• 3 months ago
00:00♪ Closer each day, home in a way ♪
00:08He's kind of hot.
00:11What did he think was gonna happen?
00:13Would he fall on his feet?
00:14I wasn't whistling at women.
00:16I was whistling at you.
00:17I haven't seen you crush this hot in ages.
00:19You should just go and talk to him.
00:21Or at the very least, put him out of his misery.
00:22I'm flattered, but it's not gonna happen.
00:26Sorry. I tried my best.
00:29Never say never.
00:31You got his number?
00:33So you're scared?
00:35Then what's the problem?
00:37You're swindling, Irene, and that's not enough for you,
00:39so now you're double-dipping here.
00:41Listen to yourself.
00:42Your argument is based off nothing.
00:43No, it's not.
00:44This other man has agreed to drop his case,
00:46but Bronte hasn't.
00:47She's still after her money.
00:48I really hate being the messenger.
00:49Irene is talking about paying Bronte's claim
00:51with her own money.
00:53You didn't need to run off to Leah Dobbin.
00:55I have spoken to the bank,
00:56and I am remortgaging the house.
00:58Because then maybe Bronte might stand
01:00half a chance of surviving.
01:10Who's the guy I got a kiss to get for breakfast with?
01:13Well, I would volunteer, but I actually have a boyfriend, so...
01:16Oh, yeah? You think you could take me?
01:18I'm glad you are home. I missed you.
01:21Missed you, too.
01:24Well, that's all I need.
01:25You two all over each other.
01:28When did you get back?
01:29Half an hour ago.
01:30Just helped my staff grab the shower.
01:31Here I am.
01:33Still here.
01:35Hi. I'm going to get back to work.
01:37How about we grab lunch later, Irene?
01:39Yeah, sure.
01:40Wouldn't want to get you in trouble with the boss.
01:42Hand me up. Hand those to me.
01:45Take a break.
01:46I'll bring you both some coffee.
01:47Ooh, and something to eat, please.
01:48What would you like?
01:49Anything but thin spaghetti, please.
01:51I'll see what I can do.
01:52Thank you.
01:56How was your first shift?
01:58Yeah, not bad.
01:59My second shift is actually looking better than my first one, though.
02:02What about you?
02:03Did you get a call from the police about getting your job back?
02:08I thought it might be because I'm out of reception, but it's not.
02:10Okay, well, you know what they say about no news being good news.
02:14Hope you're right.
02:16Hey, love. You need a hand?
02:19No, if I did, I'd ask.
02:25Leah, I am so sorry I lied.
02:30I know that I've been full on,
02:32but what I don't understand is why weren't you honest with me?
02:36Love, I didn't tell you about Bronte's claim because I wanted to fix it myself.
02:42How are you going to get that much money together?
02:45Don't worry. It's not going to affect the business at all.
02:49Of course I'm worried.
02:50I know that you don't have that much money lying around.
02:54Which is why I've decided I'm going to remortgage my house.
03:02Irene, you need to be careful.
03:05Love, it's completely doable.
03:07This way I can gift Bronte the money she would have got had she gone ahead and sued us.
03:12I need to be honest with you. I think you were making the wrong choice.
03:17Well, love is my decision and it's my money, and that's that.
03:28What are you doing?
03:29Um, she goes here to talk to me. I don't really have time right now.
03:32I'll leave you to it.
03:36You've been blanking me. Can we talk and sort this out?
03:41Because I miss you, and I mean, are we all right?
03:46Yeah, we're fine. We just don't really have time to have this conversation.
03:49Tina, I'm right here.
03:54Xander, hey.
03:55Hey, how are you?
03:56I am okay. I was going to call and thank you for the donations.
04:00Yep, yeah, no, they're going great.
04:02Yeah, I'm really grateful.
04:05Um, appointment to get to.
04:07Ooh, we should probably talk before you run off.
04:09Yeah, I just, I need to do this now while I feel strong enough.
04:12Yeah, you get going. We'll catch up with you later.
04:19What do you want? Every time we have a chat, we argue, so.
04:23Dana, you need to let this go.
04:25She's a liar and you're enabling her.
04:28Well, I'm not going to argue with you.
04:40What was all that about?
04:46Don't forget to leave me a tip.
04:48Treat well those you love.
04:52When do you finish?
04:53Oh, well, I will have to ask my boss. She can be a pretty hard task master.
04:56Well, I actually have a connection with your boss and maybe I can put in a good word for you, get you out of here early.
05:00What do you reckon?
05:01No way.
05:03Told you she was tough.
