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TV ve DiziDöküm
01:00是谁该怀抱苍生的宠怀 Who should embrace the love of the people
01:07是谁爱血与心 风独自承载 Who loves blood, rain, and wind to carry it alone
01:14是谁还嘲笑命运一番成败 Who loves to ridicule the fate of success and failure
01:21一生伤如花生开 A lifetime of pain is like a flower blooming
01:25一生挣扎在痛快 A lifetime of struggling in pain
01:29翠枯尘埃 宿命苦海 与我无碍 与我再重来 My fate is bitter and I have nothing to lose. I have nothing to lose.
01:40我的宿命我更改 我从来不惧毁牌 My fate I will change. I have never been afraid of being ruined.
01:47江山中如今血脉 相爱不期待 The blood in my veins is the blood of love. There is no hope for love.
01:55任由我存在 我所为都改 I will change my existence. I will change my greatness.
02:01不许杀毁我一切 不以杀赐我成败 Don't kill me. Don't kill me for the sake of victory.
02:25Thank you for watching!
02:55Thank you for watching!
03:26他应该是你迈出的那一步 He should be the first step you took.
03:30这人体外有仙气疗伤 看不透其内在虚实 原来所谓迈出的那一步是指仙气出现 The person's body is filled with immortal energy, but he can't see its inner void. So the so-called first step is the appearance of immortal energy.
03:42仙气 Immortal energy
03:43我终有一日也要踏出这一步 I will take this step one day.
03:56仙气 Immortal energy
04:13快封住伤口 不然那花瓣中的仙气侵蚀心脉 轻刻间就会将人化为枯骨 Quickly seal the wound. Otherwise, the immortal energy in the flower petals will invade the heart and turn it into a dry bone.
04:20该历练的也都历练了 不许再让他如此冒险 I have experienced what I should have experienced. I don't want him to take such a risk again.
04:33诸位 阵结就在前方 这是最后一波 Everyone, the enchantment is just ahead. This is the last wave.
04:49仙气 Immortal energy
04:59马上就要出去了 再坚持一下 We're almost out of here. Hold on a little longer.
05:04糟了 被围住了 怕是难以全身而退 Oh, no. I'm surrounded. I'm afraid I can't get out of here.
05:12我可挡它一瞬 I can block it for a moment.
05:19快走 Let's go.
05:36前方就是修长边界了 It's the edge of the Great Wall ahead.
05:49我已布置了数十每次都可以斩获十万多人的神血符文 你们竟能逃出去 Who are you?
06:16积极无名的人物罢了 你们无须知道 You don't need to know.
06:19你就不怕 我们将你死魔传扬出去 Aren't you afraid that we'll spread your demons?
06:27如今已是仙谷最后一番争斗 凶潮之局再无异议了 It's the last battle of the Ancients now. There's no point in fighting anymore.
06:33你等大可随意 后会有期 You can do whatever you want. See you later.
06:45刚刚那人自称积极无名 此凡修出仙气 更可主动屏蔽其身 便使教主也难以再凭仙道花蕾探究其面目 确实可以无所顾忌了 He just claimed himself to be an ungrateful person. He can even take the initiative to shield himself when he cultivates the Ancients. Even if he's the master, it's hard for him to find out the truth of the Ancients. He can do nothing about it.
07:13为了修出仙气 利用万灵的精血交换凶潮 以战养战强化杀阵 夺万族造化 他的心机之深 太可怕了 In order to cultivate the Ancients, he used the blood of the Ancients to exchange for the Killing Curse. He used the blood of the Ancients to exchange for the Killing Curse. He used the blood of the Ancients to exchange for the Killing Curse.
07:22他的心机之深 太可怕了 He's so scheming. It's terrible.
07:26想来他是第一个成功修出仙气的人 I think he's the first one who has successfully cultivated the Ancients.
07:29那倒不见得 十贯王已经成功了 That doesn't mean that King Shiguan has succeeded.
