04My neck hurts since yesterday.
34:08Do you want me to take a look?
34:10Do you mind?
34:11No, of course not.
34:15Thank you.
34:16You're welcome.
34:19May I?
34:27A contracture?
34:31Have you been in a bad position?
34:33I fell asleep reading.
34:36Well, there you have it.
34:39I haven't told you anything, but today, at the end of the day, I have a review with Dr. Rocha.
34:44I'm glad you're seeing your doctor again.
34:47Do you want me to go with you?
34:49No, no, no.
34:50There's no need.
34:52Just to adjust the medication a bit, to avoid dizziness and headaches.
34:57I suppose we want some proof to see that everything is under control.
35:00What a shame.
35:02Because we could take the opportunity to go for a walk and see an exhibition.
35:14Do you know what I'd like to do afterwards?
35:17I don't know, surprise me.
35:19Eat a squid sandwich.
35:22Look, I didn't expect that.
35:24Because you've tried the ones they put in front of the Atocha station.
35:28I'm afraid not.
35:31I knew it.
35:34What do you say?
35:37Do you dare to try?
35:38Well, I'd be fine, but today, after the consultation, I don't want to get home too late.
35:44Of course.
35:46I don't know why he gave me that discount.
35:52It's not even time to close the dispensary.
35:55Well, it's okay to get carried away by the discounts from time to time.
35:59No, not at work.
36:02Obligation comes before desire.
36:05Obligation comes before desire.
36:08It's the most sensible thing.
36:10We're not in an assembly line.
36:12It's okay, because at some point we take a break to relax.
36:17I don't think so.
36:18Relaxation, if you don't control it,
36:21brings consequences.
36:24What kind of consequences?
36:27The ones you regret later.
36:35Leave now if you don't want to be late.
36:42I'll see you later.
36:44See you later.
36:55Don't tell me, don't tell me, don't tell me.
36:57He knows everything about me.
36:58Where I live, where I work, what my name is.
37:01And now he knows you're married?
37:04My God, I don't know what I was thinking when I told him.
37:06But it's the best thing you could do.
37:08What a shame, Maria, really, what a shame.
37:10I don't understand how all this could have gone out of my hands so much.
37:22Yes, it's the house of the ones from La Reina.
37:26Sure, I'll pass it on now.
37:32It's for you.
37:34Tell me who it is.
37:44Tell me.
37:46Are you crazy to call me here?
37:50To see us?
37:52What for?
37:54Between you and me everything is already decided.
38:01Why do you say that?
38:02I don't know.
38:04Don't call me here again.
38:08Because he's desperate to see us.
38:10But why?
38:11I don't know, he told me...
38:13He told me that he desperately needs to talk to me,
38:15that he has something very important to tell me.
38:17Something that's going to change my life.
38:19I don't know.
38:20He mentioned me early tomorrow in Toledo.
38:23But you're not going to go, are you?
38:24He's begged me as if his life depended on it.
38:26Gemma, please.
38:27He confessed to me before hanging up, that he can't stop thinking about me.
38:31And doesn't it seem strange to you?
38:35That someone falls in love with me?
38:38No, no.
38:39I don't doubt your many charms, Gemma.
38:42But it doesn't suit me that someone in Ernesto's position...
38:44Is still interested in me now that he knows I'm a simple maid.
38:47Is that what you were going to say?
38:49Well, not with those words.
38:51But yes.
38:53And why is that?
38:54Because I'm not from a good family or because I haven't gone to a paid school?
38:57Come on, don't be silly.
38:58I'm warning you to go carefully.
39:01That man is not a clean wheat, Gemma.
39:04And you're telling me that because of your great experience with men, of course.
39:07No, I'm telling you that as a friend.
39:09That man is hiding something, I'm sure.
39:11Well, as a friend, as a friend.
39:13You make sure your husband doesn't find out you have the period.
39:16I'll take care of my own business.
39:28I'll take care of my own business.
39:34Thank you very much for everything, Marcial.
39:36The house has been a disaster, but at least the pipe is fixed.
39:40Any problem, you know.
39:41Yes, yes, yes. I'll get in touch with you.
39:43The painter will call you to invite you.
39:45Have a good afternoon.
39:47Hello, Marcial.
39:48Come in.
39:49Go ahead, cousin.
39:50What's up, cousin?
39:51I came as soon as possible.
39:53Oh my God, Luis, what a disaster.
39:55Well, yes.
39:57The truth is that I don't even know where to start.
40:01How can I help you?
40:02Let's see.
40:05Do you think that with this box you can empty the contents of those drawers?
40:10Well, let's get to work.
40:13I'm going to go up to the second floor now to see what furniture we have to take down.
40:19By the way, Andrés.
40:22How's Begoña? Because it's been a long time since I've heard from her.
40:25And you, have you refused to go to Olite?
40:27It's okay, don't worry.
40:30So, is everything okay at home?
40:31Well, a little more stable than a few weeks ago.
40:35And María?
40:37Have you already decided on a name for the kid?
40:40There's not much left for that, Luis.
40:42Don't think that much.
40:43The guy flies by.
40:45When you least expect it, you have him here.
40:47And I thought that if it's a boy, you could name him Luis.
40:51With a Luis, the family is enough.
40:55You had to try, didn't you?
40:57Anyway, I'll leave you to it.
40:58I'll do it.
41:23Valentín Merino.
41:26Valentín Merino.
41:35Valentín Merino.
41:39Valentín Merino.
41:44Andrés, can you come up?
41:46Yes, I'm coming.
41:47I need you to help me with some furniture.
41:55You're very quiet tonight.
41:57You haven't spoken all night.
41:59Yes, I'm a little tired.
42:01Before I came, I was helping Luis with everything that happened at his house.
