"Unlock Your Financial Freedom: The Ultimate Guide to Wealth and Success"

  • 3 months ago
"Unlock Your Financial Freedom: The Ultimate Guide to Wealth and Success"
00:00Did you say?
00:01Was that an excuse did you just say I can't I think what I heard you say is you don't want to
00:05Stop being lazy
00:06You know why some of you in here your families don't support you because you find wine bitch and complain to him when you go
00:11home all the time
00:13Like come on like like now is the time to really understand how to get everything how to get it all but step one is
00:19This you guys are all leaders. Am I correct?
00:22Okay, listen from now on I will not call you a finance guy
00:26Because that's a title and I don't like titles you're a leader don't need to write this down
00:31I'm a leader and a leader has to do three things. Okay, there's three levels of leadership number one a leader has to self-lead
00:38Which if you guys want to run a store if you guys want to own a store if you guys want to do your own
00:41Shit one day if you guys want to kill it what you're doing right now
00:43I need you to start thinking about are you being the example for the rest of the company right now?
00:49Self-lead right down rule number one self-lead if you can't lead yourself
00:53I'm gonna assure you you don't have to worry about ever owning a store
00:56You don't have to ever worry about being a GM or a GM. Hey, I know a lot of GM's right now
00:59I get the fucking I run my store dude. I've seen your numbers. It's embarrassing, bro
01:04I can't believe they haven't fired you yet
01:06If they knew some of the people that I knew that could replace you they would replace you in a heartbeat. They're scared
01:12They're lazy. They're tired. They're just like you they don't know there's hope I'm gonna tell you this how I kill it
01:16I don't give a what goes on in this world. This is my economy
01:19This is my reality. What I say is gonna happen is what's gonna happen period end of story. It doesn't matter
01:24I will I will refuse to sell my dreams out to anybody else's fucking philosophy
01:29You guys must become this way now does this leader which is me able to lead everyone else?
01:35Yeah, dude, some of you right now. You're looking at me. You guys got low self-limiting beliefs
01:40You're not for sure if you're the person that can move the needle in the company
01:44Can you guys walk in right now and know that you can you can change an entire company like that good?
01:48Well, you're giving the shot when you go back to your store and you leave here to go do it right now like that
01:53So, who are you? So number one is self-lead. I want you to do me a favor
01:57We're to deep dive into what self-leads means number one the way that you operate with your family
02:01I'm gonna ask you a question how you treating them
02:02Don't go to work and just be that guy that works all the time go home and treats his family like shit
02:08You need to understand this your goal eventually is to run and build a team. Am I correct?
02:13Do you want your people to love to come to work?
02:15I mean love to like when they come to work
02:18They can't believe what if what if I could teach you to build a team in which people didn't work for money like money was
02:24A bonus they worked because they knew when they came in they got to self-develop around you and every day
02:28They were around you you made them feel powerful. You made them feel different
02:32You made them feel like coming to work made them a better husband and a better father and a better person when they looked in
02:37The mirror they like themselves better because that's what you did because you're their leader. That's what we're gonna do but finance
02:43You got to become the leader. Hey guys, if you're ready to level up and crush it and kill it
02:47I'm gonna tell you what to do. Put it on the calendar January 15th
02:50My wife is releasing her YouTube channel Jacqueline Elliott. My wife is the backbone of our company. She's the CEO of the Elliott Group
02:57She has wrote all the sales training. I have just pinned the face
03:00She's coming out into the open from how we have a badass marriage to raising our children
03:04Why we have a nine-figure business and killing it to leading our sales team and ultimately just crushing and killing in life
03:10If you're ready to level up if you follow me and you're a man you want to know what she knows it will make you
03:15The baddest ass man that's ever lived and also if you're a woman get your wife on this if you watch this and you're a lady
03:21And you want to crush it and kill it you want to make sure that you're subscribed to this channel
03:25So men and women if you're ready for the greatest training that was ever released a greatest self-development from the greatest CEO
03:31That's ever lived Jacqueline Elliott, January 15th. Be on the lookout. It's gonna be game-changing
03:36Now what leaders do how they separate themselves from bosses because bosses are losers people work for a boss for a paycheck
03:44People work for the leader for blood sweat and tears. Okay, a lot of people say Andy you got a cult
03:48I do have a call. It's a good call. It's a call in which I make people hold standards
03:52I know that's fucking rare, right? It's a cult in which I make people take care of their health
03:56It's a cult in which I make people take care of their mindset
03:59It's a cult in which I make people take care of their family or I'll fire them if they don't it's a cult in
04:02Which I want people to do better. Yeah, well, that's a cult good
04:05I think everybody should be a part of it because it's the good life not a bad cult
04:09I don't ask anybody to do anything bad
04:11I actually positively peer pressure for people to get better and change stop being lazy
04:17Okay, so that's why I'm not for everybody
04:19But I want to tell you guys if you want to do something big
04:22The whole world out there right now is dying and thirsty for leaders
04:25There are just like you guys are so since I always say this if you can't find it build it
04:30You say well Andy that's not my way in my store
04:33Did you say?
