Wet vs Dry Kimono Challenge Review

  • 2 months ago
Wet vs Dry Kimono Challenge Review
00:09hi there this is Eva welcome back to my
00:12channel I'm so glad that you're here we
00:15are doing another shirt review I've got
00:18this gorgeous top on um it's a really
00:23light material I don't know if you can
00:25see but it's got this um kind of
00:30pattern it has a pattern in the material
00:35um and it's a little bit kind of like
00:38stripy and yeah it just kind of wraps
00:42over um each other and you tie it on the
00:45side it's got this gorgeous little white
00:47bit here to let some extra air in and
00:51yeah I like the way it just fits over my
00:55body as well I do want to see how it
00:58goes in the water so we'll t set out
01:21now okay so we are nice and
01:26wet um you can see here that but um yeah
01:32it's just stayed in one place it hasn't
01:35disintegrated some of the water just
01:37kind of slipped right off of it some of
01:40it was
01:41absorbed um it's still pretty light and
01:45Airy which is amazing and yeah that's
01:49all for today's shirt review thank you
01:52for watching I will see you next time I
01:56give this one a big thumbs up and a 10
01:59out of 10 see you