05:04Okay, I'm going to walk you out.
05:07Hey, uh, Rose.
05:09I wanted to thank you.
05:11Whatever I think of Levi, I'm really glad you caught the people who hurt him.
05:15It's all part of the job.
05:16You did really good, Rose.
05:19See you.
05:25You alright?
05:26Did you catch up with Dana?
05:27Didn't go well.
05:29I'll talk to you later, yeah?
05:41You okay?
05:44So, Molly and I broke up.
05:47I'm sorry.
05:49Over the job?
05:54How are you holding up?
05:59Well, hey, look, you got the criminals.
06:01Counts for something.
06:05Look, mate, I know that this might be a bit of cold comfort by now, but you actually got me thinking about being a cop.
06:11How important it is.
06:13I've decided to rejoin the police force.
06:17Hey, look, don't get too excited, okay?
06:19I haven't heard anything back then.
06:20Wait, nothing?
06:21Radio silence.
06:23Well, there's got to be something we can do about that.
06:25You reckon?
06:27Let's see what we can find out.
06:30You think going into debt is the way to go?
06:33Mum, I reckon I can make this work.
06:35But starting over with a new mortgage is still risky, especially at this stage of your life.
06:42Believe me, I have thought about that.
06:45You have worked so hard for everything that you've got.
06:48What happens if something happens and you can't make your repayments?
06:52Look, I know it's hard to understand.
06:55I'm trying.
06:57Okay, well, let me make it simple for you.
07:01Bronte sees everything that I have.
07:04My beautiful home, my business.
07:07I'm lucky.
07:08I know how fortunate I am.
07:12How do I look her in the eye and tell her that my possessions are more important than her life?
07:20You're right.
07:22Some things are more important in this world.
07:27And that's why I'm doing this.
07:32But I have an idea.
07:41So did you follow up, make sure your application was in order?
07:44Yes, I sent them an email.
07:46They've said they've received it.
07:47They've told me to stand by.
07:49Well, it can't hurt to give them a call, see what the hold up is.
07:52I'm not sure there's much point.
07:53I'm looking at the protocol right now.
07:55There's a lot standing in my way.
07:57Like what?
07:58Like, here.
07:59Those previously subject to serious disciplinary action will not be considered.
08:04Yeah, that doesn't apply to you, Cash.
08:06You were offered your old job after you completed your suspension, remember?
08:11If there is a problem, it's unlikely to be that.
08:13Okay, then why haven't they got back to me?
08:14I don't know.
08:16Maybe there's nothing available.
08:19I know there's nothing going at Yuppie Creek, not after I took your job.
08:23It's okay.
08:25Maybe you just have to wait for something to come up.
08:32Hey, table 8 is still waiting for their coffees.
08:35Hey, you've only been here two minutes and you're already telling him what to do.
08:38Oh, she can try.
08:40Don't bother, I'll get it.
08:41Um, is this important?
08:45What is it?
08:53Before you ask, no, I've decided not to call Rory back.
08:56Why can't I ask why?
08:58Because the last customer I got involved with, it was a disaster.
09:02It's not going to happen again.
09:03I mean, who is going to tell him?
09:06You're all loved up now that Cash is back.
09:08This doesn't mean that I have to change my mind about this.
09:10Are you sure?
09:11Yes, I'm sure.
09:16It could be just like one day, like a drink or a coffee.
09:18Eden, stop it, I told you.
09:19I'm just, I'm not ready to put myself out there again.
09:29Hey, um, I got your text, it sounded urgent.
09:32Is there a problem?
09:33No, not at all, love.
09:34But there is something that Irene and I would like to talk to you about.
09:38Um, is Dana home?
09:39Don't know, love, haven't seen her.
09:42So, Irene and I have had a chat and we've come to a joint decision.
09:49Forget Sue and the diner.
09:51Leah and I are going to give you $50,000.
09:55We're going to split it down the middle.
09:57No, no, no, no, it's too much.
09:59It's done.
10:01How can you just hand over that much money?
10:04I have some savings.
10:05Obviously, I need to have a talk to my husband about it first.
10:08But if he's okay, then I can hand over my share tonight.
10:12Mine might take a little bit longer.
10:14I have to jump through some remortgaging hoops.
10:18You shouldn't be doing this for me.
10:20Yes, we absolutely should be doing it for you, love.
10:24We want to help you get well.
10:26Yeah, we want you to get your life back.
10:31Thank you.
10:34I have no words, thank you, Irene, thank you.
10:37Thank you so much.
10:39Anyway, we need to get back to work.