07:32六贯王宁川 绝印古今 定会渔月渔海 华龙腾天 King Ningchuan, the Sixth Official, has made great strides. He will surely make great strides in the future.
07:38他们又是如何得此成就 How did they get this achievement?
07:40宁川有何机缘 我等不知 I don't know about Ningchuan.
07:43传闻中 十贯王是得到了一株仙道树苗 并以它成就了自身根基 迈出另一步 以超越先贤 不可挡 不可敌 Rumor has it that King Shiguan got a seed of the Ancients and used it to cultivate his own foundation and take a step forward to surpass the Ancients. He's unrivaled.
07:54如此说来 修出仙气并无定法 全看个人机缘 In that case, there's no guarantee that the Ancients will be cultivated. It all depends on luck.
08:09真逃出来了 They really escaped.
08:11你们是彻底消灭虫群 还是直接打败了那个吹笛子的 Did you completely destroy the insect group or just defeat the flute player?
08:15都没有 算是相互忌惮 各自停手吧 We didn't do any of that. We were just afraid of each other.
08:19哥哥 你接下去有什么打算 Brother, what's your next plan?
08:22自然是去修出仙气 没有几世的祭奠 恐怕不太可能 Of course, I'm going to cultivate the Ancients. I'm afraid I can't do it without a few decades of experience.
08:29岁月如熔炉 火炼真金 去无存经 我必须迈出那一步 今日的究竟 我可不想再经历一次 Time is like a furnace. I have to take that step. I don't want to experience today's situation again.
08:40好 那我将来也要迈出那一步 这就拜别了 Okay, then I'll take that step in the future. That's it.
08:46如此甚好 知不足便知如何下功夫 That's great. If you don't know how to do it, you'll know how to do it.
08:52你们也走吧 如果将来在星谷内寻到什么神药 帮我留意 You guys should go, too. If you find any magic medicine in the Star Valley in the future, keep an eye on it for me.
08:57我听闻青灵界药草遍地 我听闻青灵界药草遍地 你不如去那儿装装运气 I heard that there are herbs all over the Green Spirit Realm. Why don't you go there and try your luck?
09:21明土的人 The people of the Ming Land...
09:27明土第二名将 上古神师 The second-ranked general of the Ming Land, the Ancient God of War.
09:31我也听说 他在这一世通灵 刀枪不入 杀过不止一位初代了 I've heard that he's the best in this world. He's killed more than one generation.
09:37就是你们四处悬赏 争集荒的线索 This is the clue to your wandering around and fighting for the Great Wilderness.
09:42此事机密 我隔绝内外 也是为防隔墙有耳 This is confidential. I'm keeping a safe distance from home and outside to keep my ears open.
09:47特意找到我 是受了月缠的诊断 I was specially found out that I was possessed by the moon cicada.
09:50明土第二名将 上古神师 The second-ranked general of the Ming Land, the Ancient God of War.
09:54我也听说 他在这一世通灵 刀枪不入 杀过不止一位初代了 I've heard that he's the best in this world. He's killed more than one generation.
09:59此事机密 我隔绝内外 也是为防隔墙有耳 This is confidential. I'm keeping a safe distance from home and outside to keep my ears open.
10:05特意找到我 是受了月缠的诊断吧 他自己没来吗 I was specially found out that I was possessed by the moon cicada. Didn't he come by himself?
10:09仙子冰雪聪明 月缠仙子应是尚在闭关 仙子遇见 想必比小人要方便许多吧 The fairy is smart. The moon cicada should still be in seclusion. It must be much easier for the fairy to meet him than for me.
10:18我去透透气 你先等着 I'll go get some fresh air. Wait here.
10:28仙子冰雪聪明 月缠仙子应是尚在闭关 仙子遇见 想必比小人要方便许多吧 The fairy is smart. The moon cicada should still be in seclusion. It must be much easier for the fairy to meet him than for me.
10:42公子 我的东西掉了 可否帮忙捡一下 她认出我了 Sir, I lost my thing. Can you help me pick it up? She recognized me.
