Aamirkhan Latest Movie Scene 9

  • 2 months ago
Aamirkhan Latest Movie Scene 9 pi k
00:00Who is a Hindu? Who is a Muslim?
00:02Where is the stamp? Show me.
00:06This stamp is not made by God. It is made by you people.
00:09And this is the most dangerous number of this bullet.
00:13The most dangerous number.
00:15People die with it. They get separated.
00:18You have put this number in Jaggu's brain and separated him from Sarfaraz.
00:23Wrong number? Which wrong number?
00:24That Sarfaraz will betray us.
00:26Who said that Muslims betray?
00:28So? He betrayed us. What is wrong in that?
00:32One minute.
00:32No, no. One minute.
00:33What is happening?
00:34One minute. Wait.
00:35One minute. You wait.
00:38You want to say that the prediction I had made about Sarfaraz was false.
00:45Yes, that is what I am saying.
00:46Then prove it.
00:48Prove that my prediction was false.
00:50And if you are unable to prove it, then fall at my feet and apologize.
00:55And admit in front of everyone that you have put a false stamp on me.
01:00And what if I prove it?
01:02PK, no.
01:09Son, this is yours.
01:17I accept the condition.
01:19Turn the camera towards Jagat Janani.
01:26Jagat Janani, I hope that you will answer all our questions truthfully.
01:35In Belgium, you fell in love with a Pakistani boy.
01:41Is it true or false?
01:43Why is my personal life being discussed here?
01:45On Friday, at 3.21 pm, we had predicted that Sarfaraz will betray us.
01:55This boy will betray you.
01:57And the next day, you went to the marriage registrar's office.
02:02But this boy did not come.
02:04Is it true or false?
02:07Yes, he did not come. Can you please stop this?
02:11Now, will you come at my feet or should I come at your feet?
02:18Sarfaraz did not betray us.
02:19PK, let it go. Please.
02:21No, tell everyone what happened that day.
02:24PK, please.
02:26Just once, for my sake.
02:34I was at the marriage registrar's office and I got a letter.
02:39Did Sarfaraz bring it?
02:45I sent it to a boy.
02:47Did he mention his name?
02:50How do you know that it is Sarfaraz's letter?
02:57It is possible that it is for some other girl.
03:04Wasn't there any other girl there?
03:06There was one.
03:08She had a cat.
03:10And she gave you a cat to hold.
03:15The kid who brought the letter, did he know you?
03:17Did you know him?
03:20Did you know him?
03:23Then how did he know that the letter was for you?
03:28It is possible that he was told to give the letter to the cat.
03:36He gave you the letter.
03:38You read it.
03:40But you did not call Sarfaraz.
03:43Did you call Sarfaraz?
03:44Did you call Sarfaraz?
03:46Because Mr. Tapas, you gave the wrong number in my brain.
03:51A Muslim deceives.
03:53Sarfaraz did not deceive you, Jaggu.
03:56What is happening here?
03:58This dog, cat, I mean, you will keep making up stories.
04:01And we will sit here and listen to you.
04:03One minute, one minute.
04:05We can find out the truth on this show.
04:07Jaggu, take out the phone.
04:08Call Sarfaraz.
04:09Come on, Jaggu.
04:11This number is not in use.
04:14This number does not exist.
04:16Any other number?
04:18Friend, college, something.
04:20Come on, Jaggu.
04:21Belgium University.
04:30I actually need to get in touch with one of your grad students.
04:33Sarfaraz Yusuf.
04:35Oh yeah, he left for Pakistan last year.
04:38Have you left a number?
04:40I am sorry, we are not authorized to give out information.
04:43Ma'am, this is really important.
04:45Email us your request and I can forward it to student affairs.
04:48Have a nice day, dear.
04:49Pakistan's number, home number.
04:52Think, Jaggu darling, think.
04:55He used to do a part-time job in Pakistan Embassy.
04:58He used to do a part-time job in Pakistan Embassy.
05:01Meetu, call the Pakistan Embassy Belgium.
05:03Copy, sir.
05:04And put it in the speakers here.
05:06Assalam-o-Alaikum, Pakistan Embassy.
05:12A student from Lahore used to work for you.
05:15Sarfaraz Yusuf.
05:17Is your name Jaggu?
05:23Is your name Jaggu?
05:25Yes, how do you know?
05:27Phone is ringing.
05:29A girl from Delhi is calling.
05:31Farah, Jaggu is calling.
05:32Farah, Jaggu is calling.
05:34Sir, come fast.
05:36Jaggu is calling.
05:37A call from India.
05:38Come fast.
05:39Come fast.
05:43Ma'am, Sarfaraz Yusuf calls us daily from Lahore at 9 am.
05:49And he asks only one question with extreme decency.
05:54That a Jaggu from India called for me.
05:58We say no to him and hang up the phone.
06:02He has gone mad.
06:04You wait, we will make him talk to you.
06:23Sir, Sarfaraz Yusuf.
06:25Yes, Assalam-o-Alaikum.
06:27Where are you calling from?
06:29I am from Lahore, why?
06:30Where are you calling from at this time?
06:33I am at my house, why?
06:36Is there any chair or bench around you?
06:40If there is, then please sit down.
06:42You are about to get a shock, you will fall.
06:45I am sorry, I did not understand.
06:49There is a call from Delhi for you.
06:57Take it, talk to him.
07:15Jaggu, is everything okay?
07:20Did you come to the marriage registrar's office?
07:22Yes, I came.
07:24But you had left from there.
07:27Why didn't you call?
07:28I didn't call.
07:29How could I?
07:30I got your letter.
07:32You had written that you don't want to contact me.
07:35I knew that you are under a lot of pressure from your family.
07:38But I don't know why I felt that you will try to contact me.
07:46You took a lot of time to call me.
07:50What could I do?
07:53I had your wrong number.
07:58Just now a friend gave me the right number.
08:29Thank you.
08:31Thank you, son.
