S01E06 - Devastating Blow

  • 3 months ago
00:00Previously on 4th and Forever,
00:03chemistry among Glade Central players started to break down.
00:06You know, the kids are really bickering amongst each other.
00:09They're not really close as a unit.
00:11And the team disappointed a fan base not accustomed to losing.
00:15My goodness!
00:17You lost a game, we make and tolerate that.
00:19Anybody can make a mistake.
00:21You lose more than one, you're out of here.
00:23You know, that comes with the territory.
00:25Football is life to a lot of people.
00:29At the Hokie, the Blue Devils reversed their fortunes
00:33with a two-game winning streak.
00:35Hell of a game, boy.
00:36We're starting to come together as an offense,
00:38putting the right people in the right places.
00:40And with the 40th Muck Bowl inching ever closer,
00:43Coach Bolden and his staff are hoping to keep that momentum alive.
00:47There's no doubt in my mind.
00:49We're clicking on all cylinders.
00:50Guys are balled in, my coaches are balled in.
00:52Now we see where the chips fall come next Friday.
01:07Football players in Muck City begin their journeys here,
01:10in city parks like Lakeshore Park and Belle Glade.
01:14These are the athletic proving grounds of the Glades region in South Florida.
01:18It's where talent first blossoms.
01:22Where wide-eyed kids dream of becoming Muck Bowl stars.
01:26And where the all-time greats return to give back.
01:30I'm looking forward to when I make it in the NFL, coming back,
01:33helping the kids, running routes, stuff like that.
01:38Preparing the next generation for greatness happens all over Muck City.
01:43Especially in the schools,
01:44where educators are on a mission to elevate academics
01:47to an even higher level of greatness.
01:50That's the big thing. We're looking at the big picture.
01:53Because at the end of the day,
01:54what really matters is to get these kids in school,
01:57have good grades, and how to actually be better men.
02:01That's the real thing that we really care about.
02:07Good grades are a cornerstone of gridiron success
02:10at both Glades Central and Pahokee.
02:13Every player must maintain at least a 2.0 grade point average.
02:17Failure to do so results in the athlete being ruled ineligible,
02:21putting a potentially budding career in jeopardy.
02:25You are a student athlete!
02:27There's a different bracket for you!
02:30Probably the greatest talents
02:32never got an opportunity to display it on the big stages
02:35of the college ranks and the pros ranks
02:37because of their lack of performance in the classroom.
02:42An ineligible player can also put a team's entire season in jeopardy.
02:48Under Florida high school rules,
02:50allowing an academically ineligible player to take the field
02:53results in the automatic forfeit of all games
02:56in which that player appeared,
02:58even if the coaching staff had reason to believe
03:01the student was in good academic standing.
03:05It's a brutal lesson.
03:07One Glades Central is about to learn the hard way.
03:10Just two days before an away game
03:12against another regional pigskin powerhouse, Miami Pace.
03:17You know what I'm saying?
03:18You know some news, you know what I'm saying?
03:19Hope God is on our side for this.
03:22I just showed up to practice,
03:23a little practice at 410,
03:24but I'm about to say now we're meeting, I guess.
03:28We got some bad news today.
03:30Wasn't really what we were hoping for.
03:36According to an FHSAA report,
03:38Glades Central had a player who did not meet a 2.0 GPA
03:41and Glades Central didn't know it.
03:43So all those games that player played in had to be forfeited.
03:46Glades Central went from being 4 and 5 to being 0 and 9.
03:50As it turns out,
03:52the player in question entered summer practice with a 2.4 GPA.
03:56But when one of those grades was later adjusted downward,
03:59his GPA fell to 1.9,
04:02unbeknownst to both the player
04:04and the Glades Central coaching staff.
04:06We come and find out that we got grade problems
04:09when we checked that before the season started.
04:14And all of a sudden we come to now.
04:17As a coach, I'm devastated. I'm heartbroken.
04:20But in life, you're going to go through things
04:22where you're going to be devastated,
04:23you're going to be heartbroken,
04:24but at the same time, life goes on.
04:27So it's what do I do from this point on?
04:30Hey, bring it in, bring it in.
04:33Take a knee, take a knee. Hurry up.
04:35With Glades Central's head coach Jesse Hester out of town,
04:38tending to a family matter,
04:40it's up to his assistant coaches to break the news to the team.
04:43I talked to Coach Hester and this is what he said,
04:45tell them guys to keep their head up.
