• last year
Prepare for laughs with the "Too Confusing for Georgie" clip from CBS' Young Sheldon! Created by Chuck Lorre and Steven Molaro, this beloved sitcom explores the quirky life of young Sheldon Cooper. With outstanding performances by Montana Jordan, Reagan Revord, and a talented cast, each episode delivers unforgettable comedy. Stream Young Sheldon now on Paramount+!

Young Sheldon Cast:

Iain Armitage, Zoe Perry, Lance Barber, Montana Jordan, Reagan Revord, Jim Parsons, Annie Potts, Craig T. Nelson, Matt Hobby, Emily Osment, Wallace Shawn, Wyatt McClure, Melissa Peterman, Wendie Malick, Sarah Baker and Ed Begley Jr.

Stream Young Sheldon now on Paramount+!


00:00The first one is, most people in the country.
00:04That doesn't sound like a sentence.
00:06But ask me who drives pickup trucks.
00:08Who drives pickup trucks?
00:10Most people in the country.
00:12Well now it does sound like one.
00:14I told you, it's confusing.
00:16I can't help you.
