مسلسل الصاعقة التي سقطت على المنزل الحلقة 22 مترجم – الأخيرة

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مسلسل الصاعقة التي سقطت على المنزل الحلقة 22 مترجم – الأخيرة
00:00:33My father saw what you did in the field and he would have died of grief
00:00:38You are not his daughter
00:00:40You are the daughter of your mother
00:00:41Bad seed
00:00:43I would do anything for you
00:00:45But what you said last time
00:00:49You really ruined me
00:00:51All this happened because of me
00:00:53Because of you
00:00:55You have no shame
00:00:57If I were in your place
00:00:59I would die of grief
00:01:01I would take the pills in the clinic
00:01:03I would take them
00:01:05I would die
00:01:09What a bad person I am
00:01:15Everything I touch is ruined
00:01:17I wish I hadn't come to Istanbul
00:01:35What did I do to the people who loved me and took me to their homes?
00:01:47How can you say such a thing to your mother?
00:02:11How can you tell her to kill herself?
00:02:13You must be surprised
00:02:15I would tell her
00:02:17But I might have said
00:02:19If I were in your place
00:02:21I might have said
00:02:23She is the same
00:02:25What does it matter?
00:02:27She is different
00:02:29I don't even want to think
00:02:31Come on
00:02:33If she had done what I said
00:02:35I told her the day she first came to the mansion
00:02:37I told her
00:02:39I told her
00:02:41Don't stay here
00:02:43Where is he?
00:02:45God bless him
00:02:47Shut up
00:02:49Excuse me
00:02:51I am Namuk Tuncel's wife
00:02:53We live upstairs
00:02:55My husband's nephew took a taxi
00:02:57I was going to ask
00:02:59Can you give me a ride?
00:03:01We don't have a car here
00:03:03You are right
00:03:05Can you make an announcement?
00:03:07I will
00:03:09Can you tell me about your friend?
00:03:11She is blonde
00:03:13She is young and pretty
00:03:15But she is beautiful
00:03:17Wait here
00:03:19I will come back
00:03:21Thank you
00:03:23I am surprised
00:03:25You told her
00:03:27You would go
00:03:29Why are you in a hurry?
00:03:33Why don't you want to understand me?
00:03:35If something happens to her
00:03:39Your friends left a list
00:03:41For Polonezkoy
00:03:43Mom, let's go
00:03:45Come on
00:03:51This is the last news you will hear from me
00:03:53I am begging you for the last time
00:03:57You will never see me again
00:03:59Or hear my voice
00:04:01I will leave your life
00:04:11In my last letter
00:04:13Let me address you like this
00:04:17I have hurt you so much
00:04:19I have upset you so much
00:04:21Because of me
00:04:23You have suffered
00:04:25When my father died
00:04:27You called me your daughter
00:04:31I didn't value you
00:04:33I betrayed you
00:04:35You are right
00:04:37I don't hope you will forgive me
00:04:43I am sorry
00:04:55You will be mad at me
00:04:57Because of what I did
00:04:59I know
00:05:01But I have no choice
00:05:03I can't live like nothing happened
00:05:05Don't be sad for me
00:05:09You deserve to be happy
00:05:11You will be
00:05:13With your wife
00:05:15Your father
00:05:17Your family
00:05:19And you
00:05:23I wish I could turn back time
00:05:27I wish
00:05:29I could turn back time
00:05:31And change everything
00:05:33Don't let anyone love me
00:05:35Maybe then
00:05:37You wouldn't be
00:05:39Behind the fingerprints
00:05:41I don't deserve this
00:05:43I don't deserve your love
00:05:49The past is so heavy
00:05:53Even if I remember
00:05:55I get crushed
00:05:59Because of what I did to you
00:06:01I can't get in
00:06:03To the blood of your unborn baby
00:06:07I can't forgive all of you
00:06:09If there is
00:06:11Any good thing
00:06:13I did in the past
00:06:15It's for her
00:06:17But I don't forgive myself
00:06:23Muazzez? Muazzez? What did you do to yourself? Muazzez wake up!
00:06:37Mrs.Cahessi, let's go away!
00:06:39Mom, what are you saying? We have to do something! Call an ambulance!
00:06:45Water, water, let's get some water for her!
00:06:47We can't do anything! Please let's go away! We've never seen it before!
00:06:52Please, let's go.
00:06:54Mom, are you aware of what you're saying?
00:06:57Mom, I can't leave her like this.
00:07:01Look, dear, we can't do anything.
00:07:04We have to go. We have to leave her like this.
00:07:06How can I leave her like this?
00:07:08This girl will only separate you from me.
00:07:11Look, I'm saying there's nothing we can do. Don't you understand?
00:07:13Look, she wrote a letter.
00:07:15She said, I don't forgive myself.
00:07:17She said goodbye. She said, I'm out of your lives now.
00:07:19Tell me!
00:07:22They're gone.
00:07:34Mr. Damut, may you have a long life.
00:07:36I wish you patience.
00:07:38Both for Sait and you.
00:07:40I told Ahmet and Mr. Şükrü.
00:07:42Thank you, Emine.
00:07:44Is Şahseler not here?
00:07:46Well, they've gone.
00:07:50When Muazzez left like a cat, I looked in the cab.
00:07:53I told him, but he said he went after her.
00:07:56Muazzez? Where did he go?
00:07:58I don't know.
00:08:01Good God.
00:08:02I keep telling myself not to tell him, but I can't stand it, Mr. Namik.
00:08:06I swear, they've put a lot of socks on this girl's head.
00:08:10I wonder if they're together with her mother again.
00:08:12I hope they don't mess things up again.
00:08:20Look at me, dear. Look at me, my child.
00:08:22This girl ruined Sait's life.
00:08:25She made her father-in-law suffer.
00:08:27She ruined your husband's head.
00:08:29She ruined your family.
00:08:31Please, please don't be so heartless.
00:08:36What if Muazzez dies?
00:08:37Let him die. Death is a God-given thing.
00:08:40Look, if he survives, he'll suffer even more.
00:08:45But we can't do anything about death.
00:08:57Mom, Namik is calling.
00:08:58Don't pick up, please. Or pick up, pick up, pick up.
00:09:01But don't make any more suspicions.
00:09:02Or, at best, I'll...
00:09:05I'll pick up.
00:09:06Mom, enough!
00:09:08Shut up!
00:09:11You decide what I'm going to do.
00:09:21Hello, Namik?
00:09:22Hello, Şahesli.
00:09:23How are you? Where are you?
00:09:26Is Muazzez with you?
00:09:31Yes, he said you were going after Emine.
00:09:33Of course, Muazzez was very upset.
00:09:36He went out to get some fresh air.
00:09:37We didn't want to leave him alone with my mom.
00:09:39You did the right thing. Let me talk to him.
00:09:41He shouldn't feel guilty for nothing.
00:09:43Muazzez is in the bathroom.
