• last year
00:00I don't suggest people eating pink salt.
00:01And so if you go in the store and actually see those pink salt bottles,
00:04those actually were said to come from giants.
00:06Because in the Bible, you got to remember,
00:08Yah actually flooded the earth and he made everyone but Noah's ark drown.
00:12And so those giants that were walking around,
00:16what do you think happened to them?
00:18They actually drowned and turned to stone.
00:20And that's why if you actually look at these mountains,
00:22they look like they have the same anatomical tissue as humans.
00:27Not only that, look at the word Himalayan and break it apart.
00:30They are literally telling you someone was laying there.
00:33And that's why I tell people not to eat Himalayan pink salt.
00:36And this is why you need the ancient health secrets.
00:40And so the book can be found by just clicking on our profile
00:42because that book exposes everything.