10:42So hopefully this will give you some peace of mind.
10:46Yes, absolutely, thank you.
10:49Thank you.
10:55You rest up and I'll see you after work.
11:12This website's not going to tell me anything.
11:14Dude, you just got to bite the bullet and call them.
11:16I don't want to be pushy.
11:17If this was reversed, you'd be telling me the same thing.
11:21Explore all avenues.
11:24Why don't you do this for yourself?
11:28Look, I've got to get to work, but just think about what I said.
11:31How many times?
11:33I'm not doing this.
11:38You still have the coaster with his number on it, don't you?
11:40Let it go.
11:41How can I when you haven't?
11:43I've been trying to get your sister to go on a date.
11:45Oh, I'm sorry I asked.
11:46No, it's important.
11:47It's about Felicity getting back into life.
11:51My life is about more than some man I'm not calling.
11:54Okay, sorry, you're right.
11:57Let's talk about how well I did on my second day of my new job.
12:01Not bad.
12:02It's just a shame that your second day wound up being your last.
12:06No, come on, you love me.
12:08Drew's out on that until I take a shower.
12:12What's that about?
12:13I'm just worried about her.
12:15It's not just this date.
12:16She's not open to seeing anyone.
12:19Maybe it's just too soon.
12:20Yeah, or maybe she's lost hope.
12:24I think she's just so scared of moving on again.
12:26It's not healthy.
12:36Okay, so now Irene's out, you can have an appetite.
12:40Oh, it's fine.
12:41You don't have to pretend with me.
12:42Go ahead.
12:44What do you want?
12:46I don't want anything.
12:47I just know what you're doing.
12:50You're getting Irene to remortgage her house as part of your scam, right?
12:56I mean, that's on top of the insurance and the need to travel for your treatment.
13:00I mean, your treatment in general, right?
13:02Because you're not even sick.
13:04I mean, it's all fake, yeah?
13:11Prove it.
13:16That's you finally admitting it.
13:18That all of this is not true.
13:23Seriously, what is wrong with you?
13:26What kind of person does this?
13:28Hey, what's going on?
13:29I don't know why she hates me so much.
13:31I hate you because you're a fraud.
13:34No, no, no, you don't understand.
13:35She literally just admitted it.
13:36What, that she's seriously unwell?
13:37No, that she's playing you.
13:38I was trying to explain to her why I find this so hard.
13:41I am tired.
13:42I am so tired and you keep attacking me.
13:45Oh, you're so tired but you can go and buy a bunch of dresses that according to you, you're not going to be around to wear?
13:49Dana, that's enough.
13:50Hey, what would that dress be buried in?
13:56That's unbelievable.
13:57You are such a lowlife.
14:00You need to go.
14:01No, I'm not going to go.
14:02Dana, I mean it.
14:22Believe me, I do know how this looks.
14:24I do, but she is tricking you.
14:26This is about taking your money.
14:27We have been through this before.
14:29She just confessed to me, Irene.
14:30So what exactly did she say?
14:32I accused her of lying and she said, prove it.
14:35But you can't, can you?
14:36Okay, Leah, I have spoken to you before about what I think she's doing and you believe me, right?
14:41Yes, you did, but Irene and I have had a chat and I think that Bronte needs our support.
14:46But it's an act.
14:47Blind Freddie can see her one well.
14:50She is.
14:51Whatever drama you're trying to dump on her, it's all in your head, Dana.
14:56She needs our support, not more obstacles.
14:59Quite frankly, I've had enough of this nonsense.
15:06Sorry, excuse me.
15:07Rose, hey.
15:09Can I speak to you?
15:10Yeah, I'm about to start my shift, but talk to me.
15:12Yeah, it's about Bronte.
15:13Okay, what's the problem?
15:15She is lying to Irene and everyone else so she can take their money.
15:18And that's a crime, right?
15:19Wait, do you have anything to prove that?
15:21Why would I lie?
15:22Well, you're giving me a lot of accusations, Dana, and I kind of need evidence.
15:25Because you've been talking to Xander.
15:26That's great.
15:27Well, she is taking Irene's savings, she's taking Leah's savings.
15:30And as a police officer, you do actually have to look into it.
15:32Do you have any evidence that you can give me?
15:34Like, anything solid I can act on.
15:36No, I don't.
15:37Well, if that changes, come and talk to me.
15:40Right now, maybe you need to let this go.
15:48Feeling any better?
15:50Just grateful you were here to stop it getting any worse.
15:53I'm sorry you had to go through that.