00:09:45We're in a cafe now.
00:09:47Namik, I'm begging you. Don't leave him alone today.
00:09:50You know he's going through a very sensitive period.
00:09:52Call me as soon as you can, okay?
00:09:57I can't hear you. Hello?
00:10:00We'll talk when we get home. I'm hanging up.
00:10:06I lied again because of you!
00:10:09What am I going to say to my husband when he calls?
00:10:11You'll say he went to the bathroom.
00:10:13Then you'll say he went to the bathroom.
00:10:15You'll say he went to the bathroom.
00:10:17Then you'll say he went to the bathroom.
00:10:19We're not going anywhere.
00:10:21Look, don't be sad.
00:10:23You're going to be very sad.
00:10:25I won't let him die.
00:10:27I won't let him die.
00:10:29Good. Then stay.
00:10:31Stay and see.
00:10:33You'll see how his life will change in two days.
00:10:35Stay, then!
00:10:38I'm not doing this for Muazzez.
00:10:42God knows...
00:10:45...how much love I have for him.
00:10:54As long as Muazzez lives...
00:10:57...my marriage will be in danger.
00:11:01My husband...
00:11:03...left him to me.
00:11:06If he dies leaving him to me...
00:11:11...my marriage will really end, mom.
00:11:16Don't look at me like that.
00:11:22This girl will live, mom.
00:11:24She has to live.
00:11:27If necessary...
00:11:30...I'll tear her heart out with my own hands.
00:11:33Do you understand?
00:11:35I understand.
00:11:38Muazzez! Muazzez, wake up!
00:11:40Muazzez, wake up! Wake up!
00:11:42Muazzez! Muazzez, wake up!
00:11:44Muazzez! Muazzez, wake up!
00:11:46Muazzez! Muazzez, wake up!
00:11:48Muazzez! Muazzez, wake up!
00:11:53Reyhan, I'm here.
00:11:55Are you in the living room?
00:11:59Look, I bought you some soup. You'll love it.
00:12:05My dear sister.
00:12:10What's wrong with this house? Didn't a woman come today?
00:12:13I didn't let her in.
00:12:15You didn't?
00:12:17I didn't let her in. I kicked her out.
00:12:22I didn't want a stranger to touch my mother's things.
00:12:29I hope so.
00:12:31I won't be upset about anything today.
00:12:40My eyes are crying, Işık.
00:12:43You know, I haven't been this happy in years.
00:12:46I saw Namı's father writhing in pain...
00:12:49...and Namı watching him in pain.
00:12:54What's the man's fault, brother?
00:12:58Are we going to be happy with someone else's pain?
00:13:03If it's Namı's pain...
00:13:06...yes, we'll be happy.
00:13:13Stop it. Don't hurt anyone anymore.
00:13:19What's done is done. It's been years.
00:13:22In a hundred years, Namı will pay for what he did to you.
00:13:28You've been suffering for years.
00:13:30You're still suffering.
00:13:33It's his turn.
00:13:36Everyone around him will suffer.
00:13:39Just like me.
00:13:41He won't be able to do anything.
00:13:44He'll be in despair.
00:13:46He'll be in pain.
00:13:48His father, his wife, his brother...
00:13:53...even Muazzez.
00:13:55Who's Muazzez?
00:13:57Namı's new victim.
00:14:10Are you okay, Namı?
00:14:14I'm fine.
00:14:18We should have stayed a little longer.
00:14:25I'm so sorry.
00:14:28Okay, calm down. Don't tire yourself.
00:14:32We'll talk about this later.
00:14:35Your phone's ringing.
00:14:37Let it ring, mom.
00:14:39Maybe Namık is calling. Let's not make him suspicious.
00:14:46Okay, take care of Muazzez.
00:14:52You go to bed. Pray for Cahit.
00:14:56Otherwise, he'll be in deep trouble.
00:15:05I'm sorry. I'm late. I had work to do.
00:15:08Did I interrupt your work?
00:15:10Then I'll tell you right away.
00:15:12I was looking for a house near my workshop.
00:15:15I found one.
00:15:17But I was a little indecisive.
00:15:19Can you come?
00:15:21I'm not available right now.
00:15:23What happened? Did something bad happen?
00:15:26I can come if you want.
00:15:28No, I can't.
00:15:30I'm busy.
00:15:32Did something bad happen? I can come if you want.
00:15:35No, it's okay. We'll talk later.
00:15:38Okay, see you.
00:15:48How will you live from now on?
00:15:57How will you get over this?
00:16:14I'm Said.
00:16:18Nice to meet you.
00:16:28Look at me. Trust me.
00:16:30Everything will be okay.
00:16:33I want to believe.
00:16:37To myself, to someone.
00:16:41But how?
00:16:49I'm so thirsty.
00:16:51Is there anything to drink?
00:16:54There is.
00:16:56Nanuk Muazzez has everything.
00:17:00I'm going.
00:17:20You saved my life, sister.
00:17:23I owe you my life.
00:17:27How can you do that, Muazzez?
00:17:30If it wasn't for you...
00:17:32...do you know what would have happened to your uncle Said?
00:17:36I thought if I got out of his life...
00:17:39...they would be happy.
00:17:41On the contrary.
00:17:43They would have suffered more...
00:17:46...than what they did before.
00:17:51You're right, sister.
00:17:56What Said said...
00:17:59...made my uncle miserable.
00:18:04When Aunt Perihan said that...
00:18:07My mother must have said it.
00:18:10My mother will think it's her fault.
00:18:12I'm sorry.
00:18:14It's not like that.
00:18:20If you feel better, get up.
00:18:23Let's go to the hospital.
00:18:25Let's not go, sister.
00:18:28I'm fine.
00:18:30Please, let's not go.
00:18:33I don't want anyone to find out.
00:18:41This is your second chance, Muazzez.
00:18:45Use it well.
00:18:47Don't make a mistake again, okay?
00:18:51If you want to make them forgive...
00:18:56...do it the right way, okay?
00:19:06I've done so many bad things to you, sister.
00:19:09I took your life.
00:19:13But you saved my life.
00:19:26I'm sorry, Muazzez.
00:19:56Didn't he leave the court before us?
00:20:00Why hasn't he come yet?
00:20:02He couldn't wait.
00:20:04He went out to get some fresh air.
00:20:06Let him.
00:20:08My son is a part of me.
00:20:11He won't see the sky for a long time.
00:20:13He won't get fresh air.
00:20:15But let him get some fresh air.
00:20:17What can he do? He's upset.
00:20:19He did it.
00:20:21Now he's trying to hurt himself.
00:20:23He's upset.
00:20:25I can't believe it.
00:20:27It's not Muazzez's fault that Sait is in jail.
00:20:31Who's dead?
00:20:32Don't say that.
00:20:33Sait is just a kid.
00:20:34He made his own destiny.
00:20:36Now he's trying to hurt himself and that poor girl.