04:34Was that an excuse? Did you just say I can't I think what I heard you say?
04:37You don't want to because you can do whatever the hell you want to do
04:40I can go into any company right now and I can change the culture one day and it'll never be the same again
04:46Nobody will stand up against me. I will fucking replace you. I have nine billion people in this world
04:50I can go find somebody who's hungry who wants to learn. You know what I'll do. I don't need skill
04:54I'll hire somebody with a good attitude and then I'll train that son of a bitch all of you guys in here
04:58If you're about it, you were made you did not just show up and you were the most skilled son of a bitch ever
05:02You wanted it more you had a good attitude
05:04You had a good perspective on life and somebody invested in you or you self-learned guys
05:08It's never been easier to win
05:10So you must become the person you need to become to attract the team that you want to win
05:14Does that make sense? Which means I tolerate no bullshit. Hey, I didn't say we can't make mistakes
05:19I means I won't tolerate excuses like I can't do that or you don't understand because some of you're like
05:24But you don't understand any we're a Honda store, but you don't understand any other than, Massachusetts. Shut the fuck up
05:30Okay, what are you talking about? But you don't understand. We only have to 1800 people that live around us, bro
05:35It's the internet error. I mean, come on, man. I quit being stupid
05:38Okay, like everything that you're saying is absolutely excuses and they only sound good to the people that are making them
05:43Okay, but real winners see right through that shit and we're like, dude, you're an idiot, bro
05:47And by the way, I don't want you around me unless you're willing to change
05:50So self leadership, I'm gonna tell you how to build a team and keep a team number one
05:54You must lead by example by taking care of your own family
05:57Because step two is gonna be to step two is gonna be leading other people. Does that make sense?
06:01So step one is gonna be self leadership step two is gonna be leading other people
06:05How when the hell can you lead other people if they don't like the way that you're leading your own family now, listen to me
06:10Do you think people are gonna come to work and they're gonna kick ass when they go home and have good and great lives at?
06:14Home. Yes or no. Have you ever seen someone come to work with a bad family life?
06:17Were they any good to you anybody that had problems at home right now name one person right now that's got problems at home
06:23They've got issues. They come to work and just kick. They don't kick
06:27So the leader must show people that we must be where our feet are
06:30See, I'm at work right now, right because I'm with you. We're at work
06:33That means we're gonna be here while we're here. I don't care what your schedule is
06:36We're gonna be here while we're here now when we get out of here
06:38We're gonna we're gonna turn it off and then we're gonna be with our families and that way our family doesn't get leftovers
06:44They get special energy and then they actually support us to come work all these hours and kick ass and make money and they like
06:49What we do plus we're not gonna go home and complain to our families anymore
06:52You know why some of you in here your families don't support you because you find wine bitch and complain to him when you go home
06:57All the time, you know why they don't like what you do
06:59You know
06:59I don't support you to change because you've made them not support you if Dennis had a daughter and his daughter said hey dad
07:06I'm with this guy, you know, I love him
07:07But you know, he called me a bitch last night dude
07:10Dennis is never gonna support that guy two years later. They go to get married Dennis ain't ever gonna support him
07:14She's like, yeah, but he's changed. You think I give a shit you shouldn't have told me you shouldn't have told me some of you
07:20Shouldn't have told your families about the grind and the hard work that you've had at work now
07:24Can I change what you've already done? No, but I can tell you to do things differently
07:28I have one goal for you
07:29If you guys want to become rich you guys want to become multi millionaires
07:32You don't have to quit your job and go find a new one. You got to do your job now differently
07:36You got to do life differently what you're doing now has gotten you what you've got. That's why we're in here learning today
07:42Does that make sense?
07:46Hey guys, I just want to tell you the true one percenters you made it till the end of the video
07:49Do me a favor share it with the friend that wants to go to another level
07:52Make sure you like the video comment below so I know who you are set your notifications and then subscribe to the channel
07:58We got daily sales training videos dropping. I'll see you soon