15:54No, I'm sorry that I'm causing all this trouble.
15:57Like I said, it's not your fault.
15:59She's your girlfriend.
16:00Yeah, I know, but it's not your problem.
16:02We all just want to see you get better.
16:03Especially Irene.
16:05She's been incredible.
16:07Leah, too.
16:08I really want to do something to say thank you.
16:11No, you don't need to do that.
16:13Maybe I can buy some flowers for when she gets home?
16:16I'm sure she'll love that.
16:18Oh, hello again.
16:19What did I miss?
16:21Uh, Xander can fill you in.
16:24I'm going to grab the flowers before the shop shuts.
16:30Where's Dana?
16:32I don't know.
16:33I sent her away.
16:36I didn't have a choice.
16:37She was tearing shreds off of Brontë.
16:39I came in to talk, but she was adamant she didn't want to listen.
16:42Maybe we can team up.
16:44You know, like together, try and talk some sense into her.
16:46I'm trying to stay out of it.
16:47Yeah, I get that, but we can't just stand by while she yells at a dying woman.
16:51You're right.
16:53We need to talk to her.
17:03Oh, what have I done now?
17:06I just want you to be happy.
17:07Eden put you up to this, didn't she?
17:09I am happy.
17:10Okay, then why are you saying no to someone that could potentially be great?
17:13Like I told Eden, I don't think I'm ready.
17:16Okay, so you don't want to get hurt again, but it's not really like you to let fear affect your decision-making process,
17:21and if you just say no to everything that comes along,
17:25you might accidentally say no to the best thing in your whole life.
17:28Why are you pushing this?
17:29I've been where you are.
17:31And if I hadn't listened to people like you, then I would probably still be alone.
17:36But you were lucky. Eden's one in a million.
17:39I just want that for you, too.
17:41Are you interested in coming to my place for a non-campsite drink?
17:47As in a beer that's actually cold?
17:49A cold beer sounds fantastic.
17:51Yeah, I'd love that.
17:53You think about what I said.
18:24Hey, it's Felicity.
18:31You still keen for that drink?
18:38She's not here.
18:40So why are you?
18:44We need to talk.
18:48What is this?
18:49Is this an intervention?
18:51Is this an intervention, seriously?
18:53What for?
18:55Your obsession with Bronte?
18:57You're kidding.
18:59You're kidding!
19:00I don't know why you can't see what I see, alright?
19:04We are worried about you.
19:06Yeah, and you reacting like this is just making it worse.
19:08Okay, so you're going to gang up on me instead of looking and seeing what's in front of you?
19:11I honestly think you have this wrong.
19:13Yeah, I'm sure you do.
19:14Hey, I'm your sister.
19:15I'm always going to have your back, but I can't support you targeting Bronte.
19:21Are you going to get that?
19:22It's fine, we can put the lecture on hold.
19:24Sorry, I've been trying to tee up meetings for Tanya's program.
19:26I have to take this, but we can talk about this later.
19:28No, we can't, because you're not going to believe me then either.
19:30Hi, thanks for calling.
19:34How could you do this to me?
19:47So do you think that she'll call that guy?
19:49Well, if not him, then maybe the next one.
19:52I told her she needs to be brave.
19:55I think that makes two of us.
19:57What does that mean?
19:59I am going to call HQ and check on my application.
20:02Go for it.
20:12Hey, my name's Cash Newman.
20:13I'm just calling to check on the status of my application to rejoin the police force.
20:20No, I'm more than happy to hold whilst you check. Thank you.
20:25What if things were reversed?
20:27You know, how would you feel if I was yelling and treating someone like this?
20:30Yeah, well, if the situation was reversed, I would trust you and I would support you.
20:33No, not if you thought that I was attacking them for no good reason.
20:35I have a good reason. I'm telling the truth.
20:37And I will prove that she's taking you all for right.
20:40And when I do, I would like you to remember this moment.
20:44No, just... just go, okay?
20:47Dana, I just...
20:48No, I would like you to leave, alright?
21:05Should I even be asking you why you're researching Bronte Langford's medical records?
21:08Because someone has to expose her.
21:10You're a doctor. You have the authority to request those records.
21:12So now you want me to risk my medical license?
21:14No, I want you to do the right thing.
21:16There are no medical records for Bronte Langford anywhere in the state.
21:19I have proof now.
21:20Has your big mouth ever gotten you into trouble before?
21:23If that's a threat, it's pathetic.
21:25It's absolutely a threat.
21:27That problem I warned you about, it just got worse.
21:31We need to shut her up.