04:47Listen up, listen up, listen up.
04:49You just explain to them, you know,
04:51that life has adversity, you know,
04:53you go through adversity and you defeat it and you move on.
04:57So our whole goal is just keep them motivated.
04:59Forget about all this stuff. It has nothing to do with you guys.
05:02People, season still goes on.
05:04Season still goes on.
05:06And the whole thing about the season going on is winning.
05:09Just win. Just win.
05:13Despite the setback,
05:15because of Glades Central's formidable regular season schedule
05:18and the fact that all of their remaining games
05:20are against divisional opponents,
05:22it's still possible for the Raiders to make a run at state championship,
05:25even after forfeiting its first nine games.
05:28We just explain to them, you know,
05:30that our whole thing is to just play this next game, win it,
05:34play the following game, win it,
05:36make the playoff, nothing changes.
05:39But that means Glades Central must overcome
05:42a strong Miami-Pace team this week
05:44and then defeat arch-rival Pahokee in the annual Muck Bowl a week later.
05:51I know today we got a big disappointment.
05:54It hurt me too.
05:56Understand this game of football, fella.
05:59To play football, it requires two things.
06:02It requires heart
06:04and you got to be nuts.
06:06Understand why I'm telling you this.
06:08Because to be the first person to hit somebody in the mouth,
06:12you got to be nuts.
06:14Your heart come in after he punch you back.
06:18Are you going to stay in the fight
06:20or are you going to duck your tail and run?
06:23You guys still got a chance to make the playoff, man.
06:26You number six.
06:27Not only that, y'all know,
06:29if y'all play in the Muck Bowl,
06:31Pahokee's a six-seater.
06:33We knock them out.
06:35Let's crash the party.
06:37I know they're going to give it all they got to try to win.
06:41We believe in them, so I think we'll be okay.
06:46What's not okay in the eyes of the coaching staff
06:49is how the players' adjusted GPA
06:51came to the attention of the Athletic Association
06:54before they were notified.
06:59The Glades Central coaches can't help but wonder
07:02why someone on the Blue Devil coaching staff
07:04may have been involved,
07:06seeing how intertwined the schools are
07:08and how they are both vying for a playoff spot.
07:11What I'm thinking is,
07:13it's a lot of bad blood hurting me.
07:16It's hurting me hard, you know.
07:18But, you know, that's the way it is out here.
07:23Thankfully, the players seem to be taken to heart
07:26the coaches' message of keeping their heads held high.
07:29Even though it hurt, we can't do nothing about it.
07:32We just got to bounce that.
07:34We got to be pokey.
07:40The biting irony of the situation
07:43is that across the board,
07:45the Raiders student-athletes are having a banner year in the classroom.
07:48That really took the wind out of our sails.
07:51We have had a lot of kids that are tackling academics extremely hard.
07:56On top of that, Glades Central was proactive
07:59in handling questions around another player's eligibility,
08:02that of their best athlete
08:04and their team's top college prospect,
08:06Javonte Tank-Williams.
08:09You don't want none of that. Oh, yeah.
08:13He's something, like, really special to watch.
08:16He's more like a wide receiver, tight end, hybrid,
08:19very hard to bring down.
08:21And he's not going to get denied.
08:23He can catch balls over the middle.
08:25He can catch deep routes.
08:27He can do it all.
08:29You don't want to take your eyes off him.
08:31Yeah, I know how good y'all are.
08:33Somebody finna get a steal.
08:35They don't even know it yet.
08:37They don't even know it yet, but...
08:39Yeah, I wish I was out there in the past.
08:41I know, man.
08:43Especially for Muck Bowl.
08:45We had you out there.
08:47We probably would have won or undefeated.
08:49Would have.
08:51Tank is one of those athletes
08:53who defy the odds.
08:55His story is amazing.
08:57The reason I'm not playing right now,
08:59like, I aged out. I turned, like, 19.
09:01They gave me, like, three games.
09:03I was blessed to get those three games.
09:06The reason Tank aged out
09:08is because early on in school,
09:10he fell behind other kids his age.
09:13Not because he lacked the smarts.
09:15Instead, because he spent much of his childhood
09:18without a roof over his head.
09:21Another athlete gave me a hint
09:23that he was homeless.
09:25He always been a person
09:27who needed help
09:29with, like, family situations.
09:32Here and there, like, I was moving around,
09:34basically, staying with aunties,
09:36cousins, like, stuff like that.
