• last year
[Eng Sub] 4 July 2024 BossNoeul Workshop TBNW #TBNW3rdWorkshop #HBDPROJECTBOSSCKM2024 #25YTheGrowthOfBossCKM

The Boy Next World 1st Workshop #TBNW1stWorkshop #TheBoyNextWorld #TheBoyNextWorldSeries #คนละกาลเวลา


#FortPeat #FortFts #Peatwasuthorn #BabyFeat #ThebeginningofLoveSeaXFortPeat


#TBNW2ndWorkshop #TheBoyNextWorld #คนละกาลเวลา
#คนละกาลเวลาเดอะซีรีส์ #DifferentTimeTheSeries
#Diverse2023xBossNoeul #LoveSeaTheSeries
#MemindYOfficial #บวงสรวงซีรีส์MMY #MMY_MindDiary #MeMindY

#บอสโนอึล #ฟอร์ดพีท #คมชัดลึกบันเทิง #คมชัดลึกอวอร์ด #LoveinTheAir #LoveinTheAirFinale #loveintheairtheseries LOVE IN THE AIR 空气中的爱 #loveintheair #shorts #memindy #payurain #fortpeat #fortFTS #peatwasu #ComeFortZon #CaptainPeat #ฟอร์ดพีท #BoNoH @boss.ckm @noeullee_ @peatwasu @fortfts
บอสโนอึล #BossNoeul #Bosnoeul #bosschaikamon #shawtyboss #babbyboss #bossckm #บอสโนอึล #บรรยากาศรักเดอะซีรีส์ #บอสชัยกมล #บอส #โนอึล #노을 #noeul #noeulnuttarat #noeullee #magentaboy #magentababe #foryou #bl

BossNoeul Sweet Moments
BossNoeul Jealous
BossNoeul Kiss in Real Life
BossNoeul Cute Moments
BossNoeul Possessive
BossNoeul Obsession
BossNoeul Confessed
PayuRain Sweet Moments
PayuRain Kissing Scene
PayuRain Jealous
PayuRain Hot Scene
PayuRain Cute Scene
PayuRain Best Scene

Disclaimer: I do not own the clips, pictures, and song used in the video.

Credits to the rightful owner.

Novels I write:
1) Vampire Everlasting Love The Series https://tinyurl.com/r57buv6

2) Werewolves And Creators https://tinyurl.com/2p88r9xp

3) Moonlight Destiny https://tinyurl.com/4hbech5y

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00:00Hi everyone, welcome back to my channel. This is your boss Noelle. Let's check out her sweet visual
00:04Happy birthday project for boss this year. Boss IG and X updates Mugata on his birthday party
00:11On the 14th of July. Boss IG and X updates the boy next world 3rd workshop
00:19Noelle IG and X updates
00:23pendant is ready
00:26the ring of S2
00:30Noelle IG and X updates the boy next world 3rd workshop
00:36Noelle IG and X updates. Wow, the necklace of S2 and the pendant is ready
00:46Thoth IG and X updates. Thoth plays the flute. I'm surprised for this
00:53Smooth E Thailand X updates for boss and Noelle upcoming schedule
00:57Union Co event mall updates us the boy next world on the 8th of July ceremony and here
01:06Gamow says can I take it all? Flankart says yes, even the scissors too. Flankart says sure
01:11I will take it all now. Do I have to choose this or can I just take it? Flankart says take what you want and
01:19he says thank you very much and
01:23As you can see that so he went to
01:28This place where boss actually helped a birthday project event and here
01:34Caption. Noelle says acting strange. What's wrong?
01:38Completely confused exposing you. Gamow says so cute. Hahaha. Love you boss and what?
01:45And here why do the workshop pictures look so sad?
01:49Boss says wait for the end of the year. I'll be graduating at the end of this year now. Boss says can I have this?
01:56I will take it
01:59Boss show his muscles. Flankart says don't grow up too quickly. Boss says I'm going to grow up now, mommy
02:06Boss says boss is eating eating the same thing already eating
02:12Boss says what do you want me to be? Flankart says can you be mine? Boss says oh, I'm already yours
02:17I can handle being with one person a day. So that's just
02:21355 people a year
02:23Flankart says are you a flirt? Boss says I'm not a flirt. Can you wait? If your queue number is
02:301,200 it'll be three years
02:32Flankart says I can wait. Oh
02:35and here boss, wow, he's so handsome and
02:40Should we challenge? Wow, it's so cute, isn't it?
02:46Here the box set as we can see that boss is so handsome
