
  • 3 months ago
00:00Let's go everyone, pick me up and throw me over there and I did it, I did it, oh what is this here it is dead
00:22I'll take his body back
00:28Maybe he'll start walking again
00:35Oh what is this, he fell down
00:39Oh no, Maya also fell down, my bones are broken
00:51I'll take him back again
01:00I don't want to fall under him, but I fell myself
01:05And my bones are broken
01:08Now I'll run and jump
01:12My force has caught me
01:17Come with me, let's see the other side
01:22Maybe we'll find something else
01:2515, and the dead one got 16
01:304 more people to find
01:33Then our turn will be ours
01:374, there are 3 here
01:41Let's push them back
01:45Oh no, they fell down
01:48Now let's go and see what's going to happen
01:54I think they must have finished
01:59We pushed them down from such a height
02:03Let's go down and see
02:05Let's go
02:17They fell this way, let's see
02:21Are they alive or not
02:29Get up, is anyone alive
02:32They are getting up
02:35They are safe
02:37They are zombies, what will happen to them
02:40Let's see how many people we have gathered
02:44I think it must be 19-20
02:52Let's see what's next
02:56I think I have gathered 20 people
03:02Let's see how many people we have gathered
03:07Let's see how many people we have gathered
03:10There is one more less
03:14Let's pull it
03:17Let's pull it
03:20Now we have 20 people
03:25And the door is open
03:28I told you, there are bombs in front
03:34What is this
03:36Let's go and see
03:40Oh no, such a big explosion
03:45Oh no, such a big explosion
03:544 people are saved
03:58Such a big explosion
04:04Now it is difficult to breathe
04:10Let's push it forward
04:16What is this, such a big explosion
04:21The car is broken
04:24What will happen to me if I die
04:28Let's go and see
04:33Oh no
04:37He destroyed my car