09:38You're not your mom, you're not with your family.
09:41Growing up kind of rough, especially down here.
09:43You either gonna play ball
09:45or you gonna be in the streets.
09:47He has slept in a park in the past.
09:49At that point, I just pretty much
09:51took him up under my wing.
09:53Ever since then, we look after him
09:55and make sure he has everything he needs
09:57and he's one tremendous, hell of an athlete.
09:59Oh, man, NFL ready, homeboy.
10:01Tighten up on that ball, man.
10:03I still be able to practice with the team
10:05is a blessing because it keep me in shape.
10:07There you go.
10:09I just come out here every day, motivate.
10:12Katie Fletcher and her team
10:14at the Student ACES Center
10:16also help keep Tank motivated academically.
10:19What's up? Good?
10:22What took you so long?
10:25You always forget.
10:27He said, I really want to do this,
10:29and I said, do what? He said, I really want to go to college.
10:31I really want to play football.
10:33Tank, that one don't work. You can get it on laptop.
10:36I'm already decided to take football
10:38to the next level to show people, like,
10:40what I'm made of and what I can do
10:42and where I come from.
10:44So I started taking it, like, serious.
10:46My grades, I started breaking them up.
10:48And it all paid off.
10:50And he's racking up.
10:52He's racking up on offers.
10:54And we're making sure that his academics
10:56are matching his athletics.
10:58And now he is eligible to leave in December
11:00and attend the school of his choice.
11:02Which will it be?
11:04Oregon? Indiana?
11:08They all want Tank.
11:10That's a big blessing.
11:12Like, I just thank God every day for it.
11:14Like, he took me from one spot and put me in another.
11:18While the future is shaping up nicely for Tank,
11:20another top prospect from the muck
11:22just made an unexpected detour
11:24on his road to college.
11:26The recruitment process,
11:28it is a very stressful process.
11:30It does weigh heavily on my heart
11:32and on my mind.
11:34Pahokee star lineman Scooter Kabir
11:36has decided to decommit
11:38from the college.
11:40He's going to be a full-time
11:42football coach.
11:44He's going to be a full-time
11:46has decided to decommit
11:48from the University of Central Florida
11:50after his recruiter stopped responding
11:52to Scooter's texts and e-mails
11:54about his ACT scores.
12:00So I decommit from Central Florida
12:02because I felt like the love wasn't there
12:04the same as it was early on.
12:06The ACT, first time I took it,
12:08he texted me, you need to retake the test.
12:10So then I had to retake it because
12:12the scores weren't high enough.
12:14So I know in any other Division I
12:16college that those are scores
12:18that can get me into college.
12:20So I sent it to him, okay, I'm good.
12:24About a month later, still nothing.
12:26So I'm like, okay.
12:30It probably was I did commit too early.
12:32I'm handling it pretty good.
12:34A lot of things I just leave it in God's hands.
12:36I feel like whatever happens, just happens.
12:38I just try to focus on the positive.
12:41Because of his improved ACT scores
12:43and his performance on the field,
12:45Scooter has more scholarship offers
12:47than ever before.
12:49He has a couple of great offers on the table
12:51still that he has to make a decision about.
12:55FAU, Toledo,
12:57USF, Colorado State.
13:00There's not a problem with my grades.
13:02I've never been ineligible to go on to play
13:04Division I football.
13:06It's just about me finding the perfect home
13:08that I can spend the next probably three or four years at.
13:12Whatever it is, Scooter's going to be an awesome
13:14awesome ball player on the next level.
13:16He's determined and he's dedicated to the game.
13:20So dedicated that Scooter continues to play
13:22with a broken finger.
13:24As you can see, this pinky is like really working.
13:26I really can work it way better than I could
13:28when I first broke it.
13:30The pinky is fine.
13:34While Pahokee takes the week off,
13:36Glade Central heads into their matchup
13:38against Miami Pace High School
13:40where the fallout of their ineligible player
13:42still lingers.
13:44It really was mentally draining
13:46for those guys to have that thought
13:48of not making the playoff.
13:50To them, that thought alone
13:52was a devastating blow
13:54for their young minds.
13:58The season has not been going the way we planned.
14:00We had some close losses.
14:02We've had some close wins.
14:08But this week we have Miami Pace
14:10which is a must-win to us.
14:12So just to get the kids to focus on
14:16We haven't found
14:18the formula at the end of the game
14:20in order for us to finish
14:22the way we're supposed to finish.