00:20:39You're protecting Muazzez against your brother.
00:20:42I'm not protecting anyone.
00:20:44Calm down.
00:20:48Muazzez was your son.
00:20:52On one hand, he says Sait is guilty.
00:20:56But on the other hand,
00:20:58he bleeds because he's a kid.
00:21:01Of course, Muazzez is my son too.
00:21:05But you'll understand that soon.
00:21:10A shirt is closer than a caftan.
00:21:12It's not like a person's life.
00:21:14Yavuz, dad.
00:21:15My son, if I die because of these problems,
00:21:19you won't leave your brother there, okay?
00:21:22Dad, for God's sake.
00:21:24You won't leave him alone.
00:21:26You'll go after him.
00:21:28Like a rock that will burn you.
00:21:30Promise me.
00:21:31Is it my turn to talk like this, dad?
00:21:33Promise me, son.
00:21:37Okay, dad. I promise.
00:21:52I love you.
00:22:23Good bye, brother.
00:22:25Get well soon.
00:22:27Get well soon, brother.
00:22:30Good bye.
00:22:33Get well soon, brother.
00:22:35Thank you.
00:22:38Get well soon, brother.
00:22:40Thank you.
00:22:42I was separated, I was separated, I was separated
00:22:54I was a barbarian in the arms of my friend
00:23:02I was a barbarian in the arms of my friend
00:23:08I was separated, I was separated, I was separated
00:23:39Why did you get up now?
00:23:42Look at me, I'm tired, I can't stay here any longer.
00:23:47If you're so worried, sit down and do your maintenance.
00:23:51It's not enough yet, also keep a watchman, okay kid?
00:23:56Not a watchman, but we have to do something else.
00:24:00We have to do something else.
00:24:04Look, my brother.
00:24:07A smart man can't get by with three cents from here.
00:24:10We did our best, we're working on our money.
00:24:13My money is working, right?
00:24:15And how?
00:24:19He's even doing too much work, son.
00:24:21Let me see.
00:24:23Your mother!
00:24:25Son, my money really worked.
00:24:27We told you, son.
00:24:28You're going to make a fortune.
00:24:30We'll put it in, brother.
00:24:32We'll put it in, but...
00:24:34You're such a stingy man.
00:24:36We know where we are, we know where we are.
00:24:38We can't sleep on the money and run away.
00:24:40No, Adem.
00:24:42I didn't mean it that way.
00:24:44Brother, I'm saying, today is an example.
00:24:48Let's put 50,000 today.
00:24:52What are we getting tomorrow?
00:24:5450,000 today.
00:24:57You'll get 7,500.
00:24:59Are you serious?
00:25:01Son, you'll get your house and your gold and your car.
00:25:04Oh, my God.
00:25:06Wait a minute.
00:25:08Adem, take this.
00:25:11There's 50,000 there.
00:25:1350,000? Don't get me wrong.
00:25:17Adem, take good care of her, brother.
00:25:20Don't you worry, brother.
00:25:22I know the bank, it's even safer.
00:25:24I'll get going. See you.
00:25:26Take care.
00:25:33Zeynep, we'll get our house and our car in a month, I hope.
00:25:43750 liras.
00:25:47From the shop in Ortaköy.
00:25:50Aren't they partners?
00:25:51They're partners.
00:25:53I can't read the writing, boss.
00:25:55Whose writing is that?
00:25:57Didn't you write it?
00:25:59You were going to get it from those sliding phones. What happened?
00:26:02I didn't have my fingers, boss.
00:26:09Hello, boss.
00:26:15What did you do? Did you find Sahit?
00:26:17He's at Üsküdar Pasha's door.
00:26:18How is he?
00:26:20He's fine.
00:26:22I know the manager.
00:26:24Leave him alone.
00:26:26Look at me.
00:26:28Get a guy from Sahit's ward.
00:26:30Let him take care of him.
00:26:32Let's make sure they don't touch each other.
00:26:36Come on.
00:26:40Take this.
00:26:42If it was a phone, it would've been broken.
00:26:44Don't take it from him.
00:26:45Wow, Sahit.
00:26:47It's hard on the first day.
00:26:49It's really hard on the first day.
00:26:52May God save you, brother.
00:27:06Come in.
00:27:09It took you so long to get some fresh air.
00:27:12Your phone is off.
00:27:14I ran out of battery, Namık.
00:27:16I didn't notice.
00:27:18Are you okay, Muazzez?
00:27:22You should've gone to the movies.
00:27:24You're giving me a headache.
00:27:26Especially if it was a love movie.
00:27:28Look at what you're saying, Emine.
00:27:30It's like we went to Sefai.
00:27:32Did you take a boat?
00:27:36Actually, we went to the beach.
00:27:39Then it got a little cooler.
00:27:41Muazzez got cold, so we went to a cafe.
00:27:44Which cafe?
00:27:48Don't interrupt me.
00:27:50Get back to work.
00:28:01My dear friend.
00:28:03You're okay, right?
00:28:05Why didn't you tell me?
00:28:07I was so worried about you.
00:28:09I missed you so much.
00:28:11I'm sorry.
00:28:13I couldn't remember you.
00:28:16Your mother had dreams.
00:28:20Your mother had hopes.
00:28:24We were going to have our own house.
00:28:28Love, good news!
00:28:30I want the good news.
00:28:32Don't shout.
00:28:34He's not sleeping.
00:28:36Let him sleep.
00:28:38Let him sleep, Mehmet.
00:28:39Let him sleep, Mehmet.
00:28:41I'm working all day.
00:28:43Don't shout. Listen to the good news.
00:28:45You're such a boring person.
00:28:47What? You got 20 liras?
00:28:49Your husband won't give up on small things.
00:28:53I won the house money.
00:28:55I won the house money, girl.
00:29:01Come on.
00:29:04If I take off your pants tomorrow,
00:29:07maybe you'll believe me.
00:29:14Are you serious?
00:29:16Of course I'm serious.
00:29:24Are we going to get rid of my mom's problems?
00:29:26That's what I'm saying.
00:29:28Look at me.
00:29:30Do you want 4 plus 2?
00:29:32Do you want 5 plus 3?
00:29:34Do you want a bathroom?
00:29:36Forget it.
00:29:37Give me that.
00:29:39I'm going to celebrate with my son.
00:29:41My son.
00:29:43My son.
00:29:49Just like in the movies.
00:29:51You forgot about last year, didn't you?
00:29:53Yes, unfortunately.
00:29:55And this situation is bothering him a lot.
00:29:57You'll meet your old friend anyway.
00:29:59So it's no use being here now.
00:30:01Come on.
00:30:03I'll tell Muazzez everything.
00:30:05He was a very close friend of mine.
00:30:08I guess you know me better than I do.
00:30:10Of course, dear.
00:30:12I'll give you an accelerated course.
00:30:14Muazzez and Close History.
00:30:21I'm glad I thought of calling Sevda.