10:48仙子风姿如此动人 我自然愿意相助 The fairy is so charming. I'd love to help.
10:53多谢公子 Thank you, sir.
11:08刻意现身相见 却又假装不识 是告诉我不要暴露身份 看来这酒楼之中有好戏看 It seems there's a good show going on in this restaurant.
11:19好戏看 好戏看 A good show?
11:39刚刚在她发迹上留下了通感法印 请 Please.
11:45方才你说你家大人要发悬赏令缉拿蝗 没错 这次 这次难逃一死 But you said your master was going to issue a reward order to capture a phoenix. That's right. This time, I won't let him get away with it.
11:56但我听闻你仙殿当世传人曾败给蝗呀 But I heard that your ancestor once lost to a phoenix.
12:05如今 是又要派出什么厉害人物吗 Are you going to send another powerful person now?
12:13是在帮我挡探消息 Are you trying to keep me in the dark?
12:16如今大人神态归一 眼看将修出仙气 无敌于天下 正该血洗前耻 还需什么别的高手 Now that your master's spirit has returned to his body, it seems that he's going to show off his power and become invincible. It's time for him to show off his power. What other skills does he need?
12:27姑娘有所不知 我家大人在悬赏令上说了 一旦发现蝗 大人会出关亲自镇压 If you don't know, my master said in the reward order that once he found a phoenix, he would go out of the temple and capture it himself.
12:36故此 凡是有能力提供线索者 必有重赏 Therefore, anyone who has the ability to provide clues will be rewarded.
12:41那这么说来 若有人能提供蝗的线索 不仅会得到重赏 还能看到你家大人亲临 In that case, if someone can provide clues to the phoenix, not only will he be rewarded, but also see your master's spirit.
12:50那是自然 Of course.
12:52那还真是可惜了 听说蝗这家伙身份特殊 又极善伪装 纵使此刻就在这八珍楼内 怕是也没人能认出来 该我登场了 It's a pity. I heard that the phoenix has a special identity and is very good at disguising himself. Even if he's in this Bazhen Tower right now, I'm afraid no one can recognize him.
13:07该我登场了 It's my turn.
13:09你们是仙殿的人吧 前日见到你们缉拿蝗的悬赏 可还作书 我知道蝗的藏身之处 Are you from the temple? I saw you capture the phoenix the other day. Can you tell me more? I know where the phoenix is hiding.
13:19你 You?
13:21怎么 看不起人呐 赶紧拿百株圣药 十株半神药来 我就把消息告诉你们 Why are you looking down on me? Hurry up and bring me a hundred sacred herbs and ten half-godly herbs. I'll tell you the news.
13:29朋友 狮子大开口勒索仙殿 你胆子不小 My friend, you are bold enough to open your mouth and blackmail the temple.
13:36耽误你们家大人的事 你才胆子不小 You are bold enough to delay your master's business.
13:42仙侠已答应他 拿到消息之后 再请我借个机会擒杀 I promised him that I would take the opportunity to kill him after I got the news.
13:47好 就依你 只不过线下手头的宝药怕是不够 一时之间难以凑齐 只不过线下手头的宝药怕是不够 一时之间难以凑齐 只不过线下手头的宝药怕是不够 一时之间难以凑齐 我看是你们诚意不够吧 我看是你们诚意不够吧
13:58若消息属实 我们冥土愿出一半报仇 我乃冥土第二战将 代表闭关的神子大人 与仙殿结盟 取皇性命 如此甚好 消息自然保真 你们可一定要杀了霍尔 我还怕被他报复呢 好 成交
14:13若消息属实 我们冥土愿出一半报仇 我乃冥土第二战将 代表闭关的神子大人 与仙殿结盟 取皇性命 如此甚好 消息自然保真 你们可一定要杀了霍尔 我还怕被他报复呢 好 成交
14:22若消息属实 我们冥土愿出一半报仇 我们冥土第二战 代表闭关的神子大人 与仙殿结盟 取皇性命 如此甚好 消息自然保真 你们可一定要杀了霍尔 我还怕被他报复呢
14:33盗修 你的消息若是有误 可没命拿这些宝药
14:39你们不会是先口头答应 然后得了情报再击杀我 抢回宝药吧
14:46盗修说笑了 仙殿怎会如此行事
14:50Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you that I only have good news for you, the Elders of the Palace of the Immortals.