14:24So we spent a lot of time on details
14:26offensively and defensively.
14:28Hopefully we'll be able to finish
14:30offensively and defensively.
14:32Hopefully we did a good job.
14:34The kids understand.
14:36Coaches know what they're supposed to do
14:38and we can move forward.
14:42Let's play football.
14:44That's all we want to do.
14:46Just play football and we want to win.
14:48We're out here to teach them to be men.
14:50Teach them to grow up
14:52and get over stuff like this.
14:54They do what they're supposed to do.
14:56Just imagine
14:58we stick it to the state finals and win it.
15:00We can do that. We have the ability to do that.
15:02If they come together we will do that.
15:04To win
15:06Glade Central needs its star
15:08wideout Jim Davis to shine.
15:10But Davis can't do it all.
15:12So quarterback Marion Moorland
15:14and fellow receiver Desna Washington
15:16need to rack up yards and touchdowns.
15:18And with so many
15:20close calls this season
15:22the place-kicking pair of holder Jacob Camacho
15:24and kicker number 40 Jose Garcia
15:26need to be in lockstep.
15:32As the Raiders warm up
15:34the players feel the pressure from both the coaches
15:36and fans.
15:40Playing football here has
15:42history behind it.
15:44We have to live up to it.
15:46We have standards
15:48that we have to play to.
15:50This is a must win game
15:52for both Miami Pace
15:54and Glade Central.
15:56Given the stakes
15:58the officials warn the coaches
16:00that they will be calling a tight game.
16:02If I got a problem
16:04with one of your players, if they throw a punch
16:06I can't save them.
16:08Any other thing I'll send them to the sideline.
16:10If I tell them to go see you
16:12they're coming over for a reason.
16:14Good evening ladies and gentlemen
16:16and welcome to Jones Field
16:18at Monsignor Pace High School
16:20for tonight's matchup
16:22between the visiting team
16:24Glade Central Raiders
16:26and your very own
16:28Monsignor Pace Spartans!
16:34Go about 15 to 20, go about 20 yards deep.
16:36Y'all side by side.
16:40Raiders set to receive to start our game this evening.
16:42As the Raiders offense takes the field
16:44there to take in the action
16:46are Pahokee Coach DJ Bolden
16:48Offensive and Defensive Coordinators
16:50Damian Berry and Emmanuel Hendricks
16:52and other members of the Blue Devil staff.
16:54They are there to scout their rivals
16:56in the upcoming Muck Bowl
16:58but they're also there to cheer the Raiders
17:00on to victory.
17:02Saturday night
17:04got nothing else to do but watch football.
17:06You know everybody on the staff.
17:08You know the kids.
17:10So we're here to support the guys.
17:12You know so when it comes down to football
17:14we can support Glade Central.
17:16It's the Muck. Muck City versus everybody.
17:18Glade Central's the Muck. Pahokee's the Muck.
17:20So it's kind of always been us against everybody.
17:22They compete in China.
17:24You know both of them are Spartans.
17:26We play off of each other.
17:28And I respect it to be a dogfight.
17:30The field isn't the only
17:32place where the intensity of the
17:34Pahokee-Glade Central rivalry is on display.
17:40Still reeling from the ineligibility ruling
17:42some Glade Central fans
17:44decide to take their frustration out on
17:46Coach Bolden and his staff.
17:58While Bolden and his staff
18:00downplay the tension in the stands
18:02the Raiders get off to a rocky start
18:04as number one Jim Davis
18:08drops what could have been a touchdown pass.
18:12Don't beat yourself up.
18:14Don't beat yourself up.
18:16That's okay baby.
18:18They got so much talent out there.
18:20So much talent.
18:22Let's go defense!
18:24On their
18:26first drive Miami Pace
18:28moves the ball deep into Raider territory.
18:36With the ball on
18:38the three yard line the Spartans
18:40appear poised to score.
18:42But the spine of the Raider defense
18:46and forces a goal line
18:50That's a turnover for the Spartans.
18:52This puts Glade
18:54Central back on offense
18:56albeit with their
18:58backs up against their own goal line.
19:04Glade Central runs it up the middle
19:06in search of a little breathing room
19:08but the Miami Pace defensive line
19:10out muscles them.
19:12And the Spartan defense
19:14tightens up
19:16Janetta's safety
19:18for the Spartans.