00:30:24Did you call her?
00:30:28I did well, didn't I?
00:30:30No, you didn't do well at all.
00:30:32After all you've learned, you've seen what they've been through.
00:30:34I wish you'd asked me.
00:30:35I'll ask you, Namık.
00:30:37They're close friends.
00:30:39I said they'd make up for the loss.
00:30:41Besides, Muazzez needs a friend.
00:30:44We can't erase his past.
00:30:49Where's my father?
00:30:51He left.
00:30:54Has he recovered a bit?
00:31:01I'll go upstairs and change.
00:31:10What kind of a man are you to not understand?
00:31:12And you're calling me up to your feet shamelessly.
00:31:14What did I tell you?
00:31:16These goods will arrive today.
00:31:18They're working.
00:31:20So they're not working enough.
00:31:22I'm telling you for the last time.
00:31:24These goods will arrive today or I'll come and take your money.
00:31:38Mr. Namık.
00:31:40I've been working on the side for years.
00:31:42I haven't heard from Mr. Ali for three days.
00:31:44Did he come again?
00:31:46He came and said he'd finish the orders.
00:31:48He yelled and left.
00:31:52Look, I'll try to deliver the goods by this evening.
00:31:54But you know that apparatus you use to secure the assembly?
00:31:59Let him go, okay?
00:32:01Don't interfere with the rest.
00:32:06Don't try to spit in my trash.
00:32:19Why are you grumbling?
00:32:21Do you mean this?
00:32:25Look, we're here.
00:32:27Do you mean this?
00:32:29No, mom.
00:32:31What grumbling?
00:32:33The corner of my shoe.
00:32:35I can put lettuce on it.
00:32:37I can put eggplants on it.
00:32:39What do you care?
00:32:47Is this Aydede Suratli here?
00:32:49Why are you standing here?
00:32:57I haven't asked for anything yet.
00:32:59But I will.
00:33:01Mom, look.
00:33:02Arsa had money.
00:33:06I made him work.
00:33:08Don't let the money make you work.
00:33:12Put it back.
00:33:21We have an income.
00:33:25We want to move in with him.
00:33:28We know that you're used to us.
00:33:30You're going to be sad.
00:33:32Let's move to another house, mom.
00:33:35Okay, girl.
00:33:37I put your stuff in the trunk.
00:33:39I put it in the trunk.
00:33:41Take it from there.
00:33:43Come on.
00:33:45But mom, look.
00:33:47We need to find a place to live.
00:33:51That's why we're asking you to take care of Ahmet.
00:33:54We're going to...
00:33:56We're going to look for a house in Sarıyer with my wife.
00:34:04You go to Sarıyer.
00:34:06I'll take care of Ahmet.
00:34:09I wish you success in life.
00:34:12My beautiful mom.
00:34:14Thank you, mom.
00:34:17If I don't like Halil, why do I marry him?
00:34:21You don't even have sympathy for him.
00:34:26Then Namık...
00:34:30What Namık said is right.
00:34:33I'm getting married to run away from Sait.
00:34:37To run away from Sait?
00:34:39He wouldn't say that.
00:34:42To get rid of his real sister-in-law.
00:34:47Your sister-in-law?
00:34:49Sister Şahesli.
00:34:51Him and his mother.
00:34:53They haven't given you any peace of mind since you came.
00:34:57But I upset them too.
00:35:00I made them go through a lot.
00:35:03It wasn't your fault.
00:35:05The woman was obsessed with you.
00:35:07Maybe there are things you don't know.
00:35:11Anyway, tell me about Sait.
00:35:14Sait, the love of giants.
00:35:16It can't be explained.
00:35:18Sevda, don't make fun of me.
00:35:20I don't understand what you're serious about.
00:35:23I'm very serious.
00:35:25You were crazy about Sait.
00:35:28Sait was crazy about you.
00:35:30Wait a minute.
00:35:32Wasn't Sait's love unrequited?
00:35:35No, it's the opposite.
00:35:37It's weird to tell someone who you're in love with.
00:35:41Look, it was like this.
00:35:46I love you.
00:36:16I love you.
00:36:30You know what?
00:36:32I'm in love with you.
00:36:37It's just out of the oven.
00:36:39Don't push it too hard, Sevda.
00:36:41There's nothing to push.
00:36:43I'm just telling you what I forgot.
00:36:46Your mom is alone at the office.
00:36:48I took permission from her.
00:36:50Anyway, we were going to the garden.
00:36:52Come on.
00:37:06Sait said he stabbed me.
00:37:08There's no evidence.
00:37:19So no one found a knife or something?
00:37:24As far as I know, no.
00:37:29If that knife is found, it will be understood that Sait is innocent, right?
00:37:34I don't know.
00:37:36Or it will be proven that he is guilty.
00:37:39Did I call you here to talk about things we already know?
00:37:45How can such a big love suddenly be forgotten? I don't understand.
00:37:52Sait said so anyway.
00:37:55I think I'm lying.
00:37:57Come on, the brain forgets, but what about the heart?
00:38:14Actually, a few images came to my mind today.
00:38:20Sait's smile, a few things he said.
00:38:28But it's broken.
00:38:30So what did you feel?
00:38:35I felt warmth.
00:38:37Okay, isn't that warmth love?
00:38:40I don't know.
00:38:45Sevda, I have a lot to think about before love right now.
00:38:49Okay, honey.
00:38:51I'm always with you from now on.
00:38:55What if Feyyaz stabbed Halil?
00:38:58Look, Muazzez was obsessed anyway.
00:39:01If so, wouldn't Halil say that Feyyaz stabbed me?
00:39:05Did they do little together?
00:39:08He must have protected him because he was an accomplice.
00:39:10Does a person ever protect someone who aims at his life?
00:39:13For God's sake, let's close this subject.
00:39:15We've already been sorry enough.
00:39:17Yeah, but what can I do?
00:39:20My mind is always with Sait.
00:39:26Look, okay, we can't fool Sait, but after the last things he did...
00:39:32Namık, Sait is your brother.
00:39:35You shouldn't give such a thing a chance.
00:39:40Turn around, we're coming to the same place.
00:39:42Is Halil lying? Is he telling the truth?
00:39:50Furkan, you're an idiot.
00:39:53But look, don't think that you have my finger.
00:39:56You know everything about Namık, okay?
00:39:59If you're a man, let me go!
00:40:03Shut up!
00:40:07Okay, Mr. Namık.
00:40:11He received the necessary message.
00:40:13If he doesn't listen to us, he knows we'll find him again.
00:40:16Okay, Mr. Namık.
00:40:24Did you hear that?
00:40:26You won't walk around Muazzez again.
00:40:31Mr. Namık has an order.
00:40:48...it'll be bad.
00:41:09Mr. Namık.
00:41:14I know you cut the punishment.
00:41:35I'm in Şahes.
00:41:38It's an honor to hear your voice again.