14:57Don't you dare bully us again!
14:59Hey, there's one here. Who's Huang's opponent?
15:03It's a big deal. Why don't you send someone to inform your lord?
15:07Whether to listen to this person's information in person is up to him to decide.
15:11Listen, this girl is much more transparent than you.
15:15If you have any problems that you can't handle, just respond.
15:18Go and inform your lord.
15:21Hey, hurry up. Don't make me wait.
15:30Follow him and find where Di Chong is hiding.
15:36Di Chong, we'll meet again.
15:49Miss, how can I enjoy such delicious food alone?
15:53I wonder if I can have a drink with you.
15:56Friend, people have their own destiny.
15:59I just want to invite you to have a drink with me.
16:04It's okay to have a drink.
16:05Let's go.
16:15Friend, are you full?
16:17If you're full, let's go to see our lord.
16:21What? Shouldn't he come to see me?
16:24How dare you!
16:26Miss, have you finished eating?
16:28You can continue to enjoy even if there are more dishes.
16:30Shopkeeper, if I bring my own ingredients, will you help me?
16:35You can just tell me. I'll do it.
16:38You are Dapeng, right?
16:40Then give me a red braised chicken wings Dapeng.
16:44How dare you play tricks on us!
16:46Just grab it and grill it.
16:51Please enjoy yourself.
16:53Excuse me for a while.
16:55That ingredient came out to die.
16:57How dare you provoke the temple again!
17:02The one who will die is...
18:11I'm hungry. I'm not playing anymore.
18:27I'm hungry. I'm not playing anymore.
18:47The ingredients are ready.
18:49The next step is to cook.
18:54This year's Talisman Trial officially begins.
18:57I'm really surprised that you can make it this far.
19:01But it can only be done so far.
19:05In my eyes, you are just a small cornerstone on the road of cultivation.
19:10I have a secret method to stay in the world.
19:14If you are fated, you can scan the QR code to open the way to heaven.
19:58I have a secret method to stay in the world.
20:02If you are fated, you can scan the QR code to open the way to heaven.
20:07I have a secret method to stay in the world.
20:11If you are fated, you can scan the QR code to open the way to heaven.
20:16I have a secret method to stay in the world.
20:20If you are fated, you can scan the QR code to open the way to heaven.
20:24I have a secret method to stay in the world.
20:27If you are fated, you can scan the QR code to open the way to heaven.
20:31I have a secret method to stay in the world.
20:34If you are fated, you can scan the QR code to open the way to heaven.
20:39I have a secret method to stay in the world.
20:43If you are fated, you can scan the QR code to open the way to heaven.
20:48I have a secret method to stay in the world.
20:51If you are fated, you can scan the QR code to open the way to heaven.
20:56I have a secret method to stay in the world.
20:59If you are fated, you can scan the QR code to open the way to heaven.
21:03I have a secret method to stay in the world.
21:21I have a secret method to stay in the world.
21:24If you are fated, you can scan the QR code to open the way to heaven.
21:28I have a secret method to stay in the world.
21:31If you are fated, you can scan the QR code to open the way to heaven.
21:35I have a secret method to stay in the world.
21:38If you are fated, you can scan the QR code to open the way to heaven.
21:51I have a secret method to stay in the world.
21:54If you are fated, you can scan the QR code to open the way to heaven.
21:58I have a secret method to stay in the world.
22:01If you are fated, you can scan the QR code to open the way to heaven.
22:05I have a secret method to stay in the world.
22:08If you are fated, you can scan the QR code to open the way to heaven.
22:12I have a secret method to stay in the world.
22:15If you are fated, you can scan the QR code to open the way to heaven.