• last year
Funny cartoon video (full hd)


00:00Sir, here is the snake.
00:06Hey, save me.
00:10Sir, he must have got scared.
00:12It was a fake snake.
00:14Hey, hey, hey.
00:18Do you have a heart attack?
00:20You turned out to be a coward, sir.
00:24Listen, son.
00:26I am not even scared of my father.
00:28But if someone suddenly throws a snake at me,
00:30I will definitely get scared.
00:32Who said that? I am not scared.
00:34Yes, son. What are you saying?
00:36Did you also turn out to be a snake?
00:38Of course, I did.
00:40And not just any snake, sir.
00:42I turned out to be a king cobra.
00:44Just like this.
00:46Oh, my God. Then what happened?
00:48Then I grabbed the head of the snake.
00:50Like this.
00:54Then I brought it close to my mouth.
00:58Then I started kissing it.
01:00Like this.
01:04Wow, you turned out to be a brave man.
01:06You kissed the snake.
01:08Sir, have you gone mad?
01:10Have you gone mad?
01:12He is kissing the snake's hands.
01:18Do you kiss in the class?
01:20I am not kissing you. I am kissing Pinky.
01:22Look, son.
01:24I am telling you nicely.
01:26You are not old enough to kiss.
01:28You are old enough to study.
01:30So when will you kiss?
01:32When you grow up, kiss your wife a lot.
01:36Can I kiss someone else other than my wife?
01:38No, not at all.
01:40Don't kiss anyone else other than your wife.
01:42This is a sin.
01:44Then why do you do such a sin?
01:46What do you mean?
01:50Don't you kiss the living room behind the school?
01:52Son, mind your tongue.
01:54I can cut off my head.
01:56But I can't kiss anyone else other than my wife.
02:00Then what is this?
02:06Delete the photo.
02:08What if I don't?
02:10Delete it.
02:12You hit me, sir.
02:14Now he will forward it to your wife.
02:18Then she will see how you will be punished.
02:22Delete the photo, son.
02:24Otherwise I will die.
02:26My wife won't spare me.
02:28Delete the photo, son.
02:34Sir, why are you crying?
02:36What happened?
02:38Did he poop?
02:44No, I thought you must have pooped.
02:48I will kill you.
02:50I will kill you.
02:52Leave him, sir.
02:54He will die.
02:58Son, he is leaving you alive because of his wife.
03:00Fall at her feet.
03:02Sir, can't I hug her?
03:04I will hug you.
03:06Sorry, sir.