00:41:41We need to talk urgently.
00:41:43Okay, let's talk.
00:41:45But before we talk, I need to get ready.
00:41:48Of course, about Sait.
00:41:55Okay, I'm waiting.
00:41:58Again that festival.
00:42:00Okay, I'll be right there.
00:42:07What's up? Are you going somewhere?
00:42:11Nevra called.
00:42:13She needs help to move.
00:42:16I'll drop you off.
00:42:18No need, Mr. Namık.
00:42:20I'll go by taxi.
00:42:22Call me if anything happens.
00:42:30I'm going, Mr. Namık.
00:42:32My mom called.
00:42:34Okay, go.
00:42:37I'll come if you don't want me to.
00:42:44See you.
00:42:54Who is it?
00:42:57It's me, Muazzez.
00:42:59Let's go.
00:43:02Don't talk about going after all the lies you told me.
00:43:08I never lied to you.
00:43:10I did everything to protect you.
00:43:12Is that so?
00:43:14Then what about the lie Sait told me?
00:43:17We were in love.
00:43:19I love him too.
00:43:22Who told you that?
00:43:25Yes, Sevda told me.
00:43:26Sister Şahes told me.
00:43:28Look, Şahes is trying to keep you away from me.
00:43:30Sevda is helping her.
00:43:31Don't you see that?
00:43:32I'm fed up.
00:43:33Look, everyone is telling me different things.
00:43:36Everyone is telling me different things.
00:43:40I don't know who to believe anymore.
00:43:44Believe me, I'm only thinking about you.
00:43:47I want to believe you.
00:43:52But I can't.
00:43:55I can't.
00:43:59You're just Brother Namık to me.
00:44:02Don't do this to us.
00:44:06I can't upset Sister Şahes.
00:44:08Don't think about anyone else.
00:44:10Think about us, both of us.
00:44:12I don't want to upset those who love me anymore.
00:44:14Understand that.
00:44:18There is no such thing as us.
00:44:27You didn't even wish me a happy past.
00:44:30My father wished it for all of us.
00:44:35I came here for something else.
00:44:39Did Sait stab you?
00:44:42Oh, Saber.
00:44:44Namık at least three times.
00:44:46Brother Şükrü a few times.
00:44:48I told the police, the judge many times.
00:44:51Yes, Sait stabbed me.
00:44:53Did he?
00:44:55He did.
00:44:57We raised him well.
00:44:59He's a man with a knife.
00:45:00He's not in a position to commit suicide.
00:45:02He'll go in, he'll go out.
00:45:04I almost forgot.
00:45:06I have something to ask you, too.
00:45:10Namık hid it when he found Muazzez.
00:45:13Is that true?
00:45:14It's none of your business.
00:45:16That's right.
00:45:18It's none of my business.
00:45:22Muazzez says he's interested in Namık.
00:45:25Isn't that right?
00:45:40Doesn't your husband know you're here?
00:45:44There's nothing to be ashamed of, bored or surprised about.
00:45:48Namık didn't do anything behind your back.
00:45:50Don't worry.
00:45:56I'm sorry.
00:46:01Did you give all the money to the store?
00:46:06Mom, we bought this for you.
00:46:10Mom, we'll buy a blouse and a house.
00:46:14But you look good in that color.
00:46:16You can choose that color.
00:46:17It's a gift from my son-in-law, mom.
00:46:20Tell me, when did you find all this money?
00:46:24We didn't get the cash yet.
00:46:27Did they give you a kiss?
00:46:30We got it with my sister's credit card.
00:46:35God damn you!
00:46:38Did you eat Sahin's money?
00:46:40Mom, calm down.
00:46:43If you touch Arslan's money...
00:46:46...and break it...
00:46:48...I'll cut you with my saw.
00:46:53It's always a threat.
00:46:57I'll give you the money tomorrow.
00:46:59Then you'll know who Mehmet is.
00:47:01Look at me, Tepegöz.
00:47:02Where were you looking?
00:47:25Namık won't ask, but...
00:47:27If he will...
00:47:29...we met a couple of hours ago, okay?
00:47:31Okay, but we met a while ago.
00:47:35I was there before you.
00:47:37You don't want Vena to know, do you?
00:47:40You want me to share your lies.
00:47:42Am I right?
00:47:43I don't want to say lies and make things worse.
00:47:46I don't want to hurt you.
00:47:48I don't want to hurt you.
00:47:50Let's not say lies and make things worse.
00:47:53I'm trying to help his brother.
00:47:57Then why are you hiding it?
00:47:59It's a long story.
00:48:01I can't tell you now.
00:48:02Do what I say, please.
00:48:04Okay, but...
00:48:05...I can't lie.
00:48:07I'll get angry.
00:48:09And if you don't tell me...
00:48:11...tell me what you did.
00:48:12I can't lie, too.
00:48:15But sometimes life makes us do things we don't want to do.
00:48:21I heard the sound of the car.
00:48:23Welcome, Evra.
00:48:24Thank you.
00:48:26Did you take care of the house?
00:48:28Did Şahit help you?
00:48:30I did what I could, Damık.
00:48:34It's been a long time.
00:48:36You must have talked a lot.
00:48:38We met at the workshop.
00:48:40The house is done.
00:48:41Then Şahit helped with the fabric selections.
00:48:43You have a great wife.
00:48:45If it wasn't for her, I would have lost a very important customer.
00:48:48We have a Dutch customer.
00:48:54Who is calling, Damık?
00:49:02Come, Evra.
00:49:09What do you want again, Ali?
00:49:11I don't want anything.
00:49:13You didn't fall for me.
00:49:15I don't want anything.
00:49:17You didn't fall for me.
00:49:19Don't drag it out.
00:49:21I don't want to drag it out, but my wife won't leave me alone this time.
00:49:24Don't lie.
00:49:25What did she talk to you about?
00:49:27I don't know.
00:49:29You'll ask your wife.
00:49:31I'm sorry.
00:49:47I want to make you forgive me.
00:49:52Can you give me one more chance?
00:50:00I won't upset you again.
00:50:02I won't break my promise again.
00:50:04I promise.
00:50:10Won't you ever look at my face?
00:50:13I see my son, handcuffed and taken to prison.
00:50:19As I look at you,
00:50:21between the four walls,
00:50:25I see a piece of my life stuck in a damp closet.
00:50:35I won't look at you until Said returns home.
00:50:55Why didn't Nevra sit down?
00:50:58If she was going to go, why did she come?
00:51:02She was going to sit down, but they called from the workshop.
00:51:06She had to go back to work.
00:51:08At this hour?
00:51:10Namık, you're leaving without saying goodbye when you get a job.
00:51:25I want to go to Said tomorrow.
00:51:29What do you mean, why?
00:51:31Aren't you going?
00:51:33No, I'm going.
00:51:35Why are you suddenly asking?
00:51:37Namık, no matter how much of a brother you are,
00:51:39he's like a brother to me.