19:20This puts Glade Central
19:22down to two to nothing
19:24and gives the ball to Miami Pace in excellent
19:26field position.
19:32But as the battle in the trenches
19:38Glade Central D begins to gain
19:40the upper hand.
19:44will take the field on offense.
19:54Raiders start deepening their own end.
19:58On the next play
20:00quarterback Marion Moreland struggles
20:02to control a low snap
20:04and is nearly dropped for a second
20:06before launching it down the far
20:08sideline to number nine
20:10Desna Washington.
20:24The Raiders running
20:26game also heats up
20:28thanks to number eight Desmond Washington.
20:30Gas, gas, gas.
20:34Desna's little brother.
20:38Then the Raider offense
20:40digs a hole for itself when a lineman
20:42is hit with a 15 yard unsportsmanlike
20:46I call it a straight game. I don't care who win this game.
20:48I don't.
20:50But when you talk back to me
20:52the next time you do it I'm going to send you over here and you're going to be done for the game.
20:58Miami Pace doesn't do themselves any
21:00favors either.
21:04When on the next play Glade Central
21:06receiver Jim Davis is taken down
21:08with an unnecessary and penalty
21:10worthy blindside block.
21:12Penalty flag
21:14comes in at the end of the play.
21:16What was that? Blindside block.
21:18And the call is a
21:20blindside block against the
21:22Spartans. Got a
21:24slight hit. Got a little wind
21:26knocked out of him.
21:28He took a little break for a minute.
21:32But the unsportsmanlike conduct
21:34isn't restricted to the field
21:36as Scooby Jones continues to give the
21:38Pahokee coaching staff a piece of his
21:48We got some of the coaching staff
21:50here from Pahokee and he knows
21:52the rivalry how it is.
22:00So one word
22:02led to another and then it
22:04became an argument.
22:10Get out of here man.
22:14Miami PD picked him out the
22:16game. They should have just let him go to the other
22:18side and let him watch the game.
22:24With tensions running high
22:26coach Hester urges his team to keep
22:28their composure and put some points
22:30on the board.
22:32I just got to make sure the kids are not
22:34too emotionally high.
22:36Early in the
22:38second quarter the Raiders attempt a
22:40field goal.
22:42We got to go on two.
22:44Don't forget bro. Nobody jump.
22:46We got to get a good snap. We got to get a good hold.
22:48We got to get a good kick.
22:50They got a good kicker.
22:52We got to be able to feel
22:54all the electricity and all
22:56the energy that goes on in certain
22:58situations. Being able to stand
23:00up in that crucial moment.
23:04that's a good kick.
23:06Holy smokes.
23:08Came good from
23:1039 yards.
23:12That was pretty impressive.
23:14Ain't had
23:1620 more yards at least.
23:18That gives
23:20the Raiders a 3-2 lead
23:22over the Spartans.
23:24Glade Central
23:26goes into halftime barely ahead
23:28but it's enough for coach Hester to
23:30work with as he rallies his
23:34It ain't going to be easy.
23:36It's going to be a fight.
23:38But we in this fight.
23:40We in this fight and we ain't backing down from this fight.
23:42There you go.
23:44This is going to happen.
23:46I got faith.
23:48Just before the
23:50second half kickoff coach Hester
23:52approaches coach Bolden.
23:54Though the ineligibility situation
23:56has clouded the run up to next week's
23:58Muck Bowl, coach Hester just
24:00wants to give coach Bolden props for
24:02Pahokee's quality win last week.
24:04There you go.
24:06Congratulations on your win.
24:08You got it please.
24:10Alright coach, we'll talk.
24:12At the start of the
24:14second half Miami Pace
24:16lays another questionable bone crushing
24:18hit on number 9.
24:20Glade Central receiver
24:22Desna Washington.
24:26complete in the back of the
24:28end zone. Washington
24:30is not real it is.
24:32The inability to find the end zone
24:34puts the pressure on the Raiders offense
24:36and defense.
24:44The Raiders deliver another
24:46strong defensive stand
24:48led by number 20 Jermaine
24:50Mays' touchdown saving tackle.
24:52On offense Glade Central
24:54finally hits pay dirt courtesy
24:56of a bruising 30 yard touchdown
24:58run from Desna Washington.
25:02But it's not enough.
25:04Miami Pace goes on to score three more
25:06touchdowns putting the game
25:08well out of reach.
25:10Spartans bring home a victory
25:14over the Raiders
25:16of Glade Central.