42:04What a chore.
42:06What a mess, Armen, you'd know.
42:08Well, don't worry.
42:10Lie down and rest.
42:15Do you have a nice pajama?
42:19I'm going to change.
42:21I'm going to change.
42:24Do you have a clean pajama in the drawer?
42:26I'll put it on later.
42:28I want to be with you for a while.
42:39Honey, I'd love to, but...
42:42I'm a little confused.
42:44And that?
42:45I don't know, I think I'm incubating something.
42:48Maybe I have the flu.
42:50Have you put on the thermometer?
42:52No, no, no.
42:54I don't feel like I have a fever.
42:56It's just general discomfort.
42:58Headache, that's it.
43:00Tell me you haven't taken anything without consulting with the topologist.
43:03No, of course not.
43:05Just an infusion of thyme that Digna has prepared for me.
43:08Maria will be calmer if she goes to see the doctor.
43:11I'm going to look for Jaime.
43:13No, no, no, no, no.
43:15Not at this time, don't be alarmist, please.
43:17I just want you and the baby to be fine.
43:19No, it's not necessary, really.
43:26Hey, don't you think it's better that we sleep in separate rooms?
43:29So as not to infect you, I mean.
43:31Because of a flu?
43:33I've had several and they hardly affect me.
43:35I don't want to look worse, it's my fault.
43:37Love is health and disease.
43:39You know that.
43:50Where are you going?
43:52To get my pajamas.
43:54I'm going to get my pajamas.
44:17You told me that Damian had a dark side
44:21and that I shouldn't get carried away by him.
44:24That's what I said.
44:26That's what you said.
44:31And don't tell me you were delirious,
44:33because it's exactly the same thing he told me when I asked him.
44:36Ah, you asked him.
44:38Yes, I asked him.
44:40And I haven't figured anything out.
44:42I hope to do it now.
44:45What secret are you both hiding?
44:49That's something he can only answer.
44:57You can't sleep either.
44:59Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.
45:02Do you mind if I sit down?
45:04Of course, you're at home.
45:10What are you looking at?
45:13What you're drinking is Valeriana.
45:17Do you want some?
45:18No, I don't like it.
45:21Catalina used to drink it.
45:23Especially when she was a little upset.
45:27My mother used to prepare a lot of Valeriana for us
45:31when she saw us as little girls.
45:33We were nervous.
45:35We drank a lot until we fell asleep.
45:38And we fell asleep.
45:40The bad thing was that we spent the night getting up to go to the bathroom.
45:45Oh, I see that Valeriana has affected your sense of place.
45:50I don't mind Valeriana as much as the mess she's causing.
45:57I have part of my life in that house.
45:59And I wouldn't like to miss anything.
46:03Have you lost some value?
46:06A dress.
46:08But I never wore it.
46:10I hadn't given it away because it was a gift from Gervasio.
46:15I never liked it.
46:18So now I have the perfect excuse to get rid of it.
46:22I feel a certain bitterness in those words.
46:26Are you surprised?
46:29You were also married for many years.
46:32I'm sure you ever gave Catalina something that wasn't to her liking.
46:38Well, maybe you know more about that than I do.
46:41Catalina told you everything.
46:46And me to her.
46:48She was my confidante, for better or for worse.
46:54I was very lonely when she left us.
46:57Luckily you still had Gervasio by your side when that happened.
47:05He was always the perfect companion.
47:08But at that time, our marriage wasn't as happy as it looked from the outside.
47:17What do you mean, Dina?
47:20Sometimes in couples, one gives more than the other.
47:26That was me.
47:29I'm very sorry.
47:31I didn't know.
47:33I don't even know why I'm telling you.
47:35It's a thorn that I've kept in my heart for a long time.
47:39I guess it wants to come out.
47:41I've even told my children about it.
47:44I guess...
47:47that has freed you in some way.
47:51Many times we carry secrets unnecessarily.
48:00Sometimes out of shame.
48:02Sometimes out of shame.
48:05And other times because we think we're...
48:09protecting someone with our silence.
48:19I don't want there to be secrets between us.
48:23I want you to trust me.
48:27I just did.
48:29So tell me.
48:31What is it that takes away Damian from the queen's dreams?
48:44Well, it's going to be the usual, the factory.
48:47I see.
48:49It's a matter of the company, right?
48:51Yes, when you are the workers,
48:53when you are the workers,
48:55some logistic problem,
48:57or the competition that eats up our land.
48:59And other times it's the boys who argue with each other,
49:02and that pisses me off.
49:06Well, I can't help you with that.
49:12You're going to bed, right?
49:15The valerian has made its effect.
49:19I'm going to bed.
49:21Good night.
49:24Good night.
49:35You're just like my daughter, Nanja,
49:37and it turns out that you're leaving today.
49:40Are you leaving?
49:45And if you live with the slightest symptom in your condition,
49:48you'll end up not having a life.
49:50I don't care, Jesus.
49:52I don't care, because that life you're talking about,
49:54she gave it to me.
49:55Hey, by the way,
49:56what plan do you have for dinner today?
49:58I have a zucchini and an egg
50:00that I have in the fridge to make an omelette.
50:02A great plan.
50:04And how would you see me joining that gourmet party?
50:08Are you more than invited?
50:10But I don't want anyone but you.
50:12I really don't understand how he could hit you so hard
50:15for a nobody like me.
50:16I really don't understand.
50:17You don't understand love.
50:19Love lives.
50:21You're not fooling me, are you?
50:38Where did you get this from?
50:40Where did it come from?
50:41Where was it? From your locker.
50:43I don't understand what you're doing looking at my locker.
50:45My locker is my locker. My things are my things.
50:47Be honest with her.
50:53there are things that are better kept in a box and thrown away.