00:51:41Even if I can't talk to him, I want to cheer him up.
00:51:45Okay, we'll go together tomorrow.
00:51:50Good night.
00:51:52Good night.
00:52:03God, please help me.
00:52:06Please remember me.
00:52:18Can you trust me, Aziz?
00:52:21I can only trust you.
00:52:24If it wasn't for you,
00:52:26what would I do? Where would I go?
00:52:29I don't know.
00:52:31Don't worry.
00:52:33Everything will be fine.
00:52:35Everything will be fine soon.
00:52:39You can't fall in love, mom.
00:52:41You'll forget.
00:52:43You can't fall in love, mom.
00:52:45You'll forget.
00:52:51You can't fall in love, mom.
00:53:09You can't fall in love, mom.
00:53:21You can't fall in love, mom.
00:53:32You can't fall in love, mom.
00:53:38What's up? You didn't talk to me like this in the past.
00:53:41Don't say that and ruin my mood. I'm already on the ground.
00:53:46Adem keeps his word. He has to keep his word.
00:53:49That's right. He keeps his word. He keeps one, two, three words.
00:53:52Then he swallows them all.
00:53:55Swallows them all?
00:53:57Look at me. If you owe me something, forget it.
00:54:00Drink cold water.
00:54:05Hold it, hold it.
00:54:07Help me.
00:54:09Give me water.
00:54:25My dear.
00:54:26Welcome, aunt.
00:54:28Are you okay, Sait?
00:54:30Did you come together?
00:54:32We came together.
00:54:33We solved the problem between you and your aunt.
00:54:37Is that so?
00:54:39Is this a part of your new game?
00:54:45Sait, we are always thinking about you.
00:54:49How is your health?
00:54:51Are they treating you well here?
00:54:53I'm fine, aunt. I'll take care of it. Don't worry.
00:54:56Do you need anything?
00:54:58I don't want anything from you.
00:55:00Sait, don't be rude.
00:55:01Don't be rude.
00:55:02We came here to visit you.
00:55:03Did anyone call you?
00:55:05Didn't I tell you not to come?
00:55:06Come on, let's go.
00:55:09Let him see how he is.
00:55:14I want to talk to Sait.
00:55:16If you stay here now, he'll be rude to you, too.
00:55:21Namık, please.
00:55:23I mean, Ahmet Şükrü.
00:55:24I've never seen you so happy.
00:55:26But thanks to you, of course.
00:55:27The house has no taste or salt.
00:55:31I know my mistakes.
00:55:33I'll fix it somehow.
00:55:34Oh, don't.
00:55:36Don't say anything else.
00:55:38Just do what your sister Şahin says.
00:55:45I'm sorry.
00:55:47I'm sorry.
00:55:49I'm sorry.
00:55:50I'm sorry.
00:56:06My daughter.
00:56:09I'm sorry.
00:56:10If we've met before, I don't remember.
00:56:13No, my daughter.
00:56:14We've never met before.
00:56:16But I know you very well.
00:56:17I was a very close friend of your late mother.
00:56:22My mother?
00:56:25I understand you, Sait.
00:56:27You're very angry with everything that happened to you.
00:56:33That's why you treat your brother like that.
00:56:35It has nothing to do with it.
00:56:37He's not my brother anymore.
00:56:38He's my enemy, okay?
00:56:42Do you know what he's doing to me?
00:56:44It's not like going to jail.
00:56:45It's not going to jail.
00:56:47It's what my brother thinks he's doing to me.
00:56:52And what Muazzez says.
00:56:57Muazzez lost his memory in that accident.
00:57:08Are you sure?
00:57:13That's why he treated you like that.
00:57:15He doesn't remember you.
00:57:19But he'll be fine.
00:57:21He'll remember you again.
00:57:23And you'll be like before.
00:57:26Will we be?
00:57:28You will.
00:57:32Do you trust me?
00:57:34You're not my mother.
00:57:37It's always been that way.
00:57:41I'm going to ask you something, but don't get mad at me, okay?
00:57:47You didn't kidnap Halim, did you?
00:57:49Don't do it. You don't believe me either.
00:57:52I didn't say anything like that.
00:57:54Please don't get me wrong.
00:57:57I just want to be sure.
00:57:59I don't want to do anything wrong.
00:58:01If you're telling the truth,
00:58:04that I believe you,
00:58:07I can do something to get you out of here.
00:58:13I love Muazzez so much.
00:58:15I'd give my life for him if I had to.
00:58:19I'd even kill a man if I had to.
00:58:22But I didn't.
00:58:24I swear to you, I didn't stab Halil.
00:58:27I know.
00:58:29I promise you.
00:58:32I'll get you out of here.
00:58:38Then I'll make you some tea. You sit down, okay?
00:58:42Sit down.
00:58:44I'm so happy to see you.
00:58:47I'm so glad you came.
00:58:49He doesn't even remember Saiti, does he?
00:58:51What Saiti?
00:58:53We remind him, but he looks at us as if he's lying.
00:58:56He looks at us with his eyes wide open.
00:59:01My unlucky daughter.
00:59:03Anyone who sees her would think she fell into Zengin's house.
00:59:07She's a lucky girl.
00:59:09But where is she?
00:59:15Yes, Gaffur.
00:59:18Nursen and I are having coffee on the beach.
00:59:22No, there's no need for a car.
00:59:24I'll take a taxi.
00:59:30You should have sat down.
00:59:33Are you leaving, Nur?
00:59:35You should have sat down.
00:59:37If I didn't have to, I wouldn't have left.
00:59:40I have to go.
00:59:42Don't worry, my boy.
00:59:44Maybe your aunt will come again.
00:59:46She won't leave you, will she?
00:59:49I won't.
01:00:08So, what did you talk about?
01:00:11We talked about Muazzez. He asked about him.
01:00:14Anything else?
01:00:16We didn't talk about anything else.
01:00:18Why are you asking? I don't understand.
01:00:22You met Halil yesterday because you were going to meet Evra.
01:00:25What are you up to?
01:00:27Aren't you tired of this?
01:00:29How did you find out?
01:00:31Halil called and told me.
01:00:33Did you think I'd hide it?
01:00:35I was trying to help Saiti.
01:00:37By meeting Halil?
01:00:38By meeting Halil.
01:00:40I had to find out the truth.
01:00:42By hiding it from me?
01:00:47What about you, Namık?
01:00:49What are you up to?
01:00:51Let's go.
01:00:53What's this?
01:01:02Did you tell anyone?
01:01:04Of course not.
01:01:05Tell me the truth, Saiti.
01:01:07I said no, Namık.
01:01:12That knife.
01:01:14That knife, right?
01:01:16Halil's wound.
01:01:22Where and when did you find it? Why did you hide it, Namık?
01:01:24Calm down. I'll tell you, okay?
01:01:28Right after Sait ran away.