25:18Right now you guys got so much doubt
25:20Once doubt creep in guys
25:22alright. Once doubt creep in
25:24guys that's when bad things
25:28It's supposed to hurt.
25:30It's supposed to hurt.
25:38It's an uncharacteristically
25:40ugly loss for Glade Central
25:42but the Raiders can now put
25:44that all behind them.
25:46Because looming on the horizon
25:48are the Pahokee Blue Devils
25:50and the game everyone is waiting for.
25:54The muck bowl is what
25:56it is. This game
25:58has a lot riding on it
26:00you know as far as
26:02bragging rights. Is it all about
26:04you know the fight, the pride
26:06that's what's in you.
26:08It's Monday afternoon
26:10inside Anquan Bolden Stadium
26:12and coach DJ Bolden
26:14is with defensive coordinator
26:16Emmanuel Hendricks preparing
26:18a game plan for the upcoming
26:20showdown against Glade Central.
26:22There's an ominous
26:24vibe in the air due to the fact
26:26that Glade Central had to forfeit
26:28several victories because of the
26:30ineligibility situation and
26:32because it's officially no longer
26:34part of the game.
26:36And the rivalry between the Raiders
26:38and the Blue Devils is now building
26:40to a fever pitch.
26:42Coach Emmanuel Hendricks
26:44who's also a science teacher at Glade
26:46Central believes he knows the truth
26:48about how the player was deemed ineligible.
26:50Glade Central's administrators
26:52were simply following the rules.
26:54The kid's grade went from
26:562.0 to 1.9
26:58it came out that the grade had been
27:02Principal found out about it
27:04Principal found out about it
27:06she wrote a letter to the state
27:08they contacted people.
27:12In order to abide by the State Athletic
27:14Association guidelines
27:16the Glade Central administration
27:18self-reported the issue.
27:20This revelation
27:22verifies that the Pahokee coaching staff
27:24was not involved. With the air
27:26clear, coach Bolden and
27:28coach Hendricks turned their attention
27:30to the daunting task at hand
27:32leading Pahokee to victory
27:34in the muck bowl.
27:36And guess what? We gon' do it.
27:38It's going down. And we gon' win this game.
27:42We gon' put on for the city.
27:44We gon' light it up.
27:50At Glade Central
27:52the crushing loss to Pace
27:54has a surprising silver lining.
27:56Over the weekend
27:58one of the school's forfeited victories
28:00was reinstated since the player
28:02in question never entered the game
28:04which means the Raiders' playoff hopes
28:06have been resurrected.
28:08For coach Hester, it's just another day at the
28:10office in an increasingly rollercoaster season.
28:12Get back at it
28:14Monday just to get back on our regular schedule
28:16so we'll have an extra day for preparation
28:18because the game is on Saturday as well.
28:28Absent from the practice field
28:30is Tank Williams
28:32who can no longer play
28:34because he turned 19 three games into the season.
28:36But that's not why
28:38Tank is in that practice.
28:40It's because he's graduated
28:42early from Glade Central
28:44and has accepted a scholarship to Syracuse University.
28:46So this is my baby
28:48right here.
28:50This is Javonte Tank Williams.
28:56And just last week
28:58I flew him up there and dropped him off.
29:00Tank has come a long way.
29:02Tank has come a very long way
29:04from not even knowing how far he can go
29:06in this process to
29:08ending up with probably like over 15
29:10Division I offers.
29:12That journey has been extremely
29:16worth it. Mission accomplished.
29:18Probably one of the toughest ones
29:20that I've had in my entire career
29:22but the most deserving.
29:24I'm proud of him.
29:26I had to shed a few tears on this one.
29:30But like so many local
29:32heroes before him, Tank will be
29:34back for the next week's Muck Bowl.
29:38A game many experts
29:40consider to be the greatest rivalry
29:42in all of high school football.
29:44And that fuels the dreams
29:46of the next generation of Muck City's
29:48gridiron greats.
29:50The Muck Bowl is something that you
29:52look forward to as a kid
29:54because that's something that has been ingrained in us
29:56as a youth so it's definitely a game
29:58that we all look forward to.
30:02Next time on
30:04Forth and Forever, everyone expects
30:06Muck Bowl week to bring out the best.
30:08It's very popular here
30:10and also representatives from the
30:12NFL and all will come out and watch.
30:14But no one is fully prepared
30:16for the drama
30:20and surprises
30:24of this year's showdown.