01:01:30Everyone was dealing with Halil.
01:01:32Then I found the knife.
01:01:33I hid it so it wouldn't be used as evidence against Saiti.
01:01:37You know Saiti didn't do it.
01:01:39Be reasonable.
01:01:41Who else could have done it?
01:01:43Halil said Sait.
01:01:46Because Muazzez and Sait ran away, he said it out of anger.
01:01:49What does that have to do with it?
01:01:51Halil didn't even know Sait had run away.
01:01:53He said Sait as soon as he opened his eyes in the hospital.
01:01:58The kid swore at me inside.
01:02:00I didn't do it.
01:02:01What else could he have done? Of course he'd swear.
01:02:04Namık, I know Sait.
01:02:07He's telling the truth.
01:02:09Take that knife to the police.
01:02:11Don't be ridiculous. I can't do that.
01:02:13Let's say I took the knife to the police, okay?
01:02:16What if Sait is guilty?
01:02:18Then there's zero chance he'll get away.
01:02:20Don't you understand?
01:02:21Sait is innocent.
01:02:25I can't take that risk.
01:02:28If you don't do it, I will.
01:02:30I'll go to the police.
01:02:38We have to be sure first.
01:02:40If you don't believe Sait, how can you be sure?
01:02:44I don't know how, but I'll go to the police.
01:02:48We'll look at his fingerprints and figure it out.
01:02:58Şahin, don't tell anyone.
01:03:11Damn it! You fooled me!
01:03:14Don't play tricks on me!
01:03:16You asked for it that night!
01:03:18We made a deal with you.
01:03:20But you didn't keep your word!
01:03:22This is not a child's play.
01:03:23If I had kept my word, people would have been suspicious.
01:03:26Let's wait and see.
01:03:28You still want to save Sait, don't you?
01:03:34Maybe you'll try to convince me again.
01:03:48I'll make you pay for this!
01:03:53Son of a bitch!
01:04:05Yes, Mr. Ayhan?
01:04:12How is it?
01:04:14Are the goods in accordance with the terms?
01:04:18Are you going to return them?
01:04:21There must be a mistake.
01:04:23They were produced in Tuncel's workshop.
01:04:30Okay, Mr. Ayhan. I'll take care of it.
01:04:40Any news from Sait?
01:04:42I talked to the prison director.
01:04:44I'm sorry.
01:04:46He's in jail for now.
01:04:48If they let me, I'd like to see him.
01:04:50I was going to tell you the same thing.
01:04:52He's full of energy.
01:04:54You're full of blood, too.
01:04:56I like brave men.
01:05:00He reminds me of my youth.
01:05:03How is Nursel?
01:05:05Didn't you say you were with her today?
01:05:08No, I didn't.
01:05:16Massage your mother.
01:05:18Come on.
01:05:20Mehmet, where have you been?
01:05:28What happened to you?
01:05:30Did you hide the money in your pocket?
01:05:33Let me see.
01:05:36Money, money, money!
01:05:38How are you?
01:05:40I'm fine. How are you?
01:05:42I'm not fine, Zeynep.
01:05:44There are flies in my stomach.
01:05:46I'm so sorry.
01:05:48The bees are fighting.
01:05:50We learned that.
01:05:52Now let's see the money.
01:05:56It's not enough for today.
01:06:00Oh, my head.
01:06:02Mehmet, look.
01:06:04It won't be like this tomorrow.
01:06:06There are a lot of buyers.
01:06:18Hello, Sevda.
01:06:20You weren't sleeping, were you?
01:06:25I want something from you.
01:06:29I have to get Said out of jail.
01:06:31I have to get him out.
01:06:35They say his fate is in the hands of Halil.
01:06:39So I need Halil's number.
01:06:41Do you have it?
01:06:44No, I didn't ask Namık.
01:06:47He shouldn't know anyway.
01:06:48Don't tell him anything.
01:06:50Give me his number, please.
01:06:53Okay, wait.
01:06:59Look, Sevda, please.
01:07:01Don't tell anyone.
01:07:03See you.
01:07:06Don't trust the woman Muazzez's mother's friend told you.
01:07:09If she comes here, let her know.
01:07:12Why? Do you know her?
01:07:14How can I know her?
01:07:16I just don't remember what she said.
01:07:21Why would she lie?
01:07:24And I'm happy for Muazzez.
01:07:26She smiled for the first time.
01:07:28Why should we trust a woman we don't know?
01:07:31Oh my God.
01:07:35Did you call Tevfi?
01:07:37I did.
01:07:39What did he say?
01:07:41He said he'd tell you as soon as he could.
01:07:45Please don't be late.
01:07:47As long as Sait is in there, my conscience is not at ease.
01:07:50It's as if I don't want my brother to come out.
01:08:07Good evening, I'm Muazzez.
01:08:12Yes, Halil, it's me.
01:08:14I need something from you.
01:08:20Why are you in your wife's arms?
01:08:22Listen to me.
01:08:23You won't talk or see Muazzez again.
01:08:27If all the women around me want to see me, what can I do?
01:08:32I'm telling you for the last time.
01:08:33Stay away if you love your life.
01:08:36Why are you looking for him?
01:08:37I had no other choice.
01:08:39This is the only way to get Sait out of there.
01:08:42You'd do anything to get Sait out of there, wouldn't you?
01:08:52Then I have an offer for you.
01:08:55I'll get Sait out of there.
01:08:58But you'll come with me.
01:09:01How are you going to do that?
01:09:04By going there.
01:09:06Do you accept my offer?
01:09:07Do you accept me?
01:09:11Why are you doing this, my love?
01:09:14Don't you love me at all?
01:09:24You're lying.
01:09:26If you hadn't lied, I'd look you in the eye.
01:09:29Namık, I can't do it.
01:09:31Please, don't be mad at me.
01:09:34I can't do it. Let me go.
01:09:35I don't care about anyone.
01:09:37Promise me you'll come with me.
01:09:40Namık, let me go. I can't do it.
01:09:42Come on, promise me you'll come with me.
01:09:49I'll come.
01:09:51But please save Sait.
01:10:37If you don't give me that knife...
01:11:05Hello, Tevfik.
01:11:07I found the knife that wounded Halil.
01:11:09I want to hand it over to Adalet so that Sait can be saved.
01:11:20Thank God.
01:11:22My son has come to his senses.
01:11:25Thank God.
01:11:27Thank God.
01:11:29Thank God.
01:11:31Thank God.
01:11:33Thank God.
01:11:35You showed me that my son has come to his senses.
01:11:38I knew it from the beginning.
01:11:41I knew Sait wouldn't do such a thing.
01:11:44It's the same for all of us, dad.
01:11:46Thank God, he was found guilty.
01:11:48God bless the person who found him and sent him to the police.
01:11:55He must have weakened inside.
01:11:57I'll make him feel better.
01:11:59I'll prepare something before he comes.
01:12:03Mr. Babur?
01:12:05Yes, sir.
01:12:09Please sit down.
01:12:12Sir, I want to get straight to the point.
01:12:15About the investment.
01:12:17Have we met before?
01:12:19No, sir.
01:12:21I want to ask you directly.
01:12:23About the investment.
01:12:25If we invest 10,000 liras today,
01:12:27what are we going to get tomorrow?
01:12:30I don't know.
01:12:31What are we going to get?
01:12:37Did you set me up?
01:12:39What does it have to do with me?
01:12:40Get lost!
01:12:46You're an ordinary man.
01:12:48Adem, my love.
01:12:50His name is Adem.
01:12:52You son of a bitch!
01:12:54You took my child's sustenance,
01:12:56you took my father's inheritance.
01:12:58How can you take my rights?
01:12:59How can you take my rights?
01:13:01Look at me.
01:13:03Either you give your life,
01:13:05or your money.
01:13:07Do you understand?
01:13:21Did I ask for coffee, Birgul?
01:13:24I wanted to have some sweet coffee.
01:13:26I'm in a good mood.
01:13:27You're in a good mood, Birgul.
01:13:30So, Sahit is going out.
01:13:32Thank God, he found a knife.
01:13:37Are you happy for him?
01:13:39Both for him and...
01:13:42You have something in your mouth.
01:13:44There's something I want to tell you.
01:13:46I've been hiding it from you for a long time.
01:13:50Something that will make everyone happy.
01:13:52Both you and me.
01:13:54If it's going to be good for all of us,
01:13:55why did you hide it from me for so many years?
01:13:57I'll tell you,
01:13:59but first, you'll be mad at me.
01:14:02Then, you'll forgive me.
01:14:05Look, dear.
01:14:06I'm going home.
01:14:07I'll wait for you at home.
01:14:08You take Sahit aside.
01:14:10What are you going to do tonight?
01:14:12You'll take him to the police station and kidnap him.
01:14:15We'll see.
01:14:16They know themselves, mom.
01:14:17Or do this.
01:14:18You take Ahmet and Şükrü aside.
01:14:21Tonight, you'll break their promise.
01:14:23Tell this to Sahit, too.
01:14:25Okay, dear?
01:14:27this girl can do whatever she wants
01:14:28when it comes to honor.
01:14:30Don't worry, mom.
01:14:32Even if Muazzez doesn't go,
01:14:34his mind will be busy with other things.
01:14:38What does that mean?
01:14:40I have a big surprise for you.
01:14:45it's a very small thing.
01:14:47Tell me about it, Sahit.
01:14:50You'll learn it with everyone.
01:14:52Talk about love.
01:14:53You're right, mom.
01:14:54I won't tell you.
01:14:55Tell me about it.
01:14:59Thank God.
01:15:01I'm here for your pleasure.
01:15:03How can you not come?
01:15:04My son is going out.
01:15:05Emine, my son.
01:15:07Sahit is coming,
01:15:08and Muazzez is at home.
01:15:10You know,
01:15:11how will Ateş and Barut stand side by side?
01:15:13We've been humiliated enough.
01:15:16They're crazy.
01:15:17They'll do something again.
01:15:19I can't stand them.
01:15:21The best thing is to engage them.
01:15:23Are we going to engage Muazzez and Sahit?
01:15:26Let's do it the easy way.
01:15:36let's not be late for Sahit.
01:15:37Let's go.
01:15:38Where is Namık?
01:15:39He was here just now.
01:15:40Where did he go?
01:15:42Namık just left, dad.
01:15:44He has work at the company.
01:15:46Then we'll talk when he comes.
01:15:48What about the girl?
01:15:51She's in her room.
01:15:52She wants to wait at home, dad.
01:15:55I wanted to go, too.
01:15:59I have work.
01:16:00I can't come.
01:16:01You told me to go.
01:16:02Emine is right.
01:16:04She's one of the family.
01:16:06Come on.
01:16:07Let's go.
01:16:08Let's go.
01:16:20I don't care about anyone.
01:16:21Promise me you'll come with me.
01:16:24Namık, let me go.
01:16:25Please, dad.
01:16:26Come on, promise me.
01:16:27You'll come with me.
01:16:42The court has decided to remove the perpetrator
01:16:44who Sahit Tuncer was arrested
01:16:46and to drop the charges against him.
01:16:51Thank you.
01:17:21You're not ready yet, but they'll come now, but you know we're going to miss the plane.
01:17:41I can't do it.
01:17:51I know you're confused, but you promised, don't forget.
01:17:58You changed my mind.
01:18:03You can't change it.
01:18:07I can't do it without you.
01:18:10Please understand.
01:18:13There is no future for us.
01:18:21We couldn't be happy with a little taste.
01:18:24What was there to love in the courtyards of the court?
01:18:30How are you, my daughter?
01:18:32I'm fine, father. I'm sorry. I dragged you here.
01:18:37You had to be with Sait.
01:18:40No, dear. Are we going to leave you there?
01:18:43Don't look at Sait's fault. He ran after Muazzez and left.
01:18:48What happened, daughter? What's wrong?
01:18:49Dad, I'm going to be a mother.
01:18:54Two good news in one day. Congratulations, dear.
01:19:01Call a taxi right now. Let's go home.
01:19:04I'll let my son-in-law know.
01:19:07Those days are over, bad days are over.
01:19:09We have a bright future, thank God.
01:19:11Come on, dear.
01:19:20We were created for each other.
01:19:27Don't you see how much I love you?
01:19:31What are you doing?
01:19:49What are you doing?
01:19:50What are you doing?
01:19:51What are you doing?
01:21:43Malik, wake up!
01:21:57Malik, wake up!
01:22:05Wake up!
01:22:38How did you find my office?
01:22:41Good, but I want to go home.
01:22:49Don't do this.
01:22:51I want you to be happy.
01:22:55There's nothing you can do for this anymore.
01:22:59No, there is.
01:23:02Namık will pay for what he did.
01:23:04Then you and I will be happy.
01:23:07Namık didn't do anything to me, brother.
01:23:10I was with the man with my own will.
01:23:14Namık used you and left you.
01:23:16That's how you wanted to believe.
01:23:17How many times did I tell you the truth?
01:23:19The man was drunk.
01:23:21We slept.
01:23:24Then he didn't remember.
01:23:27I couldn't say anything out of pride.
01:23:30I wanted to clear my own name.
01:23:33I couldn't do it.
01:23:40Beyan, it's all your fault.
01:23:44He made you like this.
01:23:45My mother died because of him.
01:23:54What are you doing here?
01:23:57Look, if you want anything, don't do anything.
01:26:41Where is my daughter?
01:26:45Where is my daughter?
01:26:47Where is Muazzez?
01:27:11Where is my daughter?
01:27:39Are you okay?
01:27:43Do you have a place to stay?
01:27:48Come on, give me your hand.
01:28:08No, I'm fine.
